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以方向位置命名如北京的二环路、三环路,广州的环市路,西安的环城路,西安、酒泉等城市的东大街、西大街,天津的南门外大街,济南主要街道用经、纬命名,即经一路、经二路、经三路……和纬一路、纬二路、纬三路……以历史名胜命名如北京的前门大街、崇文门大街、阜成门大街、广安门大街、右安门大街、建国门大街、青岛的武胜关路、居庸关路、嘉峪关路、山海关路,广州的越秀路,无锡的蠢园路,苏州的紫园路,沈阳的北陵大街,济南的泉城路等。以人物命名上海、广州、桂林、南昌、杭州、青岛、南京、石家庄、沙市等许多城市都有中山路,大连有斯大林路…  相似文献   

兰州市沙尘和非沙尘天气沉降物的化学特性比较   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:2  
选择兰州市典型沙尘和非沙尘天气收集两类降尘,并对其元素组成进行测定。结果表明:兰州非沙尘和沙尘天气沉降物中含量较高的主要元素分别为Si、Ca、Al、Fe和Si、K、Ca、Al,含量最低的主要元素均是Ti;含量较高的微量元素是Mn、Ba、Zn、Sr和Mn、Ba、Sr、Zr,含量较低的微量元素均是Nb、Co、Y、As;兰州非沙尘和沙尘天气沉降物中主要元素及微量元素含量的排序差异较小,但是两种样品同种元素的丰度值存在较大变异,说明两种沉降物的来源有一定的差异。兰州非沙尘天气沉降物中Si、Fe、Mg、K、Na、Ti、V、Mn、Co、Ni、Rb、Sr、Y、Zr、Nb等元素主要来自于地壳源,Ca、Cr、Cu、Ba、Pb、Zn、As等元素与本地的人类污染活动有关,其中Pb、Zn、As是兰州重要的污染元素。沙尘天气沉降物中多数元素来自于外地入侵的沙尘,部分元素如Pb、Zn、As、Cu、Cr、K、Ni可能源于沙尘天气长距离传输途中矿物气溶胶与沿途污染源排放的污染物的混合。  相似文献   

一、居民住宅区通名的发展趋势(一)新的居民区通名频出。20世纪90年代中期以来,我国城市居民区通名的种类一下子变得多姿多彩,数量之多令人目不暇接。据初步统计,目前我国大中城市的居民住宅区的通名用字达20多个,主要包括"园、苑、城、府、家、居、庭、舍、邸、座、村、寓、墅、堡、院、阁、坊、轩、堂、山庄、  相似文献   

武陵山区由一系列西南东北向延伸的岩溶山原山地构成,位于川、黔、湘、鄂四省相邻地区,北有巫山、东止雪峰山、南到苗岭、西达大娄山。包括川东秀山、酉阳、黔江、彭水、石柱、武隆、黔东北铜仁、印江、松桃、江口、沿河、德江、余庆、玉屏、镇远、施秉;湘西北龙山、桑植、大庸、花坦、永顺、保靖、古丈、慈利、石门、吉首、麻阳、新晃;鄂西南来凤、咸丰、宣恩、鹤峰、利川等33个县。面积约10万平方公里,人口近1,500万,是土家族、苗族、侗族等20多个民族长期聚集的地区。境内自然资源十分丰富。但是人民的生活水平还不高,少数地区还存在吃粮,饮水等贫穷性的难题。因此,分析和研究本地区自然资源的优势与劣势,并采取相应的措施和探讨致富的途径,显然是很必要的。  相似文献   

当前我国文武人才的地理分布与南北差异   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
作为一种文化现象,人才的空间分布规律体现着人才与经济、历史及地理环境之间的关联性。本文选取17000多名教授和1600多名将军作文武人才的地理分析。教授工作地集中的地区依次为北京、上海、四川、湖北、辽宁、江苏、陕西、广东、吉林、天津,籍贯集中的地区依次为江苏、浙江、四川、辽宁、广东、湖南、山东、河北、天津,主要流入地区为北京、上海、陕西、吉林、黑龙江、天津,主要流出地区为浙江、江苏、河北、河南、福建、广东、山东。将军籍贯分布集中程度比教授更为突出,主要集中在江西、湖北、湖南、安徽、河南、四川、山东、福建、河北、陕西。如以县计,则集中在江西的兴国、永新、吉安,湖北的红安、大梧,安徽的金寨、六安,河南的新县,前面三县属中央苏区,后面五县属鄂豫皖苏区。工作在南方和北方教授数基本平衡,但籍贯在南方的约为北方的两倍,籍贯在南方的将军数为北方的两倍多。这种格局反映了文化大革命前的人才流向。近十年,人才流向和人才格局发生变化,不仅国内毕业生,而且国外留学人员也被吸引到南方沿海开放地区,为此,需要新的办法和政策。  相似文献   

<正>中国古代矿物学和绘画所使用的颜料有一定关系。古人对矿物颜料的认识是古代矿物学的组成部分。汉代墓室壁画使用的矿物颜料有石青、石绿、赭石、石黄、朱砂等。魏晋隋唐壁画使用的矿物颜料是赭石、黄土、石青、石绿、白垩、朱砂、孔雀蓝、煤黑、高岭土、蓝铜矿、绿泥石、氧化铝、青金石,密陀僧(PbO)、黄铜粉、绛矾(Fe2O3)、金、银、银朱(硫化汞)、铅粉(碱式碳酸铅)等。制造陶瓷的原料和彩绘着色剂都和矿物有关。这方面的矿物知识也是中国  相似文献   

在湖北省境内,大致以均县、谷城、南漳、当阳、宜昌、松滋一线以西为鄂西山区,理论上以海拔500米的等高线为界。本区包括来风、丰咸、宣恩、鹤峰、利川、恩施、建始、五峰、巴东、长阳、宜都、秭归、兴山、神农架、保康、远安、房县、竹山、竹溪、十堰、郧西等22个县市林区的全部和均县、谷城、南漳、当阳、宜昌、松滋5个县市的一部份。鄂西山区面积广大且重山迭岭,一般在海拔1000—2000米,大神架海拔超过3000米,相对高差达500—1000米,是湖北省的大山区。由于地形起伏,  相似文献   

一、引言 本文所指的广西潼族自治区西半部石山区是红水河流域和左、右江流域内的石山地区,即为广西百色专区的隆林、田林、凌乐、凤山、东兰、百色、田阳、田东、巴马、平果、睦边、靖西、德保和邕宁专区的邕守、武鸣、马山、都安、隆安、天等、左江、宁明和龙津等县境内石山区(以下简称本区),全部面积8万方公里以上,约占广西僮族自治区面积的40%。其中石山面积约占1/3,可见,这是广西石山分布相当广的部分。由于这里石灰岩深厚,又  相似文献   

张时 《地理研究》1983,2(1):115-116
中国科学院地学部地理学科组于一九八二年十月二十五日至三十日在北京召开了扩大会议,对地理研究所进行了认其的评议。评议由地学部副主任兼地理学科组组长施雅风同志主持。参加评议的除地理学科组成员陈述彭、侯仁之、周立三、谭其骧、周廷儒、黄秉维、左大康、吴传钧、杨利普、唐邦兴等同志外,还邀请了谢家泽、王乃梁、刘培桐、叶永毅、喻沧、华士乾、屠清英、刘哲明、毛德华、钟功甫、王庭梧、袁文英、赵锋、童立中、李志远、王文颖等同志。地学部的孙玉科、杨生同志以及地理研究所的前领导李秉枢、于强同志也参加了评议。  相似文献   

第27届湿地科学家学会(Society of Wetland Scientists.SWS)会议于2006年7月9~14日在澳大利亚的凯恩斯市科学会堂召开.来自美国、澳大利亚、加拿大、英国、日本、南非、巴基斯坦、泰国、肯尼亚、捷克、印度、中国、瑞士、比利时、德国、荷兰、斯里兰卡、哥伦比亚、新西兰、波兰、墨西哥、法国、尼泊尔、阿根廷、罗马尼亚、菲律宾.巴西、马来西亚、伊拉克等28个国家的450多名湿地专家出席了会议。本次会议的主题是“从流域到海岸”.共分42个专题?  相似文献   

Botanical composition of cattle seasonal diets (faecal sampling with microhistological analysis) was determined in a four-pasture, one-herd grazing system during a 3-year period. Diets were classified using cluster analysis. Three diet groups were identified: beginning of rainy season (spring), peak of rainy season (summer) and dry season (fall and winter). Contribution of grasses and woody species to these diet groups was significantly different (p< 0·001). Grasses were the most important component of cattle diets throughout the rainy season, while shrubs and trees were important in the dry season. The major shifts in diets occurred in response to changes in grass phenology.  相似文献   

太平洋海温异常对大理雨季开始期的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用大理州雨季开始期资料、1961年6月~2008年5月太平洋5°×5°共286个格点的逐月平均海温资料及NCEP/NCAR的SSTA资料,通过相关分析发现,太平洋海温与大理雨季开始期的关系密切,春季和上年秋季太平洋海温对大理雨季开始的影响较大。雨季开始前若发生厄尔尼诺事件,大理雨季开始期偏晚,反之,若发生拉尼娜事件,大理雨季开始期偏早。N ino3区的海温异常对大理雨季开始期的影响相当明显,当5月N ino3区的海温异常偏高时,大理雨季开始期偏晚;反之,当5月N ino3区的海温异常偏低时,大理雨季开始期偏早,N ino3区海温异常可以作为大理雨季开始期预测的一个强信号因子。  相似文献   

应用EOF、Morlet小波分析方法对云南雨季开始期的时空特征及多尺度周期变化特征进行分析,使用相关分析初步分析印度季风和南海季风开始期与其关系.结果表明:(1)云南雨季开始期的EOF第一模态表明全省雨季开始期一致偏早(晚),EOF第二模态表明滇中及以东、滇东北、滇东南、滇西南部分地区与滇西、滇西北、滇南大部分地区雨季开始期反相变化的空间分布特征.(2)云南雨季开始期存在着明显的周期性波动,连续小波变换分析表明云南雨季开始期存在2~4年和5~7年的振荡周期.(3)南海季风开始期与云南雨季开始期相关不好,印度季风开始期与云南雨季开始期存在很好的相关性.  相似文献   

For researching the spatio-temporal variation of the stable isotopic composition of the riverine dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC), we had carried out a survey throughout the hydrologic year during which the δ13CDIC of the surface water and its physicochemical pa-rameter were examined along the Xijiang River Inner Estuarine waterway from September 2006 to June 2007. There was a striking seasonal variation on the average δ13CDIC, as the average δ13CDIC in summer (?13.91‰) or autumn (?13.09‰) was much less than those in spring (?11.71‰) or winter (?12.26‰). The riverine δ13CDIC was controlled by decomposed condition of the riverine organic matter linking the seasonal variation of the physicochemical parameter in the surface water according to the correlation analysis which indicated notable relations between δ13CDIC and water temperature (p = 0.000; r = ?0.569) or between δ13CDIC and oxide-reduction potential (p = 0.000; r = 0.646). The striking positive correlation between δ13CDIC and the sampling distance happened in the summer rainy season, while striking negative correlation happened in the spring dry season, indicating that river-sea interaction influenced water physicochemical parameters and controlled the riverine DIC property in the survey waterway. In view of the riverine δ13CDIC decreasing for the decomposition of the ter-restrial organic matter in the rainy season in summer and increasing for the briny invaded zone extending in the spring dry season along the waterway from the Makou gauging station to the Modaomen outlet, the δ13CDIC spatio-temporal variation was closely related to the geographical environment of the Xijiang drainage basin.  相似文献   

王庭梧  吴聆益 《地理研究》1983,2(4):108-115
本文以农田需水量作为供水余缺的标准,分析长江、淮河、海河流域降水的年内年际变化与季节需水的关系,论证了南水北调的必要性和引江济海的合理性。  相似文献   

论文采用日降水量和NCEP/NCAR(美国国家环境预报中心/美国国家大气研究中心)再分析环流资料,针对华北(海河流域)雨季监测困难问题,通过对比分析和合理性分析,建立了基于连续气象变量的海河流域雨季监测比湿副高法(简称QSH),并分析了海河流域雨季变化,以期改进该区域雨季监测技术。主要结论为:① 采用比湿副高法QSH监测华北(海河流域)雨季是合理的,在业务应用上具有很好的操作性;② 海河流域雨季平均的开始日期为7月9日,结束日期为8月19日,雨季长度41 d;③ 1961—2019年间海河流域雨季综合强度指数、雨季长度、雨季累计降水量长期变化不存在明显减小、缩短、增加或增大、延长、减少的趋势,但存在明显的年代际变化特征。海河流域雨季每18 a左右有一次强弱周期变化,近年处于较弱时期。  相似文献   

全球低纬高原地区气候特征的初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
提出了全球10大低纬高原和20个著名春城的概念,给出了35个有代表性的低纬高原气象站资料,通过分析气温和降水变化,得到低纬高原气候的共同特征是气温年较差小,四季如春,气温日较差大,一天分四季,降水适中,干湿季分明。主要气候类型是热带草原气候和高原型季风气候  相似文献   

Most farmers in the Ethiopian highlands depend on rain‐fed agriculture. Some areas have the favourable situation of having two rainy seasons, Belg (February‐May) and the long rainy season Kiremt (June‐October), which is the case in some parts of South Wollo. Tef (Eragrostis tef) is the staple crop that farmers prefer to grow and the 90‐day variety is suitable for growing during the short rainy season. One out of eight Ethiopians lives in tef potential areas which have Belg rainfall. The aim in this study is to analyse rainfall variation in South Wollo, in particular the area east of the small town of Hayk, and to study its effect on the ability to grow tef during the Belg season. Results from interviews showed that a more difficult farming situation had emerged during the past 40 years, largely due to deterioration of physical resources such as rainfall. Rainfall is analysed by comparing daily rainfall data from four stations in two periods, 1963 to 1982 and 1984 to 2003, for changes in totals, seasonal distribution and variability. Coefficient of variance, rainy days, rainfall intensity and dry spells were analysed. Results from this study show that there have been minor rainfall changes but greater rainfall variability. During fieldwork key informants were asked if they were able to harvest tef during the past nine years, a period that has been used in a model of rainfall influence on tef cultivation during the Belg season. In both 20–year periods, farmers were able to grow tef every second year. In spite of a greater variability in rainfall the farmers proved their knowledge and flexibility and were able to harvest tef in the same number of years during both periods.  相似文献   

地形强迫的流场非地转性与广西旱涝的空间分布   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
吴恒强 《热带地理》1996,16(2):145-151
本文分析了地面平均流场,从地转偏差的角度讨论了广西多雨区与少雨区空间分布的动力学原因,着重指出“弧形山”结构在形成广西气候特点上的特殊作用。  相似文献   

In this study, short-term gully retreat was monitored from the active gullies selected in representative black soil area, using differential global positioning system (GPS). With the support of geographic information system (GIS), multi-temporal digital elevation models (DEM) were constructed from the data collected by GPS and used for further analysis. Based on the analysis of multi-temporal DEM, we discussed the erosion–deposition characteristics within gully and a developing model for black soil gully area of Northeast China was proposed. The results are: (1) The analysis of the monitored gully data in 2004 indicated that the retreat of gully head reached more than 10 m, gully area extended 170–400 m2, net gully eroded volume 220–320 m3,and gully erosion modulus 2200–4800 t?km?2?a?1. (2) Compared with the mature gully the initial gully grows rapidly, and its erosion parameters are relatively large. The erosion parameters have not only to do with flow energy, but also with the growth phase. (3) There are significant seasonal differences in gully erosion parameters. The extension of gully area and width dominates in winter and spring without marked net erosion while changes mainly occur in gully head and net erosion in rainy season. (4) It is remarkable for freeze-thaw erosion in the black soil area of NE China. The gully wall of SG2 extended 0.45 m under freeze-thaw effect in 2004, and the distance of gully head retreated maximally 6.4 m. (5) Due to freeze-thaw action and snowmelt, gully is primarily in the interior adjustment process in winter and early spring. There are much more depositions compared with that during rainy season, which can almost happen throughout the gully, while erosion mostly occurs near head, esp. for gullies having a relatively long history of development. On the other hand, the process of energy exchange with exterior dominates in rainy season. It is considered that this cyclic process is an important mechanism for gully growth in high latitude or/and high attitude regions.  相似文献   

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