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电子政务空间辅助决策系统和GIS、DSS密不可分,后者可以作为前者的支撑平台.本文对基于GIS和DSS的电子政务空间辅助决策系统进行了分析,总结了一些特点和不足之处,并对其应用进行了阐述.最后,根据该系统在国内应用的实际情况,进一步论述了基于GIS和DSS的电子政务空间辅助决策系统发展的新趋势.  相似文献   

政务GIS的现状与展望   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
GIS的应用范围很广,在国民经济建设、国防建设和社会可持续发展中具有不可替代的重要作用。GIS在电子政务中的应用,形成了政务GIS的专门研究和应用领域。根据信息专家的统计分析,政府机关的综合业务管理和辅助决策活动80%以上与空间定位和空间辅助决策有关,上述情况为政务GIS提供了广阔的发展和应用空间。为了适应电子政务对地理空间信息和GIS技术的迫切需求,中国GIS协会于1999年组建了“政府GIS专业委员会”(现更名为政务信息系统专业委员会)。委员会的宗旨是:推进GIS技术在电子政务和政府机关办公信息化中的应用,借以提升政府机关的科学决策水平和办公效率。  相似文献   

二三维联动的GIS系统体系结构构建技术   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
结合2维GIS的空间分析功能和3维GIS成熟的可视化技术,提出一个基于VREagle组件的二三维联动方式的GIS系统体系结构,实现了在数据层面和可视化层面上的系统二三维联动操作。通过某港区的应用系统项目开发中的实践证明,此体系结构能够为GIS系统提供逼真的3维交互界面,并辅助GIS空间分析功能的3维可视化效果。  相似文献   

GIS与地下水数值模型集成中面向对象法的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
GIS与专业领域模型的集成面临着许多挑战,其中之一是GIS要适合专业模型的要求。地下水模拟模型需要一个专业的GIS数据结构,同时GIS应用的快速发展,为地下水资源管理提供了辅助决策功能。本文使用面向对象的方法(Object Oriented approach),建立地下水模拟概念模型和适合于地下水可视化模拟的GIS数据结构,并研究GIS与地下水模拟模型紧密集成技术。采用面向对象的思想,将数据、模型和用户接口统一集成到同一个GIS系统中,为模型管理和分析创造了充分的灵活性。  相似文献   

最近几年来,地理信息系统(GIS)在各行各业的应用愈来愈广泛。作为提供直观决策支持的主要技术手段之一,GIS在政府的相关业务系统中同样担当着重任,构建一套通用的政府地理信息系统,能够极大地提高各部门的数据统一性和利用率,为区域政府提供经济社会发展基础数据库和辅助决策,具有良好的经济效益和社会效益。  相似文献   

三维GIS及其在智慧城市中的应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
三维GIS是当今乃至未来GIS技术的主要标志性内容之一,它突破了空间信息在二维地图平面中单调表现的束缚,为各行各业以及人们的日常生活提供了更有效的辅助决策支持。本文重点介绍了三维GIS的数据模型、数据库管理和可视化分析等关键技术及其研究进展,并以武汉市为例展示了三维GIS对城市立体空间的整体表达,为大城市、全市域的三维数字城市建设奠定了基础,最后探讨了在智慧城市建设与城市安全中三维GIS将发挥日益重要的时空信息承载引擎与空间智能技术支撑作用。  相似文献   

本文根据GIS的教学内容及教学模式的特点,把GIS辅助教学软件设计为GIS理论学习系统、GIS实践系统(即具有GIS基本功能的GIS外壳)、GIS词典的集成,并系统地阐述了各子系统的设计方案与核心技术。本文还详细地介绍了OCX控件与CAI工具平台的开发原理和方法。  相似文献   

数据是GIS工程和GIS应用系统的基础,GIS数据有效管理和利用能够有效减少GIS数据采集和建库等重复建设工作.OpenGIS规范是GIS数据制定和实现共享的基础.文章从MDB单机数据库入手,具体探讨MDB作为OpenGIS数据交换与共享的方法,为GIS数据控制性开放提供有益参考.  相似文献   

"规范与服务--2008高校GIS论坛"即将拉开帷幕.本届高校GIS论坛特别关注学科建设与人才培养,希望通过论坛的召开,探讨我国高校GIS教育的规范化发展道路,分享教学成果,促进GIS人才综合素质的提高,为我国高校GIS学科建设和人才培养提供一个良好的平台.  相似文献   

分析了洞庭湖区洪涝灾害的成因背号,并结合地理信息系统的特点和灾害动态评估的要求,运用GIS技术建立了湖区洪涝灾害损失评估系统,为湖区防洪、抗洪、防涝等提供辅助决策,最大限度地减少湖区洪涝灾害损失。  相似文献   

In this paper the geographical information system (GIS) is applied to earthquake and tsunami emergency work and an earthquake and tsunami emergency command system (ETECS) for seaside cities is developed which is composed of a basic database and six subsystems. By employing this system, the responsible municipal departments can make rapid prediction before the occurrence of earthquake or tsunami, make commanding decisions concerning the disaster-fight during the disastrous event, and make rapid estimates of the casualties and economic losses. So that the government could conduct relief work in time and planning for future disaster reduction and prevention.  相似文献   

汶川抗震救灾精神是以爱国主义为核心的民族精神的大弘扬;是以人为本的民本精神和以改革创新为核心的时代精神的大展示;弘扬汶川抗震救灾精神,全面建设小康社会:必须树立崇高理想,坚定必胜信念;自力更生,艰苦奋斗;解放思想,实事求是;团结协作,顾全大局;心系群众,患难与共。  相似文献   

安徽省地震会商地理信息系统的研制与实现   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
文章结合安徽省现有分析预报手段和数学模型,以Visual Studio2005.net作为开发语言,利用GIS技术对地震地质和基础地理等数据进行管理、分析,通过快速访问前兆数据库,对前兆数据进行查询和曲线调用出图,最终研制实现了一套满足日常及紧急会商需要,集"基础数据查询""前兆数据管理""前兆数据注释""应急会商报告...  相似文献   

地震烈度是地震引起的地面震动及其影响强弱程度的度量。地震烈度在地震区划、建筑物与生命线工程抗震设计、灾害防御等方面具有广泛的应用。震后评定的地震烈度图是地震应急救援、恢复重建等的主要依据之一,因此,震后快速确定地震烈度具有重要救灾与减灾意义。本文在论述地震应急及其对遥感应用需求的基础上,回顾了遥感技术及其在地震应急研究与应用中的发展历程,概述了中国地震应急遥感应用的基本思路、地震灾害和地震烈度遥感定量评估方法,展示了该方法在巴楚-伽师地震、汶川地震、玉树地震、芦山地震、鲁甸地震等震后实际应急应用效果。最后,指出了目前震害遥感定量评估中存在的问题,并展望了未来震害遥感定量评估研究与应用。  相似文献   

基于Google地图API接口,采用Oracle数据库管理和AJAX,JavaScript技术,进行地震综合信息服务系统的平台搭建.结果表明该系统具有快速、全面、易操作的特点,解决了目前开发GIS平台数据昂贵、系统维护困难等问题,为用户了解震情提供了良好的平台.  相似文献   

以滇中引水工程线路规划为例,以资源三号测绘卫星ZY-3 DSM为数据源,以均值变点分析法为理论依据,借助Python语言编程实现研究区地势起伏度最佳统计单元的确定,并运用GIS技术生成地势起伏度和坡度图。再运用专家打分评价方法,确定地势起伏度和坡度的权重,采用基于栅格的成本加权分析法,构建滇中引水工程地形成本栅格。在此基础上,将引水工程线路规划问题转化为GIS最低成本路径求解问题,以栅格数据Dijkstra算法为基础,求解出滇中引水工程最低成本线路。从地形的角度,研究了复杂地形状况下滇中引水工程智能线路规划的方法,可为引水工程提供一定的参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

The Yushu Ms 7.1 earthquake occurred on April 14,2010 in Qinghai Province,China.It induced a mass of secondary geological disasters,such as collapses,landslides,and debris flows.Risk assessment maps are important for geological disaster prevention and mitigation,and also can serve as a guide for post-earthquake reconstruction.Firstly,a hazard assessment index system of secondary geological disasters in the earthquake region was built in this paper,which was based on detailed analysis of environmental and triggering factors closely related to geological disasters in the study area.GIS technology was utilized to extract and analyze the assessment index.Hazard assessment maps of secondary geological disasters were obtained by spatial modeling and overlaying analysis.Secondly,an analysis of the vulnerability of hazard bearing bodies in the area was conducted,important information,such as, population density,percentage of arable land, industrial and agricultural outputs per unit area were regarded as assessment indices to evaluate socioeconomic vulnerability.Thirdly,the risk level of secondary geological disasters of the area was obtained by the formula:Risk=Hazard×Vulnerability. Risk assessment maps were categorized into four levels,including"low","moderate","high"and"very high".These results show that some urban areas are at very high risk,including Jiegu,Chengwen,Xiaxiula and Sahuteng towns.This research can provide some references and suggestions to improve decisionmaking support for emergency relief and post- earthquake reconstruction in the study area.  相似文献   

Earthquake-induced potential landslides are commonly estimated using landslide susceptibility maps. Nevertheless, the fault location is not identified and the ground motion caused by it is unavailable in the map. Thus, potential coseismic landslides for a specific fault motion-induced earthquake could not be predicted using the map. It is meaningful to incorporate the fault location and ground motion characteristics into the landslide predication model. A new method for a specific fault motion-induced coseismic landslide prediction model using GIS (Geographic Information System) is proposed herein. Location of mountain ridges, slope gradients over 45 o , PVGA (Peak Vertical Ground Accelerations) exceeded 0.15 g, and PHGA (Peak Horizontal Ground Accelerations) exceeded 0.25 g of slope units were representing locations that initiated landslides during the 1999 Chi-Chi earthquake in Taiwan. These coseismic landslide characteristics were used to identify areas where landslides occurred during Meishan fault motion-induced strong ground motions in Chiayi County in Taiwan. The strong ground motion (over 8 Gal in the database, 1 Gal = 0.01 m/s 2 , and 1 g = 981 Gal) characteristics were evaluated by the fault length, site distance to the fault, and topography, and their attenuation relations are presented in GIS. The results of the analysis show that coseismic landslide areas could be identified promptly using GIS. The earthquake intensity and focus depth have visible effects on ground motion. The shallower the focus depth, the larger the magnitude increase of the landslides. The GIS-based landslide predication method is valuable combining the geomorphic characteristics and ground motion attenuation relationships for a potential region landslide hazard assessment and in disaster mitigation planning.  相似文献   

The primary objective of landslide susceptibility mapping is the prediction of potential landslides in landslide-prone areas.The predictive power of a landslide susceptibility mapping model could be tested in an adjacent area of similar geoenvironmental conditions to find out the reliability.Both the 2008 Wenchuan Earthquake and the 2013 Lushan Earthquake occurred in the Longmen Mountain seismic zone,with similar topographical and geological conditions.The two earthquakes are both featured by thrust fault and similar seismic mechanism.This paper adopted the susceptibility mapping model of co-seismic landslides triggered by Wenchuan earthquake to predict the spatial distribution of landslides induced by Lushan earthquake.Six influencing parameters were taken into consideration: distance from the seismic fault,slope gradient,lithology,distance from drainage,elevation and Peak Ground Acceleration(PGA).The preliminary results suggested that the zones with high susceptibility of coseismic landslides were mainly distributed in the mountainous areas of Lushan,Baoxing and Tianquan counties.The co-seismic landslide susceptibility map was completed in two days after the quake and sent to the field investigators to provide guidance for rescue and relief work.The predictive power of the susceptibility map was validated by ROC curve analysis method using 2037 co-seismic landslides in the epicenter area.The AUC value of 0.710 indicated that the susceptibility model derived from Wenchuan Earthquake landslides showed good accuracy in predicting the landslides triggered by Lushan earthquake.  相似文献   

汶川抗震救灾的基础地理信息综合应急服务   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
在5.12汶川特大地震抗震救灾中,国家测绘部门设计和组织实施了以数据成果服务、专用系统服务和专题制图服务为核心的基础地珲信息综合应急服务.其是针对汶川震区地形特点和抗震救灾主体工作需求,快速整合和提供震区已有的基础测绘成果和最新遥感影像资料;快速搭建集震区海量数据集成管理为一体并具备3维影像浏览、对比分析等功能的专用地理信息系统,为灾情评估分析和重建规划研究提供地理空间数据集成展示和分析平台;应需地制作反映受灾范围、受灾程度、救灾响应、规划思路等的各类专题地图和地图集,有效地表达地震灾害的时空分布、重建规划布局等.  相似文献   

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