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A new polypore fungus beetle is described and illustrated, under the name of Thescelostrophus cretaceus gen. et sp. nov., representing the first documented occurrence of the tribe Eustrophini. The well-preserved specimen was collected from the Upper Cretaceous (Cenomanian, ca. 99 Ma) amber near the Hukawng Valley of northern Myanmar. This fossil species can be assigned to the extant subfamily Eustrophinae based on its elongate oval and strongly narrowed posteriorly body, simple and narrow tarsi, and somewhat clubbed antennomeres. The comparison among the extinct and extant eustrophines supports the previous hypothesis that antennal morphology of early eustrophines was very diverse. Additionally, an overall similarity between Thescelostrophus and extant eustrophines suggests a potential fungivory of this fossil species. Morphological characters preserved in the Burmese amber highlight the diversity of tetratomids during the Late Mesozoic and provide data for future phylogenetic studies of Tetratomidae.  相似文献   

Three new species of Dermestidae are described and illustrated from the Upper Cretaceous Burmese amber: Attagenus secundus sp. nov. (Attageninae: Attagenini), Cretodermestes palpalis gen. et sp. nov. (Attageninae: Cretodermestini trib. nov.) and Megatoma atypica sp. nov. (Megatominae: Megatomini). Members of Dermestidae are relatively frequent in Burmese amber, representing at least three subfamilies: Attageninae, Dermestinae and Megatominae. Taxonomic and morphological diversity of Cretaceous Dermestidae suggests ancient origin of this group with some lineages showing remarkable evolutionary stasis for almost 100 million years.  相似文献   

Christophus myanmarensis gen. et sp. nov., Christophus ohmkuhnlei gen. et sp. nov., and Mintara parva gen. et sp. nov., three new species and two new genera of belytine wasps (Diapriidae: Belytinae) are described and figured from males preserved in mid-Cretaceous Kachin (Burmese) amber. These new fossils enrich the fossil record of Cretaceous diapriids, summarized here, demonstrating the diversity of the family before the K/Pg extinction and suggesting an older origin for the family.  相似文献   

A new Upper Cretaceous genus and species of soldier beetles, Archaeomalthodes rosetta gen. et sp. nov., is described and illustrated from an individual preserved in Upper Cretaceous (Cenomanian, ca. 99 Ma) amber from northern Myanmar. It is undoubtedly placed in extant subfamily Malthininae based on its small-sized body, somewhat abbreviated elytra and fusiform terminal maxillary palpomere, representing the oldest documented occurrence of Malthininae. It suggests that this subfamily is an ancient group, which originated at least in the earliest Late Cretaceous. Our discovery sheds light on the palaeodiversity of Cantharidae in the Late Mesozoic. Together with other previously reported fossil cantharids, it is likely that Malthininae has been fairly diverse during the early evolution of Cantharidae. On the other hand, a morphological similarity between Archaeomalthodes and Recent malthinines and the occurrence of flowering plants in the Burmese amber implies a potential flower-visiting behaviour of this fossil species.  相似文献   

Two new genera and species of Cretaceous webspinners (Embiodea) are described and figured, both preserved in amber from northern Myanmar. Atmetoclothoda orthotenes Engel and Huang, gen. et sp. nov., is the first fossil representative of the putatively primitive family Clothodidae, and is segregated into its own subfamily, Atmetoclothodinae Engel and Huang, subfam. nov., owing to its primitive retention of a distinct mentum, a quadrate submentum with straight borders, a postocciptal suture that meets the hypostomal sulcus at the posterior tentorial pit, and subgenae that do not meet medially (thus a ventral bridge or gula is lacking), completely symmetrical terminalia, and unsegmented cerci that apically bear a small inner lamellar projection. Litoclostes delicatus Engel and Huang, gen. et sp. nov., is the first definitive fossil of Oligotomidae (not including a subfossil species in Pleistocene copal and which is likely synonymous with an extant taxon), and differs from modern genera in a combination of head, tarsal, and terminalic morphology. The new fossil species double the known Cretaceous fossils and add a further two families to the Mesozoic record for the order.  相似文献   

Two new genera with two new species in Berothidae, Maculaberotha nervosa gen. et sp. nov. and Magniberotha recurrens gen. et sp. nov., are described from Upper Cretaceous Myanmar (Burmese) amber. Based on the new specimens of the same species, we propose some venational characters as intraspecific variations, e.g., the markings on the wings and crossveins in the radial sector. We also study and compare the female genital sclerites from three genera of Haploberotha, Dasyberotha, and Jersiberotha to highlight the importance of using these characters preserved in amber for taxonomic and phylogenetic studies. Furthermore, an updated key to the berothid genera of Myanmar amber is provided.  相似文献   

A new fossil soldier beetle Myamalycocerus vitalii gen. et sp. nov., is described and illustrated from an inclusion in Upper Cretaceous Burmese amber (Myanmar). It differs from all extant genera that have elytra adorned with small striae by possessing raised punctation, very probably an ancient character as it is absent among current species. It differs from the fossil Ornatomalthinus Poinar et Fanti, by the long elytra and relief points which are less raised and more numerous. This new genus appears vaguely related (not necessarily phylogenetically) to the current genus Lycocerus Gorham.  相似文献   

The Glandulariini (=Cyrtoscydmini) is today the largest, most species-rich and most diverse tribe of Scydmaeninae comprising over 70% of the extant species of this subfamily. Named genera and species of Glandulariini are known mostly from Miocene to Eocene ambers, with only one, recently described Mesozoic taxon. Here we report the second genus of Glandulariini from Upper Cretaceous Burmese amber, Cenomaniola Jałoszyński and Yamamoto, gen. nov., with two species, C. carinata Jałoszyński and Yamamoto, sp. nov. and C. macrophthalma Jałoszyński and Yamamoto, sp. nov. Cenomaniola shows the general body plan typical of the ‘Euconnus complex’ within Glandulariini, with thick bristles on the sides of head and pronotum, a character conserved for nearly a hundred million years. With the previous discovery of Scydmobisetia Jałoszyński and Yamamoto, two major body forms typical of the extant Glandulariini are already proved to have differentiated in or before the Late Cretaceous. This demonstrates early origins and a long conservation of ‘Euconnus-like’ and ‘Sciacharis/Horaeomorphus-like’ body plan in the currently largest group among Scydmaeninae.  相似文献   

Palaeoperilestes electronicus gen. et sp. nov. is the first perilestid damselfly described from mid-Cretaceous Burmese amber. This new damselfly can be attributed to the family Perilestidae by the midfork being distal of the subnodus and the base of IR2 quite near to the base of RP2, both features found in the extant genera Perilestes and Perissolestes. Palaeoperilestes electronicus gen. et sp. nov. has a strongly zigzagged IR1, however, differing from Perilestes and Perissolestes which have a straight IR1. The discovery not only adds to the diversity of damselflies in Burmese amber, but also puts the origin of Perilestidae back to at least the mid-Cretaceous.  相似文献   

Cretadilar olei gen. et sp. nov. and Burmopsychops groehni sp. nov. (Neuroptera: Dilaridae) are described from the Late Cretaceous (earliest Cenomanian/late Albian) Burmese amber. Their dilarid affinities are supported by two autapomorphies of the family: the reduction of the ligula and the presence of pectinate antennae in males. They are considered to belong to two new subfamilies, Cretanallachiinae subfam. nov. and Cretadilarinae subfam. nov., respectively. These subfamilies are easily distinguished from other dilarids (Dilarinae, Nallachiinae, and Berothellinae) by possessing siphonate mouthparts; however they strongly differ from each other. In particular, the broad gonocoxites 9 of Cretanallachiinae females are not fused to form a distinct ovipositor, and bear long gonostyli, whereas a distinct saber-like ovipositor (short, lacking gonostyli) is present in Cretadilarinae. It is assumed that Cretanallachiinae primarily fed on pollen and Cretadilarinae on the nectar of flowers.  相似文献   

A new brachyceran fly (Diptera: Tabanomorpha), Pseudorhagio zhangi gen. et sp. nov., is described from Late Cretaceous Burmese amber. It is tentatively placed as Family incertae sedis in Tabanomorpha and distinguished from other Tabanomorpha by the following unusual combination of characters: head wider than thorax; body densely covered with fine and short setae, devoid of macrosetae; scutum strongly convex, nearly spherical; scutellum rather small, convex; antennal flagellum elongated, tapering, unsegmented; vein R4 perpendicular to R5, and strongly curved; crossvein m-m very long, strongly sinuated; tibial spur formula 0, 2, 0. This discovery further confirms the high diversity of Tabanomorpha in Late Cretaceous Burmese amber. An updated list of brachyceran species in Burmese amber is given.  相似文献   

Two new genera and species of fossil chrysidoid wasps belonging to the families Chrysididae and Bethylidae are described from Charentese (Fouras Bois-Vert and Archingeay) lower Upper Cretaceous amber of France. New taxa include: Sphaerocleptes neraudeaui n. gen. et sp., and Nucifrangibulum carentonensis n. gen. et sp. A new bethylid wasp is also described but left in open nomenclature. These findings are the first records of the subfamilies Cleptinae and Bethylinae in these deposits and time interval. The implications of these discoveries, and the features shared with previously known taxa are discussed.  相似文献   

A new species of Dicranoptycha Osten Sacken, 1860, Dicranoptycha plicativa sp. nov., and a unassigned species are illustrated and described from Myanmar (Burmese) amber (lowermost Cenomanian, Upper Cretaceous). A complete list of fossil species of the genus Dicranoptycha is summarized. In addition, an updated key to the known fossil species of the Dicranoptycha is provided.  相似文献   

A new species belonging to the extant dermestid genus Attagenus, Attagenus burmiticus sp. nov., is described and illustrated based on a well-preserved specimen from the Upper Cretaceous Burmese amber. The discovery suggests that Attagenus is an ancient group, originating as early as in the mid-Cretaceous. Along with another species of Attagenus known from the Upper Cretaceous New Jersey amber, it implies that Attagenus were widespread in the Mesoozic.  相似文献   

The oldest laniatorean harvestman, Petrobunoides sharmai gen. et sp. nov. (Opiliones: Laniatores) is described, from the Upper Cretaceous (lowermost Cenomanian) amber of Myanmar. This is the first fossil Laniatores recovered from Southeast Asia, which is placed in the extant family Epedanidae. It is also the first fossil known within the superfamily Epedanoidea; a relatively derived clade of Laniatores restricted to Southeast Asia today. At ca. 99 Ma, this new amber inclusion is substantially older than the previous oldest record of a member of Laniatores from Baltic amber (ca. 44–49 Ma); however, given the Palaeozoic age of Laniatores implied by molecular data, the new record from Burmese amber is probably still too young for constraining or calibrating the date of cladogenesis for total group Laniatores. Nevertheless, it provides a much better constraint for Epedanoidea, adding the first useful laniatorean fossil to provide an internal calibration point for a clade of Grassatores.  相似文献   

The Glandulariini (=Cyrtoscydmini) includes about 60 genera comprising over 70% of the extant species of Scydmaeninae. This successful group is today very common and abundant in forests of all continents. However, while extinct representatives of much smaller extant tribes, as Clidicini, Eutheiini and Cephenniini, were described from Cretaceous deposits, named genera and species of Glandulariini were so far known only from much younger Baltic, Sicilian and Dominican ambers. Here we report the first genus and species of definite Glandulariini from the Upper Cretaceous Burmese amber, Scydmobisetia vetutissima Jałoszyński and Yamamoto, gen. and sp. nov. Scydmobisetia is the first known glandulariine beetle with a pair of very long vertexal sensilla chaetica, previously not found in this tribe, but common among unrelated Staphylinidae. The new genus shows similarities to the extant genera Anthicimimus, Sciacharis, Spinosciacharis and Horaeomorphus, but S. vetutissima has protibial modifications typical of males of some extant species of Euconnus. We discuss the apparent disproportion in the oldest fossil record of various tribes of scydmaenines as a result of identification problems, and not the lack of known fossils.  相似文献   

A new genus and species of orussoid wasps, Cretorussus vilhelmseni gen. et sp. nov., is described based on new material from the mid-Cretaceous Burmese amber. Its wing venation and body characters lead us to emend the diagnosis of the family Burmorussidae. Cretorussus vilhelmseni gen. et sp. nov. is considered to be a specialized parasitic wasp of wood-living hosts because of the orussid-like ocellar crown, antennae attached well above clypeus, and antennal grooves absent. Interestingly, the third tarsomere carries a prominent lanceolate lobe, serving as part of the host detection. We propose a summary of the orussoid fossil diversity. Lastly, we discuss the implications of several characters of Burmorussidae that are involved in host detection.  相似文献   

A new genus and species of extinct rove beetle, Procileoporus burmiticus gen. and sp. n., is described from Upper Cretaceous Burmese amber (Cenomanian; ca. 99 Ma). Due to the condition of the fossil, parts of the body could not be examined, but sufficient characteristics were visible to allow the specimen to be placed within the subfamily Tachyporinae (tribe Tachyporini). Procileoporus is most similar to the extant genus Cileoporus Campbell in having a slender abdomen, but it differs in having much shorter abdominal setae, prominent striated microreticulation on the elytra, non-lobed tergite VIII, and in other details of the male genital segments. This is the first tachyporine rove beetle from Burmese amber and the oldest record of the subfamily in amber. The evolution of sexual dimorphism in the genital segments is briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Cretocrenis burmanicus, gen. et sp. nov. is described from Burmese amber and represents the oldest known amber inclusion of the family Hydrophilidae (Coleoptera: Polyphaga). The new genus resembles the small-bodied modern genera of the tribe Anacaenini and the subfamily Acidocerinae, and the morphology of the venter and male genitalia suggest that it belongs to the Horelophus+Crenitis clade of the tribe Anacaenini. The fossil is described in detail, illustrated, and compared with extant hydrophilid genera.  相似文献   

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