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改革开放以来,我区建筑业得到了较快发展,建筑业整体水平有所提高,生产能力得到增强。2003年,我区建筑业完成总产值354.5亿元,同比增长15.4%;完成建筑业增加值77.1亿元,同比增长5%,占自治区GDP的4.1%;房屋建筑施工面积3071万平方米,同比增长107.4%。建筑业在拉动经济增长的同时,带动了相关产业发展,形成了较长产业链,  相似文献   

正本刊讯日前,中国建筑业协会发布《2021年上半年建筑业发展统计分析》。统计显示,上半年建筑业实现增加值33335.2亿元,同比增长8.6%,建筑业增加值占国内生产总值的比重为6.26%;江苏、浙江建筑业依然领跑全国各地,总产值双双超过1万亿元。2021年上半年,全国建筑业企业(指具有资质等级的总承包和专业承包建筑业企业,不含劳务分包建筑业企业,下同)完成建筑业总产值119843.55亿元,同比增长18.85%;完成竣工产值44334.74亿元,同比增长16.59%;签订合同总额443614.48亿元,同比增长13.49%;新签合同额144134.03亿元,同比增长14.40%;房屋施工面积119.31亿平方米,同比增长6.47%;房屋竣工面积14.10亿平方米,同比增长13.23%。  相似文献   

黑龙江省政府日前透露,从2009年至2012年前,这个省建筑总产值将力争达到1500亿元,建筑业对外承包产值占建筑业总产值的30%;力争建筑业总产值、增加值和利税总额年均分别增长15%、17%和15%,建筑业整体竞争能力和市场份额达到国内中等以上水平。争取3至5年时间,打造3个特级资质、20个一级资质建筑企业,  相似文献   

近年来,上海的建设规模保持稳定增长,每年固定资产投资均保持在2000亿元,2003年全市固定资产投资额达245.11亿元,再创新高。本市建筑行业发展迅猛,主要经济技术指标稳步增长。2003年,全市建筑业总产值达到1529.56亿元,比上年增加435.68亿元,增长39.8%。建筑业增加值264.87亿元,比上年增加1.3%。  相似文献   

2003年,我省完成全社会固定资产投资1180亿元,全省建筑业完成增加值260亿元,比2002年增长11%,占全省GDP的10.8%。建筑业从业人员达到110余万人,约占全社会从业人员的5.9%,吸纳农村富余劳动力达82万人,建筑业已成为我省的支柱产业之一。  相似文献   

近几年,我省建筑业发展势头强劲,产业素质整体提高,为推动全省经济增长、转移农村富余劳动力、提高城镇化水平、带动相关产业发展作出了重要贡献,已逐步成为湖南经济的支柱产业。1998-2003年,全省建筑业实现增加值从176.6亿元发展到338.4亿元,年均增长12.1%,高于同期湖南省GDP增长速度3.2个百分点,占GDP比重从5.7%提高到7.3%,  相似文献   

改革开放以来,我省经济得到快速、健康、持续发展,经济总量现居全国第4位。经济的发展,尤其是近年来我省积极推进城市化进程,为建筑业发展提供了良好的机遇。2000年我省建筑业总产值为1383.8亿元,位居全国第二;实现利税74.1亿元,居全国第一;建筑业实现增加值300  相似文献   

据安徽省统计公报,2003年全省全社会完成建筑业增加值335亿元,比上年增长23.4%,占全省GDP的8.4%,比上年增长1.1个百分点等级及以上建筑业企业实现利税总额28亿元。施工工程4.9万个,房屋建筑施工面积7417万平方米,比上年增长16.9%房屋竣工面积4087万平方米,比上年增长6.24%。新办质量监督手续工程9739项,累计达15406项,  相似文献   

行业市场逐渐走向存量时代 建筑业是我国国民经济的支柱产业.2020年,我国建筑业实现总产值26.4万亿元."十三五"期间,建筑业总产值年均增长7.8%.相对于"十二五"期间建筑业总产值13.5%的年均增速,"十三五"期间建筑业增长放缓.  相似文献   

正"十三五"已经收官,"十四五"即将到来。在2020年遭遇百年未遇的新冠肺炎疫情"黑天鹅"后,我们该如何展望2021年的勘察设计行业?2020年发展回顾行业运行趋于稳定根据国家统计局数据,2020年前三季度全国建筑业实现总产值167927亿元,同比增长3.4%。虽然增速较上年同期相比降低3.3个百分点,但增速是新冠肺炎疫情暴发以来的首次由负转正。从合同签订情况看,2020年前三季度全国建筑业新签合同额203529亿元,同比增长8.8%,增速较上年同期增长4.4个百分点。行业运行趋于稳定。  相似文献   

钟自然 《地质论评》2018,64(1):6401010-6401014
正各位代表,同志们:下午好!在刚刚结束的全体理事大会上,大家选举我担任中国地质学会第40届理事会理事长,我感到非常荣幸,也深感责任重大。在此,我代表新当选的第40届理事会对大家的信任表示衷心的感谢!我将认真履行理事长的职责,和全体常务理事一道,在中国科协和国土资源部的领导下,在历届理事会工作的基础上,团结带领全体理事,认真学习宣传贯彻党的十九大精神,以习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想为指  相似文献   

《国务院关于加强地质工作的决定》现已出台。《国家中长期科学和技术发展规划纲要(2006—2020)》已经发布,地质工作必将迎来新的发展机遇,同时也必将为我所今后的地调科研工作指明方向。我们要认清形势,抓住机遇,加大钻掘新技术、新设备的研发和推广应用力度,不断提高矿产勘查手段的现代化。  相似文献   

Regional geophysical mapping techniques were initiated for economic exploration about 50 years ago and have now developed a completeness of coverage that can be exploited for geological research over large areas. The main strength of gravity and magnetic anomaly surveys lies in their ability to map ‘basement’ geology below cover. Suitably assembled and imaged at the continental-scale, the data give new insight into the mosaic of terranes that makes up the Precambrian continental crust, and into the margins of Precambrian continental fragments that have often been complicated by prolonged rifting before the onset of the drifting apart of continental fragments. Intrusions such as dykes, dyke swarms and plugs of small areal extent, that are often associated with continental disruption, can also be mapped with new totality. Examples using mainly aeromagnetic mapping are given to support a tight reassembly of the Precambrian crustal fragments of central Gondwana. In this, the outer margins of Precambrian blocks, known or interpreted from geophysical anomaly maps of the presently dispersed continents, are reassembled parallel and at a separation of only 50-80 km, typical of the width of present-day rift valleys. In the future, the wider availability of geophysical mapping data from both continents and oceans, with computer systems to process and interpret them, should contribute to a more fruitful co-operation of geologists and geophysicists in Gondwana research using more complete data coverage.  相似文献   

《Geology Today》1997,13(4):138-139

In the summer of 1960, mammoth bones were discovered by a dragline operator in southern Wyoming at the Union Pacific (U.P.) Mammoth site. Although subsequent archaeological work during 1960 and 1961 identified artifacts in association with the mammoth remains, many authors have since questioned the nature of that association. Also, little has been published about the site other than a brief article in National Geographic Magazine in 1962. In this paper, we present additional information on the U.P. Mammoth site including stratigraphic profiles from the first author's geoarchaeological work in 1961, stratigraphic and spatial location of bones and artifacts derived from the original field notes, and new radiocarbon dates. Although the precise stratigraphic provenance for many artifacts and skeletal elements remains unclear, a compelling argument can be made for spatial and stratigraphic association of the mammoth remains with the artifact assemblage suggesting some kind of human interaction with the animal.  相似文献   

在对长期积累的生产数据进行分析总结的基础上,本文从机组运行方式、设备配置、技术改造等角度,论述了降低汽机发电热耗,提高燃烧效率,降低厂用电率的一些常规方法,并就各种具体技术、方法对提高机组经济水平的影响程度进行分析和比较。认为,通过综合应用当前比较成熟的多项技术,开展扎实有效的节能工作,国产机组的平均经济水平应该能够达到:200MW机组的供电煤耗为353g/kwh,电泵运行厂用电率为7.5%;300MW机组的供电煤耗为340g/kwh,在汽泵运行工况下,厂用电率在5%以下;600MW机组的供电煤耗达到310g/kwh的水平。  相似文献   

Particles of definite skeletal and faecal origin, oncolites and stromatolitic structures from Mussoorie phosphorite, occurring in the Kumaon Lower Himalaya, have been illustrated in the present note with the purpose of providing more evidence in favour of the biochemical mode of origin of these phosphorites.  相似文献   

Estimation of Pearson’s correlation coefficient between two time series, in the evaluation of the influences of one time-dependent variable on another, is an often used statistical method in climate sciences. Data properties common to climate time series, namely non-normal distributional shape, serial correlation, and small data sizes, call for advanced, robust methods to estimate accurate confidence intervals to support the correlation point estimate. Bootstrap confidence intervals are estimated in the Fortran 90 program PearsonT (Mudelsee, Math Geol 35(6):651–665, 2003), where the main intention is to obtain accurate confidence intervals for correlation coefficients between two time series by taking the serial dependence of the data-generating process into account. However, Monte Carlo experiments show that the coverage accuracy of the confidence intervals for smaller data sizes can be substantially improved. In the present paper, the existing program is adapted into a new version, called PearsonT3, by calibrating the confidence interval to increase the coverage accuracy. Calibration is a bootstrap resampling technique that performs a second bootstrap loop (it resamples from the bootstrap resamples). It offers, like the non-calibrated bootstrap confidence intervals, robustness against the data distribution. Pairwise moving block bootstrap resampling is used to preserve the serial dependence of both time series. The calibration is applied to standard error-based bootstrap Student’s $t$ confidence intervals. The performance of the calibrated confidence interval is examined with Monte Carlo simulations and compared with the performance of confidence intervals without calibration. The coverage accuracy is evidently better for the calibrated confidence intervals where the coverage error is acceptably small already (i.e., within a few percentage points) for data sizes as small as 20.  相似文献   

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