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观赏石,是指在自然界中形成的、可采集移动的,且具有观赏价值、收藏价值、科学价值和经济价值的石体;它蕴含着自然的奥秘和人文积淀,并以天然的美观性、奇特性和稀有性为其特征.我国幅员辽阔,地质构造活动和岩石分布纷繁复杂,观赏石资源丰富,全国各地命名的石种不下千余.中国观赏石协会综合各地石种类型,归并划分为造型石、图纹石、矿物晶体、化石四大类型;既引入了国外关注的具有科学价值与自然美的矿物晶体和化石类石种,又将我国传统的造型石、图纹石类观赏石推向了世界,用中国的赏石文化推动世界石文化的发展.  相似文献   

山东观赏石资源十分丰富,种类多,造型美,品相佳。自古山东为观赏石大省,具有深邃的齐鲁石文化积淀。文中对山东观赏石分类,并着重论述了泰山石奇石、琅砑石、临朐石等30多种观赏石的机理及特征。对观赏石的研究与开发,领先的奇石文化市场,必然对山东经济发展具添砖增瓦意义,山东石文化将在发展中谱写出新的篇章。  相似文献   

寿山石是福建省稀有的名贵石种,也是福州矿产资源的一大特色和优势。近年来,随着寿山石先后被确定为福建省"省石",并被列为侯选"国石"首位,福州市着力打造代表福州城市文化的寿山石文化,海内外掀起了收藏投资寿山石和寿山石文化研究的热潮,由此,  相似文献   

近日,第六届中国宿州灵璧石国际文化节在天下第一石城——柳州举办。此次由中国观赏石协会、安徽省观赏石协会、宿州市观赏石协会和天下第一石·文博世界城(恒鑫)联合主办的文化节,以自然、文化、发展、共赢为主题,突出“政府指导、社团承办、突出特色、市场运作”的模式,充分展示了灵璧石的文化魅力,推动奇石的产业化发展。  相似文献   

新中国成立以来,随着我国地质事业的发展和科学研究的深入,地质学家们在矿物领域研究中发现近70种新矿物,为我国和世界矿物学的发展起了积极的作用。 1957~1965年发现的矿物有:香花石、钡铁钛石、包头矿、黄河矿、镁星叶石、锌赤铁矾、锌叶绿矾、水钙榴石、锂铍石、章氏硼镁石、水碳硼石、索伦石、多水氯硼钙石、钡闪叶石和斜方闪叶石。 1973~1982年发现的新矿物有:纤钡锂石、氟碳铈钡矿、水星叶石、南岭石、芙蓉铀矿、湘江铀矿、钭方钛  相似文献   

正如果说土地是地球的肌肤,那么石就是松软肌肤下有力而强健的肌肉和骨骼。石生长于大千世界,与天地共存,可以说石是一种更高于人类脆弱生命的神圣与存在。也就是因为石的这种于浩渺宇宙间神圣与空灵的存在,才更加唤起了人们对石的钟爱。以石为题,诸如玩石,赏石的文化,亦成为人类社会精神与文化  相似文献   

近年来,广西观赏石蜚声海内外,特别是柳州,更享有“奇石之都”和“柳州奇石甲天下”之美誉。早期仅开发墨石、彩霞石等少数几种,近10多年来发展较快,特别是红河石系列观赏石的发现,更成为我国观赏石热兴起的一个新台阶。广西沿江流域相继开发出天峨石(平纹石和浮雕石)、马安石(彩陶石、绿玉石、鸳鸯石等)、来宾石(来宾黑石、  相似文献   

石文化作为一种文化现象是华夏文化的重要内容,观赏石具有较高的收藏价值及商品经济价值。广西观赏石资源丰富,品种繁多,有较好的利用前景。根据观赏石的形态特征、产出地质条件划分为造形石类、纹理石类、矿物晶体类、古生物化石类、特殊石类等,各类观赏石其形成地质环境各异,在大自然的雕塑下展现出的欣赏价值各放异彩。在商品经济中具有较大的潜力及较高收藏欣赏价值。  相似文献   

兰州是丝路文化、黄土高原文化、青藏高原文化、黄河文化的交汇处。黄河文化作为兰州本土文化的一个重要内容,兰州黄河石是展现兰州黄河文化的重要载体。  相似文献   

正古代石里有洞天,诗词歌赋呈眼前。今朝盛世年景好,吟石咏矿出新篇。散发着墨香的《中国古代吟石咏矿诗选》,如一桌丰盛的地矿文化大餐,摆在我的案头,让我忍不住大快朵颐。人类历史就是矿的利用史,也是逐渐认识自然、开发自然的历史。一切人类文化、文明都是从"石"开始的,古代文人、雅士看到了矿石带给人类的福音,对"石""矿"情有独钟,不免发出感叹并咏物寄情,留下了丰富的诗篇。但以诗歌形式描述、赞颂石、矿的专著却没有,其内容都是赋存于不同  相似文献   

Seawater intrusion has become one of serious environmental problems in coastal areas. During the replacement of saline water by fresh water in the aquifers, in-situ clay could be released, transport and deposit in the porous media due to the change of hydrodynamic and geochemical conditions, which resulted in the increasing of particle size, plugging of pores and reduction of the permeability. Batch experiments and sand column experiments were explored to study the relationships between the flocculation of in-situ clay and geochemical conditions, by changing ionic strength and ionic type of clay suspension. Column outflow was analyzed for suspended particles and electrical conductivity. The total percentage of colloid straining and interception distribution in porous media was calculated. The results indicate that porous media had an effect on the interception of clay colloid particles with about 10 percent clay colloids captured due to the rough surfaces and spatial structure of porous media. Ionic strength played a key role on the permeability reductions. The higher ionic strength is, the greater the amount of colloidal particles trapped. Ionic type also had a significant effect on the interception of clay colloid particles. Ripening was the main mechanism for the interception within porous media when the bulk solution was potassium chloride while blocking happened when the bulk solution was sodium chloride. The distribution of clay colloids in porous media was heterogeneous. The closer to the sand column inlet was the less interception of clay colloids was. The results can provide the scientific basis for preventing the water sensitivity during the process of salty aquifer restoration.  相似文献   

选取成都信息工程学院航空港校区为研究区,利用CE318太阳光度计于2013年6月期间连续观测的数据反演气溶胶光学厚度,Angstrom指数和粒子谱分布,然后进行气溶胶光学特性分析,结果表明:气溶胶光学厚度随波长增加而减少;气溶胶光学厚度随人为活动和天气等诸多因素变化而变化;平均波长指数显示该地区气溶胶中小粒子占主控地位,平均直径在1.2μm左右;平均浑浊度系数为0.44,大气处于浑浊状态;粒子谱分布呈双峰型,证明该地区为城市气溶胶类型,也详细表明气溶胶粒径的变化。  相似文献   

为了研究飞机积冰的一般规律,增强飞行安全保障能力,利用2003年9月19日甘肃省人工增雨飞机空中观测资料和机载PMS粒子探测系统采集数据,分析了出现飞机积冰的气象条件和云层微物理结构。PMS探测到云层中云粒子浓度在0.05-5.91个/cm3,均值为0.93个/cm3;云中含水量均值为0.0043g/m3,最大值为0.0233g/m3;在6200米以上,云中粒子浓度、含水量以及平均浓度直径都较大。分析结果表明:飞机出现较强积冰时的温度低于-5℃;积冰出现在粒子总浓度和含水量较大区域,且雨滴浓度和平均直径的增大对积冰的出现具有重要作用;大粒子对发生积冰贡献值较大。  相似文献   

Nano-sized zinc oxide (nZnO) particles are one kind of the most commonly used metal oxide nanoparticles (NPs). This study compared the cytotoxic and embryotoxic effects of three increasing sized ZnO particles (? 30 nm, 80-150 nm and 2 μm) in the flounder gill (FG) cells and zebrafish embryos, and analyzed the contribution of size, agglomeration and released Zn2+ to the toxic effects. All the tested ZnO particles were found to be highly toxic to both FG cells and zebrafish embryos. They induced growth inhibition, LDH release, morphological changes and apoptosis in FG cells in a concentration-, size- and time-dependent manner. Moreover, the release of LDH from the exposed FG cells into the medium occurred before the observable morphological changes happened. The ultrasonication treatment and addition of serum favored the dispersion of ZnO particles and alleviated the agglomeration, thus significantly increased the corresponding cytotoxicity. The released Zn2+ ions from ZnO particles into the extracellular medium only partially contributed to the cytotoxicity. All the three sizes of ZnO particles tested induced developmental malformations, decrease of hatching rates and lethality in zebrafish embryos, but size- and concentration- dependent toxic effects were not so obvious as in FG cells possibly due to the easy aggregation of ZnO particles in freshwater. In conclusion, both FG cells and zebrafish embryos are sensitive bioassay systems for safety assessment of ZnO particles and the environmental release of ZnO particles should be closely monitored as far as the safety of aquatic organisms is concerned.  相似文献   

随着遥感技术在水体提取与监测方面的广泛应用,更多的研究者致力于提高遥感水体提取的精度。离散粒子群算法在遥感图像分类研究中获得了较高的精度和更稳健的分类效果,已经被应用到遥感水体提取领域,但其在水体提取中的适用性和精度还有待对比与验证。本文采用最新提出的2种基于离散粒子群算法的水体提取方法,即光谱匹配耦合离散粒子群算法(SMDPSO)与最大熵耦合离散粒子群算法(MEDPSO),基于Landsat8_OLI遥感影像,分别选择了有冰雪、有云、有山体阴影和有建筑物的4种环境复杂,常规方法提取精度较低的区域进行水体提取,并与2种常用的水体指数法(NDWI、MNDWI)进行了对比与验证。结果表明:① SMDPSO和MEDPSO方法在4个实验区都能快速地寻找出最佳的水体分布,具有一定的通用性;NDWI和MNDWI方法对有冰雪、有云、有山体阴影和有建筑物影响的区域表现出水体信息的错分现象,提取精度较低;② SMDPSO方法能够识别细小河流和离散水体,水体提取精度较高,但在有冰雪、云、山体阴影和建筑物的复杂环境下提取精度较低、误判率高;MEDPSO方法不仅可以识别细小水体,而且也解决了其他3种方法在提取过程中无法抑制背景信息干扰的问题,在4个实验区的总体精度均在97.8%以上,高于其他3种方法;③ 将离散粒子群算法引入到水体提取方法之中,可增强方法的区域整体性,也可提高其水体提取的精度和自动化程度;④ 运用最大熵模型等机器学习方法,可以结合光谱、形状和纹理等影像信息以及地形信息来进行水体识别,使得水体信息提取精度更高。本文的研究可为离散粒子群算法的推广以及遥感水体提取方法的选择提供参考。  相似文献   

Wen et al.'s odhed dewiogh to obtain wind-wave frequency spectrum in deep was used toderive the spectrum in finite depth water. The spedrum S(ω) (ω bein angular frequency) when normalizedwith the zeroth moment m and peak frequercyω。 contains in adrition to the peakness factor P=ω。S(ω。)/m。, a twth parameter n=(2πm。)_(1/2)d (d being water depPth), so the spatrum behavior can bestudies for different ware growth stages and water depths.  相似文献   

The role of colloid as “colloid pump”in the ocean is well known. The important influence of colloid in seawater on the growth of microalga was found in our 1999--2000 study. Colloid concentrates were obtained by employing a cross-flow filtration system to ultrafilter seawater(which had been pre-filtrated by 0.45 μm acetate cellulose membrane) successively with different membranes. Ultrafiltration retentions (we called them colloid concentrates) together with control sample (seawater without colloid) were then inoculated with two species of microalgae and cultivated in selected conditions. Monitoring of microalgae growth during cultivation showed that all colloid concentrates had obvious influence on the growth of the microalgae studied. Addition of Fe(OH)3 colloid or organic colloid (protein or carbohydrate) to the control sample enhanced the microalgae‘s growth.  相似文献   

A Multi-channel Oceanographic Fluorescence Lidar (MOFL), with a UV excitation at 355 nm and multiple receiving channels at typical wavelengths of fluorescence from oil spills and chlorophyll-a (Chl-a), has been developed using the Laser-induced Fluorescence (LIF) technique. The sketch of the MOFL system equipped with a compact multi-channel photomultiplier tube (MPMT) is introduced in the paper. The methods of differentiating the oil fluorescence from the background water fluorescence and evaluating the Chl-a concentration are described. Two field experiments were carried out to investigate the field performance of the system, i.e., an experiment in coastal areas for oil pollution detection and an experiment over the Yellow Sea for Chl-a monitoring. In the coastal experiment, several oil samples and other fluorescence substances were used to analyze the fluorescence spectral characteristics for oil identification, and to estimate the thickness of oil films at the water surface. The experiment shows that both the spectral shape of fluorescence induced from surface water and the intensity ratio of two channels (I 495/I 405) are essential to determine oil-spill occurrence. In the airborne experiment, MOFL was applied to measure relative Chl-a concentrations in the upper layer of the ocean. A comparison of relative Chl-a concentration measurements by MOFL and the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) indicates that the two datasets are in good agreement. The results show that the MOFL system is capable of monitoring oil spills and Chl-a in the upper layer of ocean water.  相似文献   

Ruxi River is a tributary of the Three Gorges Reservoir. This study examined the temporal and spatial dynamics in particle size characteristics and the associated nutrients and contaminants of the fluvial suspended and deposited sediments along the Ruxi River. Temporal variations in the particle size distribution of the suspended sediment are controlled mainly by differences in sediment source during different seasons. Total organic carbon(TOC), total nitrogen(TN) and total phosphorous(TP) in the 62μm fraction of the suspended sediment exhibit considerably higher concentrations in spring,indicating high probability of algal blooms in the backwater areas. Downstream trends in the nutrient contents of 62 μm deposited sediments imply the greatest potential for eutrophication in the backwater ends, where highest nutrient concentrations were detected. Assessment of metal contamination shows that the sediments deposited in the water-level fluctuation zone were moderately to strongly contaminated by Cadmium(Cd), with a considerably high potential ecological risk. The findings reported have emphasized the impacts of reservoir impoundment on aquatic and/or terrestrial environment in this region. More information on physical, chemical and biological processes of sediment and sediment-associated materials are needed for developing environmentally and ecologically sound policies of water and sediment management.  相似文献   

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