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从最优化数学理论角度对大气廓线物理反演以及卫星辐射率资料直接同化中的最优化算法进行了回顾。分析了各种方法的优点和缺点、联系和差别。总结了卫星大气遥感反演问题的求解思路。对大气廓线反演研究中几种主要的目标函数和寻优策略进行了分析,着重分析了目前作为各数值预报中心和卫星数据处理中心业务数值产品核心算法的牛顿非线性迭代法的不足之处,并对其改进途径进行了探讨。引入了Levenberg-Marquardt方法及信赖域方法用于大气廓线反演,使反演算法的收敛性质得到改善。  相似文献   

同化卫星资料能够得到模式较好的初始场,目前资料变分同化是基于误差服从高斯分布这一理论,因此在同化高光谱大气红外探测器(AIRS)资料前,必须进行资料质量控制。从通道选择、异常值剔除、偏差订正、云检测和数据稀疏化5个方面对AIRS资料质量控制研究现状进行分析与讨论。归纳总结了基于信息熵分步迭代法、主成分累计影响系数法和主成分—逐步回归法3种通道选择方法。经分析比较认为信息熵分步迭代法使用得较为广泛,但所选通道之间存在"弱相关";主成分—逐步回归法能够获得信息量较大的通道组合,由于算法的原因,执行过程较耗时。探讨了莱茵达法则和稳健性较强的双权重法对异常离群值剔除,得到双权重法效果较好。介绍了离线和在线偏差订正方法,包括静态、自适应、回归法、变分、基于辐射传输模式、基于卡尔曼滤波偏差订正法和偏差订正的动态更新技术。对比发现静态法时效性较好;变分法能够解决数据漂移等问题;基于模式和卡尔曼法虽效果较好,但较耗时不适合业务化使用;综合而言,偏差订正动态更新技术的效果和时效性都较好。分析了晴空视场点、晴空通道、云辐射订正和不同仪器云产品的匹配4种云检测方法。从数值业务时效性角度出发,晴空视场点和晴空通道云检测法较为可行,但经过晴空视场点云检测后同化的资料量比晴空通道法少,会造成在气象敏感区如高层通道资料的丢弃,在一定程度上会影响分析场的质量。进一步分析了跳点跳线、box法和主成分分析法在AIRS资料稀疏化中的初步应用研究。从同化时效性和可操作性出发,得出box法可行;主成分分析法算法复杂度较高,但具有一定的应用前景。在综述质量控制部分基础上,进一步给出了该领域未来的相关研究方向。  相似文献   

交错采样网格能自动保证电磁场分布遵守能量守恒定律。本文基于交错采样网格,推导了大地电磁二维有限差分正演过程,实现了二维正演程序;通过与一维解析解对比,验证了算法的正确性且具有较高的计算精度。随后利用有限内存拟牛顿最优化算法,实现了交错采样有限差分二维反演;通过理论模型反演,验证了反演算法的稳定性,揭示有限内存拟牛顿反演计算效率明显优于非线性共轭梯度法。最后,通过对宕昌县官鹅沟大地电磁资料反演解释,查明了测区深部构造特征,表明算法具有较强实用性。  相似文献   

臭氧是地球大气中最重要的痕量气体之一,在气候变化和生态环境中均扮演着至关重要的角色。对流层臭氧作为光化学烟雾的重要成分之一,其浓度变化与人类活动息息相关。基于卫星遥感技术监测对流层臭氧浓度可以帮助我们更好地发现和定量解释对流层臭氧在不同季节、不同时刻以及不同区域的变化特征,探讨臭氧在对流层中的成因机制。随着卫星遥感技术的全面发展,臭氧遥感产品(例如臭氧总量、廓线等)无论在产品精度或是时空分辨率方面均取得了显著进步,然而,由于受较弱卫星信号与复杂下垫面的影响,对流层臭氧遥感产品精度仍无法满足目前对流层大气成分的精细化科学应用研究。主要围绕对流层臭氧卫星遥感,回顾和分析了臭氧卫星遥感载荷的发展历程和现状,结果表明国内外已基于不同谱段(紫外—可见光、热红外和太赫兹)实现了全球及区域臭氧的时空分布探测;讨论了基于不同技术遥感反演算法(直接与间接反演、多波段联合反演、天底—临边协同反演、基于机器学习技术的创新算法等)的特点及适用性,分析表明算法精度的提升包括从复杂大气背景下的辐射传输模拟、基于地面观测的先验信息优化以及仪器定标与信噪比等多方面的工作;展望了卫星遥感在全球和区域尺度提供可靠对流层臭...  相似文献   

大气中的水汽是气候变化中至关重要的影响因子,对流层高层的水汽对地气系统的辐射能量平衡尤为重要。卫星观测极大地弥补了常规探空手段对高空低温低湿条件下的水汽探测能力的不足。6.7μm水汽通道是被广泛用于大气水汽反演的卫星通道之一,Soden等(1993)提出一个用该通道亮温反演对流层高层水汽的方法。将这一方法应用于日本GMS-5静止卫星的水汽云图,得到东亚地区中无云区域与水汽云图具有相同时空分辨率的对流层高层水汽分布。反演得到的月平均对流层高层平均相对湿度与NCEP分析资料给出的平均相对湿度具有较好的一致性。根据 1996-2002年的GMS 5水汽通道亮温资料得到东亚地区对流层高层水汽的典型时、空分布形式。随卫星观测记录的延续,反演得到的长时间序列的对流层高层相对湿度资料将为水循环的研究和水汽对气候变化响应和反馈的研究提供有力依据。  相似文献   

ZTEM(Z轴倾子电磁法)是一种天然场源的频率域航空电磁法,其特点是磁场垂直分量在空中机载平台测量,磁场水平分量在地面的固定基站测量,具有勘探深度大、速度快、成本低、覆盖面积大等技术优势。本文实现了ZTEM二维有限差分正演和二维非线性共轭梯度(NLCG)反演算法。研究对象是倾子资料,反演过程中通过解"拟正演"问题来避开雅克比矩阵的直接计算。通过理论模型合成数据反演试算,验证了ZTEM倾子资料二维NLCG反演算法的稳定性与可靠性。与大地电磁(MT) TE模式阻抗资料反演结果进行对比,发现在异常体横向边界的约束方面,ZTEM倾子反演比MT阻抗反演更具优越性。  相似文献   

利用遥感影像反演地物反射率,大气校正必不可少。对于高光谱影像,其信噪比与多波段遥感影像相比非常低,消除大气的影响显得尤为重要。在大气辐射传输模型Modtran4.0基础上,给出了一种直接、有效的大气校正参数计算方法。结合MODIS/TERRA大气温湿度廓线产品,使用此方法计算了高光谱影像Hyperion大气校正参数,并用于Hyperion影像的部分波段的反射率反演,与卫星过境时地面同步实测的典型地物反射率以及高光谱大气校正软件ACORN的计算结果进行比较,获得了比较好的结果。研究表明,大气辐射传输模型和卫星遥感大气参数产品相结合用于遥感影像的大气校正是可行的。  相似文献   

用GMS-5气象卫星遥测地面太阳总辐射   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
由GMS-5静止气象卫星测量的可见先通道的行星反照率。根据地球-大气系统的物理模式反演得到了地面的太阳辐射,该模式以平均气候模式和晴天的气溶胶光学厚度计算晴天的大气吸收、分子和气溶胶散射,其它情况下的散射由行星反照率和晴天的地表反照率推算而得。模式中考虑了水汽和气溶胶的变化对地表太阳辐射的影响。卫星反演的地表太阳辐射与地面观测结果的相关系数高达95%以上。日平均方差约为10%。从比较的结果来看。卫星反演的每时次地面太阳辐射的精度较已有的结果有所提高。  相似文献   

基于HJ-1B卫星数据的疏勒河上游流域地表温度反演   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
地表温度是描述地表和大气之间物质交换和能量平衡的关键参数之一. 利用疏勒河上游流域2010年7月25日过境的HJ-1B卫星数据, 采用修正的Jimenez-Mufloz&Sobrino普适性单通道算法反演了疏勒河上游流域的地表温度. 与MODIS LST产品的对比验证表明, 该算法在研究区有较高的精度. 同时, 对不同土地利用类型的地表温度的分析表明, 土地利用类型不同, 其地表温度存在一定的差异, 其中, 稀疏草地的地表温度最高, 裸岩次之. 研究发现, 在河流和冰川区, 修正的单通道算法可能高估了表面温度. 同时, 对模型反演所需的关键地表参数的敏感性分析发现, 算法在一定范围(0~0.01)内对比辐射率不太敏感, 但超过该范围则变得非常敏感, 而对大气水汽含量比较敏感. 因此, 一定程度上, 地表比辐射率和大气水汽含量的精度对HJ-1B卫星数据反演地表温度的准确性起主要作用.  相似文献   

利用MODIS热红外数据反演地表温度前应处理的几个问题   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
中分辨率成像光谱仪(M0DIS)作为甚高分辨率扫描仪(AVHRR)等的换代产品,必然考虑到利用MODIS红外数据来反演地表温度.首先通过大气窗口的分析,在MODIS的16个热红外波段中可以选择7个波段,即波段20、22、23、29、31、32、33.它们与相应的AVHRR波段有着共同的波谱响应范围,但利用反演算法时应注意它们比较大的相关性.在MODIS热红外通道的定标处理中,使其记数值换算为具有物理意义的辐射亮度值.  相似文献   

Satellite data assimilation can provide accurate initial field for Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP) models. So far, data variational assimilation is based on the theory where error obeys Gaussian distribution, so as to apply the least square method. During classical variational assimilation, if the data contain outliers, the results of optimal parameter estimation is meaningless. Therefore, quality control is quite necessary for Atmospheric Infrared Sounder (AIRS) data before data assimilation. This paper made a comment of the advances in the quality control using AIRS data, which analyzed and discussed the research status from five aspects: channel selection, outliers elimination, bias correction, cloud detection and data sparseness. Three methods for channel selection were summarized, which are stepwise iterative method based on information entropy, the cumulative effect coefficient of principal component and principal components—Stepwise regression, respectively. Comparatively, stepwise iterative method based on information entropy is more widely used, but the selected channels are weak related; Channel combination with large amount of information can be obtained through the method of principal components—stepwise regression, but the implementation process is time-consuming due to the algorithm. Both the lane of law and the double weight method were used in outliers elimination, and the result shows that the latter one is better. Two kinds of bias correction method including off-line and on-line, were introduced, which contain static, adaptive, regression method, variational, method based on the radiative transfer model, bias correction with Kalman filter and dynamic update of bias correction technique. It is found that the timeliness of static method is better; while variational method could solve the problems of data drift and so on. The result is better when using bias correction based on the model and Kalman methods, but it is more time-consuming and not suitable for business application. Generally, the effect and timeliness of dynamic update one is the best among them. In this paper four kinds of cloud detection method are discussed here, including the sky field-of-view, sky channel, cloud radiation correction and different instrument cloud products matching. The first two methods are more feasible from the perspective of timeliness for numerical prediction, but the data quantity using could detection method of sky field-of-view is less than sky channel, leading to discarding of lots of channel data in climate sensitive area such as upper channel, and thus affecting the quality of analysis field. Further on, the methods of hops jumper, box and principal component applied to AIRS data sparseness were analyzed. From assimilation timeliness and operability, box method is feasible; although there is high complexity with algorithm of principal component analysis, which has a certain application prospect. After reviewing the quality control section, some further research directions in these fields were given respectively.  相似文献   

Probability distributions of surface wind speeds (SWS) near coastal regions are needed for applications such as estimating offshore wind power and ocean surface fluxes and for offshore wind risk assessments. Ocean surface wind speed probability distribution (PDF) is characterized using three-year QuikSCAT and AIRS satellite observations in the southeast Pacific of marine stratus and stratocumulus (MSC) regions. Seasonal variation is removed from wind statistics. It was found that the observed SWS standard deviation has a linear positive relationship with its mean SWS; while the SWS skewness decreases with mean SWS in regimes of strong winds and increases with mean SWS in regimes of weak winds. A simple 1D conceptual model is developed near the Peruvian region, which successfully reproduces the observed relationship between higher moments of SWS and its mean value. The model based physical picture among ocean surface winds, SST, and marine boundary clouds are supported by three-year QuikSCAT surface wind observations and fifteen-year ERA40 re-analysis data. Model sensitive tests suggest that large-scale divergence, and strengths of momentum and cloud fluctuations have significant effects on the ocean SWS-PDF in marine stratus and stratocumulus regions.  相似文献   

The Atmospheric Infrared Sounder (AIRS) and MODerate-Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) on board NASA Earth Observing System (EOS) Aqua spacecraft measure the upwelling infrared radiance used for numerous remote-sensing- and climate-related applications. AIRS provides high spectral resolution infrared radiances, while MODIS provides collocated high spatial resolution radiances at 16 broad infrared bands. An optimal algorithm for cloud-clearing has been developed for AIRS cloudy soundings at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, where the spatially and spectrally collocated AIRS and MODIS data has been used to analyze the characteristic of this algorithm. An analysis and characterization of the global AIRS cloud-cleared radiances using the bias and the standard deviation between the cloud-cleared and the nearby clear measurements are studied. Scene inhomogeneity for both land- and water-surface types has been estimated to account for the assessed error. Both monthly and seasonal changes of global AIRS/MODIS cloud-clearing performance also have been analyzed.  相似文献   

The present study is carried out to examine the impact of temperature and humidity profiles from moderate resolution imaging spectroradiometer (MODIS) or/and atmospheric infrared sounder (AIRS) on the numerical simulation of heavy rainfall events over the India. The Pennsylvania State University–National Centre for Atmospheric Research fifth-generation mesoscale model (MM5) and its three-dimensional variational (3D-Var) assimilation technique is used for the numerical simulations. The heavy rainfall events occurred during October 26–29, 2005, and October 27–30, 2006, were chosen for the numerical simulations. The results showed that there were large differences observed in the initial meteorological fields from control experiment (CNT; without satellite data) and assimilation experiments (MODIS (assimilating MODIS data), AIRS; (assimilating AIRS data); BOTH (assimilating MODIS and AIRS data together)). The assimilation of satellite data (MODIS, AIRS, and BOTH) improved the predicted thermal and moisture structure of the atmosphere when compared to CNT. Among the experiments, the predicted track of tropical depressions from MODIS was closer to the observed track. Assimilation of MODIS data also showed positive impact on the spatial distribution and intensity of predicted rainfall associated with the depressions. The statistical skill scores obtained for different experiments showed that assimilation of satellite data (MODIS, AIRS, and BOTH) improved the rainfall prediction skill when compared to CNT. Root mean square error in quantitative rainfall prediction is less in the experiment which assimilated MODIS data when compared to other experiments.  相似文献   

赵卫民  谷源泽 《水文》2006,26(2):26-29
基于卫星遥感的降水监测的基本方法是建立云顶温度与象素点降水的统计相关关系,同时利用卫星信息在地面雨量站点间进行雨量插值。基于气象卫星的实际蒸散发计算通过定标、大气订正、空气温度、总辐射、净辐射、显热通量等步骤计算。降雪处理的依据是降雨和地表温度。融雪计算的基础是能量平衡,融雪发生时刻用雪盖的寒冷度估算。决定土壤冻结的因素能量平衡和温度。土壤冻结逆方程可用于确定土壤解冻的深度。坡面径流以用二维扩散过程模拟。河道部分以有侧向入流的Muskingum-Cunge方法为基础。  相似文献   

一种大坝渗透系数分区反演新方法研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
刘先珊  费文平  张林 《岩土力学》2004,25(11):1823-1827
基于人工神经网络的非线性映射特征,在渗流有限元计算的基础上,结合水头和渗流量等实测资料提出了大坝渗透系数的反演方法。为了克服经典神经网络存在的缺陷,提出了模拟退火的交替迭代算法神经网络新方法。在相同的初始条件下,用该新方法和经典网络进行了比较,得出前者的优越性和有效性。同时将该方法用于大坝的渗流反分析,利用反演出的渗透系数进行渗流场计算。数值计算结果表明,这种方法对大坝渗透系数反演问题具有较高的识别精度,反演结果可靠,可以用于实际工程。  相似文献   

Satellite measurements of volcanic sulfur dioxide (SO2) emissions can provide critical information for aviation hazard mitigation, particularly when ash detection techniques fail. Recent developments in space-based SO2 monitoring are discussed, focusing on daily, global ultraviolet (UV) measurements by the Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI) on NASA’s Aura satellite. OMI’s high sensitivity to SO2 permits long-range tracking of volcanic clouds in the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere (UTLS) and accurate mapping of their perimeters to facilitate avoidance. Examples from 2006 to 2007 include eruptions of Soufriere Hills (Montserrat), Rabaul (Papua New Guinea), Nyamuragira (DR Congo), and Jebel at Tair (Yemen). A tendency for some volcanic clouds to occupy the jet stream suggests an increased threat to aircraft that exploit this phenomenon. Synergy between NASA A-Train sensors such as OMI and the Atmospheric Infrared Sounder (AIRS) on the Aqua satellite can provide critical information on volcanic cloud altitude. OMI and AIRS SO2 data products are being produced in near real-time for distribution to Volcanic Ash Advisory Centers (VAACs) via a NOAA website. Operational issues arising from these improved SO2 measurements include the reliability of SO2 as proxy for co-erupted ash, the duration of VAAC advisories for long-lived volcanic clouds, and the potential effects of elevated concentrations of SO2 and sulfate aerosol in ash-poor clouds on aircraft and avionics (including cumulative effects after multiple inadvertent transits through dilute clouds). Further research is required in these areas. Aviation community assistance is sought through continued reporting of sulfurous odors or other indications of diffuse volcanic cloud encounters, in order to validate the satellite retrievals.  相似文献   

Atmospheric water vapor validation needs simultaneous, well-defined, and independent information which are not easily available causing limitations in the development of remote sensing water vapor retrieval algorithms. This study is concerned with the retrieval of total atmospheric water vapor content and its validation. A band ratio method has been used to estimate the water vapor content based on Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) Near InfraRed (NIR) data. The method uses MODIS bands 17, 18, and 19 as NIR bands and band 2 to remove the land cover reflectance. Furthermore, the Atmospheric Infrared Sounder (AIRS) has been used for both algorithm development and analysis of the results. The method has been modified to take into account the dry condition of the central parts of Iran. Using some various datasets, the method is implemented and evaluated quantitatively. The validation of the water vapor estimates has been undertaken by an analysis of AIRS data. The validation results shows error as low as 9 % for the estimated water vapor using the MODIS NIR band ratio method.  相似文献   

The present study examines the potential of infrared sounder observations from Indian geostationary satellite INSAT-3D for the estimation of total column integrated ozone over the tropical Indian region. A dataset with diverse profiles was used to create training and testing datasets using forward simulations from a radiative transfer model for infrared sounder channels. A study was carried out for the standard tropical atmospheric profile to examine the sensitivity of ozone band radiance corresponding to the atmospheric temperature, water vapour, and ozone mixing ratios at different atmospheric pressure levels. Further, statistical retrieval technique has been used for the total column ozone estimation using two different approaches: (i) ozone channel observation along with the a-priori estimate of temperature and water vapour profile and (ii) only sounder channels observations. The accuracy of the retrieval algorithms was examined for different errors in the atmospheric profiles for the method (i) and different sensor noise specification for the method (ii). This study has shown that accurate temperature information is very important for ozone estimation and lower instrument noise results in better ozone estimates.  相似文献   

韩涛  王大为  李丽丽 《冰川冻土》2018,40(3):511-527
我国新型自主的极轨气象卫星风云3号A星(简称FY-3A)上搭载的中分辨率光谱成像仪(MERSI)为大面积雪监测提供了新的遥感数据源。以中国西北祁连山区为例,分析FY-3A/MERSI传感器积雪与其它地物的图谱特征差异,建立了适用于FY-3A/MERSI的归一化差分积雪指数(NDSI),以此为基础,构建了综合利用多光谱判别指标及土地覆盖类型(LULC)定类辅助的积雪判识模型,生成250 m分辨率的日积雪制图产品。模型通过逐步逼近的树状判别结构,去除了易和积雪混淆的部分乔木林、云、云阴影、水体、湖冰、沙(盐)地等地物,并提出应考虑积雪下覆地表特性的影响,调整设定不同LULC类型的积雪判别阈值约束,实时结合区域LULC影像进行积雪的最终判定与优化。对祁连山区2010-2011年积雪季FY-3A/MERSI影像的积雪制图应用结果表明,该资料能够客观精细地反映积雪的空间分布与动态发展过程。同时利用气象台站积雪观测记录及Terra/MODIS积雪判识结果进行对比验证,结果表明基于FY-3A/MERSI建立的积雪判识模型具有较高的精度和稳定性,特别是提高了云雪区分的效能。  相似文献   

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