Three-dimensional geological modeling of connected units in crack-vug reservoirs: An example of the Halahatang oilfield
投稿时间:2015-10-25  修订日期:2016-03-21
中文关键词: 碳酸盐岩 缝洞 量化雕刻单元 注水连通方式 地质模型
英文关键词: carbonate reservoir, quantitative description of cracks and cavities, unit water injection, well connectivity, geology model
薛江龙 中国石油塔里木油田分公司勘探开发研究院新疆库尔勒 东北石油大学非常规油气成藏与开发省部共建国家重点实验室培育基地黑龙江大庆 sygc423@163.com 
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      For the Ordovician crack-vug carbonate reservoirs in the Halahatang oilfield, the water injection effects are highly different between connected unit well groups. This work uses the geological modeling to address this issue. The reservoirs in this oil field contain numerous cracks and vugs with strong heterogeneities both in vertical and lateral directions. So the recognition of cracks and vugs and prediction and quantitative evaluation of connection patterns are very difficult. Firstly, the large-scale vugs are recognized with seismic data and crack distribution is tracked with the ant-body method. Large-scale vug and large-scale crack models are then established by the deterministic modeling. With the spatial constraint of the wave impedance data and crack-cavity reservoir structure models, the reservoir porosity model of connected units is established. Through linear regression, the relationship between matrix porosity, crack parameters and permeability is determined and reservoir permeability model is established. Combined with dynamic numerical well testing, the permeability model is corrected. At last, micro cracks are described with the curvature attribute. The multiscale scatter crack-vug reservoir property models are established using the multiattribute synergy analogy procedure. These approaches allow us to describe quantitatively the three-dimensional space distribution of crack-vug reservoirs and characterize connection patterns of unit-well groups, which provide a theoretical support for exploitation in such wells of the oilfield.
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