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We performed cosmological, magnetohydrodynamical simulations to follow the evolution of magnetic fields in galaxy clusters, exploring the possibility that the origin of the magnetic seed fields is galactic outflows during the starburst phase of galactic evolution. To do this, we coupled a semi-analytical model for magnetized galactic winds as suggested by Bertone, Vogt & Enßlin to our cosmological simulation. We find that the strength and structure of magnetic fields observed in galaxy clusters are well reproduced for a wide range of model parameters for the magnetized, galactic winds and do only weakly depend on the exact magnetic structure within the assumed galactic outflows. Although the evolution of a primordial magnetic seed field shows no significant differences to that of galaxy cluster fields from previous studies, we find that the magnetic field pollution in the diffuse medium within filaments is below the level predicted by scenarios with pure primordial magnetic seed field. We therefore conclude that magnetized galactic outflows and their subsequent evolution within the intracluster medium can fully account for the observed magnetic fields in galaxy clusters. Our findings also suggest that measuring cosmological magnetic fields in low-density environments such as filaments is much more useful than observing cluster magnetic fields to infer their possible origin.  相似文献   

In clusters of galaxies, the reaction of the intracluster medium (ICM) to the motion of the co-existing galaxies in the cluster triggers the formation of unique features, which trace their position and motion. Galactic wakes, for example, are an apparent result of the ICM/galaxy interactions, and they constitute an important tool for deciphering the motion of the cluster galaxies.
In this paper we investigate whether Bondi–Hoyle accretion can create galactic wakes by focusing the ICM behind moving galaxies. The solution of the equations that describe this physical problem provides us with observable quantities along the wake at any time of its lifetime. We also investigate which are the best environmental conditions for the detectability of such structures in the X-ray images of clusters of galaxies.
We find that significant Bondi–Hoyle wakes can only be formed in low-temperature clusters, and that they are more pronounced behind slow-moving, relatively massive galaxies. The scalelength of these elongated structures is not very large: in the most favourable conditions a Bondi–Hoyle wake in a cluster at the redshift of z =0.05 is 12 arcsec long. However, the X-ray emission of the wake is noticeably strong: the X-ray flux can reach ∼30 times the flux of the surrounding medium. Such features will be easily detectable in the X-ray images of nearby, relatively poor clusters of galaxies by the Chandra and XMM-Newton satellites.  相似文献   

The dynamical signatures of the interaction between galaxies in clusters and the intracluster medium (ICM) can potentially yield significant information about the structure and dynamical history of clusters. To develop our understanding of this phenomenon we present results from numerical modelling of the galaxy–ICM interaction, as the galaxy moves through the cluster. The simulations have been performed for a broad range of ICM temperatures ( kT cl=1, 4 and 8 keV), representative of poor clusters or groups through to rich clusters.
There are several dynamical features that can be identified in these simulations. For supersonic galaxy motion, a leading bow shock is present, and also a weak gravitationally focused wake or tail behind the galaxy (analogous to Bondi–Hoyle accretion). For galaxies with higher mass replenishment rates and a denser interstellar medium (ISM), the dominant feature is a dense ram-pressure stripped tail. In line with other simulations, we find that the ICM/galaxy–ISM interaction can result in complex time-dependent dynamics, with ram-pressure stripping occurring in an episodic manner.
In order to facilitate this comparison between the observational consequences of dynamical studies and X-ray observations we have calculated synthetic X-ray flux and hardness maps from these simulations. These calculations predict that the ram-pressure stripped tail will usually be the most visible feature, though in nearby galaxies the bow shock preceding the galaxy should also be apparent in deeper X-ray observations. We briefly discuss these results and compare them with X-ray observations of galaxies where there is evidence of such interactions.  相似文献   

We have observed the prototypical wide-angle tail (WAT) radio galaxy 3C 465 with Chandra and XMM–Newton . X-ray emission is detected from the active nucleus and the inner radio jet, as well as a small-scale, cool component of thermal emission, a number of the individual galaxies of the host cluster (Abell 2634), and the hotter thermal emission from the cluster itself. The X-ray detection of the jet allows us to argue that synchrotron emission may be an important mechanism in other well-collimated, fast jets, including those of classical double radio sources. The bases of the radio plumes are not detected in the X-ray, which supports the model in which these plumes are physically different from the twin jets of lower-power radio galaxies. The plumes are in fact spatially coincident with deficits of X-ray emission on large scales, which argues that they contain little thermal material at the cluster temperature, although the minimum pressures throughout the source are lower than the external pressures estimated from the observed thermal emission. Our observations confirm both spatially and spectrally that a component of dense, cool gas with a short cooling time is associated with the central galaxy. However, there is no evidence for the kind of discontinuity in external properties that would be required in many models of the jet–plume transition in WATs. Although the WAT jet–plume transition appears likely to be related to the interface between this central cool component and the hotter intracluster medium, the mechanism for WAT formation remains unclear. We revisit the question of the bending of WAT plumes, and show that the plumes can be bent by plausible bulk motions of the intracluster medium, or by motion of the host galaxy with respect to the cluster, as long as the plumes are light.  相似文献   

We compare the gravitational potential profiles of the elliptical galaxies NGC 4486 (M87) and NGC 1399 (the central galaxy in the Fornax cluster) derived from X-ray and optical data. This comparison suggests that the combined contribution of cosmic rays, magnetic fields and microturbulence to the pressure is ∼10 per cent of the gas thermal pressure in the cores of NGC 1399 and M87, although the uncertainties in our model assumptions (e.g. spherical symmetry) are sufficiently large that the contribution could be consistent with zero. In the absence of any other form of non-thermal pressure support, these upper bounds translate into upper limits on the magnetic field of ∼10–20 μG at a distance of 1–2 arcmin from the centers of NGC 1399 and M87. We show that these results are consistent with the current paradigm of cool cluster cores, based on the assumption that active galactic nuclei regulate the thermal state of the gas by injecting energy into the intracluster medium. The limit of ∼10–20 per cent on the energy density in the form of relativistic protons applies not only to the current state of the gas, but also essentially to the entire history of the intracluster medium, provided that cosmic ray protons evolve adiabatically and that their spatial diffusion is suppressed.  相似文献   

If a galaxy resides in a cluster, then its passage through the pervasive intracluster medium will produce a detectable signature in the X-ray emission from the cluster. Such features have now been detected in a number of systems. The simplest kinematic information that can be extracted from this signature is the galaxy's direction of motion on the plane of the sky. This paper explores the constraints on cluster dynamics that could be derived from such information. In particular, we show that it is possible to define a projected anisotropy parameter, B ( r ), which is directly analogous to the usual orbital anisotropy parameter. We describe an estimator for this quantity, ( R ), which can be derived in a robust and straightforward manner. We present a simple dynamical model for a cluster consisting of a Michie distribution function of galaxies orbiting in a truncated singular isothermal sphere potential. Using this model, we demonstrate the ambiguity between the distribution of mass and the distribution of galaxy orbits when interpreting the traditional measures of cluster kinematics (the projected density of galaxies and their line-of-sight velocity dispersion). As an example, we show how two very different dynamical models can fit the kinematic properties of the Coma cluster. We demonstrate that the measurement of using a relatively small sample of wake directions ( N wake≈50) would provide an effective mechanism for lifting this degeneracy. Thus, by combining X-ray measurements of wake directions with number counts and line-of-sight velocities derived from optical data, it will prove possible to measure both the orbit distribution and the form of the gravitational potential in clusters of galaxies. The requisite X-ray observations lie within reach of the soon-to-be-launched AXAF satellite.  相似文献   

We report the discovery of a 40 arcsec long X-ray filament in the core of the cluster of galaxies Abell 1795. The feature coincides with an H α +N  ii filament found by Cowie et al. in the early 1980s and resolved into at least two U -band filaments by McNamara et al. in the mid-1990s. The (emission-weighted) temperature of the X-ray emitting gas along the filament is 2.5–3 keV, as revealed by X-ray colour ratios. The deprojected temperature will be less. A detailed temperature map of the core of the cluster presented. The cD galaxy at the head of the filament is probably moving through or oscillating in the cluster core. The radiative cooling time of the X-ray emitting gas in the filament is about     which is similar to the age of the filament obtained from its length and velocity. This suggests that the filament is produced by cooling of the gas from the intracluster medium. The filament, much of which is well separated from the body of the cD galaxy and its radio source, is potentially of great importance in helping to understand the energy and ionization source of the optical nebulosity common in cooling flows.  相似文献   

We use line-of-sight velocity information on the filamentary emission-line nebula of NGC 1275 to infer a dynamical model of the nebula's flow through the surrounding intracluster gas. We detect outflowing gas and flow patterns that match simulations of buoyantly rising bubbles from which we deduce that some of the nebula filaments have been drawn out of NGC 1275. We find a radial gradient of the ratio [N  ii ]λ6584/Hα which may be due to a variation in metallicity, interactions with the surrounding intracluster medium or a hardening of the excitation mechanism. We find no preferred spatial correlation of stellar clusters within the filaments and there is a notable lack of [O  iii ]λ5007 emission, therefore it is unlikely that the filaments are ionized by stellar ultraviolet.  相似文献   

We examine the core of the X-ray bright galaxy cluster 2A 0335+096 using deep Chandra X-ray imaging and spatially resolved spectroscopy, and include new radio observations. The set of around eight X-ray bright blobs in the core of the cluster, appearing like eggs in a bird's nest, contains multiphase gas from ∼0.5 to 2 keV. The morphology of the coolest X-ray emitting gas at 0.5 keV temperature is similar to the Hα emitting nebula known in this cluster, which surrounds the central galaxy. XMM–Newton grating spectra confirm the presence of material at these temperatures, showing reasonable agreement with Chandra emission measures. On scales of 80 to 250 kpc, there is a low temperature, high metallicity, swirl of intracluster medium as seen in other clusters. In the core, we find evidence for a further three X-ray cavities, in addition to the two previously discovered. Enhancements in 1.5 GHz radio emission are correlated with the X-ray cavities. The total  4 PV   enthalpy associated with the cavities is around  5 × 1059 erg  . This energy would be enough to heat the cooling region for  ∼5 × 107 yr  . We find a maximum pressure discontinuity of 26 per cent (2σ) across the surface brightness edge to the south-west of the cluster core. This corresponds to an upper limit on the Mach number of the cool core with respect to its surroundings of 0.55.  相似文献   

Environment plays an important role in the evolution of the gas contents of galaxies. Gas deficiency of cluster spirals and the role of the hot intracluster medium in stripping gas from these galaxies is a well-studied subject. Loose groups with diffuse X-ray emission from the intragroup medium (IGM) offer an intermediate environment between clusters and groups without a hot IGM. These X-ray bright groups have smaller velocity dispersion and lower temperature than clusters, but higher IGM density than loose groups without diffuse X-ray emission. A single-dish comparative study of loose groups with and without diffuse X-ray emission from the IGM, showed that the galaxies in X-ray bright groups have lost more gas on average than the galaxies in non X-ray bright groups. In this paper we present GMRT H  i observations of 13 galaxies from four X-ray bright groups: NGC 5044, 720, 1550 and IC1459. The aim of this work is to study the morphology of H  i in these galaxies and to see if the hot IGM has in any way affected their H  i content or distribution. In addition to disturbed H  i morphology, we find that most galaxies have shrunken H  i discs compared to the field spirals. This indicates that IGM-assisted stripping processes like ram pressure may have stripped gas from the outer edges of the galaxies.  相似文献   

Centaurus B (PKS B1343−601) is one of the brightest and closest radio galaxies, with flux density ∼250 Jy at 408 MHz and redshift 0.01215, but it has not been studied much because of its position (i) close to the Galactic plane (it is also known as G309.6+1.7 and Kes 19) and (ii) in the southern sky. It has recently been suggested as the centre of a highly obscured cluster behind the Galactic plane. We present radio observations made with the Australia Telescope Compact Array and Molonglo Observatory Synthesis Telescope to study the jets and lobes. The total intensity and polarization radio images of the FR I jets are used to determine the jet brightness and width variations, magnetic field structure and fractional polarization. The equipartition pressure calculated along the jets declines rapidly over the first 1 arcmin from the galaxy reaching a constant pressure of 10−13  h −4/7 Pa in the lobes blown in the intracluster medium.  相似文献   

We investigate the history of galactic feedback and chemical enrichment within a sample of 15 X-ray bright groups of galaxies, on the basis of the inferred Fe and Si distributions in the hot gas and the associated metal masses produced by core-collapse and Type Ia supernovae (SNe). Most of these cool-core groups show a central Fe and Si excess, which can be explained by prolonged enrichment by SN Ia and stellar winds in the central early-type galaxy alone, but with tentative evidence for additional processes contributing to core enrichment in hotter groups. Inferred metal mass-to-light ratios inside r 500 show a positive correlation with total group mass but are generally significantly lower than in clusters, due to a combination of lower global intracluster medium (ICM) abundances and gas-to-light ratios in groups. This metal deficiency is present for products from both SN Ia and SN II, and suggests that metals were either synthesized, released from galaxies or retained within the ICM less efficiently in lower mass systems. We explore possible causes, including variations in galaxy formation and metal release efficiency, cooling out of metals, and gas and metal loss via active galactic nuclei (AGN) – or starburst-driven galactic winds from groups or their precursor filaments. Loss of enriched material from filaments coupled with post-collapse AGN feedback emerges as viable explanations, but we also find evidence for metals to have been released less efficiently from galaxies in cooler groups and for the ICM in these to appear chemically less evolved, possibly reflecting more extended star formation histories in less massive systems. Some implications for the hierarchical growth of clusters from groups are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

A wide range of recent observations have shown that active galactic nuclei (AGN) driven cavities may provide the energy source that balances the cooling observed in the centres of 'cool-core' galaxy clusters. One tool for better understanding the physics of these cavities is their observed morphological evolution, which is dependent on such poorly understood properties as the turbulent density field and the impact of magnetic fields. Here, we combine numerical simulations that include subgrid turbulence and software that produces synthetic X-ray observations to examine the evolution of X-ray cavities in the absence of magnetic fields. Our results reveal an anisotropic size evolution of the cavities that is dramatically different from simplified, analytical predictions. These differences highlight some of the key issues that must be accurately quantified when studying AGN-driven cavities, and help to explain why the inferred pV energy in these regions appears to be correlated with their distance from the cluster centre. Interpreting that X-ray observations will require detailed modelling of effects, including mass entrainment, distortion by drag forces and projection. Current limitations do not allow a discrimination between purely hydrodynamic and magnetically dominated models for X-ray cavities.  相似文献   

We present the results of an Australia Telescope Compact Array (ATCA) survey for intraday variability (IDV) of the total and polarized flux densities of 118 compact, flat-spectrum, extragalactic radio sources from the Parkes 2.7-GHz Survey. A total of 22 total flux density IDV sources were discovered and 15 sources were found to show IDV of their polarized flux density. We discuss the statistical properties of the IDV sources, including the distribution of source modulation indices, and the dependence of the variability amplitude on source spectral index and on Galactic position. We suggest interstellar scintillation (ISS) in the Galactic interstellar medium as the most likely mechanism for IDV. Even so, the inferred high brightness temperatures cannot be easily explained.  相似文献   

The relativistic Sunyaev–Zel'dovich (SZ) effect offers a method, independent of X-ray, for measuring the temperature of the intracluster medium (ICM) in the hottest systems. Here, using N -body/hydrodynamic simulations of three galaxy clusters, we compare the two quantities for a non-radiative ICM, and for one that is subject both to radiative cooling and to strong energy feedback from galaxies. Our study has yielded two interesting results. First, in all cases, the SZ temperature is hotter than the X-ray temperature and is within 10 per cent of the virial temperature of the cluster. Secondly, the mean SZ temperature is less affected by cooling and feedback than the X-ray temperature. Both these results can be explained by the SZ temperature being less sensitive to the distribution of cool gas associated with cluster substructure. A comparison of the SZ and X-ray temperatures (measured for a sample of hot clusters) would therefore yield interesting constraints on the thermodynamic structure of the intracluster gas.  相似文献   

Based on the Königl's inhomogeneous jet model, we estimate the jet parameters, such as bulk Lorentz factor Γ, viewing angle θ and electron number density n e from radio very long-baseline interferometry and X-ray data for a sample of active galactic nuclei (AGNs) assuming that the X-rays are from the jet rather than the intracluster gas. The bulk kinetic power of jets is then calculated using the derived jet parameters. We find a strong correlation between the total luminosity of broad emission lines and the bulk kinetic power of the jets. This result supports the scenario that the accretion process is tightly linked with the radio jets, though how the disc and jet are coupled is not revealed by present correlation analysis. Moreover, we find a significant correlation between the bulk kinetic power and radio extended luminosity. This implies that the emission from the radio lobes is closely related with the energy flux transported through jets from the central part of AGNs.  相似文献   

We present an X-ray spectral analysis of a sample of eight bona fide Seyfert 2 galaxies, selected on the basis of their high [O  iii ] λ 5007 flux, from the Ho et al. spectroscopic sample of nearby galaxies. We find that, in general, the X-ray spectra of our Seyfert 2 galaxies are complex, with some of our objects having spectra different from the 'typical' spectrum of X-ray selected Seyfert 2 galaxies. Two (NGC 3147 and 4698) show no evidence for intrinsic absorption. We suggest that this is a result of the fact that when the torus suppresses the intrinsic medium and hard energy flux, underlying emission from the host galaxy, originating in circumnuclear starbursts, and scattering from warm absorbers contributes in these energy bands more significantly. Our ASCA data alone cannot discriminate whether low-absorption objects are Compton-thick active galactic nuclei (AGNs) with a strong scattered component or lack an obscuring torus. The most striking example of our low absorption Seyfert 2 is NGC 4698. Its spectrum could be explained by either a dusty warm absorber or a lack of broad-line clouds so that its appearance as a Seyfert 2 is intrinsic and not a result of absorption.  相似文献   

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