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月球的化学演化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
月球是一个发生了化学分异的星球,它由月壳、月幔±一个小的金属月核组成。大量观察事实显示月球曾经有过岩浆洋,岩浆洋的结晶分异主导了月球的化学演化。目前主流观点认为,月球是在太阳系演化的早期,至少45亿年前,一个火星大小的星球,与即将完成原始吸积的地球胚胎发生偏心撞击,造成地球的熔融,形成岩浆洋,飞溅出来的物质迅速吸积形成绕地球运动的月球,并且在月球上形成了全球规模的岩浆洋,进而发生了结晶分异。,由于月球上没有海洋和板块俯冲,岩浆洋分异是其化学演化的主要途径。月球岩浆洋的80%~85%在大撞击后的100Ma内已经固化,这可能是由于月球体积小、表面没有大气包裹所致。月球极贫水,因此在岩浆结晶过程中斜长石首先结晶。斜长石由于密度小于玄武质岩浆而漂浮在岩浆洋的表层,橄榄石等密度大的矿物则堆积在岩浆洋的底部。随着结晶分异的进行,残余岩浆不断富集不相容元素,包括K、U等放射性元素;与此同时,密度较大的钛铁矿开始结晶,造成高钛堆晶岩密度大于其下的橄榄石堆晶岩的不稳定结构,进而发生月幔翻转,引发一系列岩浆活动,进而形成月球上特有的镁质系列、碱质系列等岩石。由于月球氧逸度较低,Eu主要以+2价形式存在,因此斜长石高度富集Eu,相应地除高地斜长岩外,其他岩石均表现为Eu高度亏损的特点。与此同时,Re在低氧逸度下表现为强亲铁元素的特点,Re/Os在月球岩浆过程中不发生分异。月球的体积远小于地球,因而其演化时间远远短于地球,很多原始的分异被完整地保留下来。因此月球的化学演化是类地行星早期演化过程的“化石”,尽管与现代的地球存在较大差异,但是对于认识地球早期演化具有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

鞠东阳  庞润连  李瑞  杜蔚 《岩石学报》2022,38(4):1025-1042
月球岩浆洋结晶形成的初始月球内部结构是其后续演化过程的开端,其结晶过程受月球岩浆洋的初始深度和物质组成这两个参数的制约。由于缺少直接来自月球深部的岩石样品,目前关于月球岩浆洋演化过程的探讨主要依赖实验和计算模拟手段。岩浆洋模型中形成的月壳厚度是否与探测结果一致是月球岩浆洋演化模型合理性的重要约束。最新的GRAIL(Gravity Recovery and Interior Laboratory)探测数据推算月壳厚度为34~43km,低于阿波罗时期认为的约70km,这对已有的月球岩浆洋演化模型提出了挑战。本文采用并修正FXMOTR程序包,针对月球岩浆洋在不同的初始深度和物质组成情况下的结晶过程,进行了一系列热力学计算模拟。通过量化月球岩浆洋的初始深度和物质组成对月壳厚度的影响,结合关于月球内部微量元素分配的研究结果,对比了月球岩浆洋结晶后期的残余熔体与原始克里普组分(urKREEP)的成分。本文的模拟结果显示,一个全月幔熔融且初始成分为月球初始上月幔组成(LPUM)的岩浆洋将在其深部结晶2.5%石榴子石,形成的月壳厚度符合GRAIL的约束,并且结晶出了合适的urKREEP成分。在此模型的基础上获取了月球初始的内部成分和密度结构,并对后期月幔翻转(Overturn)的程度进行了探讨。  相似文献   

程石  周怀阳 《岩石学报》2019,35(11):3565-3577
人们对超慢速扩张洋中脊深部岩浆过程的了解至今仍十分模糊。我们对西南印度洋洋中脊(Southwest Indian Ridge,SWIR) 63. 9°E处采集到的斜长石超斑状玄武岩(Plagioclase Ultra-Phyric Basalt,PUB)进行了岩石学和地球化学研究。样品具有以下几个特征:斜长石斑晶的体积分数高达~25%,而橄榄石斑晶的体积分数约1%;尽管该样品中玻璃的成分与同一洋脊段玄武岩的成分基本一致,但高Fo橄榄石斑晶与玻璃基质的成分不平衡;不同类型的斜长石晶体之间存在成分差异,单个斜长石大斑晶中的An值也呈现出与正常的结晶分异过程不符的环带;斜长石斑晶中发育溶蚀、筛状等不平衡结构。因此,我们认为,斜长石超斑状玄武岩经历了多期次熔体的作用,是由通过密度分选聚集在岩浆房顶部的斜长石斑晶被之后的火山喷发带出海底形成。尽管斜长石超斑状玄武岩与同一洋脊段的非斑状玄武岩之间并不存在母熔体成分上的差别,但超斑状玄武岩的出现进一步反映了超慢速扩张洋壳岩浆活动的多样性。  相似文献   

月球形成演化与月球地质图编研   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
按照大碰撞假说,月球形成于一次大碰撞事件,抛射出的高能量物质留在绕地轨道上,最后吸积形成月球。月球核幔在早期迅速发生分离,并出现全球性的岩浆熔融,形成了岩浆圈层(岩浆洋)。岩浆洋的结晶分异和固化导致了月壳的形成。随着月壳与月幔发生持续分异,形成了固化的月壳。而在月球后期的演化历史中,撞击作用是最重要的地质作用,形成了多尺度、多期次的撞击盆地和撞击坑,而大型撞击盆地多形成于月球演化的早期。月球地质图是开展月球形成与演化研究的重要手段,从20世纪60年代起,到70年代末止,通过对阿波罗时代探月成果的系统总结,完成了第一轮月球地质图的研制。但尽管从20世纪90年代以来国际月球探测和月球科学的研究进入一个新的高潮,获得了大量有关月球形成和演化的新认识,但还没有正式的新的月球地质图发布,因此开展新一轮月球地质图的编研,系统总结后阿波罗时代的月球探测与研究成果,是非常必要和迫切的。在新一轮月球地质图的编制过程中,需重点关注图件比例尺的选择、月面历史的划分以及月球构造和岩石建造的表达。  相似文献   

新疆百口泉闪长岩中高An值斜长石的成因及岩石学意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈博  朱永峰 《岩石学报》2015,31(2):479-490
岩浆成因的高An值斜长石(An80~100)是玄武质岩浆早期结晶的产物,由于其形成条件较为苛刻,它对于限定寄主岩浆条件和探讨岩石成因有重要的指示作用。在新疆西准噶尔百口泉地区发育含高An值斜长石(An80~90)的闪长岩,高An值斜长石呈不规则包裹体形式存在于闪长岩主体斜长石中(An40~60)。锆石SHRIMP定年显示百口泉闪长岩形成于316.9±2.9Ma(MSWD=1.5),闪长岩主、微量元素和Sr-Nd同位素与区域内同时期岩浆作用产物具有相似的演化趋势。根据闪长岩岩石学特征,结合高An值斜长石的实验研究成果,本文认为百口泉闪长岩中的高An值斜长石不是捕虏晶,也不是闪长岩的结晶产物,而是与闪长岩成岩过程相关的循环晶。依据角闪石铝压力计的估算,闪长岩结晶于1.2~2.9kbar,与实验条件下获得的高An值斜长石产出的压力范围相符。高An值斜长石的产出表明原始岩浆具有富水、亏损的特征,对于探讨整个岩浆系统的演化过程有重要指示意义。  相似文献   

我们对采自于加勒比海地区小安德列斯岛弧(Lesser Antilles Arc)Kick’em Jenny(KEJ)海底火山玄武岩中的斜长石斑晶进行了矿物形态和成分分析。利用电子探针(EMPA)和LA-ICP-MS测定了具有环带结构的斜长石斑晶中主量元素的空间分布,同时也利用LA-ICP-MS分析了斜长石中Sr的分布。结果表明,在不同的矿物斑晶中,元素含量均表现出和环带结构相联系的空间分布变化。斜长石斑晶中最主要的结构为韵律环带以及熔蚀结构,所测定的矿物边缘都存在An值从由内向外迅速降低的致密韵律环带,可能反映了快速结晶时的不平衡;而晶体内部的稀疏韵律环带结构是由岩浆填充或对流活动导致的。部分斜长石的熔蚀层An值由内向外升高,反映了高Ca岩浆填充的过程。这说明斜长石斑晶的矿物形态和元素环带可以用来制约俯冲带海底火山岩浆从源区上升到岩浆房再到喷发的复杂过程,包括岩浆演化、熔体多次填充、熔体与结晶矿物之间的反应、以及矿物再熔融等。这对于理解海底火山的喷发以及岛弧岩浆岩的演化有重要意义。  相似文献   

岩浆洋分异与月壳   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
回顾了岩浆洋慨念最初的由来,具体阐述了月浆洋冷却结晶形成斜长岩月壳的过程。根据行星演化、核一幔分异及地球化学方面等方面提供的证据,论证了岩浆洋是行星早期演化必然经历的一个阶段。已有的岩浆洋结晶模型都认为岩浆洋中的岩浆在成分上是均一的。根据目前实验火成岩石学方面的进展,认为这个前提不存在,提出了月浆洋Sorer分异的一个新假说。此模型为今后研究岩浆洋分异提供了一个新思路,并指出了今后的研究方向。  相似文献   

斜长石是岩浆岩中最主要的造岩矿物之一,它在岩浆演化过程中扮演着重要角色。通过高温高压实验途径可以确定斜长石在岩浆中的结晶条件、探讨斜长石的生长动力学。近年来,较多学者对斜长石的结晶作用进行了实验研究,这些研究对理解斜长石的结晶条件和岩浆的结晶过程都有重要意义。本文从以下两个方面对斜长石结晶作用的实验研究做了系统的总结:(1)斜长石晶体的生长及其制约因素,包括熔体组分、温度、压力和H2O含量等条件对斜长石结晶的影响。熔体组分能够影响斜长石的液相线温度及结晶斜长石的An含量;温度对斜长石的成核生长、成分以及形态均有影响;压力对斜长石成核生长的影响比较复杂;H2O含量能够显著降低斜长石的结晶温度,影响结晶斜长石的晶体大小。(2)斜长石结晶作用实验研究的地质应用。对结晶斜长石成分、结构、晶体大小的研究,能够揭示岩浆在其演化过程中物理化学条件的变化。  相似文献   

研究I型花岗岩中再循环晶的成分和结构特征,对揭示岩浆系统的形成和演化历史以及壳源和幔源岩浆的相互作用具有重要的意义。本文以西秦岭北西段三叠纪过马营复式岩体内的不同造岩矿物为主要研究对象,通过对具有不同结构特征的斜长石"粗晶"和黑云母展开电子探针(EMPA)、LA-ICP-MS微量元素面扫描、原位Sr同位素分析,来探讨含高An斜长石的成因,示踪不同岩浆房端员的属性,约束岩浆演化过程并建立多级岩浆房模型。过马营复式岩体的岩性分为偏铝质花岗岩类和过铝质花岗闪长岩类,两类岩性中均存在An值呈突变的筛状结构斜长石,即高An(72~85)区与低An(20~55)区在同一颗粒中并存,其对应主、微量元素也存在截然变化。与低An区相比,高An区具有高Fe、Mg,高Ba的特征。高钙区斜长石可进一步分为两类,第1类高钙区斜长石(An80-85),和第2类高钙区斜长石(An72-78)。第1类高钙区比第2类高钙斜长石区具有更高的Ca、Al、Fe、Mg、Ba含量。本研究中斜长石晶体存在核高An-边低An与核低An-幔高An-边低An两种不同类型的环带结构,表明其各自的生长过程有所不同。高An区与低An区之间An值跳跃式的变化与对应主、微量元素Fe、Mg、Sr、Ba含量特征均指示斜长石成分差异并非晶内扩散、动力学作用以及物理条件的变化造成的,更可能形成于开放的岩浆系统。本文认为斜长石粗晶为再循环晶,其内部的高An区形成于深部富H2O玄武质岩浆,低An区形成于浅部酸性岩浆房(偏铝质与过铝质)。两种不同高钙区斜长石及其对应的主、微量元素差异指示它们很可能结晶于两批次不同的玄武质岩浆,其中第1类高钙区斜长石的母岩浆相对更富Fe、Mg、Ba。两种玄武质岩浆携带高An斜长石沿岩浆通道向上运移,上升过程熔蚀先前结晶的高An斜长石,将其带入浅部酸性岩浆房后与内部花岗质/花岗闪长质岩浆发生混合。混合之后的岩浆沿高An斜长石残晶边部继续结晶生长,同时高温玄武质岩浆的注入导致浅部岩浆房已结晶的低An斜长石被熔蚀形成筛状结构,随后玄武质岩浆、混合后岩浆依次沿其边部继续生长。我们认为两批次的玄武质岩浆体积较小并未对浅部酸性岩浆房成分造成大的影响。  相似文献   

哈拉尕吐花岗岩基位于东昆仑东段,其中花岗闪长岩岩浆混合作用明显,是研究岩浆混合作用的良好对象.从岩石学、岩相学和矿物化学等方面对哈拉尕吐花岗岩基进行了详细研究.电子探针结果显示:寄主岩斜长石的An值同相对应包体中斜长石捕掳晶近似;包体中基质斜长石大部分具核边结构,核部和边部An值存在间断;部分包体中浅色基质斜长石的An值与具核边结构斜长石的边部近似;辉长闪长岩中斜长石具较高的An值.寄主岩角闪石同相对应包体中角闪石捕掳晶的结晶温度、压力和氧逸度较为接近;包体中基质角闪石的结晶温度和压力低于寄主岩角闪石,氧逸度稍高于寄主岩角闪石;辉长闪长岩角闪石具有最高的结晶温度和压力及最低的氧逸度.哈图沟剖面和德福胜剖面寄主岩中的斜长石和角闪石的成分具有一定差别.岩浆不同期次侵入结晶和岩浆自身演化,使不同地点斜长石和角闪石的成分和物理化学特征具有一定变化.镁铁质岩浆位于地壳深部,氧逸度较低,使结晶的角闪石具有较高的形成压力和较低的氧逸度,斜长石具较高An值;随着镁铁质岩浆注入寄主岩,由于环境突变,使斜长石受到熔蚀;由于岩浆上侵以及两种岩浆物理化学性质差别较大,导致温度、压力和水饱和度降低,氧逸度升高,使包体中残留岩浆快速结晶,形成具核边结构、浅色均一的斜长石,以及结晶程度较差、较高氧逸度的角闪石.   相似文献   

Crystallization of the Lunar Magma Ocean (LMO) has been numerically modeled and its products inferred from sample observations, but it has never been fully tested experimentally. This study is a reexamination of the LMO hypothesis by means of the first experimental simulation of lunar differentiation. Two end-member bulk Moon compositions are considered: one enriched in refractory lithophile elements relative to Earth and one with no such enrichment. A “two-stage” model of magma ocean crystallization based on geophysical constraints is simulated and features early crystal suspension and equilibrium crystallization followed by fractional crystallization of the residual magma ocean. An initially entirely molten Moon is assumed. Part 1 of this study, presented here, focuses on stage 1 of this model and considers the early cumulates formed by equilibrium crystallization, differences in mantle mineralogy resulting from different bulk Moon compositions, and implications for the source regions of the highlands Mg-suite.Refractory element enriched bulk Moon compositions produce a deep mantle that contains garnet and trace Cr-spinel in addition to low-Ca pyroxene and olivine. In contrast, compositions without refractory element enrichment produce a deep dunitic mantle with low-Ca pyroxene but without an aluminous phase. The differences in bulk composition are magnified in the residual melt; the residual LMO from the refractory element enriched composition will likely produce plagioclase and ilmenite earlier and in greater quantities. Both compositions produce Mg-rich early cumulate piles that extend from the core-mantle boundary to ∼355 km depth, if 50% equilibrium crystallization and whole Moon melting are assumed. These early LMO cumulates provide good fits for the source regions for a component of the high-Mg, Ni- and Co-poor parental magmas of the Mg-suite cumulates, if certain conditions are called upon. The olivine in early LMO cumulates produced by either bulk Moon composition is far too rich in Cr to be reasonable for the source regions of the Mg-suite, meaning either core formation in the presence of S and/or C must be invoked to deplete the LMO and the crystallizing olivine in Cr, or that current estimates of the bulk lunar Cr content are too high. We infer that melts meeting the criteria of the Mg-suite parents could be produced from early LMO cumulates by solid state KREEP and plagioclase hybridization near the base of the crust and subsequent partial melting. Additionally, we propose a revised model for Mg-suite petrogenesis.  相似文献   

Mineralogy of the Lunar surface provides important clues for understanding the composition and evolution of the primordial crust in the Earth–Moon system. The primary rock forming minerals on the Moon such as pyroxene, olivine and plagioclase are potential tools to evaluate the Lunar Magma Ocean (LMO) hypothesis. Here we use the data from Moon Mineralogy Mapper (M3) onboard the Chandrayaan-1 project of India, which provides Visible/Near Infra Red (NIR) spectral data (hyperspectral data) of the Lunar surface to gain insights on the surface mineralogy. Band shaping and spectral profiling methods are used for identifying minerals in five sites: the Moscoviense basin, Orientale basin, Apollo basin, Wegener crater-highland, and Hertzsprung basin. The common presence of plagioclase in these sites is in conformity with the anorthositic composition of the Lunar crust. Pyroxenes, olivine and Fe-Mg-spinel from the sample sites indicate the presence of gabbroic and basaltic components. The compositional difference in pyroxenes suggests magmatic differentiation on the Lunar surface. Olivine contains OH/H2O band, indicating hydrous phase in the primordial magmas.  相似文献   

李瑞  刘建忠  庞润连  朱丹  鞠东阳  杜蔚 《岩石学报》2022,38(4):1043-1062
由于缺少直接来自月球深部的岩石样品,实验和计算模拟是认识早期月球演化过程的有效方法和手段。20世纪70年代以来,陆续开展了大量的实验岩石学和实验地球化学工作对月球岩浆洋(lunar magma ocean,LMO)演化模型进行验证和修正。但是,学界对LMO模型中的两个关键性参数,即初始物质组成和熔融深度,仍然存在不同的认识。根据月震和重力探测数据推测的平均月壳厚度的差异、月球样品含水量的研究以及新的遥感数据解译发现月表广泛分布富镁铝尖晶石(Cr#<5)等等,直接影响我们对月球初始物质组成和LMO深度以及月球深部高压矿物相的评估。本文通过整理高温高压实验岩石学和实验地球化学在研究LMO演化方面的一系列研究成果,主要聚焦以下几个科学问题:(1)月球初始物质组成中的难熔元素和挥发分含量,以及LMO深度对月壳厚度、结晶矿物的种类及含量有着决定性的影响;(2)高压矿物相石榴子石在月球深部稳定存在的可能性及其对残余岩浆中微量元素的分配行为的制约;(3)特殊类型的月球样品(包括火山玻璃、镁质岩套等)的成因机制对月球深部物质组成具有指示意义;(4)月核的不同物质组成对LMO模型的初始成分含量,特别是微量元素的限定作用。我们以最新的观测数据和月球样品的分析结果为依据,对已有的LMO演化模型进行重新评估,提出月球深部含有石榴子石的LMO演化模型的可能性,并对该方向亟需开展的工作进行探讨。  相似文献   

http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.gsf.2016.11.007   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Lunar anorthosite is a major rock of the lunar highlands,which formed as a result of plagioclasefloatation in the lunar magma ocean(LMO).Constraints on the sufficient conditions that resulted in the formation of a thick pure anorthosite(mode of plagioclase 95 vol.%) is a key to reveal the early magmatic evolution of the terrestrial planets.To form the pure lunar anorthosite,plagioclase should have separated from the magma ocean with low crystal fraction.Crystal networks of plagioclase and mafic minerals develop when the crystal fraction in the magma(φ) is higher than ca.40-60 vol.%,which inhibit the formation of pure anorthosite.In contrast,when φ is small,the magma ocean is highly turbulent,and plagioclase is likely to become entrained in the turbulent magma rather than separated from the melt.To determine the necessary conditions in which anorthosite forms from the LMO,this study adopted the energy criterion formulated by Solomatov.The composition of melt,temperature,and pressure when plagioclase crystallizes are constrained by using MELTS/pMELTS to calculate the density and viscosity of the melt.When plagioclase starts to crystallize,the Mg~# of melt becomes 0.59 at 1291 C.The density of the melt is smaller than that of plagioclase for P 2.1 kbar(ca.50 km deep),and the critical diameter of plagioclase to separate from the melt becomes larger than the typical crystal diameter of plagioclase(1.8-3 cm).This suggests that plagioclase is likely entrained in the LMO just after the plagioclase starts to crystallize.When the Mg~# of melt becomes 0.54 at 1263 C,the density of melt becomes larger than that of plagioclase even for 0 kbar.When the Mg~# of melt decreases down to 0.46 at 1218 C,the critical diameter of plagioclase to separate from the melt becomes 1.5-2.5 cm,which is nearly equal to the typical plagioclase of the lunar anorthosite.This suggests that plagioclase could separate from the melt.One of the differences between the Earth and the Moon is the presence of water.If the terrestrial magma ocean was saturated with H_2O,plagioclase could not crystallize,and anorthosite could not form.  相似文献   

Systematic variations of the mineral chemistry of ferroan anorthosite 60025, which is probably a mixture of closely related materials, suggest that lunar anorthosites formed by strong fractional crystallization and near-perfect adcumulate growth, without trapping liquid. The parent liquid for the most primitive samples was saturated with olivine, plagioclase, pigeonite, and chromite, and evolved to one saturated with plagioclase, pigeonite, high-Ca pyroxene, and ilmenite. The parent liquid also had a very low Na2O content, and combined with strong fractional crystallization this explains the steep trend of anorthosites on an Mg1 (atomic 100 × Mg/(Mg + Fe)) v. An diagram. The mineral and chemical data for other anorthosites are consistent with such a model. Near-perfect adcumulation can occur if growth takes place at the crystal-liquid interface without the physical accumulation of crystals grown elsewhere, and is encouraged by the shifts in phase boundaries with pressure.Anorthosites are probably the remnants of a crust floating on, and crystallizing at the surface of, a magma ocean originally of bulk Moon composition. Mineralogical and trace element data suggest that the parental liquid for the most primitive anorthosites had previously crystallized no plagioclase and some but perhaps very little pyroxene. Hence the bulk Moon appears to be similar to that proposed by Ringwood (1976) but to have even lower alkalis, a subchondritic CaAl ratio, and REE abundances and patterns close to chondritic. The mare basalt sources are not directly complementary to the feldspathic crust, because experimental and trace element data indicate that they are too magnesian and contain too much high-Ca pyroxene. Other crustal rocks, such as the Mg-suite samples, are not closely related to anorthosites; in addition to their chemical differences they have a different crystallization sequence: ol → plag → px, in contrast with the ol → px → plag inferred for anorthosite parental liquid evolution.  相似文献   

W.L. Griffin  K.S. Heier 《Lithos》1973,6(4):315-335
Reactions between olivine and plagioclase, and between pyroxenes and plagioclase, commonly produce corona assemblages of lower volume and entropy. These coronas imply that assemblages representative of intermediate-and high-pressure granulite facies, and of eclogite facies (emphacite + garnet), can be produced by the cooling of dry olivine + plagioclase and pyroxene + plagioclase assemblages from igneous temperatures within the continental crust. They further imply that eclogite is a stable assemblage within the deeper parts of the continental crust; this in turn requires that dP/dT > 0 for the equilibrium curves for the relevant reactions. The general relations between T and rates of nucleation, growth and diffusion suggest that these coronas will only be formed in relatively deep-seated rocks (P > 6 kb ?). The formation of such coronasby regional or contact metamorphism, or by metasomatism, is unlikely; they are best regarded as retrograde features.  相似文献   

The pressure dependence of the refractive index of tholeiite basalt glass was studied in the range 0–5.0 GPa with an interference-polarization microscope and a diamond anvil cell. The non-linear change of the refractive index of basalt glass, with a kink around 2.0–2.5 GPa, is similar to the behaviour of the refractive index, density and elastic properties of silica glass under pressure. The comparison of data for glasses with continuous silicon-oxygen frameworks shows that the strain-polarizability potential Λ (photoelasticity theory), describing the change of refraction R with increasing density ρ: (Λ=–ΔR ρ/R0Δρ) is nearly constant. Using the value Λ=0.21 and the refractive index data, the compressibility of the investigated basalt glass under pressure up to 5.0 GPa was calculated by the equation: Δρ/ρ=6nΔn/(n2–1)(n2+2)(1–Λ). The results of the calculation agree with the compressibility of tholeiite basalt glass determined by measurement of the sizes of glass samples under pressure using photographic equipment. The compressibility of basalt glass is higher than that for plagioclases, resulting in the possibility of relative density inversion of deep-seated basalt melts and plagioclase crystals. These data reinforce the model of anorthositec crust generation on the Earth and on the Moon by inverse plagioclase crystal fractionation at high degrees of melting of basic rocks.  相似文献   

The Clementine spacecraft orbited the Moon and acquired science data for 10 weeks in the Spring of 1994. During this time it collected global 11-band multispectral images and near global altimetry. Select areas of the Moon were imaged at 25 m/pixel in visible light and 60 m/pixel in thermal wavelengths. From these datasets a new paradigm for the evolution of the lunar crust emerged. The Moon is no longer viewed as a two-terrane planet, the Apollo samples were found not to represent the lunar crust as a whole, and the complexity of lunar crustal stratigraphy was further revealed. More than ten years later the Clementine datasets continue to significantly advance lunar science and will continue to do so as new measurements are returned from planned missions such as Chandrayaan, SELENE, and Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter. This paper highlights the scientific research conducted over the last decade using Clementine data and summarizes the influence of Clementine on our understanding of the Moon.  相似文献   

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