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The Lleiniog Sand and Gravel Formation, of late Devensian age, has been divided into four Members. The sediments are interpreted as the sequential products of the wasting of a single ice lobe. Member I formed where subglacial streams debouched into a pro-glacial lake and is noteworthy for the occurrence of a bedform, hitherto undescribed but which may be common in many outwash sequences; Member 2 consists of channel sands and gravels deposited by pro-glacial streams; Member 3 has the characters of a melt-out till deposited after a readvance; and Member 4 accumulated in pools of meltwater on the irregular surface of Member 3. Clasts above granule grade are dominantly of locally-derived Carboniferous rocks although a far travelled component from northern England and southern Scotland can be distinguished as well as a small but constant input of Lower Palaeozoic rock types from the Conwy area. The sand grade is dominated by quartz grains released from Permo-Triassic sandstones. Clay grade material has been derived from Carboniferous shales.  相似文献   

《Sedimentary Geology》2007,193(1-4):21-31
Three basal-till facies from the Lower Vistula valley were examined. The lowest facies, a sandy diamicton with characteristic sand inclusions forming detached and attenuated folds, is overlain by a bedded till characterized by alternating diamictons and sorted sediment layers. The uppermost till facies is a homogeneous diamicton.The three till facies must have been formed by complex subglacial sedimentary processes during the first Late Weichselian ice advance. The lowest till facies is interpreted as a deformation till, and accumulated during the initial stage of the ice advance. The middle facies represents a stagnation phase during the initial ice advance, and was deposited during recurrent periods of subglacial melt-out followed by meltwater sedimentation. The upper till facies was deposited by direct subglacial melt-out during a stage of stagnant ice.It is suggested that bed deformation and temporarily enhanced basal sliding have been caused by ice streaming at the time of the ice-sheet advance and just before its stagnation.  相似文献   

Hummocky terrain composed of boulder gravel and a wavy contact between stratified till and sand are described and explained as products of subglacial meltwater activity beneath the Saginaw Lobe of the Laurentide Ice Sheet in south-central Michigan. Exposures and geophysical investigations of hummocky terrain in a tunnel channel reveal that hummocks (˜100m diameter) are glaciofluvial bedforms with a supraglacial melt-out till or till flow veneer. The hummocky terrain is interpreted as a subglacial glaciofluvial landscape rather than one of stagnant ice processes commonly assumed for hummocky landscapes. Sandy bedforms at another site are in-phase with a wavy contact at the base of a stratified till exposed for 50m along the margin of a tunnel channel. The 0.4m thick stratified till is overlain by up to 5m of compact, pebble-rich, sandy subglacial melt-out till. The contact between the till and sand has a wave form with a 0.5m amplitude and 3-5m wavelength. Bedding within the stratified till, sandy bedforms and melt-out till are mostly in-phase with each other. Clasts from the overlying stratified till penetrate and deform the underlying sand recording recoupling of the ice to its bed. Ice ripples cut into the base of river ice have a similar morphology and are considered analogs for cavities cut into the base of the glacier and subsequently filled with sand. Subglacial meltwater activity was not coeval at each study site, indicating that subglacial meltwater played important roles in the evolution of the subglacial environment beneath the Saginaw Lobe at different times.  相似文献   

Several infilled glacial meltwater channels of Anglian age are described from SE Suffolk, U.K. These channels are up to 4km long, 150m wide and 8m deep. They possess a consistent pattern of infill comprising glacifluvial sands and gravels overlain by subglacial water-lain fine sands and silts; these pass conformably upwards through thinly interstratified tills and sands into basal tills. The channels were formed at the ice-margin. Their sedimentary infill indicates overriding by the ice-sheet and subsequent subglacial deposition.  相似文献   

The Late Westphalian to Artinskian glaciomarine deposits of the Karoo and Kalahari basins of southern Africa consist of massive and stratified diamictite, mudrock with ice-rafted material, sandstone, silty rhythmite, shale and subordinate conglomerate forming a cyclic succession recognizable across both basins. A complete cycle comprises a resistant basal unit of apparently massive diamictite overlain by softer, bedded stratified diamictite, sandstone and mudrock with a total thickness of as much as 350 m. Four major cycles are observed each separated by bounding surfaces. Lateral facies changes are present in some cycles. The massive diamictites formed as aprons and fans in front of the ice-grounding line, whereas the stratified diamictites represent more distal debris-flow fans. The sandstones originated in different environments as turbidite sands, small subaqueous outwash channel sands and delta front sands. The rhythmites and mudrock represent blanket deposits derived from turbid meltwater plumes. Cycles represent deglaciation sequences which formed during ice retreat phases caused by eustatic changes in the Karoo and Kalahari basins. Evidence for shorter-term fluctuation of the ice margin is present within the major advance-retreat cycles. Hardly any sediment was deposited during lowstand ice sheet expansion, whereas a deglaciation sequence was laid down during a sea-level rise and ice margin retreat with the volume of meltwater and sediment input depending on temporary stillstands of the ice margin during the retreat phase. The duration of the cycles is between 9 and 11 Ma suggesting major global tectono-eustatic events. Smaller cycles probably linked to orbital forcing were superimposed on the longer-term events. A sequence stratigraphic approach using the stacking of deglaciation sequences with the ice margin advance phases forming bounding surfaces, can be a tool in the framework analysis of ancient glaciomarine basin fills.  相似文献   

Subglacial meltwater plays a significant yet poorly understood role in the dynamics of the Antarctic ice sheets. Here we present new swath bathymetry from the western Amundsen Sea Embayment, West Antarctica, showing meltwater channels eroded into acoustic basement. Their morphological characteristics and size are consistent with incision by subglacial meltwater. To understand how and when these channels formed we have investigated the infill of three channels. Diamictons deposited beneath or proximal to an expanded grounded West Antarctic Ice Sheet are present in two of the channels and these are overlain by glaciomarine sediments deposited after deglaciation. The sediment core from the third channel recovered a turbidite sequence also deposited after the last deglaciation. The presence of deformation till at one core site and the absence of typical meltwater deposits (e.g., sorted sands and gravels) in all three cores suggest that channel incision pre-dates overriding by fast flowing grounded ice during the last glacial period. Given the overall scale of the channels and their incision into bedrock, it is likely that the channels formed over multiple glaciations, possibly since the Miocene, and have been reoccupied on several occasions. This also implies that the channels have survived numerous advances and retreats of grounded ice.  相似文献   

This paper presents an historical and in places informal account of the meltwater hypothesis, which invokes enormous outburst floods for the formation of subglacial bedforms. It begins with a brief discussion of the difficulties of determining processes of formation for landforms, which are not seen in formation. Analogy provides a solution to these difficulties. Analogy between erosional marks at the bases of turbidites and drumlins, which were the starting point for this hypothesis, rests on the idea that inverted erosional marks at the ice bed are subsequently infilled to form drumlins. Field tests on the sedimentology, architecture, and landform associations of drumlins in the Livingstone Lake drumlin field are outlined before more extensive work on bedrock erosional forms and flood routes is introduced. Bedrock erosional forms played a central part in establishing the hypothesis since their form and ornamentation are confidently interpreted as fluvial. Their form and genesis are discussed mainly with reference to sites at French River and Wilton Creek, Ontario, though some remarkable bedrock erosional forms in Antarctica support their regional extent. Initially in the meltwater hypothesis, drumlins were thought to be cavity fills and erosional drumlins were recognized later. This development is shown to be central to the realization that drumlin composition may be inferred from drumlin form. The scale of drumlin fields, measured at about 103 km2, and the magnitude of the inferred floods require that the flood events were regional. Regional-scale flood tracts in Ontario, Quebec, Alberta and the Northwest Territories extending over 1000 km in length and several hundred kilometers in width, support this suggestion. Floods, had they occurred, would have caused rapid rates of sea level rise and may have changed climate through their effects on ocean stratification and sea surface temperatures. The meltwater hypothesis covers a range of bedforms besides drumlins and bedrock erosional marks—fluting, Rogen moraine, hummocky terrain, and transverse ridges. Recent work shows how these forms are best explained by the meltwater hypothesis. The roles of water storage and release, which underpin the theory of the meltwater hypothesis, remain poorly understood.  相似文献   

Tillites, conglomerates and sandstones occurring in the basal part of the Smalfjord Formation along the Varangerfjord, East Finnmark, North Norway are believed to have formed during the retreat of a glacier. At Kvalnes, on the south side of the fjord, the following sequence, up to 20 m thick, is found: (1) massive monomict tillite interpreted as a subglacial till, (2) massive polymict tillite with lenticular intercalations of stratified sandstone and tillite, interpreted as supraglacial/proglacial drift, (3) polymict conglomerate interstratified with laminated sandstones, interpreted as braided stream deposits. The last named interfingers laterally and is overlain by marine sandstones. At Bigganjargga, near the head of the fjord, a lens of tillite about 3 m thick rests on a striated pavement and is overlain by sandstones and shales. Part of the tillite, containing irregular patches of slightly winnowed tillite, is interpreted as a melt-out till, while a marginal part consisting of inclined tillite beds is interpreted as a series of flow till deposits. The lens is believed to be an oblique section through what was originally an ice-cored moraine ridge. During a subsequent transgression, the moraine was partially eroded, a lag conglomerate was formed, and overlying marine sediments were deposited. Bedded flow tills formed in a supraglacial/proglacial environment may be preserved where the extent of current reworking is very low (such as an isolated end moraine). Stratified conglomerate and sandstone, intimately intercalated with tillite, is to be expected at a glacier margin where glacial meltwater is locally and occasionally abundant, and glacier ablation permits downslope flowage of mobilized supraglacial fluid till.  相似文献   

Investigations of Late Weichselian deposits on the plateau north of Berghem, southwestern Sweden, constitute the basis for a detailed interpretation of basal tills above the marine limit. Deposition in relation to bedrock ridges perpendicular to ice flow occurred mainly on the stoss side. The content of locally derived bedrock increases with depth and the intensity of deformation within the ridge increases whengoing from the ice-proximal to the distal position. Drumlinoid features around a rock hillock suggest that the depositional behaviour on the stoss side was slightly different in the central part compared with the flanks. In the ice-proximal position the earliest deposition occurred in the centre of the drumlinoid, where the frequency of locally derived components is highest. The deformation in the central part was more intense than on the flank. The details of the till stratigraphy and structures cannot be attributed to one single process. Rather, an interaction of processes is proposed to account for this deposition. The processes involved are lodgement, basal melt-out, deformation and subglacial meltwater sedimentation.  相似文献   

Whittecar, G.R. & Mickelson, D. M. 1977 06 01: Sequence of till deposition and erosion in drumlins.
Extensive sand and gravel workings have exposed structural and compositional features of 17 gravel-cored drumlins of late Wisconsin age in eastern Wisconsin. The drumlins are blanketed by 3 m of sandy basal till which truncates lower tills of earlier advanccs, outwash gravels, and an overlying till which is conformable to the gravel bedding and indistinguishable in composition from the surface till. Sands and gravels in the interior of some drumlins are deformed into large overturned folds, and into elastic dikes of fine sand and silt which penetrate to the top of the drumlin and warp overlying gravels. Both the folds and horizontal bedding are truncated by either the drumlin edge or the till blanket.
We interpret the conformable, truncated, and in some cases folded, till as a basal till deposited during glacial advance. The capping, truncating till is viewed as a basal till left by retreating ice.
The following sequence of events is suggested: (1) advance of ice over outwash, and deposition of till in a zone mar the margin; (2) thickening of the ice and erosion of the drumlin shapes; (3) local folding of the gravels and continued erosion; (4) retreat of ice and deposition of basal till under thin ice; (5) deposition of localized ablation till and stratified deposits.  相似文献   

This paper presents a revised glacial chronology for the Lahul Himalaya and provides the most detailed reconstruction of former glacier extents in the western Himalayas published to date. On the basis of detailed geomorphological mapping, morphostratigraphy, and absolute and relative dating, three glaciations and two glacial advances are constrained. The oldest glaciation (Chandra glacial stage) is represented by glacially eroded benches and drumlins (the first to be described from the Himalaya) at altitudes of >4300 m and indicates glaciation on a landscape of broad valleys that had minimal fluvial incision. The second glaciation (Batal glacial stage) is represented by highly weathered and disssected lateral moraines and drumlins representing two phases of glaciation within the Batal glacial stage (Batal I and Batal II). The Batal stage was an extensive valley glaciation interrupted by a readvance that produced superimposed bedforms. Optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating, indicates that glaciers probably started to retreat between 43400 ± 10300 and 36900 ± 8400 yr ago during the Batal stage. The Batal stage may be equivalent to marine Oxygen Isotope Stage 4 and early Oxygen Isotope Stage 3. The third glaciation (Kulti glacial stage), is represented by well-preserved moraines in the main tributary valleys that formed due to a less-extensive valley glaciation when ice advanced no more than 12 km from present ice margins. On the basis of an OSL age for deltaic sands and gravels that underlie tills of Kulti age, the Kulti glaciation is younger than 36900 ± 8400 yr ago. The development of peat bogs, having a basal age of 9160 ± 70 14C yr BP possibly represents a phase of climatic amelioration coincident with post-Kulti deglaciation. The Kulti glaciation, therefore, is probably equivalent to all or parts of late Oxygen Isotope Stage 3, Stage 2 and early Stage 1. Two minor advances (Sonapani I and II) are represented by small sharp-crested moraines within a few kilometres of glacier termini. On the basis of relative weathering, the Sonapani advance is possibly of early mid-Holocene age, whereas the Sonapani II advance is historical. The change in style and extent of glaciation is attributed to topographic controls produced by fluvial incision and by increasing aridity during the Quaternary. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Graphical and numerical reconstructions of the Rainy and Superior lobes of the Laurentide Ice Sheet suggest that drumlin formation was time transgressive. Suites of glacial landforms including drumlins, tunnel valleys, eskers, and ice-collapse features can be correlated with specific recessional ice margins and are used as boundary conditions in the modeling. A contour map of the ice surface is then drawn using a specified basal shear stress. The shear stress can be constant or allowed to vary with position on the bed and is chosen to be consistent with the subglacial regime indicated by field evidence. Assuming that ice flow is parallel to drumlin orientations and perpendicular to the ice surface contours and moraines, the trend of drumlin axes is best accommodated by time transgressive drumlin formation during minor stillstands in the overall ice recession. The alternative, that drumlins were formed while the ice was at the Late Wisconsin maximum limit, requires large spatial variations in the basal shear stress distribution and therefore implies large mass-balance gradients or large variations in basal sliding velocities over small distances, for which there is little evidence.  相似文献   

Subglacial landsystems in and around Okanagan Valley, British Columbia, Canada are investigated in order to evaluate landscape development, subglacial hydrology and Cordilleran Ice Sheet dynamics along its southern margin. Major landscape elements include drumlin swarms and tunnel valleys. Drumlins are composed of bedrock, diamicton and glaciofluvial sediments; their form truncates the substrate. Tunnel valleys of various scales (km to 100s km length), incised into bedrock and sediment, exhibit convex longitudinal profiles, and truncate drumlin swarms. Okanagan Valley is the largest tunnel valley in the area and is eroded >300 m below sea level. Over 600 m of Late Wisconsin-age sediments, consisting of a fining-up sequence of cobble gravel, sand and silt fill Okanagan Valley. Landform–substrate relationships, landform associations, and sedimentary sequences are incompatible with prevailing explanations of landsystem development centred mainly on deforming beds. They are best explained by meltwater erosion and deposition during ice sheet underbursts.During the Late-Wisconsin glaciation, Okanagan Valley functioned as part of a subglacial lake spanning multiple connected valleys (few 100s km) of southern British Columbia. Subglacial lake development started either as glaciers advanced over a pre-existing sub-aerial lake (catch lake) or by incremental production and storage of basal meltwater. High geothermal heat flux, geothermal springs and/or subglacial volcanic eruptions contributed to ice melt, and may have triggered, along with priming from supraglacial lakes, subglacial lake drainage. During the underburst(s), sheetflows eroded drumlins in corridors and channelized flows eroded tunnel valleys. Progressive flow channelization focused flows toward major bedrock valleys. In Okanagan Valley, most of the pre-glacial and early-glacial sediment fill was removed. A fining-up sequence of boulder gravel and sand was deposited during waning stages of the underburst(s) and bedrock drumlins in Okanagan Valley were enhanced or wholly formed by this underburst(s).Subglacial lake development and drainage had an impact on ice sheet geometry and ice volumes. The prevailing conceptual model for growth and decay of the CIS suggests significantly thicker ice in valleys compared to plateaus. Subglacial lake development created a reversal of this ice sheet geometry where grounded ice on plateaus thickened while floating valley ice remained thinner (due to melting and enhanced sliding, with significant transfer of ice toward the ice sheet margin). Subglacial lake drainage may have hastened deglaciation by melting ice, lowering ice-surface elevations, and causing lid fracture. This paper highlights the importance of ice sheet hydrology: its control on ice flow dynamics, distribution and volume in continental ice masses.  相似文献   

Much previous research at surge-type glaciers has sought to identify features diagnostic of surge-type behaviour. However, in comparatively little work have subglacial landform–sediment characteristics been used to reconstruct changing basal processes and conditions during surge events. Subglacial bedforms described in this article are associated with the 1991 surge of Skeiðarárjökull, Iceland, and include a series of drumlins with superimposed flutes and basal crevasse-fill ridges. The drumlins were formed by the subglacial erosion of ice-contact fans. Sedimentary evidence indicates a shift from rigid-bed to soft-bed conditions during the surge. The presence of eroded but undeformed fan sediments suggests that they acted as a rigid bed when initially overridden. Subsequent deposition of a layer of deformation till resulted in a change to soft-bed conditions and the generation of flutes and subglacial crevasse-fill ridges. The lack of mixing between this till and the underlying stratified sediments indicates that subglacial sediment deformation was restricted to a thin layer and that its deposition resulted in a cessation of subglacial erosion. The drumlin is therefore a composite of both rigid-bed and soft-bed processes that illustrates changes in basal conditions and processes during the course of the event. The limited time frame in which the drumlin formed and the presence of kettleholes across its surface are distinctive features that may warrant further investigation in the search for features diagnostic of past surge events.  相似文献   

Pleistocene lateral meltwater channels are commonly used as evidence of cold-based or polythermal ice. However, lateral meltwater channel formation has been observed for >40 years along the margins of a rapidly thinning temperate glacier in Glacier Bay, Alaska. Flights of nested linear lateral meltwater channels and in-and-out channels have formed on the sides of emerging nunataks. Nested channels at Burroughs Glacier are up to 200 m long; they are good proxies for the slope of the ice margin along the land surface and are terminated by subglacial chutes. A perched water table associated with precipitation and high ablation rates in the temperate ice causes surface meltwater to flow toward the margin above less permeable ice. The water flows along the margin and erodes lateral meltwater channels until a subglacial chute carries the water into the subglacial water system. Rates of channel formation range from 0 to 8 channels/year. Spacing and rates of channel formation are controlled by the land-surface slope, ablation rate, erodibility of the substrate and stream discharge. Because lateral meltwater channels have been observed forming along a temperate glacier margin, care must be exercised when using the presence of lateral meltwater channels as definitive evidence of cold-based or polythermal ice.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Four types of sediment gravity flow deposits occur interbedded with rhythmite shale, siltsone, mudstone and minor diamictite in a 230-m thick Carboniferous glacial sequence. Shear and plug zones are present in the cohesive debris flow deposits which have a diamictic texture. The high-density turbidity flow deposits which consist of coarse to medium-grained clastics, are characterized by both normal and reverse grading. The medium to fine-grained low-density turbidity flow deposits show normal grading and consist of Bouma units A, B, D and E. Deposition occurred by gravity flow, suspension settling and minor basal melt-out during ice retreat along the southern margin of the Kalahari Basin. Immediately basinwards of the ice grounding line a proximal diamictite facies consisting predominantly of cohesive and high-density turbidity flow deposits, and minor melt-out tills formed. A distal sedimentary facies of graded sandstone and siltstone units deposited by low-density turbidity flows and suspension settling of muds with ice-rafted debris is located basinwards.  相似文献   

Element analysis of modern-day floodplains provides a framework for characterizing associations amongst depositional forms, the processes responsible for them and their local depositional environment. From interpretation of the spatial association of elements, mechanisms of floodplain evolution can be analysed. The Squamish River, in southwestern British Columbia, is a high-energy, gravel-based river, which exhibits a distinct downstream gradation in channel planform type. The floodplain sedimentology of this river is evaluated using an element approach. Five elements, defined on the basis of their morphological outline, position within sediment sequences and sedimentological character, describe the floodplain sedimentology: (i) top-stratum, (ii) chute channel; (iii) ridge; (iv) bar platform; (v) basal channel gravels. The sedimentological composition of each element is described. Each of these units relates directly to morphostratigraphic units which make up contemporary bars of the Squamish River. Associations among facies defined at the bedform scale, morphostratigraphic units on bar surfaces and elemental floodplain features are described and explained. The vertical stacking arrangement of elements is analysed in trenches (dug perpendicular to the main channel) and in bank exposures. Two elemental sedimentology models are proposed. In the first model, bar platform sands are discontinuous above basal channel gravels. Chute channel, ridge and proximal topstratum elements form thick sequences above. The second model is characterized by sequences in which distal top-stratum deposits are observed. In these instances, bar platform sands are better preserved beneath the distal top-stratum element, with proximal top-stratum elements above. The applicability of these models is determined primarily by position on the floodplain. Chute channel reworking of floodplain sediments and replacement by top-stratum elements is the dominant process marginal to contemporary bars. Sites in which channel avulsion has resulted in preservation of distal top-stratum deposits in the midsequence of the present-day channel banks determine the occurrence of the second model. Although channel planform style changes down-valley in the study reach from braided to meandering, these two models apply in each reach. It is concluded that processes operative at the element scale, rather than the channel planform scale, determine floodplain sedimentology.  相似文献   

An array of about 200 exceptionally long and narrow drumlins occurs in north-central North Dakota. The most prominent of the drumlins is 27 km long, and their average length is between 2 km and 3 km. The drumlin field is closely associated with, and occurs immediately up-glacier from, an extensive area of ice-thrust topography. Most of the drumlin ridges have small glacier-thrust masses at their heads. Internal structures are complex, but typically include large numbers of gravity faults, which dip away from the center of the drumlin ridges. Materials contained in the drumlins were transported from higher pressure areas beneath the glacier, inward toward lower pressure areas (cavities) by flowing, thrusting, squeezing and other processes. The close and systematic association of the long drumlins with nearby areas of ice-thrust topography indicates a genetic tie; conditions that caused the glacier to form large ice thrusts also contributed to drumlin formation. Major factors involved in the formation of the drumlins were high porewater pressures in interbedded permeable and impermeable materials beneath a thin, swiftly flowing glacier, and the presence of areas of frozen ground near the margin of the glacier.  相似文献   

This is a study of Late Devensian drumlins formed in southern Anglesey and Arvon, northwest Wales. This area was affected by ice sheet coalescence when the Welsh ice sheet met with the lrish Sea ice sheet, and drumlins were formed once the two had coalesced. It is suggested that the drumlins were the result of net subglacial soft-bed erosion, and that they represent more resistant cores within the subglacial deforming layer. The drumlins have either gravel or till cores, and where the core was deformable, large-scale compressive glaciotectonic structures were seen (e.g. Dinas Dinlle) with local subglacial compression of –59%. Where the cores were more resistant (e.g. Lleiniog) these were not deformed but remained as more competent masses within the deforming layer. It is suggested that the less competent material flowed around the cores, some remaining as a thin carapace, but most of the material being removed down glacier, leaving the drumlins as erosional remnants. In northwest Wales there is a multi-till sequence that traditionally has been interpreted as having been deposited as the result of separate ice-sheet advances and retreats. However, in this study, it is suggested that the different tills were deposited as the result of ice-sheet coalescence, and that sites such as Dinas Dinlle do not show evidence of a major readvance in the retreat of the Devensian ice, but are indicative of continuously changing conditions within the subglacial deforming bed.  相似文献   

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