[an error occurred while processing this directive] ������� 2014, 33(3) 687-694 DOI:     ISSN: 1004-5589 CN: 22-1111/P

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Cd Ԫ��
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Article by Yang, X. L.
Article by Wang, D. Y.
Article by Jiang, Q. G.
Article by Li, Y. F.
Article by Fu, Q.
����ʡ����������- -����ϵͳ Cd Ԫ��ת�������о�
��С��, ������, ������, ���·�, ��ǿ
1. ���ִ�ѧ �����ѧѧԺ������ 130061; 2. ���ִ�ѧ ����̽���ѧ�뼼��ѧԺ������ 130026

�ڼ���ʡ������ϵͳ��Ұ������������������ʵ��Ʒ�ɼ������ԵĻ����ϣ����õ���ѧ���������� SPSS �������о��� Cd Ԫ�ص���������ѧ������������������������ʵ�еĺ�������������ԣ����Խ�ʾ Cd Ԫ��������- -����ϵͳ�е�ת���ۻ�������Ӱ�����أ�Ϊ��ʳ��ȫ�����о�����: ����ʡ������ Cd Ԫ��ȫ�����ڼ���ʡ��ȫ����������ֵ������������Ⱦ����ʵ�� Cd �������ڹ��Ұ�ȫ��׼�������� Cd Ԫ����Ч̬ת���̶Ƚϸߣ�����ȫ�����ƣ�ͬʱ Zn��Cu �� P Ԫ����Ч���� Cd ת�����������ԣ�ƫ�������������� Cd Ԫ�ص�ת����������ʵ�� Cd ���ճ̶Ƚϵͣ���Ҫȡ������������������ԣ�Zn Ԫ��ȱ�����ܵ���������ʵ�� Cd Ԫ���������ӡ�

�ؼ����� ����ʡ   ������   Cd Ԫ��   ����- - ����ϵͳ   ת��   �ۻ�  
��esearch on transformation and accumulation of cadmium through soil- crop continuum in black soil of Jilin Province
YANG Xiao-Lin, WANG Dong-Yan, JIANG Qi-Gang, LI Yue-Fen, FU Qiang
1. College of Earth Sciences��Jilin University��Changchun 130061��China; 2. College of Geo- exploration of Science and Technology��Jilin University��Changchun 130026��China

With the aim of revealing the characteristics of transformation and accumulation for Cd in the soil- crop system and their influencing factors and guaranteeing grain security��the authors studied the soil geochemistry of Cd element as well as the total content and availability in black soil and corn by utilizing the geochemical analysis and SPSS software based on the detailed fieldwork and sampling soil and corn in the studied area�� The results sug- gest that the total content of Cd exceeds the background value in Jilin Province as well as the nationwide��but there is no pollution of Cd in studied area�� The Cd content in corn is lower than that in the national safety standard�� The transformational degree of available content is relatively high in black soil region�� The total Cd content controlled the available content��and the available contents of Zn��Cu and P have obvious effects on transformation of Cd in soil�� The acidic soil is more beneficial to transformation of Cd�� The absorption degree of corn is low�� and it depends on biological property of the corn�� Zn deficiency in soil could cause Cd content increase in corn��

Keywords: Jilin Province   black soil region   Cd element   soil- crop continuum   transformation   accumula- tion  
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