
现代地质 ›› 2007, Vol. 21 ›› Issue (4): 632-637.

• 水资源与环境 • 上一篇    下一篇


金晓媚1,万力1, 薛忠歧2, 张雷1   

  1. 1中国地质大学 水资源与环境学院,北京100083;2宁夏地质工程勘察院,宁夏 银川750001
  • 收稿日期:2006-09-07 修回日期:2007-09-21 出版日期:2007-04-20 发布日期:2007-04-20
  • 作者简介:金晓媚,女,副教授,1968年出生,水文学与水资源专业,主要从事生态水文学方面的研究。 Email:jinxm@cugb.edu.cn。
  • 基金资助:


Study on the Effect of Water Resources on Vegetation Growth in Ningxia Area

JIN Xiao-mei1, WAN Li1, XUE Zhong-qi2, ZHANG Lei1   

  1. 1School of Water Resources and Environment, China University of Geosciences, Beijing100083, China;
    2Ningxia Institute of Geological Engineering Survey, Yinchuan, Ningxia750001, China
  • Received:2006-09-07 Revised:2007-09-21 Online:2007-04-20 Published:2007-04-20


植被状况的变化是反映区域性生态环境状况的重要指标之一,多年植被指数的变化则反映了植被生态环境随时间的变化规律。采用定量遥感技术及斜率法,以全球植被指数MODIS NDVI数据作为数据源,对宁夏地区2000—2004年期间的植被指数变化幅度及变化趋势进行了研究。结果表明,从2000年开始,宁夏部分地区的植被指数呈现下降趋势,植被出现退化现象。在此基础上,对贺兰山、六盘山地区植被变化与降雨量的关系做了定量研究,并对红寺堡及银川平原等地区的水资源开发利用对植被的影响进行了较为详细的分析。贺兰山、六盘山的植被主要受降雨量的控制,而红寺堡地区的植被退化是由于水资源的不合理应用导致土壤盐渍化的结果,银川平原的植被则与引用黄河水量的减少和地下水的过量开采有关。

关键词: MODIS NDVI, 斜率法, 地下水, 引用黄河水量, 宁夏


Variation of vegetation is one of the important indices for regional eco-environmental condition, and the secular vegetation change can reflect the variation regulation of the eco-environment with time. Based on MODIS NDVI, this paper studied the variation trend of vegetation index in the years of 2000 to 2004 in Ningxia area using quantitative remote sensing technique and slope method. According to the result, due to the reduction of diverted water volume from the Yellow River, the NDVI in some of the area became decrease from 2000 onwards. On the basis of the above research, the vegetation variation and different influence factors in some areas, such as Helan mountain, Liupan mountain, Hongsipu area and Yinchuan plain, were analyzed. The vegetation of Helan mountain and Liupan mountain areas were mainly controlled by the precipitation, and the vegetation degradation of Hongsipu area was strongly affected by the unreasonable utilization of water resources and was the result of soil salinization. The decrease of diverted water volume from the Yellow River and the groundwater overdraft were the main influence factors for the vegetation degradation in Yinchuan plain.

Key words: MODIS NDVI, slope method, groundwater, diverted water volume from the Yellow River, Ningxia
