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今年已84岁高龄的中国工程院刘广志院士仍然心系祖国现代化建设和探矿工程事业的发展,近日他向国土资源部领导及相关部门提交了一份工作建议,经征得刘广志院士的同意,本刊摘要刊登,以飨广大探矿工程界同仁及本刊读者。[编者按]  相似文献   

刘广志,男,中国工程院院士,探矿工程学家。1923年3月11日生于北京。抗战时期就读于西南联合大学机械系,1947年6月在天津北洋大学采矿工程系毕业。刘广志院士从事探矿工程事业60年,涉足于石油、地质、水文地质、工程地质等钻探、掘进工程,是新中国勘探工程的主要奠基人。中华人民共和国成立之初他奔波于白云鄂博、铜官山、攀枝花等大型矿山,组织多工种综合勘探。他积极倡导人造金刚石小口径钻探配套技术研究,领导推广定向钻探、绳索取心钻探、空气钻探、反循环钻探、孔底动力机钻探五大技术,使我国钻探工程技术水平居世界先进行列,…  相似文献   

春节前夕,本刊记者(以下简称“记”)拜访了我国探矿工程专业的奠基人之一、中国工程院院士刘广志先生(以下简称“刘”),现将有关谈话内容整理后刊出,以飨读者。  相似文献   

全国探矿界同仁们怀着十分崇敬的心情 ,庆贺中国工程院刘广志院士 80华诞 ,衷心祝愿他健康长寿 ,继续为祖国的繁荣昌盛贡献聪明才智。刘广志院士献身地质事业的 55个春秋 ,是他为新中国勘探工程事业呕心沥血、赤心肺腑奋斗的 55年。他功勋卓著 ,业绩辉煌 ,无愧于新中国勘探工程的主要奠基人。刘广志同志出身于北平一个教师家庭 ,幼承家教 ,勤学苦读 ,爱国抗日 ,立志报国。1 94 7年他毕业于国立西北工学院 ,怀抱工业救国宏旨 ,西出阳关到玉门油田当工程实习员。 1 94 9年 4月 ,他在北京地质调查所受  相似文献   

“庆祝《探矿工程》杂志创刊50周年纪念大会”2007年10月29日在北京隆重举行。会议由中国地质科学院勘探技术研究所所长、《探矿工程》杂志第六届编委会副主任委员甘行平教授主持。国土资源部国际合作与科技司司长彭齐鸣,国土资源部办公厅新闻处毛东林,中国地质调查局副局长王学龙,中国工程院资深院士刘广志,原地质部探矿司司长任子翔,  相似文献   

中国地质大学(武汉)探矿工程科学在老一辈探矿科学家和全国同仁的大力支持下,经过50多年努力和发展,已成为我国探矿工程人才培养的重要阵地和科学研究的生力军。我校现从事探矿工程科学研究与人才培养教职工人数近百人,其中,俄罗斯外籍院士2名,教授20名,博士生导师10名。并聘请了刘广志院士、苏义脑院士、王达、耿瑞伦、高德利、孙清德、杨建林等为兼职教授。设5个本科专业:勘查技术与工程(原钻探工程)、  相似文献   

1999年初,国家科委为推动“九五”科学技术的发展,提出了“上天、入地、下海、登极”的八字方针,这八字方针刚一发布,我国探矿工程专业奠基人之一的刘广志院士就高瞻远瞩地指出“上天、入地、下海、登极”四大领域都要动用探矿工程来获取外星球、地球深处、海底洋底、冰川冰层冻土带的固体、流态、液态、气态的岩心、岩屑、冰心、冰晶等各类样品,从中提取出各种地质、生物、生态信息等。”(刘广志.探矿工程可持续发展的若干思考.探矿工程,1999,1)。从此,“上天、入地、下海、登极”成为了探工人攀登科学高峰的梦想。15年来,围绕这个目标,几代探工人不断探索和奋斗,取得了一系列令人瞩目的成就:  相似文献   

一、综述西部特殊景观区钻探取样技术展示王达1 1新春感言———访中国工程院院士刘广志2 1探索拾零(二)———香港钻探工程面面观严成容4 1依靠科技进步遏制煤矿瓦斯爆炸事故李常茂5 1探索拾零(三)———孕镶人造金刚石钻头自由谈严成容7 1探矿工程要不断创新才能实现跨越———关于探矿工程急待开展和参与“上天、入地、下海、登极”工程的几项建议刘广志8 1二00五年国庆感言刘广志10 1推进深部找矿缓解储量危机———四院士对《中国黄金报》谈关于当前矿产资源勘探问题12 1二、岩土工程1.桩(墙)基础工程香港五  相似文献   

新春笔谈向探矿工程界的同行们致敬刘广志亲爱的探矿工程(岩土钻掘工程)界的同行们:在这“八五”计划胜利结束,1995年过去,1996年来临的时刻,我做为一名探矿老兵向诸位祝贺新年!在过去的十三年里,我们苦心经营培育起来的以“地质找矿为中心”的探矿工程队...  相似文献   

第三届全国岩土钻掘设备仪器学术研讨会总结刘广志(执笔)1995年10月15~19日,中国地质学会探矿工程专业委员会在黄山市召开了“第三届全国岩土钻掘设备仪器学术研讨会”。这次会议是在当前探矿机械行业普遍不景气和探矿机械设备迫切需要更新的紧迫形势下召开...  相似文献   

Beach seines are widely used to estimate the density and species richness of fishes in estuaries. We evaluated the causes and extent of bias in estimates from seines using a series of field experiments in small estuaries in southern California, USA. Seining in spatially paired areas that were either enclosed by block nets or not, revealed that seines used without block nets und erestimated density by more than 4-fold and species richness by more than 2-fold relative to blocked areas. Seining in paired blocked areas with seines of two lengths revealed that net length affected estimates of density, but not species richness; a 7.6-m long seine produced 1.6-fold higher estimates of total density than did a 15.2-m long seine due to increased catches of demersal fishes, but not midwater species. Paired sampling in blocked areas also revealed that many fishes initially evaded capture by the seine. Estimates of density but not species richness were significantly higher in areas through which a seine was swept 5 times compared to once. This was due to higher catches of demersal fishes but not midwater fishes in areas seined 5 times. Repeated seining through blocked areas revealed that the vast majority (90% or more) of species and individuals of midwater fishes were captured within the first 5 sweeps, compared to only about 50% of the individuals of demersal species. A mark-recapture study in blocked areas revealed lower probabilities of capture for demersal species relative to midwater species.  相似文献   

含不同半径孔洞的颗粒体模型的力学行为数值模拟   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文通过编程建立了非连续介质(颗粒体材料)模型,采用FLAC软件模拟了静水压力条件下不同半径的巷道围岩中的剪切应变增量、最小主应力及最大主应力的分布规律。研究表明,随着孔洞半径的增大,呈圆环形的剪切应变增量与最小主应力的高值区的圈数、呈辐射状的最大主应力的高值区的延伸范围及剪切应变增量的最大值都呈先慢后快的增长趋势。模型中最大的拉应力接近于在模型四周所施加的压应力,而最大的压应力约为所施加的压应力的5~10倍。模型内部的剪切应变增量、最小主应力及最大主应力的分布是高度不均匀的。具有较高的差应力的位置与具有较高的剪切应变增量的位置具有很好的一致性。  相似文献   

Kriging with strings of data   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The concept of a random function and, consequently, the application of kriging cells for the implicit assumption that the data locations are embedded within an infinite domain. An implication of this assumption is that, all else being equal, outlying data locations will receive greater weight because they are seen as less redundant, hence, more informative of the infinite domain. A two- step kriging procedure is proposed for correcting this siring effect. The first step is to establish the total kriging weight attributable to each string. The distribution of that total weight to the samples in the string is accomplished by a second stage of kriging. In the second stage, a spatial redundancy measure r(n) is used in place of the covariance measure in the data-data kriging matrix. This measure is constructed such that each datum has the same redundancy with the (n)data of the string to which it belongs. This paper documents the problem of kriging with strings of data, develops the redundancy measure r(n),and presents a number of examples.  相似文献   

The concept of a random function and, consequently, the application of kriging cells for the implicit assumption that the data locations are embedded within an infinite domain. An implication of this assumption is that, all else being equal, outlying data locations will receive greater weight because they are seen as less redundant, hence, more informative of the infinite domain. A two- step kriging procedure is proposed for correcting this siring effect. The first step is to establish the total kriging weight attributable to each string. The distribution of that total weight to the samples in the string is accomplished by a second stage of kriging. In the second stage, a spatial redundancy measure r(n) is used in place of the covariance measure in the data-data kriging matrix. This measure is constructed such that each datum has the same redundancy with the (n)data of the string to which it belongs. This paper documents the problem of kriging with strings of data, develops the redundancy measure r(n),and presents a number of examples.  相似文献   

Upon intercalation of both ordered (low defect) and disordered (high defect) kaolinites with acetamide, two types of interaction are observed. Firstly, hydrogen bonding between the NH2 groups of the acetamide with the siloxane oxygens is formed, as evidenced by the formation of two new bands at 3400 and 3509 cm–1. Secondly, the appearance of additional bands at ∼3600 cm–1 in both the infrared and Raman spectra of the acetamide intercalates is attributed to a second type of hydrogen bonding by the interaction of the C=O group and the inner surface hydroxyls. Changes in the intensity of the hydroxyl deformation modes in the 895 to 940 cm–1 region are attributed to the changes in the hydrogen bonding of the kaolinite surfaces. It is proposed that the hydrogen bonding between the adjacent kaolinite layers is replaced with hydrogen bonding between both kaolinite surfaces and the acetamide molecule. Changes in the molecular structure of acetamide are observed upon intercalation. The amide 1 band is lost and replaced with a well-defined NH2 deformation vibration. The loss of the amide 1 band is attributed the hydrogen bond formation between the amide hydrogens and the siloxane surface. The bands of the C=O group at 1680 and 1740 cm–1 become a single band at 1680 cm–1. The amide 2 band remains unchanged. The lack of intensity of the 1740 cm–1 band is attributed to the formation of hydrogen bonding between the inner surface hydroxyl groups and the carbonyl group. Received: 4 February 1998/ Revised, accepted: 30 June 1998  相似文献   

《Applied Geochemistry》2003,18(8):1137-1148
During the cooling of the geothermal water of Chott El-Fejjej (Tunisia), considerable scaling occurred in the inlet to the tower. To attempt to resolve this problem, decarbonation (CaCO3 precipitation) induced by seeding, with aragonite crystals recovered on site, coupled with air bubbling has been studied. The advantage of this new technique is that no chemical addition is needed and a large volume of sludge is avoided. Attention is paid to seeding time, airflow rates and amount of seed added. Experimental results indicate that crystallisation takes place on seed crystals; consequently, precipitation on the wall of the reactor is prevented. The seeding which accelerates the precipitation, that is dependent on the physico-chemical properties of the water, should be curried out at the earliest possible stage for instantaneous precipitation. A threshold for air bubbling, beyond which no improvement appeared is observed. The kinetics of the secondary germination are dependent on supersaturation of water, the airflow rate and the amount of added seed.  相似文献   

多年冻土隧道修建中,施工活动产生的热量将导致多年冻土围岩中出现一定范围的融化圈,进而影响支护的受力以及隧道洞室的收敛。将围岩分为融化区和未融化区,将融化区围岩视为弹塑性介质,未融化区围岩视为弹性介质,建立并求解融化作用下多年冻土隧道围岩弹塑性模型,对不同的围岩条件及支护工况下多年冻土段隧道施工中围岩与支护的相互作用进行分析。结果表明,该模型表现了融化作用下多年冻土围岩与支护相互作用的特征;在较差围岩中,喷射混凝土支护的强度是控制融化作用下多年冻土围岩稳定以及隧道周边位移量的关键因素。在多年冻土隧道施工中,可采用本模型确定施工中容许的最大围岩融化深度,施工中应采取有效措施避免围岩中出现过大的融化圈。  相似文献   

The discovery that Au accumulates in calcrete (pedogenic carbonate or caliche) was made in 1987 by CSIRO. Calcrete is a general term describing accumulation of alkaline earth metals in soils of arid and semi-arid terrains around the world. The principal constituent of calcrete is calcite while Au is a noble metal. Calcrete has been a significant tool in a number of Au deposit discoveries, so understanding the mechanisms by which these diametrically different components come together is valuable for enhancing future discovery. Numerous laboratory experiments, case histories and exploration models have been published (most from Australia) yet we do not fully understand the mechanisms involved. It is timely, therefore, twenty-five years on since the first publication of this phenomenon, to review this highly unusual but economically important association.Critical to any review on Au in calcrete is to first consider calcretes themselves. The nature of a particular calcrete, where it has formed and mode of formation is relevant to how, where and why Au accumulates within it. This review commences with a background, nomenclature, history, classification and some examples of calcrete types found near Au deposits. How calcretes form, their origins and the role of biota is considered. Their locations in the regolith and landscape, as well as exploration models for Au in calcrete are discussed. A section on the chemistry of Au in calcretes details what we know about possible mechanisms of formation and considers what laboratory experiments on microorganisms and abiotic experiments tell us. Following on is a summary of practical aspects of identifying, collecting and analysing samples for exploration purposes. Selected mineral exploration case histories are described and how they fit into models of exploration and different regolith settings. Concluding sections include a summary and implications of this accumulated knowledge to discovering Au deposits.  相似文献   

微生物灌浆加固土体研究进展   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
钱春香  王安辉  王欣 《岩土力学》2015,36(6):1537-1548
水泥和化学浆材是土体加固中最为常用的胶凝材料,但由于存在着高能耗、高污染排放和高成本等缺点而限制了它们的应用。微生物灌浆加固技术是最近发展起来的一种新型的土体加固方法,通过向松散砂土中灌注菌液以及营养盐,利用微生物矿化作用在砂颗粒间快速析出方解石凝胶,改善土体的物理力学性质。系统总结了国内外关于微生物灌浆加固土体的室内及现场试验研究,同时对固化土体的工程特性、原位无损测试方法以及灌浆效果的影响因素等进行了论述。研究表明,微生物灌浆技术具有施工扰动小、灌浆压力低、环境友好等优势,并可显著提高土体的强度、刚度及抗液化性能,在土体加固领域有着非常广阔的应用前景,但关于微生物固化土体的耐久性以及灌浆的经济性等问题仍需进行深入的探讨与研究。  相似文献   

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