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南京地质矿产研究所 江苏南京210016
关键词:鸟类 起源 兽足类恐龙 初龙类
      More and more of fossil records show that peculiar characters of modern aves,such as feather,furcula,keeled sternum,pygostyle,ulnare.orbit connected with infratemporal fenestra and pubes oriented posteriorly et al.,could be observed at a number of diminutive theropods of dinosaurs in different degree more than 100Ma ago.So more and more of people believe dinosaurs to be the ancestors of aves.Undoubtedly,aves near theropods in phylogenesis very much.All reported avian-like dinosaurs,however,are past or at the longest approach of accepted earliest avian,Late Jurassic Archaeopteryx lithographica (about 150Ma ago).A diapsid Congfuciusornis dui skull,on the other hand,suggests that primitive aves come from rather archaic reptiles,archosaurids,than dinosaurs.Maybe primitive aves and diminutive theropods of dinosaurs are parallel sister groups and rooted in a common ancestor.