魏 博.新疆西昆仑北缘叶城棋盘-西河休一带构造岩浆活动与成矿关系[J].地质与勘探,2018,54(S1):1327-1337
Tectonic magmatic activity in relation to mineralization in the Yecheng-Xihexiu area,northern margin of the West Kunlun, Xinjiang
投稿时间:2018-06-20  修订日期:2018-09-20
中文关键词: 岩浆作用 成矿作用 构造-岩浆 叶城 西昆仑北缘 塔里木南缘 新疆
英文关键词: northwest of West Kunlun,south of Tarim,magmatism,mineralization,tectonic magmatism,Yecheng area
魏 博 中国冶金地质总局西北地质勘查院陕西西安 weibochd@163.com 
摘要点击次数: 1809
全文下载次数: 677
      The Yecheng area of Xinjiang is located in the junction between the West Kunlun arc basin and Tarim platform,which crosses two large metallogenic belts of the Tiekelike and the West Kunlun.In recent years,a number of hydrothermal deposits (spots) related to magmatism have been discovered there,indicating a better prospect of metallogenic deposits. The magmatic activity in the Yecheng area can be divided into three periods: Paleoproterozoic, early Paleozoic,and late Paleozoic based on existing ore deposits (points) and related magmatism in combination with high precision diagenetic mineralization ages.There into,the early Paleozoic magmatic activity occurred on the West Kunlun block from Cambrian to Silurian,forming a relatively complete cycle of magma evolution, which was closely related to the cycle of the Tethys Ocean’s breaking, extension and subduction.The ore spots (deposits) related to tectonic magmatism can be divided into three metallogenic series:①Early Paleozoic Pb-Zn-Fe-jade ore metallogenic series related to old crystalline basement and magmatism. ②Early Cambrian Au - Cu metallogenic series associated with basic volcanism. ③Late Devonian Pb-Zn-Cu metallogenic series related to tectonic magmatism.To sum up,early Paleozoic (especially the Ordovician) is a large-scale mineralization period in the study area,during which formed sediment-hydrothermal reform-type lead-zinc ore associated with intermediate-acid magmatism,skarn iron ore, contact metamorphic type jade ore and so forth.
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