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Geographic masks are techniques used to protect privacy when publishing sensitive data in maps, but are not well adopted among researchers and may be difficult to execute for some GIS users. We developed a client‐side web application called MaskMy.XYZ that makes geographic masking easy to perform. It executes donut geomasking, a well‐known geographic mask, on thousands of points in seconds, and visualizes the original and masked point patterns in an integrated web map for visual comparison. MaskMy.XYZ also features metrics for both privacy protection and information loss, and allows users to rapidly and iteratively adjust masking parameters based on these metrics. The user interface was designed to prioritize usability, and clear documentation has been included to educate users about geographic masks, which is otherwise only found in niche literatures. By developing this application, we hope that geographic masks will be more widely adopted such that privacy is better protected in research.  相似文献   

Residential locations play an important role in understanding the form and function of urban systems. However, it is impossible to release this detailed information publicly, due to the issue of privacy. The rapid development of location‐based services and the prevalence of global position system (GPS)‐equipped devices provide an unprecedented opportunity to infer residential locations from user‐generated geographic information. This article compares different approaches for predicting Twitter users' home locations at a precise point level based on temporal and spatial features extracted from geo‐tagged tweets. Among the three deterministic approaches, the one that estimates the home location for each user by finding the weighted most frequently visited (WMFV) cluster of that user always provides the best performance when compared with the other two methods. The results of a fourth approach, based on the support vector machine (SVM), are severely affected by the threshold value for a cluster to be identified as the home.  相似文献   

The implementation of social network applications on mobile platforms has significantly elevated the activity of mobile social networking. Mobile social networking offers a channel for recording an individual’s spatiotemporal behaviors when location-detecting capabilities of devices are enabled. It also facilitates the study of time geography on an individual level, which has previously suffered from a scarcity of georeferenced movement data. In this paper, we report on the use of georeferenced tweets to display and analyze the spatiotemporal patterns of daily user trajectories. For georeferenced tweets having both location information in longitude and latitude values and recorded creation time, we apply a space–time cube approach for visualization. Compared to the traditional methodologies for time geography studies such as the travel diary-based approach, the analytics using social media data present challenges broadly associated with those of Big Data, including the characteristics of high velocity, large volume, and heterogeneity. For this study, a batch processing system has been developed for extracting spatiotemporal information from each tweet and then creating trajectories of each individual mobile Twitter user. Using social media data in time geographic research has the benefits of study area flexibility, continuous observation and non-involvement with contributors. For example, during every 30-minute cycle, we collected tweets created by about 50,000 Twitter users living in a geographic region covering New York City to Washington, DC. Each tweet can indicate the exact location of its creator when the tweet was posted. Thus, the linked tweets show a Twitter users’ movement trajectory in space and time. This study explores using data intensive computing for processing Twitter data to generate spatiotemporal information that can recreate the space–time trajectories of their creators.  相似文献   

Many research projects in public‐participation geographic information systems focused on the development of software prototypes that were conceptualized to complement traditional forms of public participation. Given the challenges introduced by the heterogeneity of their user base, system design, and decision making process, empirical evaluations of such systems based on actual use have been scarce. This article reports on a rigorous empirical assessment of human‐computer interaction of users of a web‐based system for participatory transportation planning. We devised three groups of participants with below‐average, average, and above‐average interaction duration through hierarchical cluster analysis. Subsequently, the characteristics of the clusters were subjected to logistic regression analysis to determine the significance and strength of statistical associations between duration of interaction and a host of individual‐level variables. Our results indicate a statistically significant reduction of the odds‐ratio for participants with above‐average duration of interaction in the case of no prior experience with online transportation discussions. No significant associations were found between overall duration of interaction and sociodemographic background, cognitive decision‐making style, and travel behavior. We advocate for the development of adaptable participatory systems which accommodate flexibility in terms of both the user interface and pathways of the decision making process.  相似文献   

This article presents the results and potential of using volunteered geographic information (VGI) in heritage detection. Research was completed under the project entitled “Laser Discoverers – non‐invasive examination and documentation of archeological and historical objects in the ?wi?tokrzyskie Voivodeship”, carried out as a part of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education program entitled “The Paths of Copernicus”. Within the project, strong emphasis was placed on promotional and awareness‐raising activities, to involve as many voluntary users as possible. Project participants had at their disposal a web application, which provided access to a digital terrain model (DTM) where they identified possible heritage objects. All samples of data were additionally available in eight variants of sunshine, based on the simulation of sunlight from eight directions and at a constant angle. In total, 5,989 elementary areas with dimensions of 100 × 100 m were used for the project. After conducting a field inventory, Internet users together with specialists were able to recognize several thousands of potential archaeological and historic objects. During the project, approximately 10% of those features were verified through non‐invasive (field survey) work, with 75% success.  相似文献   

The use of social media data in geographic studies has become common, yet the question of social media's validity in such contexts is often overlooked. Social media data suffers from a variety of biases and limitations; nevertheless, with a proper understanding of the drawbacks, these data can be powerful. As cities seek to become “smarter,” they can potentially use social media data to creatively address the needs of their most vulnerable groups, such as ethnic minorities. However, questions remain unanswered regarding who uses these social networking platforms, how people use these platforms, and how representative social media data is of users' everyday lives. Using several forms of regression, I explore the relationships between a conventional data source (the U.S. Census) and a subset of Twitter data potentially representative of minority groups: tweets created by users with an account language other than English. A considerable amount of non‐stationarity is uncovered, which should serve as a warning against sweeping statements regarding the demographics of users and where people prefer to post. Further, I find that precisely located Twitter data informs us more about the digital status of places and less about users' day‐to‐day travel patterns.  相似文献   

Data contributed by a large number of non‐experts is increasingly used to validate and curate land cover data, with location‐based games (LBGs) developed for this purpose generating particular interest. We here present our findings on StarBorn, a novel LBG with a strong focus on game play. Users conquer game‐tiles by visiting real‐world locations and collecting land cover data. Within three months, StarBorn generated 13,319 land cover classifications by 84 users. Results show that data are concentrated around users’ daily life spaces, agreement among users is highest for urban and industry land cover, and user‐generated land cover classifications exhibit high agreement with an authoritative data set. However, we also observe low user retention rates and negative correlations between number of contributions and agreement rates with an authoritative land cover product. We recommend that future work consider not only game play, but also how motivational aspects influence behavior and data quality. We conclude that LBGs are suitable tools for generating cost‐efficient in‐situ land cover classifications.  相似文献   

Spatial co‐location pattern mining aims to discover a collection of Boolean spatial features, which are frequently located in close geographic proximity to each other. Existing methods for identifying spatial co‐location patterns usually require users to specify two thresholds, i.e. the prevalence threshold for measuring the prevalence of candidate co‐location patterns and distance threshold to search the spatial co‐location patterns. However, these two thresholds are difficult to determine in practice, and improper thresholds may lead to the misidentification of useful patterns and the incorrect reporting of meaningless patterns. The multi‐scale approach proposed in this study overcomes this limitation. Initially, the prevalence of candidate co‐location patterns is measured statistically by using a significance test, and a non‐parametric model is developed to construct the null distribution of features with the consideration of spatial auto‐correlation. Next, the spatial co‐location patterns are explored at multi‐scales instead of single scale (or distance threshold) discovery. The validity of the co‐location patterns is evaluated based on the concept of lifetime. Experiments on both synthetic and ecological datasets show that spatial co‐location patterns are discovered correctly and completely by using the proposed method; on the other hand, the subjectivity in discovery of spatial co‐location patterns is reduced significantly.  相似文献   

User interaction in social networks, such as Twitter and Facebook, is increasingly becoming a source of useful information on daily events. The online monitoring of short messages posted in such networks often provides insight on the repercussions of events of several different natures, such as (in the recent past) the earthquake and tsunami in Japan, the royal wedding in Britain and the death of Osama bin Laden. Studying the origins and the propagation of messages regarding such topics helps social scientists in their quest for improving the current understanding of human relationships and interactions. However, the actual location associated to a tweet or to a Facebook message can be rather uncertain. Some tweets are posted with an automatically determined location (from an IP address), or with a user‐informed location, both in text form, usually the name of a city. We observe that most Twitter users opt not to publish their location, and many do so in a cryptic way, mentioning non‐existing places or providing less specific place names (such as “Brazil”). In this article, we focus on the problem of enriching the location of tweets using alternative data, particularly the social relationships between Twitter users. Our strategy involves recursively expanding the network of locatable users using following‐follower relationships. Verification is achieved using cross‐validation techniques, in which the location of a fraction of the users with known locations is used to determine the location of the others, thus allowing us to compare the actual location to the inferred one and verify the quality of the estimation. With an estimate of the precision of the method, it can then be applied to locationless tweets. Our intention is to infer the location of as many users as possible, in order to increase the number of tweets that can be used in spatial analyses of social phenomena. The article demonstrates the feasibility of our approach using a dataset comprising tweets that mention keywords related to dengue fever, increasing by 45% the number of locatable tweets.  相似文献   

Online representations of places are becoming pivotal in informing our understanding of urban life. Content production on online platforms is grounded in the geography of their users and their digital infrastructure. These constraints shape place representation, that is, the amount, quality, and type of digital information available in a geographic area. In this article we study the place representation of user‐generated content (UGC) in Los Angeles County, relating the spatial distribution of the data to its geo‐demographic context. Adopting a comparative and multi‐platform approach, this quantitative analysis investigates the spatial relationship between four diverse UGC datasets and their context at the census tract level (about 685,000 geo‐located tweets, 9,700 Wikipedia pages, 4 million OpenStreetMap objects, and 180,000 Foursquare venues). The context includes the ethnicity, age, income, education, and deprivation of residents, as well as public infrastructure. An exploratory spatial analysis and regression‐based models indicate that the four UGC platforms possess distinct geographies of place representation. To a moderate extent, the presence of Twitter, OpenStreetMap, and Foursquare data is influenced by population density, ethnicity, education, and income. However, each platform responds to different socio‐economic factors and clusters emerge in disparate hotspots. Unexpectedly, Twitter data tend to be located in denser, more deprived areas, and the geography of Wikipedia appears peculiar and harder to explain. These trends are compared with previous findings for the area of Greater London.  相似文献   

While finding the optimal route for users with physical disabilities and personalizing routes for each user, on the one hand, and collaborative wayfinding, on the other hand, have been addressed in the pedestrian navigation systems literature, there has not been much research on combining the two activities. The problem associated with wayfinding approaches solely based on information about network segments and personal preferences is that the information about segments in the database may not, correctly and/or adequately address user preferences. The problem associated with wayfinding approaches solely based on the ratings given to routes by wheelchair users is the lack of rates (or scores) for all possible routes between all possible origin‐destination pairs in the network. This article discusses an approach to combine these two approaches for wayfinding to augment each other's shortcomings. To evaluate the personalized wayfinding approach, we utilize a route index, called a comparison index. The results show that with a P‐value of 9%, the routes obtained from our approach are more accessible than the routes obtained from another approach developed in another study. To evaluate the collaborative wayfinding approach, a Monte Carlo simulation was conducted which reflects the updates in routes as users' feedbacks become available.  相似文献   

Mobile user identification aims at matching different mobile devices of the same user using trajectory data, which has attracted extensive research in recent years. Most of the previous work extracted trajectory features based on regular grids, which will lead to incorrect feature representation due to lack of geographic information. Besides, most trajectory similarity models only considered one single distance measure to calculate the similarity between users, which ignore the connection between different distance measures and may lead to some false matches. In light of this, we present a novel user identification method based on road networks and multiple distance measures in this article. The proposed method segments a city map into several grids and road segments based on road networks. Then it extracts location and road information of trajectories to jointly construct user features. Multiple distance measures are fused by a discriminant model to improve the effect of user identification. Experiments on real GPS trajectory datasets show that our proposed method outperforms related similarity measure methods and is stable for mobile user identification. Meanwhile, our method can also achieve good identification results even on sparse trajectory datasets.  相似文献   

This article reports on the initial development of a generic framework for integrating Geographic Information Systems (GIS) with Massive Multi‐player Online Gaming (MMOG) technology to support the integrated modeling of human‐environment resource management and decision‐making. We review Web 2.0 concepts, online maps, and games as key technologies to realize a participatory construction of spatial simulation and decision making practices. Through a design‐based research approach we develop a prototype framework, “GeoGame”, that allows users to play board‐game‐style simulations on top of an online map. Through several iterations we demonstrate the implementation of a range of design artifacts including: real‐time, multi‐user editing of online maps, web services, game lobby, user‐modifiable rules and scenarios building, chat, discussion, and market transactions. Based on observational, analytical, experimental and functional evaluations of design artifacts as well as a literature review, we argue that a MMO GeoGame‐framework offers a viable approach to address the complex dynamics of human‐environmental systems that require a simultaneous reconciliation of both top‐down and bottom‐up decision making where stakeholders are an integral part of a modeling environment. Further research will offer additional insight into the development of social‐environmental models using stakeholder input and the use of such models to explore properties of complex dynamic systems.  相似文献   

Open data has a profound effect on the working environment within which information is created and shared at all levels. At the local government level, open data initiatives have resulted in higher transparency in policy, a greater engagement between decision‐makers and citizens, and have changed the culture about how data analysis and evidence are used to support local governance. This article, based on data collected through an on‐line survey, participatory workshops with data user communities in four cities (in Colombia and Spain), and interviews with Valencia good‐government office, identifies four elements for a conceptual framework to improve the re‐usability of open geographic data in cities. The essential elements defined in this research are the definition of data user communities and their needs, the creation of the community of reuse, user‐focused metadata, and reuse‐focused legal terms. The definition of these indicators provides a framework for authorities to re‐shape their current open data strategy to include data user requirements. At the end of this article, a roadmap for future research and implementation is presented, considering some reflections on the conceptual framework.  相似文献   

The growing penetration of GPS equipped smartphones allowing users to constantly share geographic information on their current whereabouts has led the way to an augmentation of existing Social Network Sites with location‐based features or the creation of new ones exclusively around geographic information. Within these Location Based Social Networks vast amounts of geographic information are allocated, which attracted the attention of researchers with various scientific backgrounds. This article presents a comprehensive definition of this special type of Social Network Site and an overview of research activities, which are currently conducted using the data. Finally, a research agenda for GIScience is drawn from existing research directions.  相似文献   

Volunteered Geographic Information (VGI) has the potential to offer benefits to end‐users over and above those of Professional Geographic Information (PGI). A multi‐methods approach, consisting of participatory observation, focus groups and diary studies, was used to study how VGI and PGI were actually used by a target user group. A theoretical framework of information relevance was used to understand the attributes of information that were most important in relation to the characteristics of the users' activity and their community. The key finding was that the discussion amongst GIS designers should not be whether to choose VGI or PGI as the information data set, but to consider which combination of VGI and PGI relating to different geographic features and task characteristics would best meet the users' needs. VGI is likely to be most relevant to the user when a geographic feature is dynamic rather than static in nature, and can also provide a level of detail that is unlikely to arise through PGI. These findings have implications for how different forms of information are most effective for different usage situations. Above all, a case is presented for the implementation of User Centred Design (UCD) principles when integrating VGI and PGI together in a single mashup‐based product.  相似文献   

Recently, increasing numbers of mobile phones are appearing on the market that feature advanced navigation capabilities: embedded GPS receivers for global positioning, integrated digital compasses for detecting the heading of the device, or accelerometer‐based tilt sensors will potentially enable upcoming and future mobile phones to measure their location and orientation in 3D space. In this paper, we present an application framework for building spatially aware mobile applications – applications that visualize, process or exchange geospatial information – on mobile phones equipped with such features. The core component of the framework is a novel, platform‐independent XML data exchange format for the interface between application server and mobile device that describes the geographic vicinity of the user. The format enables a variety of new mobile interaction styles and user interface types – from traditional text‐based local search and information interfaces to innovative real‐time user interfaces like Geo‐Wands and Smart Compasses.  相似文献   

This article presents a case study of how a user‐centered design (UCD) approach was utilized during the addition of interactive masking capability to an existing web‐based geographic information system (Web GIS). By analyzing and discussing specific aspects of the user‐developer dialog within the context of a Web GIS software development life cycle, this article presents a case study for similar systems. The results of the UCD methodology is a discussion that presents a shift from an initial design to a new design that, based on user feedback, furthers the utility and usability of interactive masking within the Web GIS.  相似文献   

赵婷  华一新  李响  李翔  杨飞 《测绘工程》2016,25(6):28-32
地理标签数据是指蕴含在网页、照片、微博等信息媒介中的地理空间信息,其表现形式通常是经纬度坐标。通过分析地理标签数据的研究现状,对地理标签数据进行分类,并归纳地理标签数据具有属性数据非结构化、海量信息分布不均、强调位置相对关系等特点。针对其中一个特点,通过对K-means算法进行改进,结合计算机图形学相关知识,利用热力图表达地理标签数据的分布特征。最后,通过与ArcGIS核密度图、散点图进行比较,得出该热力图算法具有表达效果明显、用户体验好等优点。  相似文献   

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