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许崇华 南京大学地球科学与工程学院 
关键词:碎石桩  复合地基  荷载传递  沉降  固结
      Based on a case study of composite foundation by gravel pile of a oil tank, the author conducted monitoring on site deformation, load transfer and consolidation rate for composite foundations, set up a 3D water-soil coupling finite element analysis model (FEM) in accordance with the project, discussed the influence of gravel pile length and replacement ratio of the composite foundations on the engineering characters of the composite foundations. The detection results and numerical analysis results of finite element showed that the gravel pile could effectively reduce the settlement and horizontal displacement of soft ground. The pile-soil stress ratio increases with the increasing upper load. The stone columns provide drainage channels and accelerate the consolidation rate. The settlement decreases with the increasing replacement ratio and pile length. However, the effect became limited when the replacement ratio and pile length reached some value; the soil-pile stress ratio increased with the increase of pile length or the decrease of replacement ratio. The increase of pile length and displacement ratio could accelerate the consolidation rate of composite ground, and replacement ratio had more influence on the consolidation rate than pile length.
Keywords:Gravel pile  Composite foundation  Load transfer  Settlement  Consolidation