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Evolution of binary stars and the effect of tides on binary populations   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We present a rapid binary-evolution algorithm that enables modelling of even the most complex binary systems. In addition to all aspects of single-star evolution, features such as mass transfer, mass accretion, common-envelope evolution, collisions, supernova kicks and angular momentum loss mechanisms are included. In particular, circularization and synchronization of the orbit by tidal interactions are calculated for convective, radiative and degenerate damping mechanisms. We use this algorithm to study the formation and evolution of various binary systems. We also investigate the effect that tidal friction has on the outcome of binary evolution. Using the rapid binary code, we generate a series of large binary populations and evaluate the formation rate of interesting individual species and events. By comparing the results for populations with and without tidal friction, we quantify the hitherto ignored systematic effect of tides and show that modelling of tidal evolution in binary systems is necessary in order to draw accurate conclusions from population synthesis work. Tidal synchronism is important but, because orbits generally circularize before Roche lobe overflow, the outcome of the interactions of systems with the same semilatus rectum is almost independent of eccentricity. It is not necessary to include a distribution of eccentricities in population synthesis of interacting binaries; however, the initial separations should be distributed according to the observed distribution of semilatera recta rather than periods or semimajor axes.  相似文献   

In smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) codes with a large number of particles, star formation as well as gas and metal restitution from dying stars can be treated statistically. This approach allows one to include detailed chemical evolution and gas re-ejection with minor computational effort. Here we report on a new statistical algorithm for star formation and chemical evolution, especially conceived for SPH simulations with large numbers of particles, and for parallel SPH codes.
For the sake of illustration, we also present two astrophysical simulations obtained with this algorithm, implemented into the Tree-SPH code by Lia & Carraro .
In the first simulation, we follow the formation of an individual disc-like galaxy, predict the final structure and metallicity evolution, and test resolution effects. In the second simulation we simulate the formation and evolution of a cluster of galaxies, to demonstrate the capabilities of the algorithm in investigating the chemo-dynamical evolution of galaxies and of the intergalactic medium in a cosmological context.  相似文献   

We present the results of a numerical code that combines multi-zone chemical evolution with 1D hydrodynamics to follow in detail the evolution and radial behaviour of gas and stars during the formation of elliptical galaxies. We use the model to explore the links between the evolution and formation of elliptical galaxies and QSO activity. The knowledge of the radial gas flows in the galaxy allows us to trace metallicity gradients, and, in particular, the formation of a high-metallicity core in ellipticals. The high-metallicity core is formed soon enough to explain the metal abundances inferred in high-redshift quasars. The star formation rate and the subsequent feedback regulate the episodes of wind, outflow and cooling flow, thus affecting the recycling of the gas and the chemical enrichment of the intergalactic medium. The evolution of the galaxy shows several stages, some of which are characterized by a complex flow pattern, with inflow in some regions and outflow in other regions. All models, however, exhibit during their late evolution a galactic wind at the outer boundary and, during their early evolution, an inflow towards the galactic nucleus. The characteristics of the inner inflow could explain the bolometric luminosity of a quasar lodged at the galactic centre as well as the evolution of the optical luminosity of quasars.  相似文献   

We present a new stellar evolution code and a set of results, demonstrating its capability at calculating full evolutionary tracks for a wide range of masses and metallicities. The code is fast and efficient, and is capable of following through all evolutionary phases, without interruption or human intervention. It is meant to be used also in the context of modelling the evolution of dense stellar systems, for performing live calculations for both normal star models and merger products.
The code is based on a fully implicit, adaptive-grid numerical scheme that solves simultaneously for structure, mesh and chemical composition. Full details are given for the treatment of convection, equation of state, opacity, nuclear reactions and mass loss.
Results of evolutionary calculations are shown for a solar model that matches the characteristics of the present sun to an accuracy of better than 1 per cent; a  1 M  model for a wide range of metallicities; a series of models of stellar Populations I and II, for the mass range 0.25 to  64 M  , followed from pre-main-sequence to a cool white dwarf or core collapse. An initial–final mass relationship is derived and compared with previous studies. Finally, we briefly address the evolution of non-canonical configurations, merger products of low-mass main-sequence parents.  相似文献   

We present a new Monte Carlo algorithm to generate merger trees describing the formation history of dark matter haloes. The algorithm is a modification of the algorithm of Cole et al. used in the galform semi-analytic galaxy formation model. As such, it is based on the Extended Press–Schechter theory and so should be applicable to hierarchical models with a wide range of power spectra and cosmological models. It is tuned to be in accurate agreement with the conditional mass functions found in the analysis of merger trees extracted from the Λ cold dark matter Millennium N -body simulation. We present a comparison of its predictions not only with these conditional mass functions, but also with additional statistics of the Millennium Simulation halo merger histories. In all cases, we find it to be in good agreement with the Millennium Simulation and thus it should prove to be a very useful tool for semi-analytic models of galaxy formation and for modelling hierarchical structure formation in general. We have made our merger tree generation code and code to navigate the trees available at http://star-www.dur.ac.uk/~cole/merger_trees .  相似文献   

Recent measurements by Hipparcos present observational evidence supporting the existence of some white dwarf (WD) stars with iron-rich core composition. In connection with this, the present paper is aimed at exploring the structure and evolution of iron-core WDs by means of a detailed and updated evolutionary code. In particular, we examined the evolution of the central conditions, neutrino luminosity, surface gravity, crystallization, internal luminosity profile and ages. We find that the evolution of iron-rich WDs is markedly different from that of their carbon–oxygen counterparts. In particular, cooling is strongly accelerated (up to a factor of 5 for models with pure iron composition) as compared with the standard case. Thus, if iron WDs were very numerous, some of them would have had time enough to evolve at lower luminosities than that corresponding to the fall-off in the observed WD luminosity function.  相似文献   

We describe a new implementation of a parallel TreeSPH code with the aim of simulating galaxy formation and evolution. The code has been parallelized using shmem , a Cray proprietary library to handle communications between the 256 processors of the Silicon Graphics T3E massively parallel supercomputer hosted by the Cineca Super-computing Center (Bologna, Italy). 1
The code combines the smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) method for solving hydrodynamical equations with the popular Barnes & Hut tree-code to perform gravity calculation with an N ×log  N scaling, and it is based on the scalar TreeSPH code developed by Carraro et al. Parallelization is achieved by distributing particles along processors according to a workload criterion.
Benchmarks, in terms of load balance and scalability, of the code are analysed and critically discussed against the adiabatic collapse of an isothermal gas sphere test using 2×104 particles on 8 processors. The code results balance at more than the 95 per cent level. Increasing the number of processors, the load balance slightly worsens. The deviation from perfect scalability for increasing number of processors is almost negligible up to 32 processors. Finally, we present a simulation of the formation of an X-ray galaxy cluster in a flat cold dark matter cosmology, using 2×105 particles and 32 processors, and compare our results with Evrard's P3M–SPH simulations.
Additionally we have incorporated radiative cooling, star formation, feedback from SNe of types II and Ia, stellar winds and UV flux from massive stars, and an algorithm to follow the chemical enrichment of the interstellar medium. Simulations with some of these ingredients are also presented.  相似文献   

We numerically model the evolution of dust in a protoplanetary disk using a two-phase (gas+dust) Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) code, which is non-self-gravitating and locally isothermal. The code follows the three dimensional distribution of dust in a protoplanetary disk as it interacts with the gas via aerodynamic drag. In this work, we present the evolution of a disk comprising 1% dust by mass in the presence of an embedded planet for two different disk configurations: a small, minimum mass solar nebular (MMSN) disk and a larger, more massive Classical T Tauri star (CTTS) disk. We then vary the grain size and planetary mass to see how they effect the resulting disk structure. We find that gap formation is much more rapid and striking in the dust layer than in the gaseous disk and that a system with a given stellar, disk and planetary mass will have a different appearance depending on the grain size and that such differences will be detectable in the millimetre domain with ALMA. For low mass planets in our MMSN models, a gap can open in the dust disk while not in the gas disk. We also note that dust accumulates at the external edge of the planetary gap and speculate that the presence of a planet in the disk may facilitate the growth of planetesimals in this high density region.  相似文献   

A peak exists in the distribution of observed black hole masses and no satisfactory explanation has been forthcoming so far. Here, we attempt an interpretation. We first establish a link between the helium core mass and the initial black hole mass, based on the result of 2-dimensional simulation of stellar core collapse by Fryer et al. Then the helium core masses are computed by using the PPE stellar evolution code, and the distribution of initial black hole masses for black hole binaries in stellar populations II and I is obtained. These are then compared with observations.  相似文献   

We have developed a detailed stellar evolution code capable of following the simultaneous evolution of both stars in a binary system, together with their orbital properties. To demonstrate the capabilities of the code, we investigate potential progenitors for the Type IIb Supernova 1993J, which is believed to have been an interacting binary system prior to its primary exploding. We use our detailed binary stellar evolution code to model this system to determine the possible range of primary and secondary masses that could have produced the observed characteristics of this system, with particular reference to the secondary. Using the luminosities and temperatures for both stars (as determined by Maund et al.) and the remaining mass of the hydrogen envelope of the primary at the time of explosion, we find that if mass transfer is 100 per cent efficient, the observations can be reproduced by a system consisting of a  15 M  primary and a  14 M  secondary in an orbit with an initial period of 2100 days. With a mass transfer efficiency of 50 per cent, a more massive system consisting of a  17 M  primary and a  16 M  secondary in an initial orbit of 2360 days is needed. We also investigate some of the uncertainties in the evolution, including the effects of tidal interaction, convective overshooting and thermohaline mixing.  相似文献   

We present results of two-dimensional gravitationalN-body simulations of the late stage of planetary formation. This stage is characterized by the direct accretion of hundreds of lunar-sized planetesimals into planetary bodies. Our simulation code is based on the Hermite Individual Timestep integration algorithm, and gravitational interactions among all bodies are included throughout the simulations. We compare our simulation with earlier works that do not include all interactions, and we find very good agreement. A previously published collisional fragmentation model is included in our simulation to study the effects of the production of fragments on the subsequent evolution of the larger planetary bodies. It is found that for realistic two-body collisions that, according to this model, both bodies will suffer fragmentation, and that the outcome of the collision will be a relatively large core containing most of the mass and a few small fragments. We present the results of simulations that include this simple fragmentation model. They indicate that the presence of small fragments have only a small effect on the growth or orbital evolution of the large planet-sized bodies.  相似文献   

The computation of theoretical pulsar populations has been a major component of pulsar studies since the 1970s. However, the majority of pulsar population synthesis has only regarded isolated pulsar evolution. Those that have examined pulsar evolution within binary systems tend to either treat binary evolution poorly or evolve the pulsar population in an ad hoc manner. Thus, no complete and direct comparison with observations of the pulsar population within the Galactic disc has been possible to date. Described here is the first component of what will be a complete synthetic pulsar population survey code. This component is used to evolve both isolated and binary pulsars. Synthetic observational surveys can then be performed on this population for a variety of radio telescopes. The final tool used for completing this work will be a code comprised of three components: stellar/binary evolution, Galactic kinematics and survey selection effects. Results provided here support the need for further (apparent) pulsar magnetic field decay during accretion, while they conversely suggest the need for a re-evaluation of the assumed typical millisecond pulsar formation process. Results also focus on reproducing the observed     diagram for Galactic pulsars and how this precludes short time-scales for standard pulsar exponential magnetic field decay. Finally, comparisons of bulk pulsar population characteristics are made to observations displaying the predictive power of this code, while we also show that under standard binary evolutionary assumption binary pulsars may accrete much mass.  相似文献   

We use the Cambridge stellar evolution code stars to model the evolution of 5 and  7 M  zero-metallicity stars. With enhanced resolution at the hydrogen- and helium-burning shell in the asymptotic giant branch (AGB) phases, we are able to model the entire thermally pulsing AGB (TP-AGB) phase. The helium luminosities of the thermal pulses are significantly lower than in higher metallicity stars so there is no third dredge-up. The envelope is enriched in nitrogen by hot-bottom burning of carbon that was previously mixed in during second dredge-up. There is no s -process enrichment owing to the lack of third dredge-up. The thermal pulses grow weaker as the core mass increases and they eventually cease. From then on the star enters a quiescent burning phase which lasts until carbon ignites at the centre of the star when the CO core mass is  1.36 M  . With such a high degeneracy and a core mass so close to the Chandrasekhar mass, we expect these stars to explode as type 1.5 supernovae, very similar to type Ia supernovae but inside a hydrogen-rich envelope.  相似文献   

In this paper we report on pd-sph , the new tree-sph code developed in Padua. The main features of the code are described and the results of a new and independent series of 1D and 3D tests are shown. The paper is mainly dedicated to the presentation of the code and to the critical discussion of its performance. In particular, great attention is devoted to the convergency analysis. The code is highly adaptive in space and time by means of individual smoothing lengths and individual time-steps. At present it contains both dark and baryonic matter, this latter in the form of gas and stars, cooling, thermal conduction, star formation, feedback from Type I and II supernovae, stellar winds, and ultraviolet flux from massive stars, and finally chemical enrichment. New cooling rates that depend on the metal abundance of the interstellar medium are employed, and the differences with respect to the standard ones are outlined. Finally, we show the simulation of the dynamical and chemical evolution of a disc-like galaxy with and without feedback. The code is suitably designed to study in a global fashion the problem of formation and evolution of elliptical galaxies, and in particular to feed a spectrophotometric code from which the integrated spectra, magnitudes and colours (together with their spatial gradients) can be derived.  相似文献   

The initial condition of the formation of massive stars is still unclear at present. In particular, it is still debatable whether or not massive stars are formed in the cluster center. Some people considered from the viewpoint of time scale and thought that the mass segregation phenomena in embedded clusters means that the massive stars can only be born in the cluster center. In this paper we used the Monte Carlo method to make numerical simulation of the dynamical evolution of embedded clusters and the result is compared with the observations. It is assumed that at the initial time massive stars are randomly distributed. It was found that, due to the random motions of massive stars, temporary mass segregation may exist at certain times in the course of evolution of a given embedded cluster, and this phenomenon may be very prominent in some of them. It is pointed out that massive star formation in the center is not the only explanation for mass segregation in embedded clusters. In addition, dynamical friction from the gas can effectively reduce the time scale of the dynamical mass segregation. In consequence, the probability of temporary mass segregation is increased.  相似文献   

We present a hydrodynamical code for cosmological simulations which uses the piecewise parabolic method (PPM) to follow the dynamics of the gas component and an N -body particle–mesh algorithm for the evolution of the collisionless component. The gravitational interaction between the two components is regulated by the Poisson equation which is solved by a standard fast Fourier transform (FFT) procedure. In order to simulate cosmological flows we have introduced several modifications to the original PPM scheme which we describe in detail. Various tests of the code are presented including adiabatic expansion, single and multiple pancake formation and three-dimensional cosmological simulations with initial conditions based on the cold dark matter scenario.  相似文献   

We present a state-of-the-art N -body code which includes a detailed treatment of stellar and binary evolution as well as the cluster dynamics. This code is ideal for investigating all aspects relating to the evolution of star clusters and their stellar populations. It is applicable to open and globular clusters of any age. We use the N -body code to model the blue straggler population of the old open cluster M67. Preliminary calculations with our binary population synthesis code show that binary evolution alone cannot explain the observed numbers or properties of the blue stragglers. On the other hand, our N -body model of M67 generates the required number of blue stragglers and provides formation paths for all the various types found in M67. This demonstrates the effectiveness of the cluster environment in modifying the nature of the stars it contains, and highlights the importance of combining dynamics with stellar evolution. We also perform a series of N =10 000 simulations in order to quantify the rate of escape of stars from a cluster subject to the Galactic tidal field.  相似文献   

A revision of Stodółkiewicz's Monte Carlo code is used to simulate the evolution of million-body star clusters. The new method treats each superstar as a single star and follows the evolution and motion of all individual stellar objects. The evolution of N -body systems influenced by the tidal field of a parent galaxy and by stellar evolution is presented. All models consist of 1 000 000 stars. The process of energy generation is realized by means of appropriately modified versions of Spitzer's and Mikkola's formulae for the interaction cross-section between binaries and field stars and binaries themselves. The results presented are in good agreement with theoretical expectations and the results of other methods. During the evolution, the initial mass function (IMF) changes significantly. The local mass function around the half-mass radius closely resembles the actual global mass function. At the late stages of evolution, the mass of the evolved stars inside the core can be as high as 97 per cent of the total mass in this region. For the whole system, the evolved stars can compose up to 75 per cent of the total mass. The evolution of cluster anisotropy strongly depends on initial cluster concentration, IMF and the strength of the tidal field. The results presented are the first step in the direction of simulating the evolution of real globular clusters by means of the Monte Carlo method.  相似文献   

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