Control mechanism of sea level rise and fall on the macroscopic heterogeneity of marine reservoirs: An example of the Donghe sandstone reservoir in the Hadeson oilfield
投稿时间:2016-09-03  修订日期:2017-01-03
中文关键词: 哈得逊油田 海相储层 东河砂岩 储层宏观非均质性成因 海平面变化
英文关键词: Hadeson Oilfield, marine reservoir, Donghe sandstone, reservoir macroscopic heterogeneity origin, sea level change
赵俊威 中国石油大学(北京) 地球科学学院北京 中国石油大学(北京)油气资源与探测国家重点实验室北京 中国地质大学(北京) 能源学院北京 中国石油塔里木油田公司新疆库尔勒 zhaojunwei0201@126.com 
摘要点击次数: 1869
全文下载次数: 1796
      This work studies the influence of sea level change on the macroscopic heterogeneity of single marine subfacies reservoirs of the Donghe sandstone shoreface subfacies in the Hadeson oilfield. Our study is based on core testing and well logging data, guided by the theory of classical sequence stratigraphy. The control mechanism of sea level rise and fall on the macroscopic heterogeneity has been proposed and the distribution pattern of reservoir macroscopic heterogeneity controlled by the relative sea level change has been determined. The results show that different orders of sea-level change in parasequence, parasequence group and system tracts have a greater impact on the hydrodynamic conditions of sediment formation and post-depositional environment. The reservoir macroscopic heterogeneity parameters show obvious regularities, which make the macroscopic heterogeneity of the single shoreface reservoirs in parasequence characterized by weaker heterogeneity upward. Because of the parasequence accumulation characteristic differences in the parasequence group, the macroscopic heterogeneity of shoreface subfacies reservoirs is characterized by being stronger upward inside the retrogradational parasequence group. While inside the progressive parasequence group, it changes from strong to weak upward. In HST, the macroscopic heterogeneity of single shoreface subfacies reservoirs has a general trend becoming weaker upward.
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