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The progressive development of folds by buckling in single isolated viscous layers compressed parallel to the layering and embedded in a less viscous host is examined in several ways; by use of experiments, an analogue model to simulate simultaneous buckling and flattening and by an application of finite-element analysis.The appearance of folds with a characteristic wavelength in an initially flat layer occurs in the experiments for viscosity ratios (μlayerhost = μ12) of between 11 and 100; progressive fold development after the initial folds have appeared is similar in the experiments and in the finite-element models. Except for the finite-element model for μ12 = 1,000 layer-parallel shortening occurs in the early stages of folding and a stage is reached where little further changes in arc length occur. The amount of layer-parallel shortening increases with decreasing viscosity contrast, and becomes relatively unimportant after the folds have attained limb dips of about 15°–25°.Thickness variations with dip are only significant here for the finite-element model with μ12 = 10, and in experiments for μ12 = 5 where the layer is initially in the form of a moderate-amplitude sine wave. The variations range from a parallel to a near-similar fold geometry, and in general depend on the viscosity contrast, the degree of shortening and the initial wavelength/thickness ratio. They are very similar to the variations predicted by the analogue model of combined buckling and flattening. The difference between the thickness/dip variations in a fold produced by buckling at low viscosity contrast and one produced by flattening a parallel fold is marked at high limb dips and very slight at low limb dips.Many natural folds in isolated rock layers or veins show thickness/dip relationships expected for a flattened parallel fold, and some show relationships expected for buckling at low viscosity contrasts. Studies of the wavelength/thickness ratios in natural folds have suggested that competence contrast is often low. Many folds in isolated rock layers or veins whose geometry may vary between parallel and almost similar, and may be indistinguishable from those of flattened parallel folds, have probably developed by a process of buckling at low viscosity contrasts.  相似文献   

Sheath folds are highly non-cylindrical folds occurring in a variety of geological settings, and have been studied using different approaches. With the present work, we provide a quantitative analysis of the generation and development of sheath folds in a viscously layered system in simple shear conditions. The sheath folds develop from an initial non-cylindrical deflection located on the highly viscous layer. The analogue experiments investigated the influence of (1) variations in the viscosity ratio between the high viscosity layer and the matrix (ηhvl/ηm), (2) variations in the ratio between the amplitude of the initial deflection and the thickness of the high viscosity layer (Af/Thvl), and (3) progressive simple shear (γ). The results show that increases in ηhvl/ηm will produce progressively less elongated sheath folds, while increases in Af/Thvl will result in more elongated sheath folds. We present regime diagrams with ηhvl/ηm and Af/Thvl for different shear strains illustrating under which conditions sheath folds form. In case the original deflection amplitude and layer thickness as well as γ can be retrieved for sheath folds in nature, then their geometry can be used to quantify the effective ηhvl/ηm.  相似文献   

The patterns of deformed early lineations (L1) over later folds (F2) can be classified into several morphological types depending on the nature of variation of L1 F2 over the folds. The field relations indicate that the folds under consideration are neither shear folds nor parallel folds modified by flattening. The lineation patterns are therefore interpreted in terms of an empirical model of simultaneous buckling and flattening in which it is assumed that (i) the central surface of the folded layer remains a sine curve in transverse profile, (ii) the ratio of rates of buckle shortening to homogeneous strain is proportional to sin 2a, with a as the dip angle and (iii) the progressive deformation is coaxial with the Z-axis of bulk strain parallel to the planar segments of the early folds. The model gives an insight into the relative importance of different physical factors which control the development of dissimilar lineation patterns. Not all lineation patterns are explicable by this simplified model. Thus complex patterns with variable L1 F2 along the fold axis may develop by a progressive rotation of the geometrically defined fold hinge through successive material lines. The theoretical results have been applied to interpret the lineation patterns in Central Rajasthan, India. It is concluded that L1 was initially very close to the E-ESE trending subhorizontal Z-axis of bulk deformation during F2-folding and that the X-axis was subhorizontal or gently plunging with a N-NNE trend.  相似文献   

Despite the common occurrence of simple shear deformation, laboratory and numerical simulations of folding have so far been almost exclusively in pure shear. Here we present a series of finite-element simulations of single layer folding in simple shear up to high shear strains (γ ≤ 4, and up to 75% shortening of the folding layer). In the simulations we vary the viscosity contrast between layer and its surroundings (25–100), the stress exponent (1 or 3) and the kinematics of deformation (pure- versus simple shear). In simple shear fold trains do not show a clear asymmetry, axial planes form perpendicular to the developing fold train and rotate along with the fold train. Differences in geometries between folds formed in simple and pure shear folds are thus difficult to distinguish visually, with simple shear folds slightly more irregular and with more variable axial plane orientation than in pure shear. Asymmetric refraction of an axial planar cleavage is a clearer indication of folding in simple shear. The main effect of an increase in stress exponent is an increase in effective viscosity contrast, with only a secondary effect on fold geometry. Naturally folded aplite dykes in a granodiorite are found in a shear zone in Roses, NE Spain. Comparison of the folded dykes with our numerical simulations indicates a viscosity contrast of around 25 and a stress exponent of 3. The natural folds confirm that at this moderate viscosity contrast, a significant amount of shortening (20–30%) is achieved by layer thickening instead of folding.  相似文献   

Two series of experiments were carried out with soft model-materials in order to assess the relative importance of initial homogeneous strain, external rotation and late-stage strain in reorienting early lineations during superposed buckle-folding. In the first series cylindrical buckling folds were produced in embedded planar sheets containing a “lineation”. In the second series noncylindrical folds were produced by compression of a set of cylindrical folds. The experiments indicate that the ratio of buckle shortening to layer-parallel strain is much smaller when the principal extension is parallel to the fold-axis than in the case when the principal extension is perpendicular to the fold-axis. In very competent rocks, the reorientation of old lineations is mainly by external rotation and by the associated concentric longitudinal strain. In moderately competent rocks, the orientation of early lineations always changes by initial homogeneous strain before buckling becomes significant. Because of the unlike amounts of initial strain in layers of different competences, orientations of unrolled lineations may not be parallel in disharmonically folded layers of unlike competences. Under certain conditions the early lineation may become virtually parallel to the later fold-axis. The experiments indicate that the effects of late-stage strain in buckle-folding are largely restricted to the incompetent layers of a multilayer. Hence, if orientation data of early lineations in both competent and incompetent rocks are lumped together, the pattern of orientation may become quite complex. Even for a single competent layer, the pattern of early lineations can locally become complex because of the complex nature of concentric longitudinal strain (and strain resulting from stretching of middle surface of the layer), development of conical folds, development of shear strain along hinge zones of deformed early folds and also because of the development of different orders of folds in both the first and the second deformations.  相似文献   

Dome and basin folds are structures with circular or slightly elongate outcrop patterns, which can form during single- and polyphase deformation in various tectonic settings. We used power-law viscous rock analogues to simulate single-phase dome-and-basin folding of rocks undergoing dislocation creep. The viscosity ratio between a single competent layer and incompetent matrix was 5, and the stress exponent of both materials was 7. The samples underwent layer-parallel shortening under bulk pure constriction.Increasing initial layer thickness resulted in a decrease in the number of domes and basins and an increase in amplitude, A, arc-length, L, wavelength, λ, and layer thickness, Hf. Samples deformed incrementally show progressive development of domes and basins until a strain of eY=Z = −30% is attained. During the dome-and-basin formation the layer thickened permanently, while A, L, and λ increased. A dominant wavelength was not attained. The normalized amplitude (A/λ) increased almost linearly reaching a maximum of 0.12 at eY=Z = −30%. During the last increment of shortening (eY=Z = −30 to −40%) the domes and basins did not further grow, but were overprinted by a second generation of non-cylindrical folds. Most of the geometrical parameters of the previously formed domes and basins behaved stable or decreased during this phase. The normalized arc-length (L/Hf) of domes and basins is significantly higher than that of 2D cylindrical folds. For this reason, the normalized arc length can probably be used to identify domes and basins in the field, even if these structures are not fully exposed in 3D.  相似文献   

A series of experiments is described in which layered specimens were shortened parallel to the layering. The specimens comprise two salt (NaCl) layers sandwiched between three layers of salt–mica synthetic schist. All specimens were prepared and deformed under the same conditions, except for the amount of shortening, which was varied. The resulting fold-shapes are variable, even where the amounts of shortening are the same. In one specimen, folds are believed to have developed essentially by buckling with very little concomitant bulk homogeneous shortening perpendicular to the axial-plane. The specimen lacks an axial-plane foliation. Other folds are believed to have experienced varying amounts of bulk homogeneous shortening before and during buckling, and all have axial-plane foliations that have developed by grain-scale transposition of the original bedding-parallel mica foliation. The difference in the behaviour of the various specimens is explained in terms of initial perturbations. These irregularities take the form of initial deflections in the almost planar bedding, variation in the degree of preferred orientation of the mica grains, and local compositional variation within individual salt–mica layers.  相似文献   

Finite-element folds of similar geometry   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Model folds of similar geometry have been produced by using the finite-element method and the constitutive relations of a layer of wet quartzite embedded in a marble matrix with an initially sinusoidal configuration and a 10° limb dip. The power law for steady-state flow of Yule Marble (Heard and Raleigh, 1972) is used for the matrix and our new law for Canyon Creek quartzite deformed in the presence of water is used for the layer. The equiv- alent viscosity of the wet quartzite is highly temperature-sensitive, giving rise to a strong temperature dependence of the quartzite: marble viscosity ratio which, at a strain rate of 10−14/sec, drops from 543 at 200° to 0.13 at 800°C. At 375°C (ηq/ηm = 10), concentric folds develop at all strains to 80% natural shortening and stress, finite strain and viscosity distributions are somewhat similar to those found previously. Raising the temperature to 550° C (ηq/ηm = 1), at any stage of prior amplification, causes the folds to flatten with increasing strain, accompanied by attenuation of limbs and thickening of hinges, leading to folds with similar geometries and isoclinal folds at extreme strains. The effects are more pronounced at higher temperatures and at 700° C (ηq/ηm = 0.3) limb attenuation is so severe as to give rise to unrealistic geometries. At temperatures below about 600° C (ηq/ηm = 2), similar folds do not form. It thus appears as if a viscosity contrast near unity is required to produce similar folds in rocks, under the conditions simulated and different temperature dependencies of viscosities of materials in layered sequences is one important means of reducing viscosity contrasts.  相似文献   

Progressive ductile shearing in the Phulad Shear Zone of Rajasthan, India has produced a complex history of folding, with development of planar, non-planar and refolded sheath folds. There are three generations of reclined folds, F1, F2 and F3, with a striping lineation (L1) parallel to the hinge lines of F1. The planar sheath folds of F1 have long subparallel hinge lines at the flanks joining up in hairpin curves at relatively small apices. L1 swerves harmoniously with the curving of F1 hinge line. There is a strong down-dip mineral lineation parallel to the striping lineation in most places, but intersecting it at apices of first generation sheath folds. Both the striping and the mineral lineation are deformed in U-patterns over the hinges of reclined F2 and F3. Folding of axial surfaces and hinge lines of earlier reclined folds by later folds was accompanied by very large stretching and led to the development of non-planar sheaths. The reclined folds of all the three generations were deformed by a group of subhorizontal folds. Each generation of fold initially grew with the hinge line at a very low angle with the Y-axis of bulk non-coaxial strain and was subsequently rotated towards the down-dip direction of maximum stretching. The patterns of deformed lineations indicate that the stretching along the X-direction was extremely large, much in excess of 6000 percent.  相似文献   

Geological folds are inherently 3D structures; therefore, they also grow in three dimensions. Here, fold growth in all three dimensions is quantified by numerically simulating upright single‐layer folds in 3D Newtonian media. Horizontal uniaxial shortening leads to a buckling instability, which grows from a point‐like initial perturbation in all three dimensions by fold amplification (vertical), fold elongation (parallel to fold axis) and sequential fold growth (parallel to shortening direction) of secondary (and further) folds adjacent to the initial isolated fold. The two lateral directions exhibit similar averaged growth rates, leading to bulk fold structures with aspect ratios in map view close to 1. However, fold elongation is continuous with increasing bulk shortening, while sequential fold growth exhibits jumps whenever a new sequential fold appears and the bulk fold structure therefore suddenly occupies more space. Compared with the two lateral growth directions, fold amplification exhibits a slightly higher growth rate.  相似文献   

Buckle folds in internal multilayer systems will initiate and grow in a bulk plane strain condition, in which the principal axis of no change, Y (X >Y >Z), is perpendicular to the layering and to the fold axial direction, providing that the multilayer is confined both above and below. The bulk extension direction, X, is then parallel to the fold axial direction.  相似文献   

Strain refraction across competence contrasts is presented as a simple model consisting of two components, a homogeneous strain and a heterogeneous simple shear. For Newtonian materials, the ratio of the layer-parallel simple shear component in adjacent layers is the inverse of their viscosity ratio. Strong changes in ellipsoid size, shape and orientation are predicted across viscosity contrasts.The geological implications of strain refraction theory are considered within the context of the ‘cleavage/strain debate’. The particular relationships of relative competence and strain revealed by the refraction model may contribute to the problem of why cleavages of different morphologies in rocks of different lithologies (and kinematic histories) should appear to be subparallel to the XY planes of measured strain ellipsoids. Competent rocks should develop dominantly layer-orthogonal strain, and incompetent layers shear-dominated deformation. A variety of structural features ranging from cleavage refraction, changing lineation orientations, folds transected by cleavage, changes from coaxial to non-coaxial deformation, and ramp-flat fault geometry may be the result of stress and strain refraction in rocks.  相似文献   

Detailed micro-meso to macroscopic structural analyses reveal two deformation phases in the western limb of the Hazara-Kashmir Syntaxis(HKS). Bulk top to NW shearing transformed initially symmetrical NNE-SSW trending meso to macroscopic folds from asymmetric to overturned ones without changing their trend. Sigmoidal en-echelon tension gashes developed during this deformation,that were oblique to bedding parallel worm burrows and bedding planes themselves. Strain analyses of deformed elliptical ooids using the R_f/φ method constrain the internal strain patterns of the NNE-SSW structures. The principal stretching axis(S_3) defined by deformed elliptical ooids is oriented N27°E at right angles to WNW-ESE shortening. The deformed elliptical ooids in sub-vertical bedding vertical planes contain ooids that plunge ~70° SE due to NW-directed tectonic transport. Finite strain ratios are1.45(R_(xy)) parallel to bedding plane and 1.46(R_(yz)) for the vertical plane. From these 2D strain values, we derive an oblate strain ellipsoidal in 3D using the Flinn and Hsu/Nadai techniques. Strains calculated from deformed elliptical ooids average-18.10% parallel to bedding and-18.47% in the vertical plane.However, a balanced cross-section through the study area indicates a minimum of~-28% shortening.Consequently, regional shortening was only partially accommodated by internal deformation.  相似文献   

Plane-strain coaxial deformation of a competent plasticine layer embedded in an incompetent plasticine matrix was carried out to improve our understanding about the evolution of folds and boudins if the layer is oriented perpendicular to the Y-axis of the finite strain ellipsoid. The rock analogues used were Beck’s green plasticine (matrix) and Beck’s black plasticine (competent layer), both of which are strain-rate softening modelling materials with a stress exponent n=ca. 8. The effective viscosity η of the matrix plasticine was changed by adding different amounts of oil to the original plasticine. At a strain rate of 10−3 s−1 and a finite strain e of 10%, the effective viscosity of the matrix ranges from 1.2×106 to 7.2×106 Pa s. The effective viscosity of the competent layer has been determined as 4.2×107 Pa s. If the viscosity ratio is large (ca. 20) and the initial thickness of the competent layer is small, both folds and boudins develop simultaneously. Although the growth rate of the folds seems to be higher than the growth rate of the boudins, the wavelength of both structures is approximately the same as is suggested by analytical solutions. A further unexpected, but characteristic, aspect of the deformed competent layer is a significant increase in thickness, which can be used to distinguish plane-strain folds and boudins from constrictional folds and boudins.An erratum to this article can be found at  相似文献   

Alpine inversion in the Bristol Channel Basin includes reverse-reactivated normal faults with hanging wall buttress anticlines. At Lilstock Beach, joint sets in Lower Jurassic limestone beds cluster about the trend of the hinge of the Lilstock buttress anticline. In horizontal and gently north-dipping beds, J3 joints ( 295–285° strike) are rare, while other joint sets indicate an anticlockwise sequence of development. In the steeper south-dipping beds, J3 joints are the most frequent in the vicinity of the reverse-reactivated normal fault responsible for the anticline. The J3 joints strike parallel to the fold hinge, and their poles tilt to the south when bedding is restored to horizontal. This southward tilt aims at the direction of σ1 for Alpine inversion.Finite-element analysis is used to explain the southward tilt of J3 joints that propagate under a local σ3 in the direction of σ1 for Alpine inversion. Tilted principal stresses are characteristic of limestone–shale sequences that are sheared during parallel (flexural-flow) folding. Shear tractions on the dipping beds generate a tensile stress in the stiffer limestone beds even when remote principal stresses are compressive. This situation favors the paradoxical opening of joints in the direction of the regional maximum horizontal stress. We conclude that J3 joints propagated during the Alpine compression caused the growth of the Lilstock buttress anticline.  相似文献   

侯贵廷 《地学前缘》2005,12(4):347-351
根据Ramberg的纵弯褶皱粘性力学实验,在褶皱形态的分形分析基础上,利用分形理论和褶皱的流变学理论导出了褶皱的分数维(D)与岩层厚度(h)和粘度(μ)间的关系式,并探讨了褶皱复杂性对褶皱分数维的影响,从中获得有关复杂褶皱的流变学信息。影响分形褶皱复杂程度的因素很多,主要因素包括岩层的厚度和粘度。因此,对褶皱的分形测量和岩层厚度及粘度的分析,可以定量分析分形褶皱形成的流变机理。这一研究是褶皱的非线性流变学理论研究的一个尝试。  相似文献   

Six experiments of single-layer folding with simple-shear boundary conditions were completed. Using materials of ethyl cellulose, the viscosity ratio of the stiff layer to matrix ranged from 20 to 100. The experiments were monitored by 10–14 photographs taken at equally spaced time intervals. Strain distributions in both the stiff layer and matrix were calculated from the displacements of over 300 ink dots distributed over the surface of each experiment. Both incremental strain (calculated from the relative displacements of the dots between successive photographs) and accumulating strain were determined on the two-dimensional profile of the materials as they folded.Symmetrical fold wavelengths occur and seem to be controlled by the wavelengths of initial perturbations in the stiff layer. If the Biot wavelength was not present initially, it will not occur in the final waveform. Consequently, in a group of natural folds, the mean value of wavelength/thickness ratios apparently reflects the initial perturbations. The mean value should not be confused with the Biot wavelength and should not be used to calculate viscosity ratios in naturally deformed rocks.Substantial layer thickening occurred only with viscosity ratios of 20. The amount of layer thickening also depends on initial perturbations of the stiff layer. If these perturbations are near the Biot wavelength, they are greatly amplified, the folds grow rapidly and layer thickening is small. If the perturbations are not near the Biot wavelength, amplification is small, the folds grow slowly and layer thickening is much greater.Principal elongations of the accumulated strain in the cores of some of the folds are not symmetrically distributed about axial planes and may cut across the axial plane at angles up to 20°. Strain shadows in the matrix, near the convex side of fold hinges, are also prominent. These triangular-shaped regions of low strain are not symmetrically disposed about fold axial planes, in contrast to strain shadows occurring in folds produced under pure-shear boundary conditions.The rotation of accumulating principal elongations in the stiff layer was calculated at fold inflections. Even though the folds themselves are generally symmetrical, these rotations at opposite fold inflections are not. One fold limb exhibits little rotation of principal elongations during folding while the other has rotations up to 70°. In contrast, folds formed in pure-shear boundary conditions have rotations of principal directions on opposite fold limbs equal in magnitude.  相似文献   

One of the rules of thumb of structural geology is that drag folds, or minor asymmetric folds, reflect the sense of layer-parallel shear during folding of an area. According to this rule, right-lateral, layer-parallel shear is accompanied by clockwise rotation of marker surfaces and left-lateral by counterclockwise rotation. By using this rule of thumb, one is supposed to be able to examine small asymmetric folds in an outcrop and to infer the direction of axes of major folds relative to the position of the outcrop. Such inferences, however, can be misleading. Theoretical and experimental analyses of elastic multilayers show that symmetric sinusoidal folds first develop in the multilayers, if the rheological and dimensional properties favor the development of sinusoidal folds rather than kink folds, and that the folded layers will then behave much as passive markers during layerparallel shear and thus will follow the rule of thumb of drag folding. The analyses indicate, however, that multilayers whose properties favor the development of kink folds can produce monoclinal kink folds with a sense of asymmetry opposite to that predicted by the rule of thumb. Therefore, the asymmetry of folds can be an ambiguous indicator of the sense of shear.The reason for the ambiguity is that asymmetry is a result of two processes that can produce diametrically opposed results. The deformation of foliation surfaces and axial planes in a passive manner is the pure or end-member form of one process. The result of the passive deformation of fold forms is the drag fold in which the steepness of limbs and the tilt of axial planes relative to nonfolded layering are in accord with the rule of thumb.The end-member form of a second process, however, produces the opposite geometric relationships. This process involves yielding and buckling instabilities of layers with contact strength and can result in monoclinal kink bands. Right-lateral, layer-parallel shear stress produces left-lateral monoclinal kink bands and left-lateral shear stress produces right-lateral monoclinal kink bands. Actual folds do not behave as either of these ideal end members, and it is for this reason that the interpretation of the sense of layer-parallel shear stress relative to the asymmetry of folds can be ambiguous.Kink folding of a multilayer with contact strength theoretically is a result of both buckling and yielding instabilities. The theory indicates that inclination of the direction of maximum compression to layering favors either left-lateral or right-lateral kinking, and that one can predict conditions under which monoclinal kink bands will develop in elastic or elastic—plastic layers. Further, the first criterion of kink and sinusoidal folding developed in Part IV remains valid if we replace the contact shear strength with the difference between the shear strength and the initial layer-parallel shear stress.Kink folds theoretically can initiate only in layers inclined at angles less than to the direction of maximum compression. Here φ is the angle of internal friction of contacts. For higher angles of layering, slippage is stable so that the result is layer-parallel slippage rather than kink folding.The theory also provides estimates of locking angles of kink bands relative to the direction of maximum compression. The maximum locking angle between layering in a nondilating kink band and the direction of maximum compression is . The theory indicates that the inclination of the boundaries of kink bands is determined by many factors, including the contact strength between layers, the ratio of principal stresses, the thickening or thinning of layers, that is, the dilitation, within the kink band, and the orientation of the principal stresses relative to layering. If there is no dilitation within the kink band, the minimum inclination of the boundaries of the band is to the direction of maximum compression, or to the direction of nonfolded layers. Here α is the angle between the direction of maximum compression and the nonfolded layers. It is positive if clockwise.Analysis of processes in terminal regions of propagating kink bands in multilayers with frictional contact strength indicates that an essential process is dilitation, which decreases the normal stress, thereby allowing slippage and buckling even though slopes of layers are low there.  相似文献   

In the Ormiston Nappe Complex, west of Alice Springs, central Australia, a deformed zone up to 0.7 km thick is developed in the sedimentary Heavitree Quartzite. The deformed zone is adjacent to a major thrust fault and is defined by mylonitic foliation, which is parallel to the thrust plane and by isoclinal folds. Recognition of original detrital quartz grains allows strain ellipsoids to be measured across the zone. The strain generally plots in the flattening field and many specimens show pure flattening strain. The mylonitic foliation is an axial-plane structure to the folds and is parallel to the XY-plane of the strain ellipsoid. A quartz elongation lineation may be present within the foliation and is parallel to the principal extension direction (the X-axis) of the strain ellipsoid.Strain is accommodated principally by intracrystalline plastic deformation of the quartz grains. In detail the strain is not homogeneous and may vary even between adjacent grains of the same specimen. Quartz optic axis fabrics reflect this strain inhomogeneity. If the strain ellipsoid is an oblate spheroid, c-axes lie in small-circle girdles about the principal shortening axis (the Z-axis). With general triaxial strain, the c-axes lie in a great-circle girdle or girdles which intersect the foliation parallel to the intermediate strain axis (the Y-axis) and lie symmetrically about the Z-axis. A random population of grains from a specimen often shows a composite c-axis pattern between these two types.With approach to the thrust there is an increase in the amount of strain within the specimens. The increasing strain correlates with an increase in the degree of c-axis preferred orientation of the deformed detrital grains and in the amount of new strain-free grains present in the deformed quartzite. Adjacent to the thrust the quartzite is completely composed of polygonal new grains. The new grains probably formed under syntectonic conditions caused by movement along the thrust. The bulk of the new grains developed by increasing misorientation between the subareas of an initially polygonized old grain. There is no evidence of any marked host control on new-grain orientation, but new grain c-axis plots are generally similar to the corresponding old-grain plots from the same specimen.  相似文献   

Strain analysis of the Baraitha conglomerate is attempted by direct measurements on extracted pebbles and by micrometric analysis. The overall deformation is of flattening type, with thek value lower by more than half in the matrix than in the pebbles. The viscosity contrast between pebbles and matrix (μ im) is in the ratio of 2:1 and the bulk deformation appears to be strongly controlled by Ci (concentration of pebbles expressed as percentage). The total shortening (≃35%) in the Baraitha conglomerate is comparable with the shortening accomplished in the folding of the overlying Bijawar Group volcanosedimentary sequence. The bulk strain axesX t, Yt andZ t, as determined from the analysis of the deformed conglomerate, are unsymmetrically oriented with reference to folds formed by oblique flexural-slip with neitherX t norY tcoincident with the fold hinges. The lack of transection of folds by cleavage again suggests flattening deformation. The extension in theY tdirection is greater in the matrix than in the pebbles.  相似文献   

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