引用本文:李明龙, 郑德顺, 龚文磊, 周璐, 程涌.济源盆地中侏罗统马凹组砂岩粒度特征分析[J].沉积与特提斯地质,2013,(2):25-31.[点击复制]
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(1. 河南理工大学资源环境学院, 河南 焦作 454000;
2. 湖北省第二地质大队, 湖北 恩施 445000;
3. 中国石油大学(华东)地球资源与信息学院, 山东 青岛 266555)
关键词:  粒度分析  曲流河  沉积环境  马凹组  济源盆地
Grain size analysis for the sandstones from the Middle Jurassic Ma'ao Formation in the Jiyuan Basin, Henan
LI Ming-long, ZHENG De-shun, GONG Wen-lei, ZHOU Lu, CHENG Yong
(1. School of Resources and Environment Engineering, Henan Polytechnic University, Jiaozuo 454000, Henan, China;
2. No.2 Geological Party of Hubei, Enshi 445000, Hubei, China;
3. College of Geo-resources and Information, China University of Petroleum(East China), Qingdao 266555, Shandong, China)
About 80-m thick medium-to fine-grained sandstones are recognized in the lower member of the Middle Jurassic Ma'ao Formation in the Jiyuan Basin, Henan, and previously were considered as the feldspathic quartz sandstones in many literatures. The authors in the present paper redetermined them as lithic quartz sandstones. These sandstones become progressively smaller in mean grain size (Mz) and better in sorting. Moreover, the standard deviation (σ) and skewness (SKI) for the sandstones suggest the typical features of the fluvial deposits. The frequency curves display asymmetrical bimodal or trimodal patterns, and the probability cumulative curves display the gradations from "low oblique four-part" patterns to the " high oblique two-part" patterns. Multiphase floods during the deposition of the sandstones are responsible for the partial oscillation of the mean grain sizes and standard deviations. In addition, the occurrence of the PQ, QR and RS intervals of the tractional currents indicated in the CM patterns also shows the classical patterns of the meandering stream deposits.
Key words:  grain size analysis  meandering stream  sedimentary environment  Ma'ao Formation  Jiyuan Basin

