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The cause of a frosty weather process in the eastern part of hexi corridor and its impact on agriculture
投稿时间:2018-10-11  修订日期:2019-01-07
中文关键词:  霜冻  天气分析  农业影响  成因分析  
英文关键词:Frost  Weather analysis  The effects  on agriculture  Cause analysis
钱莉* 甘肃省武威市气象局 wwqxjql@163.com 
杨鑫 甘肃省武威市气象局  
滕杰 甘肃省武威市气象局  
摘要点击次数: 2232
全文下载次数: 2417
      2016年5月15日清晨河西走廊东部发生区域性强霜冻天气,对农林业生产造成了2004年以来最为严重的灾害。本文利用实时MICAPS常规观测资料、物理量场和河西走廊东部区域内6个国家自动气象观测站和93个区域气象站观测资料,对这次冻害天气过程的天气学成因进行分析,在此基础上分析了霜冻对农业的影响。结果表明强冷空气爆发是造成冻害的直接原因;0 cm地面温度和气温≤0 ℃持续时间长,导致农林作物深度冻伤;前期气温偏高使得农林作物发育期提前,加之霜冻出现时间偏迟,农林作物抵抗冻害的能力明显下降,冻害影响加重;冻害发生后,温度急剧上升、湿度迅速减小,作物水分强烈蒸腾,作物细胞失去受损,导致受灾程度加重。
      On 15 May, 2016, a strong regional frost weather occurred in the east of Hexi Corridor in the early morning, which caused the most serious disaster in agriculture and forestry since 2004. The MICAPS general observation data , physical quantity ,6 national automatic stations and 93 regional stations observation data in the east of Hexi Corridor area were used to analysis the weather cause of this damage freeze weather process ,and based on that, the effects on agriculture were also analyzed in this paper. The results show that strong cold air burst is the direct reason of frost damage. Long time continued of the 0 cm ground temperature ≤0 ℃ leaded to deep frostbite of agricultural and forestry crops; Pre-high temperatures leaded to the agronomy and growth period of agro-forestry crop be ahead of schedule, coupled with the late appear of the frost, the ability of agricultural and forestry crops to resist frostbite has dropped significantly, frost damage increased; After the frost damage occurred, the temperature rose and the humidity decreased rapidly, the released moisture from the crop changed into water vapor and the lost water of cells could not be recovered, which leaded to the degree of damage intensified.
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