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系统解析长江中游河湖交汇区域航道水深资源的变化,可支撑“黄金航道”的可持续发展。本研究以洞庭湖-荆江交汇段为对象,研究洞庭湖分汇区域水沙条件、荆江河段滩槽演变与河湖交汇段航道水深资源的关系。研究表明:三峡工程运行以来,洞庭湖三口分流量和分沙量延续了三峡工程运行前的减少态势,伴随洞庭湖分流量减少,相对增加的长江干流径流量增强了河床冲刷强度,反馈使得洞庭湖三口分流量和分沙量均处于较低值;荆江河段河床冲刷给航道尺度提升奠定了有利基础,河湖分汇区域不满足4.5 m×200 m(水深×宽度)的长度为12.6 km,占荆江河段碍航总长度的68.35%。碍航驱动机制上:松滋口分流区段(枝城-昌门溪)的4.5 m水槽贯通但宽度不足200 m,汊道分流关系不稳定及洲滩萎缩制约航道条件稳定,枯水位下降及“坡陡流急”现象仍然严峻,不利于航道条件保障及船舶安全航行;太平口分流区段水位下降、洲滩萎缩、汊道交替发展使得枯水航路不稳定或水深不足4.5 m;藕池口分流区域的洲滩崩退、洲滩冲刷引起的向下游泥沙输移,碍航表现为航宽不足200 m或出现水深不足4.5 m的浅滩;洞庭湖入汇影响区段(熊家洲-城陵矶)受弯道冲淤...  相似文献   

气候变化和流域人类活动等综合影响改变了河道演变的自然进程,尤其是流域大型水库的影响,深刻改变了下游的水沙通量与河道演变过程及趋势.以三峡工程为对象,研究坝下游水沙通量及河道演变过程对三峡工程运行的响应关系,可加深大型水利枢纽运行对下游河道演变影响的认识.本文以长江中游河段(宜昌-湖口河段)为研究对象,分析1975-2017年河道冲淤变化,结果表明:近40年来,长江中游河床已发生了累积性的冲刷,近坝段砂卵石河段冲刷强度先增强后减弱,沙质河段冲刷强度呈增强态势.三峡工程运行后不同河型演变特征归纳为:分汊河段江心洲以冲刷为主,上荆江河段内实施的航道整治工程稳定了江心洲形态,但面积受清水下泄的影响呈减小态势,枯水期主汊分流比呈减小态势,部分汊道发生了主支汊交替变化;下荆江及下游分汊河段江心洲面积虽然交替变化,整体上航道整治工程控制了江心洲规模;弯曲河段凸岸侧边滩以冲刷为主,急弯段的凹岸侧深槽淤积,微弯段凸岸边滩冲刷,对应的凹岸侧深槽相对稳定.  相似文献   

三峡及其上游干支流梯级水库建成运用后,大坝下游“清水下泄”引起了长江中下游河道发生长时间、长距离的冲刷。2001—2021年期间宜昌至长江口已累计冲刷了50.3亿m3,需厘清河道冲刷对河势、防洪、航运等方面产生影响。分析表明:三峡工程运用后,长江中下游河势总体稳定,弯道段出现切滩撇弯、汊道段出现塞支强干等现象;河道槽蓄量的持续增加,进一步增大了河道调蓄和行洪能力,但水流顶冲点的变化和近岸河床的冲刷下切,使得河道崩岸频发,并影响河势稳定和防洪安全;在河道冲刷、河势控制与航道工程综合作用下,长江中下游航道条件总体得到改善,但河道不均衡冲刷使得坝下游砂卵石河段出现“坡陡流急”,沙质河段出现洲滩散乱、航槽移位等现象,影响航道条件;同流量下枯水位呈下降态势,逢极枯年份影响长江中下游用水安全;江湖关系发生新变化,“三口”分流道由原淤积转为冲刷,两湖湖区水位不同程度的降低,枯水位出现时间有所提前,不利于湖区水资源和生态环境的安全与可持续发展;三峡工程实施枯水期补水调度和“压咸潮”调度以及长江口北支淤积减缓,对于遏制长江口咸潮入侵有利,入海泥沙显著减少引起长江口近岸河床冲刷,影响...  相似文献   

三峡工程运行后长江中下游河道洲滩普遍冲刷萎缩,航道条件极不稳定.为探究影响洲滩演变的主控因素,采用近期水文、泥沙和地形观测资料,以下荆江铁铺水道广兴洲边滩为例,分析了边界条件、水沙过程及整治工程等因素对洲滩调整特征的影响程度.结果表明:洲滩组成中的细沙(0.125 mm15000 m3/s)有一定关系,其持续时间越长,一般表现为滩体面积越小;汛期悬移质分组沙输移过程中,细沙的大幅减少导致边滩萎缩明显,其影响程度比漫滩流量更大.滩体冲淤变形特征与前3年漫滩流量下平均水流冲刷强度的相关性最好.守护工程实施后,漫滩流量下平均水流冲刷强度仍然较大,但滩体后退趋势得以抑制且小幅淤积,工程效果得以充分发挥.  相似文献   

三峡工程运行后,坝下游河道发生持续冲刷。本文研究了长江中游(955 km)不同河段沿程演变差异及其原因。总体而言,河床形态调整幅度自上而下减弱,这是因为在河床持续冲刷过程中,水流含沙量沿程恢复,故越往下游冲刷相对缓慢。平面形态方面,长江中游岸线崩退及洲滩变形的强度均呈沿程减弱趋势,且在荆江河段最为显著。断面形态方面,河床冲深幅度在宜枝下段>荆江河段>宜枝上段>城汉河段>汉湖河段。理论上距离三峡工程最近的河段冲刷应最为剧烈,但由于宜枝上段床沙粗化显著,限制了冲刷的进一步发展。过流能力方面,宜枝河段由于距洞庭湖较远,并未受到入汇顶托作用,故其平滩流量的调整基本由进口水沙条件控制,并随着河床冲深下切而增大;对于荆江、城汉和汉湖河段,河床冲刷虽显著,但支流或湖泊的入汇顶托对平滩流量产生的影响大于前者,故平滩流量总体随上下游水位差同步波动。  相似文献   

三峡工程运用后城陵矶-武汉河段河床调整及崩岸特点   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
为研究近期城汉河段河床调整及崩岸特点,利用实测水沙及地形等资料,采用河段平均的方法,计算了城汉河段断面形态的调整过程,主要包括平滩河槽形态调整及其与前期水沙条件之间的关系.计算结果表明:城汉河段平滩河宽由2003年的1710 m增加至2016年的1732 m,增幅为1.28%,平滩水深由2003年的16.47 m增加至2016年的17.95 m,增幅为9.0%;白螺矶、界牌、簰洲及武汉等河段河床调整以纵向冲深为主,但陆溪口河段河床调整横向展宽与纵向冲深同步发展;2006-2016年城汉河段多年平均崩退速率为5.5 m/a,崩岸总长19.6 km,占岸线总长的8.3%,右岸占55.3%.簰洲河段岸线崩长占城汉河段岸线崩退总长的75.9%.此外还分析了河床边界与水沙条件等因素对重点河段(簰洲河段)崩岸过程的影响,来水来沙条件占主导地位,局部区域崩岸的发生依赖于河床边界条件;建立了典型断面平滩河宽与前期水沙条件之间的经验关系,较好地反映了水沙条件变化对崩岸过程的影响.  相似文献   

三峡水库运行后长江中游洪、枯水位变化特征   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
韩剑桥  孙昭华  杨云平 《湖泊科学》2017,29(5):1217-1226
流域大型水库蓄水后,坝下游河道调整过程中的洪、枯水位变化,对下游水安全、水生态和水资源利用影响甚大.利用1955-2012年长江中游各水文站水位、流量等资料,采用改进的时间序列分析方法,对三峡水库运行前后长江中游洪、枯水位变化特征进行了研究,结果表明:三峡水库蓄水前长江中游洪、枯水位变化的周期长度分别为9~14、11~15 a,在假设三峡水库运行后水位无趋势性变化的前提下,估算得到的水位变化周期长度基本在20 a以上,蓄水前的自然周期性已被打破,枯水位发生趋势性下降且无复归迹象,而洪水位波动周期虽有所延长,但上升幅度未超过历史波动变幅,仅可确定洪水位没有明显的下降趋势.三峡水库蓄水后坝下游长距离冲刷,枯水河槽冲刷量占平滩河槽的比例逐年增加,累计至2013年已达91.5%,是枯水位下降的主控因素.河槽冲刷导致的床沙粗化增加了河道床面阻力,高程在平滩水位附近的滩体上覆盖的大量植被增加了水流流动阻力,同时大量航道整治、护岸、码头等工程主体部分布设在枯水位以上,综合因素作用使得洪水河槽阻力增加.三峡水库蓄水后,虽然枯水期流量补偿作用显著削弱了枯水位下降的效应,但枯水位下降事实已经形成,不利于航道水深的提高及通江湖泊枯水期的水量存蓄,洪水位未明显下降,同级流量下的江湖槽蓄量不会明显调整.  相似文献   

受上游水库运行的影响,自2003年后长江中游河段河床调整,引起河道自身过流能力的变化.本文选取长江中游城陵矶-汉口河段作为研究对象,根据实测资料计算了2003-2016年两个水文断面的水位-流量关系及特征流量变化,并采用一维水动力学模型计算了河段尺度的平滩流量.结果表明:(1)螺山站及汉口站2003-2016年的水位-流量关系呈现枯水流量下水位降低、洪水流量下水位抬升的特点;(2)两站年最大流量下对应的水位整体抬升,警戒水位下对应的流量分别减小9%和16%;(3)2003-2016年城汉河段平滩流量有增有减,无明显单向变化趋势,2014年后呈减小趋势.分析断面的过流能力变化,发现螺山站与汉口站警戒流量与动床阻力呈明显的反比关系,过流能力由于河道阻力的增大而减小;床沙粗化、河道相对水深的减小及洲滩植被覆盖度的增大是引起河道阻力增大、过流能力减小的原因.  相似文献   

近浅海水下地形演变事关堤岸、航运及港口安全,一直是地理学和工程学界研究的热点.利用多波束测深系统对长江大通至徐六泾河段水下地形进行了统计,结合历史资料分析了该河段1998~2013年的冲淤格局.结果表明:(1)1998~2013年大通至徐六泾河段总体呈"冲-淤-冲"特征.其中,上段冲刷700×10~6m~3;中段淤积204×10~6m~3;下段冲刷602×106m3.(2)沙波是研究河段最常见的床面地形,约占整个河段的64.3%;其次为各类冲刷地形(约27.6%);平床地形约占6.6%.(3)人类活动可直接影响水下地形形态的自然发育,如于沙波表面形成直径20~35m,深3~5m的采砂坑.分析认为三峡大坝的修建导致了流域来沙量急剧下降,是研究河段整体上呈冲刷趋势(净冲刷约468×10~6m~3)的主要原因,而其他人类活动,如岸线利用、航道整治束窄了河道,制约了河流的横向摆动,加剧了受冲岸段的岸坡冲刷.  相似文献   

三峡及上游梯级水库群运用后,大坝下游江心洲以冲刷为主,直接影响分汊河段河势条件及航道边界的稳定性。本文采用卫星遥感影像、实测水沙及固定断面床沙级配等资料,分析上荆江枝江、沙市河段中不同河床组成江心洲的演变过程及其机理。结果表明:(1)三峡水库蓄水后(2003—2019年),沙市段沙质江心洲较枝江段卵石夹沙质江心洲萎缩更为显著,出露面积的减幅分别达31%和24%。(2)以关洲和金城洲分别代表卵石夹沙质和沙质江心洲,三峡工程运用后关洲洲头形态较为稳定,受无序采砂的影响其沙质组成的洲尾面积显著减小,而金城洲面积萎缩程度更大。(3)床沙组成对江心洲冲刷程度差异具有重要影响,关洲洲头较金城洲抗冲性更强,与其床沙在年内达到起动条件的数量更少、时长更短有关;建立了江心洲面积与水流冲刷强度及相对水深的定量关系,该关系能综合考虑水沙变化与床沙组成调整的影响,能更好地反演近期江心洲的面积变化特点。  相似文献   


In the past 50 years, influenced by global climate change, the East Asian summer monsoon intensity (SMI) changed significantly, leading to a response by the water cycle of the Yellow River basin. The variation in SMI has three stages: (1) 1951–1963, SMI increased; (2) 1963–1965, SMI declined sharply, a feature that may be regarded as an abrupt change; and (3) 1965–2000, SMI remained at low levels and showed a tendency to decline slowly. The decreased SMI led to a reduction in water vapour transfer from the ocean to the Yellow River basin, and thus precipitation decreased and the natural river runoff of the Yellow River also decreased. Due to the increase in population and therefore in irrigated land area, the ratio of net water diversion to natural river runoff increased continuously. Comparison of the ratio of net water diversion to natural river runoff before and after the abrupt change in SMI indicates some discontinuity in the response of the man-induced lateral branch of the water cycle to the abrupt change in SMI. The frequently occurring flow desiccation in the lower Yellow River can be regarded as a response of the water cycle system to the decreasing summer monsoon intensity and increasing population. When the ratio of net water diversion exceeded the ratio of natural runoff of the low-flow season to the annual total natural runoff, flow desiccation in the lower Yellow River would occur. When the ratio of net water diversion is 0.3 larger than the ratio of the natural runoff of the low-flow season to the annual total natural runoff, an abrupt increase in the number of flow desiccation events is likely to occur.  相似文献   

River islands are vital geomorphic units in alluvial rivers, and the variation of their morphology and position plays a significant role in regulating flow-sediment transport and channel stability. Based on the theories of minimum energy dissipation theory of fluid movement and river morphodynamics, this study uses the river islands in anabranching channels to analyze the relationship between the shape coefficient of river island and the flow-sediment dynamics under stable equilibrium conditions...  相似文献   

Channel bars and banks strongly affect the morphology of both braided and meandering rivers. Accordingly, bar formation and bank erosion processes have been greatly explored. There is, however, a lack of investigations addressing the interactions between bed and bank morphodynamics, especially over short timescales. One major implication of this gap is that the processes leading to the repeated accretion of mid‐channel bars and associated widenings remain unsolved. In a restored section of the Drau River, a gravel‐bed river in Austria, mid‐channel bars have developed in a widening channel. During mean flow conditions, the bars divert the flow towards the banks. One channel section exhibited both an actively retreating bank and an expanding mid‐channel bar, and was selected to investigate the morphodynamic processes involved in bar accretion and channel widening at the intra‐event timescale. We repeatedly surveyed riverbed and riverbank topography, monitored riverbank hydrology and mounted a time‐lapse camera for continuous observation of riverbank erosion processes during four flow events. The mid‐channel bar was shown to accrete when it was submerged during flood events, which at the subsequent flow diversion during lower discharges narrowed the branch along the bank and increased the water surface elevation upstream from the riffle, which constituted the inlet into the branch. These changes of bed topography accelerated the flow along the bank and triggered bank failures up to 20 days after the flood events. Four analysed flow events exhibited a total bar expansion from initially 126 m2 to 295 m2, while bank retreat was 6 m at the apex of the branch. The results revealed the forcing role of bar accretion in channel widening and highlighted the importance of intra‐event scale bed morphodynamics for bank erosion, which were summarized in a conceptual model of the observed bar–bank interactions. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

长江武汉城区段呈SSW-NNE向从城市中心流过.两岸滨江平原是武汉城市的黄金地段.分布于汉阳和武昌沿岸的滨江平原,平面形状似弓形分布于晚更新世岗地与长江之间.研究发现,其形成经历了江-洲-湖-陆的转变过程,是长江中的沙洲并岸的产物.本文以武昌北滨江平原为例,对其形成过程进行了解析.长江武汉蛇山-青山段在明代江面十分开阔...  相似文献   

Least action principle (LAP) in rivers is demonstrated by maximum flow efficiency (MFE) and is the foundation of variational mechanics based on energy and work rather than Newtonian force and momentum. Empirical evidence shows it to be the primary control for the adjustment of alluvial channels. Because most rivers flow with imposed water and sediment loads down valley gradients they have largely inherited, they self‐regulate energy expenditure to match the work they are required to do to remain stable. Overpowered systems develop a variety of channel patterns to expend excess energy and remain stable. Australia offers an opportunity to study low‐energy rivers closely adjusted to very low continental gradients. The anabranching Marshall and single‐thread Plenty Rivers flow down nearly straight channels with average H numbers [ratio between excess bed shear and width/depth (W/D) ratio] close to the optimum of 0.3 for stationary equilibrium. Ridge‐form divisions of the original channel width create anabranches that radically alter W/D ratios relative to bed shear, the same being true for short‐wide islands on the large low‐gradient Yangtze River in China. In contrast, Mount Chambers Creek in Australia's tectonically more active Flinders Ranges is accreting an alluvial fan with unstable distributary channels exhibiting H numbers well below the optimum. LAP also explains profound biases in Earth's stratigraphic record. Because meandering is an energy‐shedding mechanism, sinuous rivers sequester relatively little sediment resulting in all sequences being just a few tens of metres thick. In contrast, low‐energy braided disequilibrium systems can sequester sediment piles over a kilometre in thickness and tens of kilometres wide. LAP provides a new paradigm for river research by identifying the attractor state controlling river channel evolution. It links advances in theoretical physics to fluvial geomorphology, stratigraphy and hydraulic engineering and opens opportunities for diverse investigations in Earth system science. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Channel meander dynamics in fluvial systems and many tidal systems result from erosion of concave banks coupled with sediment deposition on convex bars. However, geographic information system (GIS) analysis of historical aerial photographs of the Skagit Delta marshes provides examples of an alternative meander forming process in a rapidly prograding river delta: deposition‐dominated tidal channel meander formation through a developmental sequence beginning with sandbar formation at the confluence of a blind tidal channel and delta distributary, proceeding to sandbar colonization and stabilization by marsh vegetation to form a marsh island opposite the blind tidal channel outlet, followed by narrowing of the gap between the island and mainland marsh, closure of one half of the gap to join the marsh island to the mainland, and formation of an approximately right‐angle blind tidal channel meander bend in the remaining half of the gap. Topographic signatures analogous to fluvial meander scroll bars accompany these planform changes. Parallel sequences of marsh ridges and swales indicate locations of historical distributary shoreline levees adjacent to filled former island/mainland gaps. Additionally, the location of marsh islands within delta distributaries is not random; islands are disproportionately associated with blind tidal channel/distributary confluences. Furthermore, blind tidal channel outlet width is positively correlated with the size of the marsh island that forms at the outlet, and the time until island fusion with mainland marsh. These observations suggest confluence hydrodynamics favor sandbar/marsh island development. The transition from confluence sandbar to tidal channel meander can take as little as 10 years, but more typically occurs over several decades. This depositional blind tidal channel meander formation process is part of a larger scale systemic depositional process of delta progradation that includes distributary elongation, gradient reduction, flow‐switching, shoaling, and narrowing. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The functions of the diversion channel are usually disturbed by sediment erosion and deposition. Con-sidering the effects of unsaturated sediment flow and narrowed cross section the diversion channel is enormously eroded. The discharge capacity, however, is deteriorated for the local deposition which lessens the water depth to satisfy the minimum navigable flow rate. In this study, the alternative diversion channel with unsaturated sediment flow at Hanjiang River, China, was taken as an example. The impacts of bed morphology for flood events and normal flow conditions were analyzed. The results show that the consideration of bed morphology is essential to design the diversion channel. Even for the unsaturated and eroded channel, the local deposition can reduce the water depth and restrict the navigable requirement under normal flow conditions.  相似文献   

Bo Wang  Yi-Jun Xu 《水文研究》2020,34(13):2864-2877
Bed material transport at river bifurcations is crucial for channel stability and downstream geomorphic dynamics. However, measurements of bed material transport at bifurcations of large alluvial rivers are difficult to make, and standard estimates based on the assumption of proportional partitioning of flow and bedload transport at bifurcations may be erroneous. In this study, we employed a combined approach based on observed topographic change (erosion/deposition) and bed material transport predicted from a one-dimensional model to investigate bed material fluxes near the engineering-controlled Mississippi-Atchafalaya River diversion, which is of great importance to sediment distribution and delivery to Louisiana's coast. Yang's (1973) sediment transport equation was utilized to estimate daily bed material loads upstream, downstream, and through the diversion during 2004–2013. Bathymetric changes in these channels were assessed with single beam data collected in 2004 and 2013. Results show that over the study period, 24% of the Mississippi River flow was diverted into the Atchafalaya River, while the rest remained in the mainstem Mississippi. Upstream of the diversion, the bed material yield was predicted to be 201 million metric tons (MT), of which approximately 35 MT (i.e., 17%) passed through the bifurcation channel to the Atchafalaya River. The findings from this study reveal that in the mainstem Mississippi, the percentage of bed material diversion (83%) is larger than the percentage of flow diversion (76%); Conversely, the diversion channel receives a disproportionate amount of flow (24%) relative to bed material supply (17%). Consequently, severe bed scouring occurred in the controlled Outflow Channel to the Atchafalaya River, while riverbed aggradation progressed in the mainstem Mississippi downstream of the diversion structures, implying reduced flow capacity and potential risk of a high backwater during megafloods. The study demonstrates that Yang's sediment transport equation provides plausible results of bed material fluxes for a highly complicated large river diversion, and that integration of the sediment transport equation with observed morphological changes in riverbed is a valuable approach to investigate sediment dynamics at controlled river bifurcations.  相似文献   

以三峡工程为核心的梯级水库群联合调度运用显著改变水沙条件,坝下游河段出现长时间、长距离的冲淤调整,长江中下游沙量平衡分析是合理评估水库群修建对河道影响的重要依据,是河湖管理与保护的关键支撑.本文基于长时间序列原型观测资料,采用沙量平衡法分析长江中下游不同时空尺度泥沙沿程恢复特征,对比断面地形法计算结果,结合河道空间区域性特征,从临底悬沙测验误差、断面代表性及断面间距、河道采砂等多角度深入揭示两种方法计算冲淤量产生差异的主要原因.结果表明:(1)2003-2018年宜昌至大通河段冲刷泥沙10.76亿t,其中粒径d<0.125 mm的泥沙冲刷量占比达90.9%.以螺山为界,宜昌至螺山段"粗细均冲",螺山至大通河段则"细冲粗淤";(2)宜昌至大通河段2003-2018年沙量平衡法与断面地形法计算冲淤量相对偏差为71%,从沿程差异分布来看,距离三峡大坝坝址较近的宜昌至沙市河段两方法计算绝对差值较小,而沙市至大通河段差值较大,占宜昌至大通全河段绝对偏差的近86%;(3)宜昌至沙市河段河道采砂量占实测河床冲刷量的比例约为20%,临底悬沙对输沙量的改正比例为13.2%~26.7%(平均约为20%),修正后,沙量平衡法、断面地形法计算结果吻合相对较好;沙市至大通河段泥沙测验、固定断面布设、河道采砂等是导致沙量平衡法与断面地形法出现差异的主要原因.  相似文献   

River channel sedimentation in the lower reaches of the Yangtze River can be affected by both changes in sea level and changes in solid discharge from the upper river. To evaluate dynamic changes of sedimentation and erosion in the Jiangsu reach of the Yangtze River (about 330 km in length) from 1959 to 2003, databases were designed and constructed using a digital elevation model (DEM) of channel topography based on the Jiangsu River Relief Map for 1959, 1970, 1985, 1992, and 2003. The results indicated that the main course of the Yangtze River in Jiangsu Province had experienced an obvious switch from sedimentation to erosion status around 1985 because of the decreasing amount of solid load from the upper parts of the river channel after that year. The sedimentation process in the main course of the Jiangsu reach of the Yangtze River demonstrated the propulsive process of ‘downstream‐ward aggradations.’ Between 1985 and 2003, the erosion rate of the lower segment was greater than those of the middle and upper segments; this is probably because both channel flow and tide current had influenced the lower segment. When channel flow combines with tide current in the same direction, channel erosion can be intensified, especially if there is a solid load shortage in the channel. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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