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以浙江省苍南县炎亭湾海滩修复为例,基于"CERC"的沿岸输沙率计算公式,建立了一套依据工程区近滨波浪场分布进行动态平衡滨线设计的方法,包括独立输沙单元海滩和非独立输沙单元海滩2种滨线形态设计方法.研究发现:在海滩养护和修复工程中,依据动态平衡滨线设计方法对滨线走向进行科学论证是十分必要的;独立输沙单元的海滩可以视为沿岸输沙率为零的非独立输沙单元的海滩,前者海滩平衡滨线的布设是后者平衡滨线布设的一种特例;相较于"静态岬湾海滩概念(SBBC)"模型,本研究提出的动态平衡滨线设计方法更具优势,该方法可用于大多数海滩的平面形态设计.  相似文献   

我国硬式护岸、渔港工程和人工岛等3类典型海岸工程对相邻海滩有显著影响.本研究以泉州青山湾护岸、泉州崇武中心渔港、海口南海明珠人工岛等建设前后海滩变化为例,开展对海滩岸线形态及部分典型剖面形态的对比分析.结果表明,临海硬式护岸岸前海滩发生明显下蚀,护岸下游海滩岸线侵蚀后退,发育侵蚀热点,剖面伴有下蚀;渔港工程拦沙堤附近岸线局部淤涨,下游海滩岸线大范围侵蚀后退,出现侵蚀热点,侵蚀热点处剖面明显下蚀;人工岛后波影区内海滩淤积,形成沙岬或连岛沙坝突出体,突出体两侧岸线均发生不同程度侵蚀后退.通过分析典型工程案例,探讨了3类海岸工程对相邻海滩的影响方式、影响尺度和原因,对比分析不同类型海岸工程对相邻海滩的负面影响,可为海岸工程建设管理和海滩保护提供参考.  相似文献   

21世纪以来,海滩养护技术开始在我国得到应用并迅速发展。本研究基于对过去十几年来我国海滩养护技术的跟踪与深度研究,通过研读文献、资料收集和数据统计,分析了我国海滩养护发展现状及特征,总结归纳了我国在海滩养护技术方面的创新,最后展望了海滩养护的未来发展并提出了建议。研究发现,我国的海滩养护工程在2005年之前较少,此后快速持续增加;在3种养护目的中,滨海旅游占绝大多数,达61. 7%;修复海滩类型中,人造海滩和修复受损海滩的比例相当,同质养护和异质养护的占比分别为51. 1%和48. 9%;在养护海滩的平面形态中,岬湾形态的占比最高,达43. 6%。结果表明,我国在海滩修复养护技术中取得了一些创新,主要包括强潮海岸、强侵蚀海岸、淤泥质海岸等多种动力条件下的海滩修复理论和理念,以及海滩城市排水优化设计、海滩生态养护潜堤等技术方法。  相似文献   

海滨城市核心区的沙质海滩是吸引人们旅游度假的一道靓丽风景线,无论是自然沙质海滩还是人工沙质海滩,演变稳定后均形成岬湾弧形岸线形态.兴建防波拦沙堤可以对沙滩起到良好的护沙固沙作用,其不仅可以作为沙滩的硬质边界线存在,将岸线塑造成适合养滩的岬湾地形;且能遮蔽外海风浪,在人工沙滩近岸区域形成波高流速均稳定的水域.基于海口湾畅...  相似文献   

海滩养护已经成为全球基于自然(nature-based)海岸防护的主要手段,并得到广泛应用。随着全球强风区海岸海滩养护工程数量的增加,海滩养护对海岸风沙过程产生的一系列影响逐渐得到重视。海滩养护工程形成了新的海滩地貌形态,扩大了海滩风区、增加了风沙物源、提高了滩面高程、改变了滩面沉积物,海滩地貌和沉积物组分变化引起了风沙运动过程的变化,与自然海滩风沙过程相比,有其独特的过程和特征,已经成为海岸风沙研究的热点之一。本文从海滩养护影响下的风沙环境变化、风沙活动变化以及养护海滩对沙丘的影响等3个方面梳理了国内外研究进展,提出养护海滩风沙研究存在区域不平衡以及风沙过程的综合性影响和定量化研究不足等问题,并结合我国海滩养护未来的发展趋势,从强风区养护海滩风沙运动规律、养护海滩风沙环境全要素的综合影响和风沙作用变化的模型评估等方面展望了我国养护海滩风沙研究的未来发展方向。  相似文献   

粤东后江湾岸线演变模拟   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
以粤东后江湾出海航道两侧拟建防波堤为工程背景,应用海岸动力学原理,建立了海岸演变的一线模型。模型考虑波浪的绕射,考虑了沿岸波高不等所引起的沿岸输沙。通过实际岸线与模拟岸线的对比分析,论证了该模型是成功的。应用该模型对粤东后江湾修筑拦沙堤后的岸线演变进行预报,其结果表明,在海湾两岬角处海滩侵蚀,湾顶堤头处海滩淤积。东北岸段拦沙堤处海滩的淤积速率为5~6m/a,西南岸段为4~5m/a。  相似文献   

基于厦门香山—长尾礁海滩、北戴河西海滩和平潭龙凤头海滩3个典型海滩养护后多期地形地貌测量数据、观测记录和遥感影像等,分析了养护海滩侵蚀热点的分布和形态特征,探讨了各处侵蚀热点的形成原因和控制因素.从野外调查来看,侵蚀热点在各养护海滩皆有分布,热点宽度为20 ~260 m不等.研究表明沿岸水下地形、排污管道的布设、岬角和岸线走向突变是诱发侵蚀热点的主要因素,具体表现为:(1)沿岸水下地形分布有离岸潜堤、沙坝、带有缺口的连续暗礁等结构时,会因波浪绕射引起波能辐聚而造成沙滩局部的强侵蚀,形成侵蚀热点;(2)排污管道的埋设会阻断沉积物的沿岸运移,会在其下游形成侵蚀热点;(3)岬湾海岸两端岬角或者人工拦沙堤对波浪的折射和反射作用会造成岬角周边局部强侵蚀;(4)养护海滩岸线方向突变,特别是向海凸出的岸线,波浪会使这一位置岸线趋于平滑,造成突变点的强侵蚀.  相似文献   

渔港硬式构筑物如防波堤等对海岸的影响显著。以福建泉州崇武半月湾渔港防波堤修建前后的海滩变化为例,通过对20032011年不同阶段海滩地貌形态、岸线变化分析以及2个海滩剖面多期监测比较发现,防波堤修建后海湾下游西侧海滩发生显著蚀退,西端侵蚀强度最大,向东(靠近防波堤遮蔽段)逐渐减小,中东部遮蔽段转为淤涨。海滩变化的主要原因:1)E2011年不同阶段海滩地貌形态、岸线变化分析以及2个海滩剖面多期监测比较发现,防波堤修建后海湾下游西侧海滩发生显著蚀退,西端侵蚀强度最大,向东(靠近防波堤遮蔽段)逐渐减小,中东部遮蔽段转为淤涨。海滩变化的主要原因:1)ESE向主入射波浪受到防波堤的阻挡作用,在堤头发生绕射,港内波影区动力变弱;2)防波堤阻碍了从东向西的沿岸流运动,形成东向为主的沿岸输沙,使得东端发生堆积,造成下游的西侧海岸的沉积物亏损,发生侵蚀。针对海岸变化机理提出了海滩养护防御措施,并通过数值模拟预测说明养护海滩以由西向东输沙为主,年均输沙量约3万m3,堆积于遮蔽段,最后,提出采用周期性抽取遮蔽段养护沙补充到西端的方法来实现海滩循环养护。  相似文献   

秦皇岛金梦海湾海滩生态修复设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
金梦海湾位于秦皇岛海港区西浴场,其海岸侵蚀速率约为-1.26~-2.98m/a。生态修复工程利用秦皇岛港防波提并建设生态离岸潜堤,构建静态平衡岬湾,工程近岸补沙方量为172.5×104 m3,工程后取得了较好的效果。从设计理念、设计要素和养滩监测等方面,对秦皇岛金梦海湾海滩养护工程进行了总结和探讨。  相似文献   

依托秦皇岛北戴河中海滩养护工程,对养滩前后不同时期抛沙区内外表层沉积物样品进行粒度实验,获得沉积物粒度参数,并结合Gao-Collins粒径趋势模型,对海滩养护后沉积物粒度变化特征、沉积物输运变化以及抛沙区外未养护海滩沉积物的影响进行研究.结果显示,海滩养护后,抛沙区内沉积物粒度总体细化,在养滩初到养滩之后6个月期间,抛沙区内沉积物变细、分选变好,这是由于外来抛沙的混杂和夏季ES向波浪的搬运作用,抛沙物质和原始海滩沙混合,抛沙区外变化趋势相反.养滩9个月后,由于冬季暴风浪的增多,抛沙区内沉积物遭受侵蚀并在抛沙区外淤积,抛沙区内沉积物变粗、分选变差,抛沙区外沉积物变细、分选变好.15个月后,抛沙区内外沉积物均变细,冬季侵蚀的海滩得到恢复.沉积物净运移趋势由沿岸输移逐渐变为垂岸输移,这是由于经过1年多的时间,海滩与区域动力环境相适应,海滩处于横向输沙动态平衡的状态,即夏季向岸输沙、冬季离岸输沙.  相似文献   

海岸侵蚀是沿海各国面临的共同问题,海滩养护是当前砂质海岸保护的最佳手段,在全球范围内得到广泛应用。本文回顾了海滩养护技术的发展历程,总结了世界范围的海滩养护实践,分析各国海滩养护理念上存在的差异。以研究文献为基础,总结归纳了平面和横向剖面的补砂方式、辅助工程技术和海滩模型预测等方面的海滩养护技术研究进展,并在此基础上提出了海滩养护的未来发展趋势:①针对复杂海岸的海滩养护应用拓展;②基于沉积物管理的海滩养护修复;③从地貌系统到生态系统全面考虑的海滩养护技术;④全球砂源赤字条件下的海滩保护和修复思路。  相似文献   

In the light of global warming and sea level rise there are many coastal beaches that suffer from erosion. Beach nourishment has become a common practice to maintain the sediment balance on a shore-face. In this paper, a three-dimensional numerical model for evaluating long-term impact of beach nourishment projects has been developed. The model addresses the longstanding complex issue of coastal morphology and sediment grain size distribution from an unconventional angle, which exploits the strong links between grain size distribution and the prevailing transport direction of each sediment constituent under ‘average’ wave and storm action. The present model predicts the redistribution of nourished sediment according to the subtle clues implied by equilibrium distribution curves and latest coastal wave transformation theories. After verification against recent field observations in Terschelling, The Netherlands, the model was used to predict long-term effects of different beach nourishment strategies. It was found that: (a) given the source sediment available in Terschelling the tactics of large volume and less frequent implementation are better than otherwise; and (b) from a pure engineering point of view, waterline nourishment outperforms offshore trough nourishment.The model offers an additional tool for coastal engineers to evaluate the feasibility, effectiveness and the optimization of dumping locations for beach nourishment projects. It is also a useful tool for stratigraphic modelling of shallow-marine sedimentation in conjunction with sea level changes.  相似文献   

近岸人工沙坝保滩促淤的试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
吴建  拾兵  李智  刘德飞  范菲菲 《海洋通报》2012,31(2):176-180
借助正态波浪模型,对北戴河海滩某横断面有、无沙坝布置进行了3种水位的极限波高入射试验,测取了坝内外波高过程线及稳定后的断面地形。试验资料及理论分析显示:有无沙坝时沿岸流及波浪的挟沙能力之比与水下沙坝的波浪透射系数的平方成正比,按试验最大透射系数计算的挟沙能力亦可降50%左右,且有沙坝上涌带破波回流对岸滩的冲刷水深可以维持在平均海平面以下1 m内,说明人工沙坝的填筑很大程度促使水体挟带泥沙于掩护区域落淤有效的阻止了泥沙的离岸亏损。试验将为保滩促淤工程设计与实施提供科学依据。  相似文献   

Balaena Bay, Wellington Harbour, New Zealand, has a small pocket beach that was covered originally by pebbles and cobbles. In February and October 1982, the beach was nourished with sandy granular gravel, the stability of which was monitored until February 1984. Although isolated from oceanic swell, the new beach readily responded to locally generated wind waves which induced both northwards and southwards longshore drift. The net effect was erosion of the southern beach, aggradation over the central beach, and minor fluctuations at the northern end. Yet despite this mobility nearly all the nourishment sediment was retained in the littoral zone. Beach volumes, calculated for each survey, varied little and sediment distribution patterns revealed negligable transport of nourishment sediment to adjacent beaches and offshore areas. Stability is further confirmed by compositional data which record no preferential loss of the sandstone, argillite, and quartz components. The only compositional changes were the incorporation into the new beach of small (< 10%) quantities of sediment derived from the old beach surface and from biogenic productivity.  相似文献   

近岸波、流作用下结构物附近海岸演变的数值模拟   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
张海文  陶建华 《海洋学报》2000,22(1):117-124
针对与砂质海岸在波浪作用下的演变有关的波浪、近岸流及输沙问题进行了系统的研究,并对结构物附近海岸演变进行了数值模拟。考虑了波浪折射-绕射及波浪破碎的综合作用,在近岸流场的模拟中用沿水深积分形成的K方程模型确定涡粘系数。计算岸滩地形变化时,综合波浪、近岸流作用的底沙和悬沙输沙率,并考虑波浪对泥沙作用的影响。模型对防波堤和近岸沉船附近地形变化进行了模拟,效果良好。  相似文献   

The loss of beach sand from berm and dune due to high waves and surge is a universal phenomenon associated with sporadic storm activities. To protect the development in a coastal hazard zone, hard structures or coastal setback have been established in many countries around the world. In this paper, the requirement of a storm beach buffer, being a lesser extent landward comparing with the coastal setback to ensure the safety of infrastructures, is numerically assessed using the SBEACH model for three categories of wave conditions in terms of storm return period, median sand grain size, berm width, and design water level. Two of the key outputs from the numerical calculations, berm retreat and bar formation offshore, are then analysed, as well as beach profile change. After having performed a series of numerical studies on selected large wave tank (LWT) test results with monochromatic waves using SBEACH, we may conclude that: (1) Berm erosion increases and submerged bar develops further offshore as the storm return period increases for beach with a specific sand grain size, or as the sand grain reduces on a beach under the action of identical wave condition; (2) Higher storm waves yield a large bar to form quicker and subsequently cause wave breaking on the bar crest, which can reduce the wave energy and limit the extent of the eroding berm; (3) A larger buffer width is required for a beach comprising small sand grain, in order to effectively absorb storm wave energy; and (4) Empirical relationships can be tentatively proposed to estimate the storm beach buffer width, from the input of wave conditions and sediment grain size. These results would benefit a beach nourishment project for shore protection or design of a recreational beach.  相似文献   

人工海滩研究进展   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
海滩是激浪作用下泥沙在激浪带的堆积,是海岸带最活跃的地貌单元。近年来,由于世纪性的海平面上升,侵蚀型海滩范围扩大,侵蚀加重,海滩宽度变窄、坡度变陡和滩面物质粗化等问题日益严重,引起了广泛关注,亦成为海岸工程研究的热点课题之一。几十年的工程实践表明,海滩喂养与人工海滩是当前防护海滩侵蚀最有效的措施,并已为欧、美、日等国广泛应用。利用海岸地貌学原理方法,借鉴模拟环境条件类似的周边自然海滩的形成和演变规律,合理的设计海滩物质的颗粒大小和组成,海滩的坡度、高度、宽度以及填砂范围等关键参数,能够有效地使人工海滩更快的达到平衡状态并维持其稳定。在海滩的娱乐休闲功能在国际范围内日益受到重视的今天,这一方法在海岸工程应用上具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

I~crIOWIn the coastal area, especially at the sandy seashore, wave and nearshore current are the major factors which affect sediment transPOrt and the motyhChdynamics.The numerical models of predicting the beach evolution can be classified intO the medi~term and long-term models according to their space and time scales (De Briend et al., 1993;Watanabe, 1990; Watanabe et al., 1986; Tao, 1996). In the medium-term model the effects ofwave, nearshore current and sediment transport are conside…  相似文献   

The analysis of beach profile combined with wave data provides a clear understanding of beach topography and physical behavior of the coast. Numerous commercial and noncommercial computer programs and add-on tools are available to analyze beach profile and wave data. But, most of them are specifically designed for particular coastal application. Moreover, searching of open source software for diverse coastal application is a tedious process. To make it easily accessible, we have developed an integrated Matlab GUI for beach morphology and wave analysis. The tool “ONWET (OceaN WavE Tool)” mainly includes wave processes, beach morphology, spatiotemporal variation in beach profile, wave refraction, and sediment transport rate. The tool has automated inbuilt functions and is designed to accommodate importing/exporting of data (results both in data and graphical format). It includes user friendly options and can be freely download from our institutional website. The tool is very useful for researchers, scientists, engineers, and environmentalists who are working in the field of coastal studies and beach nourishment.  相似文献   

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