Geological characteristics and genesis of the Daxigou siderite deposit in Zhashui, Shanxi Province
中文关键词: 热卤水成矿 地质特征 菱铁矿床 大西沟 柞水
英文关键词: hot brine mineralization, geological characteristics, siderite deposit, Daxigou, Zhashui
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      The Shanyang-Zhashui ore concentration area is located between the Shangdan and the Shanyang-Fengzhen faults, and belongs to the Middle Qinling fold zone in regional tectonics. This area has experienced strong faulting and magmatic activities, hosting good metallogenic conditions, thus Becoming an important polymetallic ore accumulation area. The Daxigou, Zhashui large-scale siderite and barite polymetallic deposit is located in the central-eastern Lixian-Zhashui fold belt of Varisan of the Qinling fold system, the west end of the Xilushan-Caiyuyao syncline and the south limb of the Jiaogongmiao syncline. The ore bodies dominated by siderite occur in the transition from clastic rock formation to carbonate formation. The metallogenic material mainly came from the hot brine of the fault zone at the bottom of an ancient trough, and some might come from volcano-subvolcano. These metallogenic materials were enriched and deposited in the ocean basin, and subsequent metamorphism turned some siderite into magnetite with superposition and enrichment. The genesis of the deposit is primarily the mineralization of hot brine sediments.
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