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结合气象行业标准《树木年轮气候研究树轮采样规范》(QX/T 90-2008)和树木年轮气候研究多年的实践经验,将树木年轮宽度气候分析中的树木年轮宽度资料采集步骤划分为野外采样、样本预处理、数据获取、数据交叉定年和年表研制。通过对树轮宽度资料采集过程中各个步骤及其质量控制的介绍,希望能为开展树木年轮宽度气候研究提供参考。  相似文献   

通过结合气象行业标准《树木年轮气候研究树轮采样规范》(QX/T 90—2008)和DENDRO 2003树轮密度分析系统的多年使用经验,将树木年轮密度资料采集划分为树轮样本采集、样本处理、数据获取、数据交叉定年、树轮密度年表研制5个步骤。通过对密度资料采集过程中各个步骤的讨论,希望可以为将来制订规范的树轮密度资料采集技术方法提供参考。  相似文献   

由于分布广泛、分辨率高、定年准确和气候敏感性好等原因,树木年轮在重建过去区域、半球甚至全球气候环境变化中扮演着重要角色。天山地处中亚干旱区,气候变化波动大,对全球变化响应敏感,植物生长的干旱胁迫作用强烈,天山山区分布有大量雪岭云杉和西伯利亚落叶松等长龄且对气候敏感的针叶树种,因此天山山区是树轮气候研究的理想区域。天山山区树轮气候研究始于20世纪70年代,尤其是近10 a有了长足的进步,有关天山山区树轮气候研究已经在国际上有一定影响。本文通过综述国内外对天山山区树轮气候研究的现状和进展,总结了近200 a基于树轮资料的天山山区较为一致的气候变化规律,并为进一步开展天山山区树轮气候研究提出建议。天山山区未来树木年轮气候学研究应在开展大量不同区域树木年轮气候学重建基础上,尝试理解树木径向生长对气候的响应机理研究,同时选用不同数理方法和多树木年轮指标进行长时间尺度和大空间范围重建工作,并讨论中亚干旱区过去千年气候变化的影响机制。  相似文献   

在天山北坡东部森林上限采集雪岭云杉样本,建立了树轮宽度年表和稳定碳同位素序列,采用相关函数分析了树轮宽度与木垒气象站温度和降水的关系,发现这一区域的树轮宽度主要受到水分条件的限制,但由于采样点位于森林上限,温度也限制了树木的生长,导致了树轮宽度记录降水信息能力减弱。树木年轮稳定碳同位素序列反映了工业革命以来,由于化石燃料燃烧,大气CO2浓度增加,大气δ13C降低的事实。将树轮δ13C序列进行校正后与木垒月气象资料的相关分析表明,树轮碳同位素序列与温度和降水的关系较为复杂,可能受到多种因素的共同影响。这一区域森林上限的树轮碳同位素并不是反映气候变化的最好指标。  相似文献   

高分辨率的树木年轮是记录历史时期气候变化的良好生物载体,在古气候研究中被广泛应用。但年轮宽度与气候因子之间有着复杂的联系,这种关系受气候因子之间的相互制衡和因物种而异的树木生长节律的共同影响。在利用树木年轮开展历史时期气候变化的研究中,剔除树木年轮与年龄相关的生长趋势是准确获取气候信号的先决条件。然而,传统的和相对改进的一些树轮标准化方法在拟合并剔除树龄相关的趋势及非气候干扰信息方面仍存在一些问题。本文利用经验模态分解(EMD)方法进行树轮资料的标准化方法研究, 对已获得的树轮生长序列所记录的信息进行分解,得到一系列不同物理意义的本征模态分量,结合多样本信息的对比及生物学特性,深入解读各分量表征的气候变化、环境干扰及缓慢生长趋势项等不同物理意义,进而剔除非气候信息,得到可以准确反映气候变化的代用序列,并将该方法与目前广泛采用的标准化方法进行对比,分析不同方法的利弊所在,为进一步改进树轮标准化方法提供新思路。  相似文献   

全球气候变暖和大气CO2浓度(Ca)急剧上升已成为不争的事实,并对森林生态系统有着深远的影响,全面理解森林生态系统对全球变化的响应至关重要。中亚干旱区特有树种雪岭云杉(Picea schrenkiana Fisch. et Mey)树轮稳定碳同位素(δ13C)和水分利用效率(iWUE)对气候变暖和大气CO2浓度急剧上升的响应缺乏研究。本研究利用天山西部伊犁河流域的雪岭云杉树轮样本,使用树木年代学方法和树轮稳定碳同位素技术,建立树轮宽度年表、稳定碳同位素(δ13C)以及内禀水分利用效率(iWUE)序列,分析了树轮δ13C和iWUE的长期变化特征,探讨了树轮δ13C和iWUE对气候的响应规律以及iWUE与树轮宽度的关系。结果表明,主要的气候因子并没有强烈地限制树木径向生长;夏季平均气温对树轮δ13C分馏有重要影响,iWUE的长期变化受到全球Ca增加和升温趋势影响,但直接影响iWUE年际变化的主要因素是饱和水汽压亏缺(VPD)。全球升温和Ca增加导致了iWUE的持续升高,但并没有导致雪岭云杉树木径向生长的明显增加。  相似文献   

树木年轮的生长除受到气温、降水等自然因素限制外,人为因素造成环境污染的影响也不可忽视。通过对树木年轮中化学元素含量的分析来重建过去的环境自然变化和人为环境污染历史是树轮化学研究的重要内容。本文针对目前国内外树木年轮化学研究现状,分别介绍了树轮化学的研究资料、研究步骤、研究内容、研究进展和存在不足,并在具体内容上对树轮化学在环境污染方面的应用有所侧重。  相似文献   

结合野外采样和使用WinDENDROTM树轮图像分析系统的经验,将树木年轮灰度资料的获取分为野外采样、样本预处理、获取树轮灰度资料、数据格式转换、存储树轮灰度资料、交叉定年、建立树轮灰度年表、气候分析等8个步骤,并对其中的各个环节及质量控制进行了阐述。为日后开展的树轮灰度资料获取工作提供参考。  相似文献   

阿拉善荒漠地处西风带、高原季风和东亚夏季风尾闾和交汇影响区,不仅是我国气候变化的敏感区,还是我国主要的沙尘源区和运移通道。通过总结分析阿拉善荒漠及周边地区的树木年轮学研究成果,综述了阿拉善荒漠绿洲区河/湖岸林、荒漠灌木、周边山地针叶林等乔灌木树种日-季-年尺度径向生长的主要气候限制因子、年轮记录的过去百余年来气候变化特征及其驱动机制。今后该区域树木年轮研究应更加注重未来气候发展趋势预测,并拓展更多研究树种及树轮指标,将荒漠区乔灌木年轮研究、荒漠周边山地树木年轮研究和荒漠演变过程三者有机地结合起来,为更加全面、深入了解阿拉善荒漠化驱动机制和治理决策制定提供科学依据。  相似文献   

1.中国气象局树木年轮理化研究重点开放实验室坐落在乌鲁术齐市,建筑面积820m2,存有1000余棵树轮标本,配备有国际最先进的年轮读数仪、密度仪、显微照相等实验研究仪器,为国内、亚洲首位,增强了实验室年轮研究技术手段。主要研究方向:树木年轮气候、树木年轮水文、广义树木年轮生态学和树木年轮与环境污染等。  相似文献   

A 520-year stable carbon isotope chronology from tree ring cellulose in high altitude larch trees (Larix decidua Mill.), from the eastern European Alps, correlates more strongly with summer temperature than with summer sunshine hours. However, when instrumental records of temperature and sunshine diverge after AD1980, the tree ring time series does not follow warming summer temperatures but more closely tracks summer sunshine trends. When the tree ring stable carbon isotope record is used to reconstruct summer temperature the reconstruction is not robust. Reconstructed temperatures prior to the twentieth century are higher than regional instrumental records, and the evolution of temperature conflicts with other regional temperature reconstructions. It is concluded that sunshine is the dominant control on carbon isotope fractionation in these trees, via the influence of photosynthetic rate on the internal partial pressure of CO2, and that high summer (July–August) sunshine hours is a suitable target for climate reconstruction. We thus present the first reconstruction of summer sunshine for the eastern Alps and compare it with the regional temperature evolution.  相似文献   

摘要:艾比湖是新疆北部生态环境最为敏感和脆弱的地区,这里分布的大片长龄胡杨是过去气候变化良好的记录体。本文利用艾比湖东岸的胡杨树轮资料,分析其宽度和稳定碳同位素组成,建立了树轮宽度年表和δ^13C序列,并对δ^13C序列进行了校正处理。树轮参数的气候意义分析表明胡杨树轮宽度所含的气候信息较少,而树轮δ^13C校正序列与精河夏季高温显著负相关,为荒漠平原区树轮气候研究提供了新的资料。研究区夏季的高温超过了光合作用的适宜温度,降低光合作用速率(A),而地下水埋深较浅,叶片气候导度(g)并没有因受到水分条件限制而减小,在以上两个因素的共同作用下,叶片内部二氧化碳浓度(Ci)升高,导致胡杨δ^13C与夏季高温负相关关系。建立了胡杨树轮δ^13C校正序列与精河夏季高温的转换方程,方差解释量为33.0%。重建的精河145a来夏季高温序列反映了这一地区气候变暖的趋势,其升温的幅度高于北半球夏季升温幅度,但二者冷暖阶段变化并不完全一致。  相似文献   

In order to study the imprint of solar and ENSO signals on terrestrial archives, the wavelet spectrum analysis was applied to solar-geophysical indices and tree ring data. Time series of Sunspot Number (SSN), southern oscillation index (SOI) and tree-ring indices from Southern Brazil, for the period 1876–1991, were used in this work. The 11-year solar cycle was present during the whole period in tree ring data, being more intense during 1930–1980, in agreement with an earlier study that was performed for thesame region but a different time range (1836–1996). ENSO effects on treering data from Southern Brazil were studied by the first time in this work using wavelet analysis. Short-term variations, between 2–5 years, arealso present in tree ring data. This represents the signature of ENSO events and was also observed in the SOI, as expected. The cross-wavelet spectrum analysis shows that both solar and climatic factors are recorded in tree ring data.  相似文献   

树木年轮碳稳定同位素在气象中的应用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
吕军  屠其璞  钱君龙 《气象》2001,27(1):9-13
对树木年轮碳同位素方法在气象中的应用及其成果作了综合评述,并对该领域目前存在的问题和前景作了一定的展望。  相似文献   

青南高原树轮年表的建立及与气候要素的关系   总被引:10,自引:5,他引:5  
根据青海南部曲麻莱、治多地区树木年轮样本,建立了青海南部高原(下称青南高原)树木年轮年表序列,系统地与所在地区气候资料进行了综合分析。通过响应函数,计算得出该年表对青南高原春季(4~6月)的最高温度和蒸发量的反映更为敏感。并重建了青南高原春季最高温度序列。  相似文献   

We analyzed the relationship between air temperature and oxygen isotopes measured in tree rings of silver fir (Abies alba Mill.) from along-term forest ecosystem research plot in the Swiss Jura mountains (LWF project). The oxygen isotope data were compared with a century-long meteorological series of air temperature data. Measurements of oxygen isotope ratios in precipitation were also used for comparison. Results show that the late-wood tree-ring series is significantly correlated with May to August temperatures. Correlations were higher for maximum (daytime) air temperature and even better for air temperature measured on rainy days only. We stress that trends in maximum temperature series for this time of the year, like trends in oxygen isotope ratios series from tree rings, are completely different from trends in yearly mean temperature. Indeed, maximum temperature trends during the vegetation period slightly decreased during the 20thcentury, whereas yearly means increased strongly.  相似文献   

树轮纤维素氢同位素气候环境意义   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
对树木年轮氢同位素反映的气候信息提取及其在全球气候变化的应用和成果作了综合评述,分析了该领域目前存在的问题并对其前景作了展望。  相似文献   

北京地区PM10浓度空间分布特征的综合变分分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
利用2003年10月北京地区PM10浓度流动观测资料和同期MODIS AOD(Aerosol Optical Depth)高分辨率遥感资料,采用卫星遥感地面观测变分订正处理方法,综合分析了北京地区PM10浓度的空间分布特征以及机动车排放的影响效应。动态观测试验结果表明:北京城区大部分为轻污染区, 北京近郊区PM10浓度高值区沿环路呈环状分布,其中北京西南部、南部和东北部污染较严重,北京城郊街区PM10的空间分布受机动车排放的影响较大。MODIS卫星遥感资料分析表明:北京城区及近郊区AOD值较远郊区高得多,AOD空间分布场中存在虚假高值区,AOD非均匀分布特征不明显。采取点面结合综合观测研究思路,运用卫星遥感地面观测综合变分分析方法,可以取得客观订正的显著效果。经地面实测PM10浓度变分订正后的AOD变分场可以较高分辨率信息描述北京地区AOD的非均匀分布特征,弥补地面PM10浓度观测的缺陷。  相似文献   

In the eastern Mediterranean in general and in Turkey in particular, temperature reconstructions based on tree rings have not been achieved so far. Furthermore, centennial-long chronologies of stable isotopes are generally also missing. Recent studies have identified the tree species Juniperus excelsa as one of the most promising tree species in Turkey for developing long climate sensitive stable carbon isotope chronologies because this species is long-living and thus has the ability to capture low-frequency climate signals. We were able to develop a statistically robust, precisely dated and annually resolved chronology back to AD 1125. We proved that variability of δ13C in tree rings of J. excelsa is mainly dependent on winter-to-spring temperatures (January–May). Low-frequency trends, which were associated with the medieval warm period and the little ice age, were identified in the winter-to-spring temperature reconstruction, however, the twentieth century warming trend found elsewhere could not be identified in our proxy record, nor was it found in the corresponding meteorological data used for our study. Comparisons with other northern-hemispherical proxy data showed that similar low-frequency signals are present until the beginning of the twentieth century when the other proxies derived from further north indicate a significant warming while the winter-to-spring temperature proxy from SW-Turkey does not. Correlation analyses including our temperature reconstruction and seven well-known climate indices suggest that various atmospheric oscillation patterns are capable of influencing the temperature variations in SW-Turkey.  相似文献   

Comprehensive atmospheric studies have demonstrated that carbonaceous particles are one of the main components of atmospheric aerosols over Europe. The aim of our study was to establish an automated elemental analyser interfaced to a stable isotope mass spectrometer (EA-IRMS) method at the Hertelendi Laboratory of Environmental Studies (HEKAL), as a suitable method of quantification of total carbon mass in individual PM2.5 aerosol samples. Total carbon (TC) mass and simultaneous stable isotopic ratios were determined for both test standard and genuine aerosol samples. Finally, the results were compared to the ones obtained independently by an alternative sealed tube combustion method developed previously at HEKAL. The TC recovery tests of standard material prepared by the sealed tube method confirmed at least a carbon recovery yield of 92% for a broad range of carbon mass (100–2000 μg). The stable isotopic results confirmed that sealed tube method is reproducible and suitable to be used as a reference to verify our new EA-IRMS method. The EA-IRMS TC measurements of genuine aerosols gave on average 3% higher carbon recovery yield, relative to the uncorrected results of the sealed tube method. The comparison of the stable isotopic results by the two methods for aerosols also showed minimal differences. Consequently, the possibility of simultaneous TC and stable isotopic analyses makes the EA-IRMS method a very attractive alternative for continuous measurement of aerosols, with an accuracy and reliability similar to other commercial devices.  相似文献   

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