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泥石流冲毁桥墩是桥梁的遭受泥石流冲击的常见破坏形式。为了研究泥石流对桥墩的冲击力大小,本文通过调整黏土、沙、石子、水的不同含量,配置不同流变特性、不同密度的泥石流,使用得到的原料在泥石流槽内对两种形状(圆形、方形)的桥墩缩尺模型进行冲击,综合考察了流变特性、流速、桥墩形状以及冲击力的关系。试验表明:试验配置的泥石流原料流变特性差异明显,且可以用简单的选择流变仪测得,用牛顿流体或宾汉体描述。泥石流的流速可用曼宁公式求得,而公式中的糙率系数与泥石流黏度满足幂函数关系。相同工况下,不同形状桥墩所受的冲击力差异明显,方形桥墩阻力系数普遍大于圆形桥墩。使用非牛顿流体雷诺数(Re)可以综合反映流变特性和流速,因此圆墩的阻力系数可表达为Re的函数,而方墩则没有明显关系。为方便工程应用,可根据粘性泥石流、稀性泥石流对圆墩的阻力系数分别为2.3、0.9,对方墩分别为2.6、1.9,进行选用。  相似文献   

泥石流冲毁桥墩是桥梁的遭受泥石流冲击的常见破坏形式。为了研究泥石流对桥墩的冲击力大小,本文通过调整黏土、沙、石子、水的不同含量,配置不同流变特性、不同密度的泥石流,使用得到的原料在泥石流槽内对两种形状(圆形、方形)的桥墩缩尺模型进行冲击,综合考察了流变特性、流速、桥墩形状以及冲击力的关系。试验表明:试验配置的泥石流原料流变特性差异明显,且可以用简单的选择流变仪测得,用牛顿流体或宾汉体描述。泥石流的流速可用曼宁公式求得,而公式中的糙率系数与泥石流黏度满足幂函数关系。相同工况下,不同形状桥墩所受的冲击力差异明显,方形桥墩阻力系数普遍大于圆形桥墩。使用非牛顿流体雷诺数(Re)可以综合反映流变特性和流速,因此圆墩的阻力系数可表达为Re的函数,而方墩则没有明显关系。为方便工程应用,可根据粘性泥石流、稀性泥石流对圆墩的阻力系数分别为2.3、0.9,对方墩分别为2.6、1.9,进行选用。  相似文献   

在我国西部山区地震、地质活跃带,泥石流灾害对位于泥石流沟道、沟口等位置处的桥墩构成重大威胁。如何量化描述泥石流冲击桥墩的动力过程,是泥石流减灾领域拟要解决的一个重要科学问题。以泥石流灾害威胁成兰铁路沿线桥墩的工程背景为基础,依托大型泥石流模拟系统,进行多组室内大比例泥石流冲击桥墩物理模型试验。研究泥石流流速、流深以及流体特征参数与泥石流冲击压力的相关性。试验结果表明:冲击过程主要受到弗汝德数Fr和雷诺数Re两个无量纲数控制,稀性泥石流冲击压力主要控制参数为Fr,而对于黏性泥石流则同时有Fr和Re的影响;不论是对于峰值冲击力还是冲击功率谱,不同类型泥石流差别显著;在相同重度等条件下,稀性泥石流具有更大的冲击能量;此外,各种类型泥石流通过临界Fr线得到了本质上的区分。研究成果将为桥墩抗泥石流冲击结构设计提供技术支持及科学依据。  相似文献   

减缓和消除泥石流对桥墩的冲击作用对大桥安全至关重要。以品字形桩林作为防护结构,结合泥石流运动特征参数和桥墩宽度等因素,提出了一种桩林结构尺寸的设计原则。先通过模拟泥石流中大块石对不同型式桩林结构的冲击作用获得了桩林结构的最佳布置方式,然后采用SPH(光滑粒子流体动力学)-FEM(有限元)结合的方法分析了含大块石泥石流对设置品字形桩林结构情况下桥墩的冲击作用。结果表明:大块石与泥石流浆体共同撞击桥墩的冲击力为3 843 kN,远大于无防护时纯泥石流浆体对桥墩冲击力1 840 kN和有防护时的1 452 kN;桩间距3.0 m、桩排距1.0 m是品字形桩林结构最为合理稳固的布置方式;设置防护结构时桥墩所受泥石流浆体的冲击力峰值、墩底应力峰值和数值模拟t=8.0 s时墩底位移峰值相比于无防护状态下分别减小了约21.1%、79.0%和29.4%。采用品字形桩林防护结构对于桥墩受泥石流冲击破坏有相当显著的防护作用。  相似文献   

粘性泥石流体的应力应变特性和流速参数的确定   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
文章从粘性泥石流体的组成,应力应变特性和减阻作用的观测试验入手,揭示了粘性泥石流体运动的阻力特性,探讨了粘性泥石流流速公式中的曼宁糙率系数的表征。粘性泥石流体运动的阻力特性主要与沟槽特征以及泥深和粘附层流变特性有关。根据高、低不同阻力的粘性泥石流浆体的泥砂比,浆体介质的流变参数(ηp、τBf)和体积浓度(Cvf),可获得不同阻力介质状态下统一的阻力糙率系数与它们的相关式,以此来确定曼宁糙率系数。  相似文献   

国内外泥石流活动关键指标估算方法之比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
泥石流流体容重、流速、冲击力是表征泥石流活动特征众多指标中的三个关键指标.本文在分析国内外对这些指标评估现状的基础上,总结了应用较普遍的估算公式,对比了不同公式的特点及其适用性.比较结果认为:由于泥石流组成和运动状态的复杂性以及影响因素的多样性,对于这三个指标,目前的估算公式都不具有普适性.在当前的认知水平下,建立基于各个地区泥石流特点的指标估算经验公式是最为实用的途径.在各个指标经验公式的建立方法上,考虑各个粒组的多变量容重统计分析方法相对较为合理;泥石流流速估算公式的建立途径在我国、前苏联和欧美国家之间有显著差异,前二者基于曼宁公式,后者基于强迫涡流公式、以弯道超高为主要参数;泥石流冲击力的估算方法国内外都以动量理论为基础,区别主要体现在经验系数取值上,巨石冲击力的计算则都考虑了拦挡建筑物的特点.  相似文献   

基于FLO-2D数值模拟的泥石流流动与堆积影响因素研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
泥石流和普通的山体滑坡不同,它是发生在山区的一种含有砂土和石块的暂时性水流,具有宾汉体的性质和运动阻塞双重特性,国内外众多学者在流动学实验及流动学模型的基础上,对数值模拟方法进行了大量研究,通过泥石流的灾害范围、运动速度、运动时间与实际情况进行对比,开发出适用于泥石流预报的数值模拟程序,FLO-2D就是其中之一。工程实践证明,在对泥石流组成物质的流动特性研究基础上,对泥石流移动及沉积特性进一步研究是非常重要的。本文运用FLO-2D流动模型数值模拟方法对泥石流的移动特性进行模拟,以此分析泥石流流动及堆积特性与黏性系数和屈服应力的关系。通过分析得到:随着黏性系数的增大,泥石流流速呈非线性减少;屈服应力作为影响泥石流发生及停止的因素,随着屈服应力的增大,流深也随着增大,但在泥石流移动特性中,屈服应力对泥石流流速的影响并不明显;随着黏性系数的增加,泥石流冲击力减小,而随着屈服应力的增加,泥石流的冲击力则增大。  相似文献   

曾超  苏志满  雷雨  余健 《岩土力学》2015,36(7):1923-1930
开展了密度为1 400~2 200 kg/m3的泥石流浆体、浆体与大颗粒混合流体的冲击力试验,获取了流速为2.8~4.9 m/s条件下31组冲击力试验数据。采用小波分析方法有效地去除了冲击力数据中的噪声信号,依据离散傅里叶变换(FFT)为基础的频谱分析结果,将低频泥石流浆体冲击和高频大颗粒冲击的临界频率值界定为2 Hz,实现了浆体和大颗粒冲击信号的分离。目前水动力学公式中待定系数α缺乏统一的确定方法,以不同地区157组泥石流观测和试验数据为基础,建立了待定系数?与流体Fr数的幂函数关系,形成可表征不同流态,且弱化尺度效应的浆体动压力计算公式。与泥石流浆体平滑信号相比,大颗粒冲击压力具有一定随机性。泥石流大颗粒冲击次数与频率随大颗粒的质量比增加而增大,其质量比从0.05增至0.21时,冲击总次数从1 305次增至2 838次,冲击频率从82次/s增至195次/s,且龙头段大颗粒的冲击频率高于后续泥石流体。测得大颗粒的压力约为60 kPa,是相同密度和流速下浆体动压力的3倍。随着大颗粒比例的增加,上部1#和2#传感器测得大颗粒冲击频率增加量明显高于下部3#~6#。说明随着流体中大颗粒比例上升,颗粒物质多集中于泥石流上部或表层运动,也佐证了泥石流运动中大颗粒多集中在龙头顶部的认识。对大颗粒和浆体冲击规律的分析可为固液两相流运动机制研究和防治工程设计以及承灾体易损性定量评估提供合理参数。  相似文献   

碎屑流以其高动能和强大的破坏力被视为我国西南片区最危险的地质灾害之一,它不仅对人民群众的生命财产造成极大的危害,并且威胁到桥梁、铁路等国家的基础设施建设。本文就碎屑流冲击条件下的桥墩为研究对象,以两种不同形状的桥墩(圆柱桥墩、矩形桥墩)以及桥墩离碎屑流的物源区距离为研究条件,以离散元方法为研究手段,着重研究了碎屑流冲击桥墩时候的动力响应情况。结果表明:在相同规模以及相同距离的碎屑流条件下,圆柱形桥墩所受的瞬时冲击力的法向应力要小于矩形桥墩,切向应力则大于矩形桥墩,其所受最大冲击力以及平均冲击力都小于矩形桥墩,并且给出了物源区距离对桥墩所受冲击力的影响。研究结果对实际防灾工程有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

为提高桥墩泥石流防撞墩的抗冲击性能,拟将废旧轮胎堆栈于防撞墩前,与之形成一种刚柔复合结构.并使用显式动力有限元软件LS-DYNA,通过对泥石流大石块的冲击过程进行数值计算,发现当冲击能量在轮胎的吸能范围时,其冲击力能降低80%.  相似文献   

After the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake, mountainous areas in SW China are recognized as a region with highly active and perilous landslides and debris flows. The frequent impacts of debris flow are a major threat to bridge piers located in debris flow gullies. It is an important issue for guaranteeing the safety of railway bridges in areas prone to hazardous debris flows. Previous research has achieved significant results characterizing the initiation and mechanisms for debris flow, and their interactions with some structures. However, there has been little research on the dynamic pressure of debris flow on bridge pier caused by different debris flows. In this study, the measurement and estimation of the impact pressure and dynamic behavior of debris flows on scaled bridge piers were conducted. Nine pressure sensors were used to measure the impact pressure of debris flows. Flow velocities and flow depths were determined at the end of a flume using a high-speed camera. The results show that the impact pressure differed between different types of debris flows. The distribution of impact pressures from high-viscosity debris flows indicated three layers, with different features in individual event. In comparison, a layered structure was not observed in low-viscosity debris flows. Based on dimensional analyses, the impact pressure depended on Froude number (Fr) and Reynolds number (Re). For low-viscosity debris flows, the dimensionless impact pressures were power functions of Fr, while for high-viscosity debris flows, the dimensionless impact pressures were power functions of both Re and Fr. The impact frequencies of low-viscosity and high-viscosity debris flows showed considerable differences based on spectral analysis. Compared to high-viscosity debris flows, low-viscosity debris flows were characterized by relatively high velocity, strong striking pressure, and high impact frequency.  相似文献   

On 13 August 2010, significant debris flows were triggered by intense rainfall events in Wenchuan earthquake-affected areas, destroying numerous houses, bridges, and traffic facilities. To investigate the impact force of debris flows, a fluid–structure coupled numerical model based on smoothed particle hydrodynamics is established in this work. The debris flow material is modeled as a viscous fluid, and the check dams are simulated as elastic solid (note that only the maximum impact forces are evaluated in this work). The governing equations of both phases are solved respectively, and their interaction is calculated. We validate the model with the simulation of a sand flow model test and confirm its ability to calculate the impact force. The Wenjia gully and Hongchun gully debris flows are simulated as the application of the coupled smoothed particle hydrodynamic model. The propagation of the debris flows is then predicted, and we obtain the evolution of the impact forces on the check dams.  相似文献   

斜交桥下水流流向偏转角度的理论分析   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
我国现有铁路桥渡水文设计规范有关斜交桥的水力计算没有考虑桥下流向偏转的影响,从而影响计算精度。将流体力学中圆柱绕流经典理论的成果推广应用于双圆柱桥墩的情况,假设单桥墩的绕流流场可以按照一定的规律叠加,推导出圆柱形墩斜交桥梁桥下水流流向偏转角度的计算公式。分析表明,斜交桥下的水流流向偏转角度随斜交角度的增大先增大后减小,其极大值随压缩比的减小而增大。公式经与前人的试验资料验证,一定范围内吻合良好,并依据公式更正了此前流向偏转角度随斜交角度的增大而增大的错误认识。  相似文献   

采用聚乙烯颗粒为天然冰模拟材料,对桥墩影响下的冰塞水位变化规律进行了探索性试验研究.试验发现,有桥墩时,冰塞演变可分为冰塞越过桥墩和未越过桥墩两种情况;冰塞动态演变过程中,桥墩附近冰塞底部存在冲刷现象,由此产生的冲刷输冰流量会引发较为复杂的冰塞水位演变过程.研究表明,有桥墩条件下,水力及来冰量条件对平衡冰塞时的水位增值影响规律与无桥墩时基本一致;水流条件和来冰流量相同条件下,当冰塞能越过桥墩达到平衡时,墩径较大时水位增值也较大,在断面阻塞程度相同条件下,双墩水位增值大于单墩.  相似文献   

川藏铁路某车站位于藏东南冻错曲沟谷内,处于泥石流集中暴发区。采用现场调查、遥感解译等方法对影响车站的泥石流群孕灾环境和发育特征进行了深入研究。结果表明:该区以发育包括10条暴雨型泥石流与2条冰湖溃决泥石流在内的泥石流群为特征,地形地貌、水源动力和物源对泥石流群的发育起主要控制性作用。泥石流沟的流域形态完整系数集中在0.15~0.55之间,多为长条形与栎叶形,沟床的纵比降整体偏大,有利于泥石流的水源汇聚和发生。而泥石流流域内的沟道岸坡坡度多为20°~40°,相对有利于泥石流物源的补给。对该泥石流群中的12条泥石流沟进行动力学参数计算,分析其运动特征和发展趋势,认为该泥石流群的堆积扇普遍比较明显且未修建防治工程,在极端暴雨条件下,再次暴发较大规模泥石流的可能性大。最后评价了单沟暴发及冻错曲两岸对冲暴发场景下泥石流群对线路的潜在工程影响并给出了防治对策,建议线路在穿越泥石流沟部位布设排导槽或停淤堤进行束流归流,并对桥墩做好迎水面防块石撞击措施。研究结果对川藏铁路泥石流防治工程规划设计具有一定指导意义,也可为山区交通干线的合理选线提供科学依据。  相似文献   

The volume fraction of the solid and liquid phase of debris flows,which evolves simultaneously across terrains,largely determines the dynamic property of debris flows. The entrainment process significantly influences the amplitude of the volume fraction. In this paper,we present a depth-averaged two-phase debris-flow model describing the simultaneous evolution of the phase velocity and depth,the solid and fluid volume fractions and the bed morphological evolution. The model employs the Mohr–Coulomb plasticity for the solid stress,and the fluid stress is modeled as a Newtonian viscous stress. The interfacial momentum transfer includes viscous drag and buoyancy. A new extended entrainment rate formula that satisfies the boundary momentum jump condition(Iverson and Ouyang,2015) is presented. In this formula,the basal traction stress is a function of the solid volume fraction and can take advantage of both the Coulomb and velocity-dependent friction models. A finite volume method using Roe's Riemann approximation is suggested to solve the equations. Three computational cases are conducted and compared with experiments or previous results. The results show that the current computational model and framework are robust and suitable for capturing the characteristics of debris flows.  相似文献   

Modelling and numerical simulation of two-phase debris flows   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Gravity-driven geophysical mass flows often consist of fluid–sediment mixtures. The contemporary presence of a fluid and a granular phase determines a complicated fluid-like and solid-like behaviour. The present paper adopts the mixture theory to incorporate the two phases and describe their respective movements. For the granular phase, a Mohr–Coulomb plasticity is employed to describe the relationship between normal and shear stresses, while for the fluid phase, the viscous Newtonian fluid is taken into account. At the basal topography, a Coulomb sliding condition for the solid phase and a Navier’s sliding condition for the fluid phase are satisfied, while the top free surface is traction-free for both the phases. For the interactive forces between the phases, the buoyancy force and viscous drag force are included. The established governing equations are expressed in a curvilinear coordinate system embedded in a curvilinear reference basal surface, above which an arbitrary shallow basal topography is permitted. Taking into account the typical length characteristics of such geophysical mass flows, the “thin-layer” approximation is assumed, so that a depth integration can be performed to simplify the governing equations. The resulting strongly nonlinear partial differential equations (PDEs) are first simplified and then analysed for a steady state in a travelling coordinate system. We find the current model can reproduce the characteristic shape of some flow fronts. Additionally, a stability analysis for steady uniform flows is performed to demonstrate the development of roll waves that means instabilities grow up and become clearly distinguishable waves. Furthermore, we numerically solve the resulting PDEs to investigate general unsteady flows down a curved surface by means of a high-resolution non-oscillatory central difference scheme with the total variation diminishing property. The dynamic behaviours of the granular and fluid phases, especially, the effects of the drag force and the fluid bed friction are discussed. These investigations can enhance the understanding of physics behind natural debris flows.  相似文献   

A hypoplastic constitutive model for debris materials   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Debris flow is a very common and destructive natural hazard in mountainous regions. Pore water pressure is the major triggering factor in the initiation of debris flow. Excessive pore water pressure is also observed during the runout and deposition of debris flow. Debris materials are normally treated as solid particle–viscous fluid mixture in the constitutive modeling. A suitable constitutive model which can capture the solid-like and fluid-like behavior of solid–fluid mixture should have the capability to describe the developing of pore water pressure (or effective stresses) in the initiation stage and determine the residual effective stresses exactly. In this paper, a constitutive model of debris materials is developed based on a framework where a static portion for the frictional behavior and a dynamic portion for the viscous behavior are combined. The frictional behavior is described by a hypoplastic model with critical state for granular materials. The model performance is demonstrated by simulating undrained simple shear tests of saturated sand, which are particularly relevant for the initiation of debris flows. The partial and full liquefaction of saturated granular material under undrained condition is reproduced by the hypoplastic model. The viscous behavior is described by the tensor form of a modified Bagnold’s theory for solid–fluid suspension, in which the drag force of the interstitial fluid and the particle collisions are considered. The complete model by combining the static and dynamic parts is used to simulate two annular shear tests. The predicted residual strength in the quasi-static stage combined with the stresses in the flowing stage agrees well with the experimental data. The non-quadratic dependence between the stresses and the shear rate in the slow shear stage for the relatively dense specimens is captured.  相似文献   

Recognition, classification and mechanical description of debris flows   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
P. Coussot  M. Meunier 《Earth》1996,40(3-4):209-227
Various types of flow or mass movement involving water and sediments occur on steep slopes in mountainous areas. Among them, debris flows are peculiar events during which a large volume of a highly concentrated viscous water-debris mixture flows through a stream channel. Throughout the world these phenomena cause considerable damage but remain poorly understood although a basic knowledge is already available concerning their recognition and propagation.

Firstly, a synthesis of the useful practical criteria of recognition is proposed. Debris flows must be seen as intermediate phenomena between hyperconcentrated flows (intense bed load transport) and landslides separated from them by sharp transitions of some characteristics (celerity, deposit nature and flow type). Two parameters, solid fraction and material type, thought to be appropriate for a sound and practical classification, are brought out, and the corresponding complete classification of flow and mass movements in mountain areas is presented. Two extreme debris flow types are thus distinguished: muddy debris flows and granular debris flows. A critical review of recent advances in debris flow dynamic is then proposed. It is pointed out that adequate work must be carried out in the field of non-Newtonian fluid mechanics. In particular, one fundamental rheological property of debris flow materials is the yield stress, which explains thick deposits on steep slopes and can be inferred from field measurements. Furthermore it can be used to estimate viscous dissipation within the bulk during flow. Relevant models predicting muddy debris flow dynamics are already available whereas further progress is needed concerning granular flows.  相似文献   

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