Deformation analysis and optimization design of underground composite supports
投稿时间:2023-10-21  修订日期:2024-01-02
中文关键词: 深基坑 坑底加固 基坑支护 数值模拟 优化设计
英文关键词: deep foundation pit, pit bottom reinforcement, excavation support, numerical simulation, optimal design
潘春宇 中建安装集团有限公司, 江苏南京南京工业大学交通运输学院,江苏南京 zhoufeng@njtech.edu.cn 
摘要点击次数: 391
全文下载次数: 177
      "Underground composite support" is a composite load-bearing body formed by connecting the engineering piles at the bottom of the foundation pit with the foundation pit support pile wall by arranging reinforced cement soil at the bottom of the foundation pit. During excavation of the foundation pit, the composite load-bearing body is jointly subjected to force to resist deformation, effectively controlling the deformation of the retaining structure and suppressing the uplift of the soil at the bottom of the pit. This article proposes the concept of "underground composite support" and its design theory, analyzes the influence of key design parameters such as replacement rate of pit bottom reinforcement area, dosage of curing agent, and reinforcement depth on the deformation of foundation pits, and provides design basis and theoretical reference for the application of "underground composite support" in engineering practice. Based on engineering examples, an optimized design scheme for underground composite support was proposed for the original support system, and the feasibility of the new composite support was verified,witch has demonstrated its advantages in controlling the horizontal displacement and uplift deformation of the foundation pit enclosure structure. Meanwhile, according to the optimized design scheme, the number of supports in the foundation pit can be reduced, which is safe and economical.
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