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向飞  陈勇 《天文学报》2006,47(1):19-30
利用星系团PKS 0745—191中心区域的Chandra数据,研究了在中心星系的西边且沿着射电结构而分布的一团明亮X射线气体的性质,发现这团气体是低温而高密的;另由射电观测计算发现射电气体在中心星系的西边压强梯度要大于东边,这说明那团 X射线冷气体与射电气体之间存在相互作用.该冷气体可能是由射电浮力泡从中心星系带出;或者是外围冷气体受到了射电气体的支撑及扰动而形成.进一步,假设气体处在压强重力平衡状态,计算了中心区域的X射线气体的体积占有率为b=0.69±0.28,并且讨论了射电气体所包含的相对论性粒子的性质以及射电气体膨胀对冷流的影响.  相似文献   

本文在星系有偏袒形成的冷暗物质模型框架下,假定星系都在红移~5时形成,研究了星系群和星系团的形成对星系演化的影响。由示冷暗物质模型中各种不同尺度扰动的幅度相近,星系群和星系团的维里化与星系的维里化在时间上比较接近,在星系群或星系团的维里化过程中获得巨大维里速度的星系仍然富有气体,因此,当它们因为频繁的互相碰撞,或者因为进入星系团中心区的稠密星系际介质受到巨大冲压,或者是被附近射电星系的喷流所产生的高压茧状体所包容,都可能激发活动性,造成恒星的爆发性形成.高红移星系团中观测到的B-O效应和高红移射电星系的光学像与射电喷流同轴向现象都可以据此得到解释.  相似文献   

基于被ROSAT全天区巡天观测和射电4.85GHz巡天观测同时探测到的活动星系核的大样本,研究了X射线选的射电噪活动星系核的多波段性质.通过分析该样本中的活动星系核的宽波段能量分布,确认了来自射电、光学和X射线波段的辐射光度之间的显著相关性.这种相关性对于类星体、赛弗特、蝎虎座天体和射电星系是有区别的.同时,探讨了从光学到X射线波段之间的谱指数与红移以及5000A和4.85GHz处的单色光度的相关性.  相似文献   

在早期的文章中,基于耀变体(Blazar)的知识,我们预言了在射电噪活动星系核(AGN)中心10kpc范围内X射线喷流的存在。钱得拉(Chandra)卫星最近对低功率射电星系的X射线观测与我们的预言相一致。在本文中我们研究了kpc尺度喷流中的电子加速,并建议通过对强的FRⅡ射电星系中所预言的X射线喷流的钱得拉卫星的X射线的观测,来研究红的耀变体中的康普顿冷却以及在内部致密喷流和大尺度延伸喷流间环境的不同。以上的研究可以进一步检验我们的关于射电噪活动星系核中kpc尺度X射线喷流的模型。  相似文献   

钱德拉X射线天文台拍摄的阿贝尔160的X射线图像英国和美国的一个天文学家小组通过钱德拉X射线天文台发现了星系穿过星系团阿贝尔160时留下的热气体的瞬现余迹。宇宙中大多数星系是在星系团里的,一个星系团所包含的星系少则几个多则几千个。星系团浸在热气体中,由于星系团成员星系的合力气体保持在原位置。单个星系以每秒几千千米的速度穿过气体,并产生类  相似文献   

一个多次产生CME的活动区特征分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
1998年4月-5月8210活动区在日面上接连出现6次大的爆发活动,搜集了这个活动区在整个日面上软X射线曲线,射电Ⅱ、Ⅳ型爆发,射电日像仪和远紫外观测等资料,它的能量积累过程快,3次软X射线爆发曲线的时间轮廓有一定的相似性。发生日冕物质抛射(CME)时,它的磁环只是局部开放,很快又收拢成一个闭合磁环,在一些非热电子的轰击下,再度被加热,又产生了强列的X射线爆发和射电Ⅱ、Ⅳ型爆发,磁环的薄弱处犹如一个活火山口,CME容易从此处再次喷发,找到非热过程与热过程衔接的拐点,在SXR时间轮廓曲线上它表现为斜率突变点,往往有Ⅲ型爆发作为对应的标志,日冕不同层次上先后出现的Ⅱ型爆发可作为CME出现的有力证据,并可作为判断CME运动速度的依据。  相似文献   

沈国鹏  虞骏 《天文学报》2005,46(4):353-363
在不久的将来,若干基于SZ效应的巡天计划即将观测到大量的星系团.分别采用星系团暗物质的球模型和椭球模型,给出了可观测SZ星系团数目的理论预测,并讨论了形状对星系团数目不确定性的影响.在计算中,利用星系团维里平衡的条件,通过巡天观测的流量下限来确定可观测星系团质量下限,进一步由质量函数给出星系团数目预测.计算结果表明:若通过SZ巡天观测来限定宇宙学参数,形状引起的系统不确定性要予以考虑.  相似文献   

谢天 《天文爱好者》2013,(11):18-21
后发星系团成长的线索 使用美国宇航局的钱德拉X射线天文台和欧洲空间局的牛顿X射线多镜面望远镜,一个天.文学家小组在后发星系团中发现了巨大的高温气体臂。这些结构的跨度至少有50万光年,为后发星系团是如何从较小的星系群和星系团并合生长成为宇宙中由引力所维系的最大结构之一提供了线索。  相似文献   

基于被ROSAT全天区巡天观测和射电 4.85GHz巡天观测同时探测到的活动星系核的大样本 ,研究了X射线选的射电噪活动星系核的多波段性质 .通过分析该样本中的活动星系核的宽波段能量分布 ,确认了来自射电、光学和X射线波段的辐射光度之间的显著相关性 .这种相关性对于类星体、赛弗特、蝎虎座天体和射电星系是有区别的 .同时 ,探讨了从光学到X射线波段之间的谱指数与红移以及 50 0 0 和 4.85GHz处的单色光度的相关性  相似文献   

快讯球状星团M4中的一颗新红变星.......……姚保安沈昌钧张春生林清(237)星系结构与动力学,星团与星协宇宙今暴距离及分布....................................……王彩芬韦大明(42)IRAS 10173十0828的翘曲拱核环中的OH超脉泽.................……俞志尧(ns)星系团PKS 0745一191中射电气体对X射线气体的加热.....................…… ..…,.............……向飞陈勇吴枚卢方军宋黎明贾淑梅(120)活动星系核中的铁线起源于Cerenkov线状发射的再论证一光薄情况下的模型计算 .......……,.........................……陈磊刘当波尤峻…  相似文献   

Calculations of the energy evolution of relativistic particles in a cluster of galaxies are presented. The heating of the X-ray gas by the radio gas in the cluster PKS 0745-191 is derived using Chandra X-ray data and VLA radio data. It is found that the heating is not sufficient for the radiation loss of the X-ray gas if the lower limit of energy in the power-law spectrum of relativistic electrons is set at 0.001 erg.  相似文献   

Strong evidence for cooling flows has been found in low-resolution X-ray imaging and spectra of many clusters of galaxies. However, high-resolution X-ray spectra of several clusters from the Reflection Grating Spectrometer on XMM-Newton now show a soft X-ray spectrum inconsistent with a simple cooling flow. The main problem is a lack of the emission lines expected from gas cooling below 1–2 keV. Lines from gas at about 2–3 keV are observed, even in a high-temperature cluster such as A1835, indicating that gas is cooling down to about 2–3 keV, but is not found at lower temperatures. Here we discuss several solutions to the problem: heating, mixing, differential absorption and inhomogeneous metallicity. Continuous or sporadic heating creates further problems, including the targeting of the heat at the cooler gas and also the high total energy required. So far there is no clear observational evidence for widespread heating, or shocks, in cluster cores, except in radio lobes which occupy only part of the volume. Alternatively, if the metals in the intracluster medium are not uniformly spread but are clumped, then little line emission is expected from the gas cooling below 1 keV. The low-metallicity part cools without line emission, whereas the strengths of the soft X-ray lines from the metal-rich gas depend on the mass fraction of that gas and not on the abundance, since soft X-ray line emission dominates the cooling function below 2 keV.  相似文献   

We present new XMM–Newton observations of the hot-gas environments of two low-power twin-jet radio galaxies, 3C 66B and 3C 449, showing direct evidence for the interactions between X-ray-emitting gas and radio plasma that are thought to determine the large-scale radio structure of these sources. The temperatures that we measure for the two environments are significantly higher than those predicted by standard luminosity–temperature relations for clusters and groups. We show that luminosity–temperature relations for radio-quiet and radio-loud X-ray groups differ, in the sense that radio-source heating may operate in most groups containing radio galaxies. If the radio lobes are expanding subsonically, we find minimum ages of  3 × 108 yr  for 3C 66B, and  5 × 108 yr  for 3C 449, older than the values obtained from spectral ageing, which would give the radio source sufficient time to heat the groups to the observed temperatures for plausible values of the jet power. The external pressures in the atmospheres of both radio galaxies are an order of magnitude higher than equipartition estimates of their radio-lobe pressures, confirming that the radio lobes either are out of equipartition or require a pressure contribution from non-radiating particles. Constraints from the level of X-ray emission we measure from the radio lobes allow us to conclude that a departure from equipartition must be in the direction of magnetic domination, and that the most plausible candidates for a particle contribution to lobe pressure are relativistic protons, an additional population of low-energy electrons, or entrained and heated thermal material.  相似文献   

We examine the properties of the X-ray gas in the central regions of the distant ( z =0.46) , X-ray luminous cluster of galaxies surrounding the powerful radio source 3C 295, using observations made with the Chandra Observatory . Between radii of 50 and 500 kpc, the cluster gas is approximately isothermal with an emission-weighted temperature, kT ∼5 keV . Within the central 50-kpc radius this value drops to kT ∼3.7 keV . The spectral and imaging Chandra data indicate the presence of a cooling flow within the central 50-kpc radius of the cluster, with a mass deposition rate of approximately 280 M yr−1. We estimate an age for the cooling flow of 1–2 Gyr , which is approximately 1000 times older than the central radio source. We find no evidence in the X-ray spectra or images for significant heating of the X-ray gas by the radio source. We report the detection of an edge-like absorption feature in the spectrum for the central 50-kpc region, which may be caused by oxygen-enriched dust grains. The implied mass in metals seen in absorption could have been accumulated by the cooling flow over its lifetime. Combining the results on the X-ray gas density profile with radio measurements of the Faraday rotation measure in 3C 295, we estimate the magnetic field strength in the region of the cluster core to be B ∼12 μG .  相似文献   

Using ROSAT observations, we estimate gas pressures in the X-ray-emitting medium surrounding 63 FRII radio galaxies and quasars. We compare these pressures with the internal pressures of the radio-emitting plasma estimated by assuming minimum energy or equipartition. In the majority of cases (including 12/13 sources with modelled, spatially resolved X-ray emission) radio sources appear to be underpressured with respect to the external medium, suggesting that simple minimum-energy arguments underestimate the internal energy density of the sources. We discuss possible departures from the minimum-energy condition and the consequences of our result for models of the dynamics of radio galaxies, in particular self-similar models .  相似文献   

We report the first detection of an inverse Compton X-ray emission, spatially correlated with a very steep spectrum radio source (VSSRS), 0038-096, without any detected optical counterpart, in cluster Abell 85. The ROSAT PSPC data and its multiscale wavelet analysis reveal a large-scale (linear diameter of the order of 500 h −150 kpc), diffuse X-ray component, in addition to the thermal bremsstrahlung, overlapping an equally large-scale VSSRS. The primeval 3 K background photons, scattering off the relativistic electrons, can produce the X-rays at the detected level. The inverse Compton flux is estimated to be (6.5 ± 0.5) × 10−13 erg s−1 cm−2 in the 0.5–2.4 keV X-ray band. A new 327-MHz radio map is presented for the cluster field. The synchrotron emission flux is estimated to be (6.6 ± 0.90) × 10−14 erg s−1 cm−2 in the 10–100 MHz radio band. The positive detection of both radio and X-ray emission from a common ensemble of relativistic electrons leads to an estimate of (0.95 ± 0.10) × 10−6 G for the cluster-scale magnetic field strength. The estimated field is free of the 'equipartition' conjecture, the distance, and the emission volume. Further, the radiative fluxes and the estimated magnetic field imply the presence of 'relic' (radiative lifetime ≳ 109 yr) relativistic electrons with Lorentz factors γ ≈ 700–1700; this would be a significant source of radio emission in the hitherto unexplored frequency range ν ≈ 2–10 MHz.  相似文献   

We report the discovery of a 40 arcsec long X-ray filament in the core of the cluster of galaxies Abell 1795. The feature coincides with an H α +N  ii filament found by Cowie et al. in the early 1980s and resolved into at least two U -band filaments by McNamara et al. in the mid-1990s. The (emission-weighted) temperature of the X-ray emitting gas along the filament is 2.5–3 keV, as revealed by X-ray colour ratios. The deprojected temperature will be less. A detailed temperature map of the core of the cluster presented. The cD galaxy at the head of the filament is probably moving through or oscillating in the cluster core. The radiative cooling time of the X-ray emitting gas in the filament is about     which is similar to the age of the filament obtained from its length and velocity. This suggests that the filament is produced by cooling of the gas from the intracluster medium. The filament, much of which is well separated from the body of the cD galaxy and its radio source, is potentially of great importance in helping to understand the energy and ionization source of the optical nebulosity common in cooling flows.  相似文献   

We present deep near-infrared images, taken with the Subaru Telescope, of the region around the   z =1.08  radio source 3C 356 which show it to be associated with a poor cluster of galaxies. We discuss evidence that this cluster comprises two subclusters traced by the two galaxies previously proposed as identifications for 3C 356, which both seem to harbour active galactic nuclei, and which have the disturbed morphologies expected if they underwent an interpenetrating collision at the time the radio jets were triggered. We explain the high luminosity and temperature of the diffuse X-ray emission from this system as the result of shock heating of intracluster gas by the merger of two galaxy groups. Taken together with the results on other well-studied powerful radio sources, we suggest that the key ingredient for triggering a powerful radio source, at least at epochs corresponding to   z ∼1  , is a galaxy–galaxy interaction which can be orchestrated by the merger of their parent subclusters. This provides an explanation for the rapid decline in the number density of powerful radio sources since   z ∼1  . We argue that attempts to use distant radio-selected clusters to trace the formation and evolution of the general cluster population must address ways in which X-ray properties can be influenced by the radio source, both directly, by mechanisms such as inverse Compton scattering, and indirectly, by the fact that the radio source may be preferentially triggered at a specific time during the formation of the cluster.  相似文献   

HST observations have shown that low-redshift 3CR radio galaxies often exhibit a point-like optical component positionally coincident with the GHz-frequency radio core. In this paper we discuss the correlation between the luminosities of the radio, optical and X-ray cores in these objects, and argue that all three components have a common origin at the base of the relativistic jets. In unified models, FR I radio galaxies should appear as dimmed, redshifted versions of BL Lac objects. We show that such models are consistent with the spectral energy distributions of the radio galaxies only if the nuclear X-ray emission in radio galaxies is inverse Compton in origin.  相似文献   

The most evident signature for the presence of non-thermal elements (magnetic fields and relativistic electrons) in clusters of galaxies is given by the presence of diffuse radio regionspresent so far in a limited number of objects. We review the recent discoveries of new spectral components by EUVE and BeppoSAX in the spectra of some clusters of galaxies that allow to better determine the non-thermalquantities by relating radio and X-ray data. In collaboration with: M. Orlandini, G. Brunetti, L. Feretti, G. Giovannini, P. Grandi, & G. Setti.  相似文献   

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