[an error occurred while processing this directive] ������� 2009, 28(1) 1-10 DOI:     ISSN: 1004-5589 CN: 22-1111/P

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���մ�ѧ������ѧѧԺ; ����ʡ��̬���������\���ص�ʵ����

Ӧ�ù�ѧ��΢���Խ����������Ϸ��^������24��ֲ�ﻨ����̬�����˹۲���о�,�������:�������ʳ���������������,P/Eֵ������С�Ļ��۷ֱ�Ϊ˿��(Yucca smalliana Fern.)�͹�(Osmanthus fragrans(Thunb.)Lour.);������Ļ���Ϊ˿��(Luffa cylindrica (L.) Roem.),��С��Ϊ�㻱(Cladrastis wilsonii Takeda.)�����۵��ȷ�����Ҫ�е�����3��6����������ɢ�������׹���2��4�׼�ɢ�׵�6������,�����������Ҫ������״��ϸ��״������״������״�����ƴ��׵�5�����͡����о�Ϊ���۷ֲ����ṩ�˵���λ��(31°31′��32°37′N,116°40′��117°52′E)�����θ߶�(70��20 m)���꽵ˮ��(900��1 000 mm)��≥10��������(4 500��5 300��)����Ҫ��̬���ӡ�

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Palynomorphs and ecological factors of autumn blooming plants in Jianghuai hilly region
1. School of L ife Science, Anhui University, Hefei 230039, China; 2. Key Laboratory of Ecological Engineering and B iotechnology of Anhui Province, Hefei 230039, China

The Palynomorphs of 24 autumn blooming plants from Jianghuai hilly region are described and illustrated by light microscope(LM).The results show that the pollen grains are globose to long globular in shape.The maximum and minimum P/E values are Yucca smalliana Fern.and Osmanthus fragrans(Thunb.) Lour.The maximum pollen grain is Luffa cylindrica(L.) Roem.,and the minimum is Cladrastis wilsonii Takeda.The types of apertures include monosulcate,3~6 colpate,irregular pantocolpate,tricolporate,2~4 porate and pan...

Keywords: Jianghuai hilly region   artificial vegetation   pollen morphology   paleovegetation   paleoclimate  
�ո����� 2008-08-12 �޻����� 2008-11-10 ����淢������ 2009-03-15 

������Ȼ��ѧ����(30670151) , ���ո�Уʡ����Ȼ��ѧ�о��ص���Ŀ�ƻ�(KJ2008A043) ��������

ͨѶ����: ������(1967-)���У���ʿ�����ڣ�����ֲ��ѧ�о�. Email: zhzz@ahu.edu.cn


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