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恒星的自转,是恒星结构和演化理论的难点。近年来有许多观测事实,特别是早型大质量星的观测事实,预示恒星的自转效应可能引起恒星内部的物质向外转移,造成恒星表面一些元素丰度超丰,并且对恒星结构和演化产生重要影响,因此,恒星的自转问题受到了越来越多的关注。考虑自转效应后,恒星结构和演经模型将是二维模型,本文综述了诸多作者如何将二维的恒星结构和演化模型简化为一维模型。作者在研究了以上作者的简化方法后,提出了一种比较简单的新方法。这种方法基于如下假设:假设在等势面上的温度,密度,压强,光度,化学组成和角速度等物理和化学量近似于均匀分布,并且这些量与等价球面上的量相同。(等价球面是假想的球面,它包围的体积与等势面包围的体积相等。)我们在等价球面上推出新的转动恒星结构和演化方程,构造出新的演化模型。这个模型与不考虑转动效应的演化模型相比,有以下变化:流体静力学平衡方程变化;辐射温度梯度变化,并引起对流判据变化;星风物质损失和角动量损失增大。作为转动恒星结构和演化模型的应用,我们研究了中,小质量星中心氦燃烧阶段在赫罗图中的演化轨迹发生来回摆动(又称为蓝回绕)的物理机制问题。有诸多作者曾经研究了可以影响蓝回绕的各种因素。但是不知道这些因素之间的内在联系,更无法判断这些因素中哪些因素是主要的。我们根据前人已经知道的对流超射效应与自转效应对蓝回绕的影响正好相反的事实,想到对比对流超射效应和自转效应对于同一颗星和同一化学组成所造成的内部结构的不同,以发现有哪些物理因素对于产生蓝回绕起主要作用以及各种物理因素之间的关系。初步分析的结果认为:蓝回绕的形状和中心氦燃烧阶段的总产能率的变化相关联。当总产能率主要由壳层氢产能率的变化所提供时,蓝回绕主要与氢丰度变化区(μ-梯度区)的氢丰度分布轮廓(X-profile),μ-梯度区的温度,以及对外流区的深入程度密切相关。当总产能率由氢燃烧壳层和氦核的产能率变化所提供时,蓝回绕不仅与μ-梯度区的特性腾,还与氦核的大小和温度密切相关。另外,本文也分析了转动恒星中的物理机制,确定了今后的研究方向。  相似文献   

天体物理学家第一次成功地计算中等质量恒星演化到中心氦燃烧阶段,就发现蓝拐现象,它是赫罗图上形成黄巨星分支的重要理论条件。但由于蓝拐对很多输入物理,如对流的混合长理论,对流超射,初始元素丰度等都十分敏感稍稍不同就会抑制或触发蓝拐,因此蓝拐的激发机制一直没有满意的理论。本文回顾了蓝拐的研究历史,并对中等质量恒星在演化过程中的蓝拐的激发机制问题进行理论分析,给出一个蓝拐整个过程的物理图象。本文探寻了氢燃烧核反应的CNO循环过程对蓝拐的影响,用两种不同的方法处理CNO循环,在第一种模型中保持^14N丰度不变;而在第二种模型中计算了^16O向^14N的转化过程。结果模型一中出现了蓝拐而模型二中没有蓝拐。在对两种模型的比较中,我们进一步研究蓝拐的触发机制。我们注意到蓝拐的一个重要特性,恒星内部的核反应产能增加决定了蓝拐光度的上升;同时对于一个内部产能恒定的恒星,恒星外壳的膨胀和收缩将决定恒星表面的有效温度。根据这点,对恒星内部和外壳的各种物理量进行了研究,并着重注意了恒星外壳对内部产能变化的反应。我们发现RGB阶段产生的氢丰度不连续区的跳变是恒星光度上升的一个关键因素,当氢壳层的外边缘接触到氢跳变的时候,突然增加的氢丰度使氢燃烧壳层变宽,产能也增大。氢壳层产能的增加伴随着氢壳层温度的增加,过多的热量需要传输,使氢壳层膨胀,这样密度降低就可以控制氢壳层燃烧稳定增加。我们发现恒星外壳遵循位力定理,位力定理结合光度公式,决定了中心氦燃烧期间光度上升时只有两种选择,外壳膨胀有效温度变小,或者外壳收缩有效温度上升。恒星外壳对内部产能增加的响应,选择哪种方法,取决于外壳的对流程度。对流居优的外壳,氢壳层过多的热量导致外对流继续发展,有效温度下降,恒星沿RGB向上移动;辐射居优的外壳将升温提高自己的热传导能力,并发现恒星是否发生蓝拐取决于一个关键的值ηcrit,RGB底部η值小于ηcrit的模型将有蓝拐,ηcrit值在0.3-0.5之间,并与恒星的总质量有一定的关系。依靠本文得出的蓝拐机制,我们对一些影响蓝拐的物理因素做了解释。主序期间的中心对流以超射导致氢跳变也将离中心远,氢燃烧壳层将难以到达氢跳变,蓝拐向蓝延伸的距离也就短了。外对流超射使氢跳变的位置更靠近中心,氢壳层可以在较早的时间到达氢跳变,蓝拐产生的可能性增大。质量损失将把恒星表面的物质抛弃,使恒星的氢轮廓处于温度更低的位置,氢壳层向氢跳变移动的速度减慢,从而压制蓝拐。OPAL不透明度较大的区域产生额外的对流区,η较大,实现蓝拐过程比LAOL的更难。本文第一章概述中等质量星的演化,蓝拐和各种输入物理关系,包括了不透明度,对流超射等对蓝拐的影响,介绍已有的蓝拐激发机制,蓝拐的重要性。第二章对CNO双循环核反应对中等质量星的产能贡献和CNO循环的处理方法进行介绍,并对计算结果进行初步分析。第三章通过对两个典型恒星演化模型的比较描述了蓝拐的物理机制。第四章总结了整个工作。  相似文献   

天体物理学家第一次成功地计算中等质量恒星演化到中心氦燃烧阶段 ,就发现蓝拐现象 ,它是赫罗图上形成黄巨星分支的重要理论条件。但由于蓝拐对很多输入物理 ,如对流的混合长理论 ,对流超射 ,初始元素丰度等都十分敏感稍稍不同就会抑制或触发蓝拐 ,因此蓝拐的激发机制一直没有满意的理论。本文回顾了蓝拐的研究历史 ,并对中等质量恒星在演化过程中的蓝拐的激发机制问题进行理论分析 ,给出一个蓝拐整个过程的物理图象。本文探寻了氢燃烧核反应的CNO循环过程对蓝拐的影响 ,用两种不同的方法处理CNO循环 ,在第一种模型中保持14N丰度不变 ;而在第二种模型中计算了16 O向14N的转化过程。结果模型一中出现了蓝拐而模型二中没有蓝拐。在对两种模型的比较中 ,我们进一步研究蓝拐的触发机制。我们注意到蓝拐的一个重要特征 ,恒星内部的核反应产能增加决定了蓝拐光度的上升 ;同时对于一个内部产能恒定的恒星 ,恒星外壳的膨胀和收缩将决定恒星表面的有效温度。根据这点 ,对恒星内部和外壳的各种物理量进行了研究 ,并着重注意了恒星外壳对内部产能变化的反应。我们发现RGB阶段产生的氢丰度不连续区的跳变是恒星光度上升的一个关键因素 ,当氢壳层的外边缘接触到氢跳变的时候 ,突然增加的氢丰度使氢燃烧壳层变宽 ,产能  相似文献   

本文计算并讨论了当13C以渐进注入方式进入氦燃烧壳层时,19F在小质量AGB星热脉冲中的核合成问题.采用小质量AGB星热脉冲的氢氦混合燃烧模型,中子源为13C(a,n)16O,质子则是脉冲开始时从氢燃烧壳层卷入的.对丰度的数值计算结果表明,在小质量AGB星的热脉冲中,19F是能够有效合成的,有效合成的温度T的范围为1.8≤D<2.8(T8=T/108K).采用小质量AGB星的挖掘模型,计算了AGB星大气中氟、氧等元素丰度的变化,较好地拟会了观测结果.对中子源的双脉冲机制,本文亦做了初步探讨.  相似文献   

本文研究了28M⊙和7M⊙恒星由主序到红巨星和AGB星阶段的演化.结果发现,湍流压的存在对质量较大的7M⊙恒星的内部结构有较大的影响,它将使氢燃烧壳层明显变厚并较早地消失;使恒星中心的温度降低;使HR图中的演化轨迹向温度降低和光度减小的方向变化;使氢壳层燃烧出现周期性脉动;氦壳层的热脉动周期变短等等.但是,对于质量较小的28M⊙恒星,湍流压的效应很微小.  相似文献   

本研究了2.8M⊙和7M⊙恒星由于主序到红巨星和AGB星阶段的演化,结果发现,湍流压的存在质量较大的7M⊙恒星的内部结构有较大的影响,它将使氢燃烧壳屋明显变厚并较早地消失,使恒星中心的温度降低,使HR图中的演化轨迹向温度降低和光度减小的方向变化,使氢壳层燃烧出现周期性脉动,氦壳层的热脉动周期变短等等。但是,对于质量较小的2.8M⊙恒星,湍流压的效应很微小。  相似文献   

本采用国际上最新的辐射不透明度表,计算了有对流超射的两颗大中质量星从主序到中心氦燃烧结束阶段的演化,并和经典对流条件下的演化结果进行比较,发现恒星在赫罗图中的演化轨迹,中心氢、氦燃烧寿命,氢壳层源的特性都有明显变化,还注意到中等质量恒星的Tc-ρc关系对是否有对流超射较为敏感,并对这些变化进行了理论分析。  相似文献   

小质量AGB星热脉冲阶段氟的核合成   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本计算并讨论了当^13C以渐进注入方式进入氦燃烧壳层时,^19F在小质量AGB星热脉冲中的核合成问题。采用小质量AGB星热脉冲的氢氦混合燃烧模型,中子源为^13C(α,n)^16O,质量则是脉冲开始时从氢燃烧壳层卷入的。对丰度的数值计算结果表明,在小质量AGB星的热脉冲中,^19F是能够有效合成的,有效合成的温度T的范围为1.8≤Ts〈2.8(T8=T/10^8K)。采用小质量AGB星的挖掘模型  相似文献   

本文采用国际上最新的辐射不透明度表,计算了有对流超射的两颗大中质量星从主序到中心氦燃烧结束阶段的演化,并和经典对流条件下的演化结果进行比较,发现恒星在赫罗图中的演化轨迹,中心氢、氦燃烧寿命,氢壳层源的特性都有明显变化,还注意到中等质量恒星的Tc-ρc关系对是否有对流超射较为敏感,并对这些变化进行了理论分析.  相似文献   

蒋苏云 《天文学报》2005,46(4):380-397
建立了热脉动AGB星氦燃烧壳层源出现非稳定热核反应的判据,新判据包含 了丰富的物理信息,它不仅与热脉动AGB星氦燃烧壳层源的几何性质有关,而且与氦燃 烧壳层源的力学、热学和化学的性质都有关. 提出了热脉动AGB星氦燃烧壳层源非稳定热核反应的发生和消失的机理,它可表述 为:热脉动AGB星氦燃烧壳层源的局部区域出现对流不稳定区会触发非稳定热核反应的 发生,非稳定热核反应会促使氦燃烧壳层源急速膨胀,氦燃烧壳层源的急速几何形变会消 除非稳定热核反应. 用改进后的Kippenhahn恒星演化程序对5M(?)恒星进行了从主序星到热脉动AGB 星的演化模型计算,结果表明新判据能很好地反映5M(?)AGB星氦燃烧壳层源的热核反应 情况.并得出5M(?)热脉动AGB星在第6次热脉动周期阶段,被挖掘到热脉动AGB星 表面的元素主要是在温度lgT2/K<8.155和密度4.0相似文献   

We present measurements of the rotation rates of individual starspots on the rapidly rotating young K0 dwarf AB Doradus, at six epochs between 1988 December and 1996 December. The equatorial rotation period of the star decreased from 0.5137 to 0.5129 d between 1988 December and 1992 January. It then increased steadily, attaining a value of 0.5133 d by 1996 December. The latitude dependence of the rotation rate mirrored the changes in the equatorial rotation rate. The beat period between the equatorial and polar rotation periods dropped from 140 to 70 d initially, then rose steadily. The most rigid rotation, in 1988 December, occurred when the starspot coverage was at a maximum. The time-dependent part of the differential rotation is found to have     , which should alter the oblateness of the star enough to explain the period changes observed in several close binaries via the Applegate mechanism.  相似文献   

We find that five sources listed in the new carbon star catalog are not really carbon-rich objects but oxygen-rich stars, because they all have the prominent 10μm silicate features in absorption and the 1612MHz OH maser emission or/and the SiO molecular features. These objects were considered as carbon stars in the catalog based only on their locations in the infrared two-color diagram. Therefore to use the infrared two-color diagram to distinguish carbon-rich stars from oxygenrich stars must be done with caution, because, in general, it has only a statistical meaning.  相似文献   

An atlas of high resolution (R = 60 000) CCD-spectra in the wavelength range 3500-5000A is presented for four objects in metallicity range -3.0 < [Fe/H] < -0.6, temperature range 4750 < Teff < 5900 K, and surface gravity range 1.6 < lgg < 5.0. We describe the calibration of the stellar atmospheric parameters using Alonso's formula based on the method of infrared flux and outline the determination of the abundances of a total number of 25 chemical elements. An analysis of the abundance determination errors for different chemical elements is carried out, and a method is provided for the observations and reduction of spectral material. Properties of the method of producing an atlas of spectra and line identifications are described.  相似文献   

It is generally accepted that the presence of a hot magnetic corona provides the source of X-ray emission in cool stars. With this connection one could expect to see the variation of magnetic flux in the activity cycle of a star mirrored by a similar variation in the stars X-ray emission. Using magnetic maps produced from flux emergence and transport simulations and assuming a potential field for the corona, we can extrapolate the coronal magnetic field and hence calculate the variation of the X-ray emission. We consider three types of activity cycle that successfully reproduce the pattern of intermingled magnetic flux at high latitudes, a feature observed with Zeeman–Doppler imaging. The three different cycles take the form of (1) an enhanced butterfly pattern where flux emergence is extended to a latitude of 70°, (2) an extended emergence profile as before but with an overlap of 4 yr in the butterfly diagram and (3) where no butterfly diagram is used. The cyclic variation in the X-ray emission is around two orders of magnitude for cases (1) and (3), but less than one order of magnitude for case (2). For all three cases, the rotational modulation of the X-ray emission is greatest at cycle minimum, but the emission measure weighted density varies little over the cycle. For cases (1) and (2) the fraction of the total flux that is open (along which a wind can escape) varies little over the cycle, but for case (3) this is three times larger at cycle minimum than at maximum. Our results clearly show that although magnetic cycles may exist for stars they are not necessarily observable in the X-ray emission.  相似文献   

We present a mathematically rigorous proof that the r-mode spectrum of relativistic stars to the rotational lowest order has a continuous part. A rigorous definition of this spectrum is given in terms of the spectrum of a continuous linear operator. This study verifies earlier results by Kojima concerning the nature of the r-mode spectrum.  相似文献   

The continuum emission of stellar flares in UV and visible bands can be enhanced by two or even three orders of magnitude relative to the quiescent level and is usually characterized by a blue colour. It is difficult for thermal atmospheric models to reproduce all these spectral features. If the flaring process involves the acceleration of energetic electrons which then precipitate downwards to heat the lower atmosphere, collisional excitation and ionization of ambient hydrogen atoms by these non-thermal electrons could be important in powering the continuum emission. To explore such a possibility, we compute the continuum spectra from an atmospheric model for a dMe star, AD Leo, at its quiescent state, when considering the non-thermal effects by precipitating electron beams. The results show that if the electron beam has an energy flux large enough (for example, ℱ1∼1012 erg cm−2 s−1), the U -band brightening and, in particular, the U − B colour are roughly comparable with observed values for a typical large flare. Moreover, for electron beams with a moderate energy flux ℱ1≲1011 erg cm−2 s−1, a decrease of the emission at the Paschen continuum appears. This can explain at least partly the continuum dimming observed in some stellar flares. Adopting an atmospheric model for the flaring state can further raise the continuum flux, but it yields a spectral colour incomparable with observations. This implies that the non-thermal effects may play the chief role in powering the continuum emission in some stellar flares.  相似文献   

基于对9颗类太阳色球活动恒星高信噪比的高色散光谱观测, 测量了这些恒星锂线(入 = 6707.8 A'')的等值宽度, 计算了这些恒星表层锂元素丰度. 通过研究这些类太阳色球活动恒星锂丰度和X射线光度之间的关系, 发现X射线光度 强的类太阳色球活动恒星锂丰度值大于X射线较弱的恒星. 也就是说活动性较强的类太阳色球活动恒星其锂丰度较高, 活动性较弱的类太阳色球活动恒星其锂丰度较低. 考虑到主序的类太阳恒星锂元素和恒星自转速度随着恒星年龄的增加逐渐减少, 以及随着类太阳色球活动恒星自转速度的减小, 色球活动又逐渐变弱. 因此类似于锂丰度, 类太阳色球活动恒星自转速度的大小和恒星的 活动水平也同样可以表明恒星的年龄.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present a new method for measuring the surface differential rotation of cool stars with rotation periods of a few days, for which the sparse phase coverage achievable from single-site observations generally prevents the use of more conventional techniques. The basic idea underlying this new analysis is to obtain the surface differential rotation pattern that minimizes the information content of the reconstructed Doppler image through a simultaneous fit of all available data.
Simulations demonstrate that the performance of this new method in the case of cool stars is satisfactory for a variety of observing strategies. Differential rotation parameters can be recovered reliably as long as the total data set spans at least 4 per cent of the time for the equator to lap the pole by approximately one complete cycle. We find in particular that these results hold for potentially complex spot distributions (as long as they include a mixture of low- and high-latitude features), and for various stellar inclination angles and rotation velocities. Such measurements can be obtained from either unpolarized or polarized data sets, provided their signal-to-noise ratio is larger than approximately 500 and 5000 per 2 km s−1 spectral bin, respectively.
This method should therefore be very useful for investigating differential rotation in a much larger sample of objects than what has been possible up to now, and should hence give us the opportunity of studying how differential rotation reacts to various phenomena operating in stellar convective zones, such as tidal effects or dynamo magnetic field generation.  相似文献   

We re‐discuss the evolutionary state of upper main sequence magnetic stars using a sample of Ap and Bp stars with accurate Hipparcos parallaxes and definitely determined longitudinal magnetic fields. We confirm our previous results obtained from the study of Ap and Bp stars with accurate measurements of the mean magnetic field modulus and mean quadratic magnetic fields that magnetic stars of mass M < 3 M are concentrated towards the centre of the main‐sequence band. In contrast, stars with masses M > 3 M seem to be concentrated closer to the ZAMS. The study of a few known members of nearby open clusters with accurate Hipparcos parallaxes confirms these conclusions. Stronger magnetic fields tend to be found in hotter, younger and more massive stars, as well as in stars with shorter rotation periods. The longest rotation periods are found only in stars which spent already more than 40% of their main sequence life, in the mass domain between 1.8 and 3 M and with log g values ranging from 3.80 to 4.13. No evidence is found for any loss of angular momentum during the main‐sequence life. The magnetic flux remains constant over the stellar life time on the main sequence. An excess of stars with large obliquities β is detected in both higher and lower mass stars. It is quite possible that the angle β becomes close to 0. in slower rotating stars of mass M > 3 M too, analog to the behaviour of angles β in slowly rotating stars of M < 3 M. The obliquity angle distribution as inferred from the distribution of r ‐values appears random at the time magnetic stars become observable on the H‐R diagram. After quite a short time spent on the main sequence, the obliquity angle β tends to reach values close to either 90. or 0. for M < 3 M. The evolution of the obliquity angle β seems to be somewhat different for low and high mass stars. While we find a strong hint for an increase of β with the elapsed time on the main sequence for stars with M > 3 M, no similar trend is found for stars with M < 3 M. However, the predominance of high values of β at advanced ages in these stars is notable. As the physics governing the processes taking place in magnetised atmospheres remains poorly understood, magnetic field properties have to be considered in the framework of dynamo or fossil field theories. (© 2007 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

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