[an error occurred while processing this directive] ������� 2014, 33(3) 572-580 DOI:     ISSN: 1004-5589 CN: 22-1111/P

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Article by Wang, G. L.
Article by Diao, W. F.
Article by Su, H.
Article by Bian, H. P.
Article by Zhang, F. W.
Article by Li, Q. F.
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���ݴ�ѧ ��Դ�뻷������ѧԺ������ 550003

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Comparison of two different types of gold deposits from turbidites in southeastern and southwestern Guizhou
WANG Gan-Lu, ZHAO Wan-Fei, SU Hang, BIAN Hua-Peng, ZHANG Feng-Wei, LI Qing-Feng
College of ��esources and Environmental Engineering��Guizhou University��Guiyang 550003��China

Southwestern and southeastern Guizhou are two major gold metallogenic areas in China��and a mass of the gold deposits occur in turbidites�� The gold deposits from the former area belong to altered rock type (i. e�� fine- disseminated type or Calin type)��major in invisible gold�� While the latter one belongs to quartz vein type��with visible gold�� However��the deposits from both of metallogenic areas emerge in orogenic belts��where the turbidites are gold- bearing rocks��and the magmatism is slight in these areas�� Anticlines and fractures control gold mineralization��ore- forming temperature is not high��and all these deposits are similar in ore mineral contents�� The study demonstrates the reason of the different mineralizations in these two metallogenic areas as that the host rocks in southeastern Guizhou is metamorphosed siliciclastic rocks with rarely carbonate minerals; while the host rocks in southwestern Guizhou calcium- rich unmetamorphosed siliciclastic rocks��with abundant carbonate minerals�� Thus the quartz vein- type formed in the former while the altered rock type formed in the latter��

Keywords: gold deposit   turbidite   altered rock type gold deposit   quartz vein type gold deposit   southeastern Guizhou   southwestern Guizhou  
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