  • 石海莹,吕宇波,冯朝材.海平面上升对海南岛沿海地区的影响[J].海洋开发与管理,2018,35(10):68-71    
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关键词:  海平面  海岛  海洋灾害  防灾减灾  全球变化
Influence of Sea Level Rise on Coastal Areas of Hainan Island
SHI Haiying,LYU Yubo,FENG Zhaocai
Ocean Monitoring and Forecasting Center of Hainan Province
Rising sea level caused by climate warming is a global marine problem.In order to strengthen the marine disaster prevention and mitigation of Hainan Island and ensure the ecological environment and economic and social development of its coastal areas,this paper analyzed the impact of sea level rise on the coastal areas of Hainan Island on the basis of investigation and assessment,and put forward countermeasures and suggestions.The results showed that the coastal sea level in China was fluctuating upward,and the rate of the coastal sea level rise of Hainan Island was the highest in China.The impacts of sea level rise on coastal areas of Hainan Island mainly included submerging coastal lowlands and reducing the area of tourist beaches,aggravating the damage extent of the disaster of storm surges,coastal erosion,seawater intrusion and soil salinization,flood and waterlogging,and impacting coastal protection facilities.In the development of coastal areas of Hainan Island,the factors of sea level rise should be fully taken into account in strengthening capacity building against disaster risk,urban scientific planning,sea level observation and monitoring,and the rehabilitation of damaged shorelines.
Key words:  Sea level,Sea island,Marine disaster,Disaster prevention and mitigation,Global change