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李 卉,耿 海,高 立 江苏省地质调查研究院 
关键词:实物地质资料  系统  现状调查  应用  评价
      Based on a brief instruction of national material object geological achieves, material object geological achieves management and CGSS system development status, the authors depicted the design of national material object geological achieves actuality investigation system and its main functions in light with the practical application of the system. The actuality investigation of geological data processing, data acquisition, inquiry, statistics and collection was of guidance in promotion of the clean up and utilization of material object geological achieves, and in intensifying the management and protection of geological achieves.
Keywords:Material object geological achieves  System  Actuality investigation  Application  Appraisal
李 卉,耿 海,高 立.全国实物地质资料现状调查数据采集系统功能及应用[J].地质学刊,2011,35(1):57-63