引用本文:邓霞君,蔡振群,项晓美,等.丽水空气污染物时序特征及与气象条件的关系研究[J].气象与环境科学,2015,38(2):60-65..Air Pollutant Timing Characteristics and Its Correlation with Meteorological Conditions in Lishui[J].Meteorological and Environmental Sciences,2015,38(2):60-65.
摘要点击次数: 362
全文下载次数: 279
作者姓名邓霞君  蔡振群  项晓美  
作者单位丽水市气象局,浙江 丽水 323000
中文关键词:丽水  空气质量指数  污染物浓度  气象要素  相关分析
Air Pollutant Timing Characteristics and Its Correlation with Meteorological Conditions in Lishui
Authors:Deng Xiajun  Cai Zhenqun  Xiang Xiaomei  et al
Abstract:This paper analyzed the constitution of air pollutants in Lishui and its correlation with meteorological factors, using the main air pollutant concentration and meteorological data in Lishui during the period from September, 2012 to March, 2014.The analysis results showed that the good air quality rate of Lishui was about 80%, the primary pollutants were PM2.5, O38, PM10 and NO2. The distribution of pollutant concentration varied significantly according to time and season: the pollutant concentration was generally higher during rush hours in the morning and evening. From winter to early spring, it was the season of a year with heavy pollution, especially during the Spring Festival, PM and SO2 concentration increased sharply. The main pollutant concentration changing with the meteorological factors had different characteristics: the concentration of CO was higher in the weather conditions of high temperature, clear breeze, the stable upper air stratification. The concentration of NO2 was higher at moderate temperatures, higher humidity and no obvious precipitation. While the concentration of SO2 was higher at moderate temperatures, small humidity and clear breeze weather conditions. And O3 concentration was higher in dry and high temperature weather. PM was higher in the dry, low temperature, continuous clear breeze and stable upper air stratification weather.
Keywords:Lishui  AQI(Air Quality Index)  pollutant concentration  meteorological element  correlation analysis
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