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稳定同位素贝壳年轮指示的牡蛎礁体水平夹层成因   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
渤海湾西岸众多的埋藏牡蛎礁体内,除正常的牡蛎壳体堆积层外,还广泛地存在一定数量的水平夹层.水平夹层的存在,可能指示了礁体的生长环境发生了变化.文章对组成礁体的正常建礁层和水平夹层中的牡蛎壳体,进行了贝壳年轮和稳定同位素分析研究,对比了水平夹层和正常建礁层中的壳体生长速率和壳体记录的稳定同位素变化范围与幅度,恢复了壳体记录的礁体生长环境,探讨了壳体同位素记录揭示的礁体水平夹层成因.结果表明,相对于相邻正常建礁层中的壳体,水平夹层中的壳体记录的季节性氧同位素变化幅度较小,这主要与壳体生长时期的季节性淡水输入变化较小或(和)年平均气温较低有关.水平夹层中的壳体记录的低温季节相对较多的淡水输入量和高温季节相对较少的淡水输入量,或(和)由于年平均气温较低而导致的壳体在一年中的生长周期缩短,是造成礁体中水平夹层形成的主要驱动因素.  相似文献   

渤海湾西北岸大吴庄牡蛎礁测年与古环境变化   总被引:11,自引:2,他引:9  
对位于渤海湾牡蛎礁平原东部的大吴庄牡蛎礁一个完整剖面的系统^14C年代测定与校正表明,该礁体的持续时间约为1600年(7200~5600calBP)。以壳体生长纹层氧、碳同位素获得的礁体平均建造速率1cm/yr来计算礁体的持续时间,结果仅为^14C计年历时的三分之一。^14C测年与壳体同位素计年结果的对比表明,礁体的每一水平层平均占据了一定的时间(约200年),这一时间段是不适宜礁体正常建造的“缓变型地质环境恶化期”。礁体正常建礁层及水平夹层的时空分布与地区性气候变化曲线对比结果表明,水平夹层与正常建礁层的转换与地区性气温波动相对应。水平夹层代表的“缓变型地质环境恶化期”,对应着地区性气温偏冷时期。  相似文献   

渤海湾西北岸埋藏牡蛎礁体中的 壳体形态与沉积环境*   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
渤海湾西北岸沿岸平原分布的众多埋藏牡蛎礁体中的壳体形态和泥沙沉积物特征是不尽相同的。不同礁体中的壳体形态有明显的区别,有些礁体中的壳体细窄,有些礁体中的壳体较宽厚; 与此相对应,具有不同壳体形态的礁体中的沉积物颗粒和粘土含量也有明显的差别。文章分别对组成大吴庄和岭头两个礁体剖面的牡蛎壳体和泥质沉积物进行测量和分析,结果表明大吴庄礁体中壳体的重量随高度增长的速率大于岭头礁体中的壳体,而两个礁体中壳体的壳重随体积增长的速率大致相同; 组成礁体的壳体形态与礁体的沉积环境有关,沉积物较细、粘土含量高时发育细窄的壳体,沉积物较粗、粘土含量低时发育宽厚的壳体。渤海湾西北岸地区埋藏牡蛎礁体中的壳体本身记录了其生长时的环境信息,可以通过分析礁体中的壳体形态来恢复礁体建礁过程中的沉积环境。  相似文献   

渤海湾西北岸全新世牡蛎礁研究概述   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
环太平洋西岸,特别是渤海湾西北岸沿海平原全新世地层中广泛分布着由Crassostrea gigas牡蛎形成的礁体.总结了渤海湾西北岸30余年来众多研究者的主要成果.论述了C.gigas的定名沿革、生态习性、礁体特征、礁体与海面的关系.测定了C.gigas壳体的18O和13C同位素组成,发现了壳体生物碳酸钙的年际变化规律,结合可靠的14C数据,建立了正常建礁与个体分泌壳体之间的线性函数关系(约1 cm/a)、水平夹层的平均历时(约200a/层)等定量参数,进而提出"礁体历时假说",并将该地区时间跨度约7750~950 calBP的化石牡蛎礁划分为8道礁群,论证了礁体内部水平夹层和礁体之上泥质"转换层"可能记录的百年尺度的"缓变型"环境变化.  相似文献   

相距3~20km的岭头、罾口河、俵口和空港物流中心4处埋藏牡蛎礁体的年代学研究证实,开始发育的时间不同,但同时在4.2~4.0ka cal BP时结束建礁,即其灭亡与"4.2ka事件"在时间上重合。岭头、罾口河剖面O稳定同位素和罾口河剖面孢粉数据进一步表明,4.5~4.3ka cal BP时研究区气候出现变冷变干的趋势,4.3~4.2ka cal BP逐渐好转,推测这一气候波动变化过程可能是对"4.2ka事件"的响应。  相似文献   

福建中南部全新世的森林-牡蛎礁遗迹   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
福建晋江县东南的深沪湾,南北长约7km,位于一地堑型断陷带上,西为龙湖断裂,东为金井-深沪断裂。湾的北部海岸是海蚀红土陡崖,崖高约5m;南部海岸为砂质海岸,潮间带滩面平缓,堆积现代的中-细砂和卵石,距岸300m处有牡蛎海滩岩和古森林遗址。前者分布在土地察村西长500m、宽100m的范围内(北段),呈北西-南东向展布(大致与海岸平行),最大出露厚度可达40cm。它是近江牡蛎(Ostrearivularis)和僧帽牡蛎(O.cucullata)组成的礁体,壳体较完整,双瓣常是闭合状,表明组成礁体的牡蛎壳为原生态。据国家海洋局第三海洋研究所的14C同位素测定结果,牡蛎壳形成年龄为9355±199aB  相似文献   

通过对渤海湾西北岸大吴庄牡蛎礁18个层位牡蛎壳内泥质填充物样品的硅藻分析,首次发现在渤海湾埋藏牡蛎礁中富含代表潮间带环境的Auliscus caelatus种硅藻化石,体积分数高达15%~40%,显示整个牡蛎礁形成于潮间带环境。根据潮间带标志种Auliscus caelatus,结合生活在海湾内侧河口处环境的Cyclotella stylorum和沿岸分布的内湾指标群种Thalassionema nitzschioides 3种硅藻比例在垂向上的变化,将牡蛎礁分为潮间带下部(Ⅰ带)、潮间带中上部(Ⅱ带)、潮间带中下部(Ⅲ带)和潮间带中上部(Ⅳ带)4个硅藻带。牡蛎礁上半部(Ⅱ带和Ⅲ带)中的4条水平夹层中的硅藻,与其下伏相邻正常建礁层的硅藻对比,均显示出Auliscus caelatus体积分数显著偏低、咸水种硅藻的比例偏高以及硅藻种属类型偏多等特征,推测出各水平层的海相性和开放性均有强于下伏相邻正常层的倾向。水平夹层的形成原因:一是牡蛎礁发育后期,礁体所处环境发生显著变化,从距河口相对较远的潮间带下部(不含水平层的Ⅰ带)环境转为距河口相对较近的潮间带中上部(Ⅱ带—Ⅳ带)环境,较浅的海水环境使得牡蛎礁易受外界环境的影响;二是来自海洋方向的风暴潮或较强的波浪,将牡蛎礁向海一侧的潮间带泥沙冲到礁顶,导致牡蛎倒伏死亡后被泥沙掩埋。  相似文献   

采用旁侧声呐、浅地层剖面仪和单波束水深测量多种物探仪器联机,同步调查天津大神堂浅海区的水下活牡蛎礁资源,为合理保护活牡蛎礁资源提供科学依据。调查结果表明,该区活牡蛎资源由3个分散礁体组成,总面积仅约3km2,礁体最大厚度1.2m,平均厚度0.6m;调查区海底地形平坦,水深介于3.4~5.6m之间,因受人类活动严重破坏,仅在有礁体发育的局部范围内有高程约1m的起伏波动。为了生态资源的完整,必须对现存的活牡蛎礁体进行保护和恢复。  相似文献   

天津空港牡蛎礁:中全新世环境恶化与新构造控礁作用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
新发现的天津空港埋藏牡蛎礁体和下伏、上覆泥层的沉积学、AMS14C年代学研究显示,厚2.3m的礁体分为3部分,起讫年龄是6170~3980cal BP。5900~4100cal BP的中部,是受全新世冷事件4环境恶化控制的缓慢发育期。礁体的结束,则与冷事件3在时间上大致吻合。根据新的年龄数据,将该礁体的归属重新厘定为Ⅲ-2礁群。探讨礁体主要发育区与新构造活动的关系,表明全新世牡蛎礁平原主要位于海河-宝坻-工部-蓟运河断裂圈闭的北西-南东向区域内。这一认识,进一步从实证角度证实了牡蛎礁形成于渤海湾"湾中之湾"的推测。  相似文献   

渤海湾西北岸大吴庄牡蛎礁是近年来研究程度最高的礁体,天津空港物流中心牡蛎礁则是近年来新发现的礁体。该两处礁体上部的牡蛎个体内部充填的泥、个体之间的泥以及礁体上覆沉积泥层中的硅藻研究表明,礁顶上下(即礁体的上部-顶部和上覆沉积泥层的下部)均富含潮间带环境指示种的Auliscus caelatus,表明礁体发育后期和上覆沉积泥层的初期,均为潮间带环境。尽管如此,从礁顶向上覆沉积泥层转换方式在两处礁体却不相同:(1)大吴庄:Auliscus caelatus种向上逐渐减少,暗示着大吴庄剖面由礁体上部的潮间带中上部、直至上覆沉积泥层下部的潮间带上部、进一步向上覆沉积泥层上部的潮上带转化的趋势。(2)空港:牡蛎礁上覆沉积泥层出现了比例达6%~23%的河口咸水-半咸水种Achnanches brevipes,而下伏礁体内则未见该种,暗示此处泥层受河口作用显著影响。此种不同揭示了礁体停止发育的原因有所不同:在5 520cal BP时,大吴庄礁顶进入潮间带中上部,礁体经常脱离海水而发育停止;在约4 000 cal BP时,空港礁体所在位置因河流作用突然增强,在时间上看很可能是黄河改道在天津入海,古黄河携带大量泥砂入海,掩盖了潮间带的牡蛎礁而导致牡蛎礁发育停止。  相似文献   

Wreck Shoal is a subtidal oyster reef located in the James River estuary, Virginia. This estuary has moved upstream and landward in response to rising sea level. The recent geomorphic history of Wreck Shoal is analyzed based on bathymetric records from the 1850’s to the 1980’s. The data indicate that the shallow oyster reef areas have lost elevation in the last 130 yr. This is attributed to intense harvesting activity during the last century. The late Holocene evolution of Wreck Shoal is developed based on the results of sub-bottom profiles and coring data. These suggest that the Wreck Shoal oyster reef has developed on the ridge and swale topography of a point-bar formed during the late Pleistocene epoch. Contemporary biodeposition processes on Wreck Shoal are evaluated. The results indicate that sediments of biogenic origin (fecal and shell material) potentially accumulate at rates in excess of 50 cm 100 years?1. A model for subtidal oyster reef development is proposed that accounts for sea level rise, biodeposition, and the harvesting activity of man. The model is verified with field observations of reef elevation and radiocarbon dates of oyster shell material. The implications of these results are that oyster reefs should be considered a renewable natural resource, and therefore managed accordingly in concert with the oysters.  相似文献   

The eastern oyster, Crassostrea virginica, is a prominent ecosystem engineer, whose reefs exhibit strikingly consistent morphologies at multiple spatial scales throughout its North American range. These distinct morphologies are thought to form by interactions of nascent reef structures with hydrodynamics. We carried out two field studies to determine if historical reef configurations applied in a restoration context would improve reef persistence and restoration outcomes. We collected seabed and water column observations across constructed reefs of three orientations representative of those found historically throughout the oyster’s range: parallel or perpendicular to tidal currents or circular. Areas adjacent to reefs were sites of fine sediment trapping, with lower flow velocities, evidence of particle settling, and more fine sediments on the seabed relative to off-reef reference sites. The water column above the reef crest exhibited higher acoustic backscatter, higher flow velocities, and larger particles in suspension, consistent with local erosion of flocculated fine sediment from the reef crest. Perpendicular reefs produced conditions that were more conducive to reef persistence and improved oyster performance, including high flow velocities and enhanced resuspension of sediments from the reef, compared to parallel or circular reefs. Particle trapping in areas between reefs has the potential to inhibit reef growth between existing reef structures, providing support for hypotheses of landscape-scale reef pattern formation. Oyster reef restoration efforts can benefit from this improved understanding of biophysical interactions arising from reef orientation that contribute to sediment dynamics on constructed oyster reefs.  相似文献   

The abundances of the xanthid crabsPanopeus herbstii andEurypanopeus depressus were examined relative to surface oyster shell cover, surface oyster cluster volume, subsurface shell content, substrate sand and silt composition, and oyster reef elevation. During August 1986 through July 1987, xanthid crabs were collected monthly from twelve 0.25 m2×15 cm deep quadrats, during low tide, from intertidal oyster reefs in Mill Creek, Pender County, North Carolina, USA, with respective quadrat details recorded. The abundance ofP. herbstii, and to a lesser degreeE. depressus, was positively correlated with surface shell cover. The abundance ofE. depressus, and to a lesser degreeP. herbstii, was positively correlated with surface cluster volume. The majority ofP. herbstii inhabited the subsurface stratum of the oyster reef, whereas the majority ofE. depressus inhabited the cluster stratum. Seasonality (i.e., temperature) appeared to influence the strata habitation of both species, with a higher incidence of cluster habitation during warmer months and a lower incidence during colder months. Crab abundance was not related to other factors examined, such as subsurface shell, substrate sand and silt composition, or elevation within the oyster reef. The analyses show thatP. herbstii andE. depressus have partitioned the intertidal oyster reef habitat, withE. depressus exploiting surface shell clusters andP. herbstii the subsurface stratum.  相似文献   

Previous field studies have demonstrated that sedimentation is an important factor that can limit oyster reef growth and restoration success. High relief reefs are more productive and resilient than low relief reefs, in part, because increasing reef height reduces sedimentation and enhances oyster growth. In this study, we investigated the relationship between initial reef height and reef development using a simple model. The model contains three coupled differential equations that describe changes in oyster volume, shell volume, and sediment volume per unit area of reef with time. The model was used to investigate how parameters such as flow speed, sediment grain size, and food concentration affect reef survival and final reef height. Whether or not a reef survives depends primarily on the shape of the sediment concentration profile relative to the initial reef height. Over a long time period, three different steady-state reef heights are possible, depending on the environmental parameters and initial reef height: (1) If growth outpaces sedimentation, the reef achieves the maximum possible height, which is independent of sedimentation parameters; (2) if deposition outpaces growth and the shear stress does not exceed the critical shear stress, the reef is buried in sediment and dies; and (3) if deposition outpaces growth and the shear stress exceeds the critical shear stress, a reduced steady-state height is achieved that depends on both growth and sedimentation parameters. The model can be used to assess the ways in which measurable environmental parameters affect reef restoration success.  相似文献   

藏北巴青中侏罗世Liostrea障积礁的发现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在藏北巴青县马如乡布曲组中发现中侏罗世Liostrea障积礁,据造礁生物不同可分为Liostrea障积礁和Cyanobacteria-Liostrea粘结—障积礁。它们多呈似层状和层状,单个礁体厚4~8m,累计总厚为20~25m。Liostrea是一种单体牡蛎状的双壳类动物,分为左右两瓣壳,左壳强烈膨凸,右壳扁平,系以左壳固着生活特化而成,在本区构成了Liostrea群落和Cyanobacteria-Liostrea群落,代表温暖、清洁的正常浅海环境。  相似文献   

The importance of intertidal estuarine habitats, like salt marsh and oyster reef, has been well established, as has their ubiquitous loss along our coasts with resultant forfeiture of the ecosystem services they provide. Furthering our understanding of how these habitats are evolving in the face of anthropogenic and climate driven changes will help improve management strategies. Previous work has shown that the growth and productivity of both oyster reefs and salt marshes are strongly linked to elevation in the intertidal zone (duration of aerial exposure). We build on that research by examining the growth of marsh-fringing oyster reefs at yearly to decadal time scales and examine movement of the boundary between oyster reef and salt marsh at decadal to centennial time scales. We show that the growth of marsh-fringing reefs is strongly associated to the duration of aerial exposure, with little growth occurring below mean low water and above mean sea level. Marsh-shoreline movement, in the presence or absence of fringing oyster reefs, was reconstructed using transects of sediment cores. Carbonaceous marsh sediments sampled below the modern fringing oyster reefs indicate that marsh shorelines within Back Sound, North Carolina are predominantly in a state of transgression (landward retreat), and modern oyster-reef locations were previously occupied by salt marsh within the past two centuries. Cores fronting transgressive marsh shorelines absent fringing reefs sampled thinner and less extensive carbonaceous marsh sediment than at sites with fringing reefs. This indicates that fringing reefs are preserving carbonaceous marsh sediment from total erosion as they transgress and colonize the exposed marsh shoreline making marsh sediments more resistant to erosion. The amount of marsh sediment preservation underneath the reef scales with the reef’s relief, as reefs with the greatest relief were level with the marsh platform, preserving a maximum amount of carbonaceous sediments during transgression by buffering the marsh from erosional processes. Thus, fringing oyster reefs not only have the capacity to shelter shorelines but, if located at the ideal tidal elevation, they also keep up with accelerating sea-level rise and cap carbonaceous sediments, protecting them from erosion, as reefs develop along the marsh.  相似文献   

海南岛排浦礁区由珊瑚岸礁和堤礁及其间水域组成。因堤礁的障壁作用和丰富的陆源物质供应,研究区内形成清水和浑水两类沉积环境,产出清水碳酸盐和浑水碳酸盐两列沉积体系,并形成礁源沉积、陆源沉积和混合沉积三类沉积物。文中详细论述了各类沉积的特征,讨论了沉积体系的演化过程:全新世早期是单一的陆源碎屑沉积体系,全新世中期海侵,气温转暖,形成早期排浦岸礁与大铲堤礁的雏型,全新世晚期堤礁进入成熟阶段,其障壁作用加强,最终形成清水与浑水两种沉积环境和两列沉积体系。  相似文献   

渤海湾地区广泛分布的古海面标志物,为建立该地区的相对海面变化曲线提供了良好的基础。过去20年来该地区已相继建立了一些相对海面变化曲线,但在讨论影响古海面标志物高程的因素时,未将构造活动与水动型海面变化及均衡作用对高程的贡献量加以区分。文章以该地区7个点的古海面标志物及相关层位的高程测量与年代学测定结果,经与地区性预测海面变化曲线进行对比后,定量讨论了该地区海面变化(包括绝对海面变化与冰川、水均衡作用)与构造活动对古海面标志物高程的贡献;并以壳体的稳定同位素、地层记录与古地震研究资料讨论了牡蛎礁体在建礁过程中所记录的构造下沉。  相似文献   

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