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The study region comprises the Sidi Bouzid shallow aquifer, which is located in the western part of Central Tunisia. It is mainly occupied by agricultural land with intensive use of chemical fertilizers especially nitrates. For this reason, nitrate measurement was performed in 38 water samples to evaluate and calibrate the obtained models. Several environmental parameters were analyzed using groundwater nitrate concentrations, and different statistical approaches were applied to assess and validate the groundwater vulnerability to nitrate pollution in the Sidi Bouzid shallow aquifer. Multiple linear regression (MLR), analyses of covariance (ANCOVA), and logistic regression (LR) were carried out for studying the nitrate effects on groundwater pollution. Statistical analyses were used to identify major environmental factors that control the groundwater nitrate concentration in this region. Correlation and statistical analyses were conducted to examine the relationship between the nitrate (dependent variable) and various environmental variables (independent variables). All methods show that “groundwater depth” and “land use” parameters are statistically significant at 95% level of confidence. Groundwater vulnerability map was obtained by overlaying these two thematic layers which were obtained in the GIS environment. It shows that the high vulnerability area coincides with the likelihood that nitrate concentration exceeds 24.5 mg/l in groundwater. The relationship between the groundwater vulnerability classes and the nitrate concentrations provides satisfactory results; it showed an Eta-squared correlation coefficient of 64%. So, the groundwater vulnerability map can be used as a synthetic document for realistic management of groundwater quality.  相似文献   

Groundwater is the most important source of water in meeting irrigation, drinking, and other needs in India. The assessment of the potential zone for its recharge is critical for sustainable usage, quality management, and food security. This study reports alternative mapping of the groundwater recharge potential of a selected block by including large-scale soil data. Thematic layers of soil, geomorphology, slope, land use land cover, topographical wetness index, and drainage density of Darwha block (District Yavatmal, Maharashtra, India) were generated and integrated in a geographic information system environment. The topographic maps, thematic maps, field data, and satellite image were processed, classified, and weighted using analytical hierarchical process for their contribution to groundwater recharge. The layers were integrated by weighted linear combination method in the GIS environment to generate four groundwater potential zones viz., “poor,” “poor to moderate,” “moderate to high,” and “high.” Based on the generated groundwater potential map, about 9830 ha (12%) of the study area was categorized as high potential for recharge, 25,558 ha (31%) as poor to moderate, 33,398 ha (40%) as moderate to high, and 12,565 ha (15%) as poor potential zone. The zonation corresponds well with the field data on greater well density (0.22/ha) and irrigated crop area (27%) in the high potential zone as against 0.02 wells/ha and only 6% irrigated area in the poor zone. The map is recommended for use in regulating groundwater development decisions and judicious expenditure on drilling new wells by farmers and the state authorities.  相似文献   

Mining operations threaten the environment if the monitoring and controlling steps are not implemented completely. One of the important methods for control of the environmental situation in the mining district is the environmental impact assessment (EIA) method, which is performed by matrix calculations. In this method, the environmental problem is broken into several parts as the Impacting Factors that is evaluated their influences on Environmental Components by the mathematical calculations. For these calculations, the weight of each Impacting Factor must be evaluated by using comprehensive scenarios that are involved all the predicable environmental issues. Based on literature, it has not been organized a comprehensive scenario about “Interference with groundwater” as an Impacting Factor yet. By consideration of the importance degree of groundwater and its role in supply the drinking water resource, it is felt to demand for an organization a developed scenario in relation with groundwater pollution in mining district. Therefore, the main aim of this study is developing a new scenario to weight the “Interference with groundwater” in EIA matrix. For this purpose, the 8 criteria and 63 subcriteria are defined and their weights are determined using the Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process. The proposed scenario can be successfully evaluated the weight of “Interference with groundwater” Impacting Factor more exactly than the former one, because it considers 8 criteria and 63 subcriteria instead of 2 criteria in the former scenario. Finally, the application of proposed scenario is illustrated by an imaginary ideal case study. Such studies can be used by mining engineers and planners to design an appropriate environmental plan for the mining districts.  相似文献   

Various groundwater potential zones for the assessment of groundwater availability in the Bojnourd basin have been investigated using remote sensing, GIS, and a probabilistic approach. Five independent groundwater factors, including topography, ground slope, stream density, geology units, lineament density, and a groundwater productivity factor, i.e., springs’ discharge, were applied. Discharge rates of 226 springs over the area were collected, and the probabilistic model was designed by the discharge rates of springs as the dependent variable. For training the probabilistic model, a ratio of 70/30% of springs’ discharge was applied and discharge rates of 151 springs were selected to randomly train the model. The frequency ratio for each factor was calculated, and the groundwater potential zones were extracted by summation of frequency ratio maps. The groundwater potential map was also classified into four classes, viz., “very good” (with a frequency ratio of >6.75), “good” (5.5FR6.75), “moderate” (4.75FR5.5), and “poor” (FR4.75). Then, the model was verified based on a success-rate curve method which resulted in obtaining an accuracy ratio of 75.77%. Finally, sensitivity analysis was applied by a factor removal method in five steps. Results reveal that topography factor has the biggest effect on the groundwater potential map and removing this factor eventuates in the lowest accuracy of the final map (AUC = 63. 73%). The groundwater potential map is fairly affected by removing the lineament density factor with an accuracy of 68.80%. Removing the lineament density factor has the lowest effect on the final map with accuracy of 68.80%.  相似文献   

Much attention has been paid to the issue of groundwater depletion linked to intensive groundwater-based agriculture in (semi-)arid areas. Often referred to as the “overexploitation” of aquifers, groundwater depletion is generally attributed to the entire agricultural sector without distinguishing between different uses and users. Although it expresses a general concern for future users, the ambiguous term of “overexploitation” does not acknowledge the contested nature of groundwater use and emerging inequalities. Also, the impact of inequality on groundwater depletion is rarely questioned. The aim of this article is to investigate how and by whom groundwater is depleted, and in turn, how unequal access to groundwater fuels the socioeconomic differentiation of farms and groundwater depletion. Based on a detailed analysis of groundwater use from a user perspective in two irrigated areas in North Africa (Morocco and Algeria), this study shows how the context of groundwater depletion exacerbates—and is exacerbated by—existing inequalities. The paper concludes that knowing how much is withdrawn, where, and by whom provides helpful information for more informed groundwater management by a better understanding of the response of users to declining groundwater conditions and the interests and incentives of different social categories of famers to contribute to groundwater management.  相似文献   

In the process of “industrialization, urbanization, and agricultural modernization”(he-rein--after referred to shortly as “IUAM”)in Henan province, water resources issues have caused deterioration of water environments and water attenuation. These are the region''s most common and prominent issues, caused by improper activities, water environmental conflict and ignoring the results of local water environment carrying capacity. This environmental problem is getting worse and worse, seriously restricting the region’s “IUAM” healthy development. According to coor-dinated development between “IUAM” and water resources bearing capacity, we carry out the environmental management of water resources policy research and design and put forward some corresponding policies and proposals.  相似文献   

The continued sustainable economic development of china depends in part, to the scientific management of China’s precious groundwater resources in the coming years. Groundwater resource scarcity is a common underlying problem across China, in addition, the large-scale groundwater exploitation for human consumption over recent decades has resulted in a series of environmental geological problems. As a result of these problems, the national economics in china have been seriously affected. In order to prevent groundwater resource exhaustion and environmental geology deterioration, “accurate control of groundwater resources (ACGR)” theory and its support system were established in this article, and the related prevention measures of the ACGR theory, such as accurate irrigation, accurate supply water, and accurate subsidies, were proposed. This paper highlights the ACGR theory as an efficient and essential way to achieve the sustainable groundwater resource management, which can be applied to countries such as China.  相似文献   

Groundwater plays an important role in the total water supply of much of China, particularly in the north. It has contributed substantially to both agricultural growth and urban and industrial expansion. However, overexploitation and poor management have contributed to infamous groundwater depletion problems and less publicized groundwater quality deterioration. One of the key challenges for China will be how to make groundwater use sustainable while still meeting increased food needs as well as the industrial and domestic demands of a rapidly urbanizing society. Zhengzhou City, one of China’s test cities for building a “water saving society” highlights both the difficulties and potential solutions to northern China’s joint rural and urban groundwater challenges. Based on secondary data and a primary survey of groundwater management in the region, this report provides an overview of Zhengzhou’s groundwater development and use as well as the ongoing institutional and policy reform processes within the water sector. The results highlight how a deepening of ongoing reforms, which simultaneously consider groundwater as an integral rural and urban issue and a fundamental economic and social asset, may improve groundwater outcomes, not only in Zhengzhou but in China, as the country’s economy and demography continue to change.  相似文献   

In many countries groundwater resources are under-appreciated and, therefore, underutilizied; whereas, in some areas they are inappropriately exploited and, therefore, over-utilized. “Over utilization” can lead to depletion in quantity or a degradation in quality or both. Obstacles to effective management include: (1) lack of knowledge of basic principles of groundwater science among water planners, (2) in many, if not in most countries, ownership of groundwater is in the private domain with the result that codependence is unrecognized, and (3) a misunderstanding by water planners of the concepts of “overexploitation%rdquo; and conjunctive use. The economic, social, and hydrologic constraints and procedures for management for sustainable development of groundwater are significantly different from those for surface water because these differences result from such things as (1) groundwater development is not dependent on large scale collective projects (unlike the utilization of surface water that requires engineering structures for diverting, regulating and transporting water), (2) the activities of many different groups can affect the quality of water, and (3) users of groundwater often are not aware of their co-dependence on the groundwater heritage in which each participates. Hydrogeologists should try to identify those governmental policies that have a detrimental environmental effect, promote those policies that are beneficial, and demonstrate the need for a policy in matters where a policy is lacking.  相似文献   

Direct groundwater regulation (e.g. registration of abstraction points, permits and concessions) has been much advocated world-wide; however, few successful cases have been reported. The development of groundwater use in Minqin County, Gansu Province, China, is described, with analyses of the situation before and after the implementation of direct groundwater regulation measures in 2007. Based on a survey carried out in 2010, it is argued that the regulation measures, which were part of a broader water-policy reform, were successfully implemented due to their integration with pre-existing collective groundwater institutions. In addition to the regulation measures—the closure of wells and per capita water use restriction—all villages had to form water users’ associations (WUAs) which were assigned to implement the new regulations. These WUAs were found to have the same structure as the existing collective groundwater institutions. Through the water-policy reform, the function of the pre-existing groundwater institutions was transformed from managing “water exploitation” to managing “water conservation”.  相似文献   

Regional study on the impact of variations in input rainfall over groundwater quality and its suitability for utilitarian purposes is essential for its extraction and management. Water chemistry from 456 observations wells for 2007–2011 period in hard rock Basaltic terrain of Upper Godavari basin is supported with 8 field samples (in 2014) in this analysis. Based on mean annual rainfall (MAR), four narrow climatic zones are identified in the basin, defined as “humid” (MAR > 1600 mm), “sub-humid” (1600–1000 mm), “semi-arid” (1000–600 mm), and “arid” (MAR < 600 mm). NICB ratio (<±10%), and anionic percentages demarcated the polluted areas from rest “good data”, composing of 1818 samples. Hydrochemical facies are studied using Piper diagram, secondary alkalinity exceeded 50% and not one cation–anion pair exceeded 50%, and silicate–carbonate plot, arid zone nearer to silicate pole indicated the dominance of SiO2 in Ca/Na vs Mg/Na plot. These geochemical variations emphasize a detailed study on role of climatic gradient on groundwater suitability for different purposes, for groundwater extraction, and its management. Suitability of groundwater for drinking based on water quality indices (WQI) indicated 98% of the samples as suitable (WQI < 50%). TDS in humid zone is 150–500 and 500–1000 mg/L in rest of the zones with ~68% in permissible range, 15% as hard water (TDS > 600 mg/L) and not acceptable for drinking. Suitability of groundwater for irrigation is studied using sodium percentage (Na %), Wilcox diagram, sodium absorption ratio (SAR), US salinity diagram, residual sodium carbonate (RSC), permeability index (PI), Kelly’s ratio (KR), ancd magnesium absorption ratio (MgAR). Na % in four zones is < 60% and permissible for irrigation. Very few water samples fall in “doubtful to unsuitable” and “unsuitable” category of Wilcox diagram. Region is observed to have SAR < 6, indicating that water would not cause any problem to the soil and crop. Humid and sub-humid zones belonged to C1S1 and C2S1 categories (low and medium sodium), while semi-arid extended to C3S1 category (salinity hazard zone) in US salinity plot. RSC for all the three zones ranged from 1 to 1.5 meq/L, with 90–95% of the area safe for irrigation. Out of 1818 samples, 1129 belonged to class 2 of PI classification (PI ranging from 25 to 75%) while rest 689 samples had PI >75% (class 1). KR varied from 0.05 to 12.81, with 70–80% of the area having KR < 1. MgAR ratio ranged from 67% to 96%, with sub-humid, humid zones having higher Mg concentrations (increased salinity). Thus, 90% of the samples indicated non-alkaline water with 1% of normal alkalinity. Hence, the current study systematically analyzed the effect of precipitation and geology on groundwater quality and on its usability for various purposes. This stepwise procedure categorized the regions, and the same can be adopted for any regional hydrogeochemical studies.  相似文献   

In recent decades, the high population growth has increased the demand for agricultural lands and products. Groundwater offers reliability and flexibility in access to water for irrigation purposes, especially in arid and semi-arid areas, such as Amol-Babol Plain, Iran. However, the quality and quantity of groundwater may not be suitable for irrigation purposes in all areas due to urbanizations, and intensive agricultural and industrial activities. Groundwater suitability zoning for irrigation purposes could be useful to improve water resources and land use planning, mostly in areas with water scarcity. Therefore, a GIS-based indices method is proposed to assess suitable zones for agricultural activities, integrating the irrigation water quality (IWQ) index and hydrogeological factors. IWQ index was utilized to assess groundwater quality based on salinity hazard, infiltration hazard, specific ions, and trace elements hazards, and miscellaneous effects such as pH, bicarbonate, and nitrate. The potential of the aquifer for irrigation water abstraction was investigated using hydrogeological surveys such as slope angle of the plain, hydraulic conductivity, and aquifer thickness. The groundwater suitability index classified most of the study area (more than 90 %) as “excellent” or “good” suitability zones for irrigation purposes. A limited area of around 5.6 % of the total area has moderate suitability for irrigation purposes due to the Caspian Seawater intrusion and the presence of fossil saline water. The proposed methodology provides useful information in order to allow irrigation management to prevent water and soil deterioration.  相似文献   

The main target of this research paper was to the hydrogeological assessment of the groundwater resources to irrigate 600 ha of irrigable agricultural lands, distributed along the Dead Sea–Aqaba Highway in Umm, Methla, Wadi Musa, Qa’ Saideen and Rahma, southern Jordan. Therefore, a comprehensive groundwater study was commenced by drilling eight new wells which can be used to supply irrigable areas with the existing groundwater that would be enriched by the yield of three proposed recharge dams on Wadi Musa, Wadi Abu-Burqa, and Wadi Rahma. The evaluation of the pumping test data of the drilled was carried out using the standard methods of pumping test interpretation. This was based on the available water table measurements at well locations and knowledge of water flow in the general. The sustainable yield of each well was calculated based on the pumping test parameters. The obtained results indicate that pumping out of Beer Mathkor wells should not exceed 1,100 m3/day in the case of continuous pumping and 8,700 m3/day in the case of intermittent pumping. Since the water table did not significantly change with small changes in pumping (it took eightfolds of magnitude increase in pumping from approximately 1,100 to 8,700 m3/day to show a significant drop in the water table equivalent to about 5.5 MCM per year from the aquifer.  相似文献   

With the ever-accelerating economic and social growth in Asia, the sustainable development of environment, economy and society of Asia and beyond, is severely constrained by a series of grave issues, such as global climate change, population explosion, resource shortage, and rampant disasters. The need for study on groundwater resources and environment in Asia as part of the efforts to tackle global climate change looms even larger. In analyzing how global changes of modern times and human activities are related to primary geo-environment, the groundwater environment serial maps of Asia introduces a new concept for mapping geo-environment of Asia that connects the geological background to groundwater environment. The serial maps reveal the geographic environment that is closely related to groundwater, the special-temporal features of the geo-environment and how it is distributed. The study is vital not only to the harmonious development among environment, economy and society as well as ecological progress in Asia, but also to the strategic requirements posed by the “One Belt One Road”.  相似文献   

Groundwater resources in the semi-arid regions of southern India are under immense pressure due to large-scale groundwater abstraction vis-à-vis meager rainfall recharge. Therefore, understanding and evaluating the spatial distribution of groundwater is essential for viable utilization of the resource. Here, we assess groundwater potential at the watershed scale, in a semi-arid environment with crystalline aquifer system without a perennial surface water source using remote sensing, geophysical, and GIS-based integrated multi-parameter approach. GIS-based weighed overlay analysis is performed with input parameters, viz., geology, geomorphology, lineament density, land use, soil, drainage density, slope, and aquifer thickness. The watershed is categorized into four zones, namely, “very good” (GWP4), “good” (GWP3), “moderate” (GWP2), and “low” (GWP1) in terms of groundwater potential. Overall, ~?70% of the study area falls under moderate to low groundwater potential, indicating a serious threat to the future availability of the resource. Therefore, serious measures are required for maintaining aquifer resilience in this over-exploited aquifer (e.g., restricting groundwater withdrawal from GWP1 and GWP2 zones). Further, as the aquifer is under tremendous anthropogenic pressure, rainwater harvesting and artificial recharge during monsoon are advocated for sustainable aquifer management. Due to the direct dependence of crop production vis-à-vis farmer economy on groundwater, this study is an important step towards sustainable groundwater management and can be applied in diverse hydrological terrains.  相似文献   

This study is focused on the management of coupled groundwater–river interaction (GRI) in the context of inter-basin transfers. The semi-coupled models, HEC-RAS and MODFLOW, were utilized in this study to replicate the River Tees experiment that had been conducted in 1976. Then the ‘surrogate’ models were applied to two “what if” scenarios in order to understand and manage GRI behavior and the nature of the reservoir control system. The results on the River Tees showed that the total temporary bankside storage volume was up to 17.5 % of the total reservoir release, given about 22 h of travel time. In addition, zones 4 and 5 of the river model with significant alluvium deposits were the best storage sites with values of 4.5 and 6.7 % of the total reservoir release, respectively, estimated as temporary losses. The final direct runoff received downstream at broken scar was about 95 % of the Cow Green total reservoir release. Furthermore, the closure rate proved to be vital to compute the effective return flow in respect of this study area. Finally, with careful reservoir and groundwater management, the River Tees proved to be an ideal natural aqueduct for inter-basin transfers when used as part of a major regional water resources scheme.  相似文献   

MSW landfill site selection by combining AHP with GIS for Konya,Turkey   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
Landfill site selection is a critical issue in the urban planning process because of its enormous impact on the economy, ecology, and the environmental health of the region. Landfill site selection process aims to locate the areas that will minimize hazards to the environment and public health. Multi-criteria evaluation methods are often used for different site selection studies. The purpose of this study was to determine suitable landfill site selection by using the geographical information system and the analytic hierarchy process in the study area. The final index model was grouped into four categories as “low suitable”, “moderate”, “suitable” and “best suitable” with an equal interval classification method. As a result, 12.69 % of the study area was low suitable, 7.27 % was moderately suitable, 13.79 % was suitable, and 15.52 % was the best suitable for landfilling; 50.72 % of the study area is not suitable for a landfilling.  相似文献   

通过现状农业—水资源—环境系统分析与诊断发现,黑龙港地区农业结构失调,背离资源条件发展农业,超采地下水,已使该区面临水资源不能永续利用、环境不断恶化的威胁;认为①立足水资源条件发展农业,是建立协调优化的农业—水资源—环境系统,实现农业可持续发展的必要前提;②采用综合措施有效利用土壤水,科学灌溉微咸水,合理开发利用地下水和地表水,是提高水资源对农业贡献的关键;③加强综合科技投入和农村市场经济建设,发展集约化农业,是在有限水资源条件下提高农业生产效率的重要保证;④提高全社会对可持续发展的认识,进行相应的能力建设,是实现黑龙港地区农业—水资源—环境协调可持续发展的社会基础。  相似文献   

Groundwater hydrochemistry could reveal the interaction mechanism between groundwater and the environment, which provides a scientific basis for environmental resources management. In this study, Shukaliefu’s classification method and Piper diagram were adopted to determine the hydrochemical types of groundwater in the Tarim Basin of Xinjiang, China. The method of “one-vote veto” was applied to evaluate the quality of groundwater. Phreeqc software was used to calculate the saturation indices of calcite and fluorite in groundwater. By comparing groundwater quality data of 2003 and 2011, we characterized the variations in hydrochemical types and water quality types, salinization of groundwater and fluoride geochemistry of the plain area of the Tarim Basin. Results show that the primary anion in phreatic water in the plain area of the Tarim Basin changed from HCO3 ? to SO4 2? or Cl?. On the contrary, the primary anion in confined water changed from SO4 2? or Cl? to HCO3 ?. In 2003, 63.1 % of the sampling points in the study area exceeded the Class III water quality standard of China. In 2011, the proportion increased to 82.5 %. In addition, severe groundwater salinization was found at 19.7 % of the sampling points. Some of the deep groundwater samples were salinized as well. In the Aksu area at the north-west part of the Tarim Basin, F? concentration exceeding the standard limit (1 mg/L) was found to be 55.0 % of the groundwater samples tested. Based on these findings, it is concluded that the phreatic water in the study area was severely influenced by the industrial wastewater and domestic sewage related to human activities, while the confined water was less affected. The general quality of groundwater was in an aggravation trend, and the groundwater salinization was in a severe condition in this area. The Ca2+–Na+ ionic exchange, the unsaturated fluorite and oversaturated calcite in the aquifer of the Aksu area are proposed to cause F? enrichment in groundwater of this area.  相似文献   

Conventional hydrogeochemical data and environmental stable isotopes are used to identify the recharge sources and the water–rock interactions in the groundwater-flowing direction within the multilayer groundwater system of the Sulin coal-mining district in the north Anhui province in China. δD and δ 18O of groundwater in the mining district decrease along the groundwater-flowing direction in the recharge areas, yet in the runoff or discharge areas, they rise and fall along average δ values (δ 18O = ?8.68 ‰, δD = ?67.4 ‰), which are lower than average δ values of local atmospheric precipitation (δ 18O = ?7.80 ‰, δD = ?52.4 ‰). Principal component analysis is used to analyze the conventional hydrogeochemical data (K+ + Na+, Mg2+, Ca2+, Cl?, SO4 2?, HCO3 ?, CO3 2?) in the groundwater. The first and second principal components have large variance contributions, and represent “pyrite oxidation or groundwater hardening” and “desulfurization or cation exchange and adsorption,” respectively. From conventional hydrogeochemical data and environmental stable isotopes, it is demonstrated that groundwater of the Sulin coal-mining district is characterized by a mixing type, which is confirmed by three recharge end-members: fresh groundwater, leaching groundwater, and retained groundwater. By means of a sample dot-encompassed triangle in the scatter diagram of load scores for Component 1–Component 2, whose vertexes stand for the three end-members, a model for calculating groundwater mixing ratio is established and applied successfully to the evaluation and management of groundwater hazards in the coal-mining districts.  相似文献   

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