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The aim of the present paper will be to establish the explicit form of the equations of radiative transfer, in plane-parallel atmospheres surrounding the stars which are distorted by axial rotation or tides, in curvilinear coordinates which parallel the distorted surface; with particular attention to the circumstances under which the effects arising from limb- and gravity-darkening are multiplicative and admit of algebraic separation. In Section 2 (which follows a general outline of our problem) the fundamental equations of the radiativetransfer problem will be formulated for the ‘grey’ case; and rewritten in Section 3 in terms of non-orthogonal coordinates in which the potential over a level surface in hydrostatic equilibrium replaces the radial coordinate of spherical polars. In Section 4 we shall proceed to construct an explicit solution of the corresponding transfer problem in a plane-parallel approximation; and to prove that the effects of limb- and gravity-darkening remain factorizable only to terms which are linear in the cosines μ of the angle of foreshortening. Lastly, in Section 5 we shall list additional problems, arising in this connection, which still await appropriate treatment.  相似文献   

The aim of the present investigation has been to derive from the fundamental Cauchy's first law of continuum mechanics the explicit form of the Eulerian general equation which governs the three-axial generalized rotation about the centre of mass of a self-gravitating deformable finite material continuum, viscolinear (i.e., Newtonian) or not, consisting of compressible fluid of arbitrary viscosity, in an external field of force. The generalized rotation is a superposition of the so-called rigid-body (i.e., time dependent only) rotation of the continuum plus a nonrigidbody (i.e., position-time dependent) rotation of its configurations.In Section 2, which follows brief introductory remarks outlining the problem, we develop a mathematical theory which describes the whole phenomenon in terms of two rotation tensors corresponding, respectively, to the rigid-body and nonrigid-body rotation modes. In Section 3, we derive the differmation vectors of velocity and acceleration. The equations we have obtained are a very general version of Navier Stokes' equations, which were not given in previous investigations. In Section 4, we perform integration of the left-hand side of Cauchy's first law, cross-multiplied by the position vector, without any restriction. In Section 6, integration of the right-hand side of the same law, cross-multiplied by the position vector, is carried out, by taking account of actually simplifying assumptions stated in Section 5. All the integral terms occurring in both sides are expressed explicitly by quantities evaluated in terms of components of properly defined moments.Finally, in Section 7, the system of the general Eulerian equations is set up; and some easy modifications are given, which describe nicely physical models of special interest; while the concluding Section 8 contains a general discussion of the results.  相似文献   

In this paper we have endeavored to critically evaluate our present understanding of cometary atmospheres. Following a brief introduction of the significance of the study of cometary atmospheres (Section 1), the relevant photometric and spectroscopic observations are summarized in Section 2.The interaction with the solar radiation, with regard to both the excitation of the observed species as well as the dissociation of stable molecules evaporating from the nucleus, is considered in Sections 3 and 4. The gas phase chemistry likely to take place in the dense inner coma is next considered in Section 5.The exospheric and hydrodynamic models of the expanding cometary atmosphere are considered in detail in Section 6, and both their limitations as well as possible improvements are discussed.The observed chemical composition of the neutral atmosphere and the inferred chemical composition of the volatile component of the nucleus, together with possible variations between different classes of comets is next considered in Section 7, and their possible cosmogonic significance is discussed.In conclusion, some of the important directions in which future research should progress, in order to provide more complete and secure knowledge of cometary atmospheres, are stressed (Section 8).Astrophysics and Space Science Review Paper.  相似文献   

In a previous paper of this series (Kopal, 1968a) the Eulerian equations have been set up which govern the precession and nutation of selfgravitating bodies of viscous fluid in inertial coordinates which are at rest in space. In order to facilitate their solution, in the present investigation we shall transform these equations to the rotating body-axes; and shall explicitly evaluate all their coefficients arising as a result of second-harmonic dynamical tides.Following the introductory Section 1 which contains a mathematical statement of the problem, the requisite transformation of coordinates will be outlined in Section 2, and applied to the equations of motion in Section 5. The corresponding moments and products of inertia appropriate for selfgravitating configurations of arbitrary internal structure will be formulated in Section 4; while the deformation terms arising from second-harmonic dynamical tides raised on centrally-condensed configurations will be evaluated in Sections 3 and 6. The concluding Section 7 will then contain a specification of the components of the disturbing force.The next stage of our investigation — namely, a construction of the actual solutions of the equations governing precession and nutation of fluid bodies in different cases of astrophysical interest — has been postponed for a separate paper.  相似文献   

The aim of the present paper is to present the newB andV light curves of the eclipsing binary VW Cep, obtained with the 48-in. reflector of the National Observatory of Athens, Greece.In the introduction general information for the system is given. In Section 2 some observational and reductional details are given and the obtained light curves are represented. Section 3 deals with the period of the system which was found to continue its shortening. Finally, in Section 4, a general discussion concerning our light curves is given.  相似文献   

分析了低光度天文应用时CCD器件的主要噪声源的噪声特性和三种典型CCD读出信号处理方式的噪声抑制效果;提出了天文CCD读出信号的相关多次采样(CMS)处理新方法,并分析了四次采样抑制CCD读出噪声的实验结果。  相似文献   

The methods of analysis of the light changes of eclipsing variables in the frequency-domain, developed in our previous papers (Kopal 1975a, b, c, d) for an interpretation of mutual eclipses in systems consisting of spherical stars, have now been extended to analyse the light variations — between minima as well as within eclipses — ofclose binaries whose components are distorted by axial rotation and mutual tidal action. Following a brief introduction (Section 1) in which the need of this new approach will be expounded, in Sections 2 and 3 we shall deduce the theoretical changes of close eclipsing systems between minima (Section 2) as well as within eclipses (Section 3), which in Sections 4 and 5 will be analysed in the frequency-domain; and explicit formulae obtained which should enable us to separate the photometric proximity and eclipse effects directly from the observed data as they stand-without the need of any preliminary ‘rectification’. Section 6 will contain the explicit forms of the expressions for photometric perturbations in the frequency-domain, due to rotational and tidal distortion of both stars; and the concluding Section 7 will then be concerned with practical aspects of the application of these new methods to an analysis of the observed light changes of close eclipsing systems — in which the proximity and eclipse effects cannot be distinguished from each other by mere inspection.  相似文献   

Approximate metries for clusters embedded in an expanding Robertson/Walker background (Section 1) indicate that in general clusters of galaxies cannot remain uninfluenced by the expansion. The potential for an expanding cluster (Section 2) is seen to suggest that clusters as presently observed are not in static equilibrium and that the missing mass problem can be elucidated via use of the virial theorem (Section 3) given certain density conditions in compact clusters. Non-compact clusters can be treated similarly, and it is found that the behaviour of a low-density cluster is equivalent to that of a domain of a Friedmann (k=0) model Universe (Section 4). The treatment of compact clusters (Section 5) is based on approximate metrics for clusters embedded in a Robertson/Walker background. These comparisons lead to information on the evolution of non-compact clusters and compact clusters (Section 7), and to observable consequences that seem to be borne out successfully (Section 8). Data on clusters themselves tend to show that there exists an expanding supercluster and/ or that >0 (Section 9). Several tests of the hypothesis of expansion of clusters (Section 10) are proposed.  相似文献   

The aim of the present paper will be to introduce a new system of curvilinear coordinateshereafter referred to as Roche coordinates-in which spheres of constant radius are replaced by equipotential surfaces of a rotating gravitational dipole (which consists of two discrete points of finite mass, revolving around their common center of gravity); while the remaining coordinates are orthogonal to the equipotentials. It will be shown that the use of such coordinates offers a new method of approach to the solution of certain problems of particle dynamics (such as, for instance, the construction of certain types of trajectories in the restricted problem of three bodies); as well as of the hydrodynamics of gas streams in close binary systems, in which the equipotential surfaces of their components distorted by axial rotation and mutual tidal interaction constitute essential boundary conditions.Following a general outline of the problem in Section 1, the Roche coordinates associated with the equipotentials of a rotating gravitational dipole will be constructed in the plane case (Section 2), and their geometrical properties discussed. In Section 3, we shall transform the fundamental equations of hydrodynamics to their forms appropriate in the curvilinear Roche coordinates. The metric coefficients of this transformation will be formulated in a closed form in Section 4 in terms of the respective partial derivatives of the potential; while in Section 5 analytic expressions for the Roche coordinates will be given in the orbital plane of the dipole, which are exact as far as the distortion of the equipotential curves from circular form can be described by the second, third and, fourth harmonics.The concluding Section 6 will be devoted to a formulation of the equations of a mass-point in the restricted problem of three bodies in the Roche coordinates. Three special cases will be considered: (a) motion in the neighborhood of the equipotential curves; (b) motion in the direction normal to such curves; and (c) motion in the neighbourhood of the Lagrangian points. It will be shown that motion in one coordinate is possible only in limiting cases which will be enumerated; but twodimensional motions in which one velocity component is very much smaller than the other invite further study.A generalization of the plane Roche coordinates to three dimensions, with application to additional classes of problems, is being postponed for a subsequent paper.  相似文献   

The aim of the present paper will be to derive an equation of dissipation of energy for a rotating body of arbitrary viscosity distorted by tides, which arise from the gravitational field of its companion in a close pair of such bodies.By a transformation of the fundamental equation of energy dissipation in terms of velocity of tidal deformation (Section 2), the dissipation function is constructed for a tidally-distorted body (Section 3). From this equation, the rate of dissipation of tidal energy is formulated for a nearly-spherical rotating body distorted by second harmonic longitudinal tides (Section 4); the coefficients of viscosity (or the bulk modulus) are treated as arbitrary functions of spatial coordinates. Finally (Section 5), expressions for the total energy dissipation within the orbital cycle are given for axial rotation of the distorted body, provided its angular velocity is constant (for example, with the Keplerian angular velocity).Research financed in part by the Division of Scientific Research and Development of Ministry of Sciences and Culture of Greece.  相似文献   

When compact objects or black holes move through a fluid medium, or when turbulent plasma and magnetic fields so conspire, a gas flow is set up which closely resembles the flow of water down a plug-hole (Section 1). A similar hypothesis, but in reverse, was suggested by Jeans in 1928, and would nowadays be referred to as the white hole concept. The dynamics of the flow (Section 2) lead to expressions for the rotational velocity of the fluid far away from (2.1) and near to (2.2) the origin of the vorticity. Rotation curves derived from the model (Section 3) are closely akin to actual galactic rotation curves, but observational data on the latter are not precise enough to permit a delineation to be made between (i) flow around a singularity and (ii) flow around a non-singular sink or source. The other acceptable model, that of (iii) a spreading line vortex, is ruled out by comparison with astrophysical observations (Section 4). The basic analysis for all the models shows that the old problem of the winding-up of spiral arms can be avoided, since the galactic flow system is in a steady state. Section 5 identifies Jeans' speculation as being a hypothesis compatible with singular vortex flow and so with observation, but perhaps not with the usual interpretation of general relativity metrics, even though the requisite dual space does complete the topology in a mathematically satsifying manner. Section 6 concludes that the predictions of the hypothesis of vortex flow agree with the shape, dynamics and structure of galaxies.  相似文献   

This paper presents two new light curves (inB andV) of the eclipsing variable staru Her which have been derived from photoelectric observations made at the National Observatory of Athens. General information of the system is given in the introduction, while Section 2 deals with some observational and reductional details. Section 3 gives the residuals O-C and Section 4 the normal points.  相似文献   

The aim of the present paper will be to establish the explicit form of the equations which govern the internal structure of stars rotating with constant angular velocity formulated in terms of Clairaut coordinates (cf. Kopal, 1980) in which the radial coordinate is replaced by the total potential, which for equilibrium configurations remains constant over distorted level surfaces. The introductory Section 1 contains an account of previous work on rotating stars, commencing with Milne (1923), von Zeipel (1924) and Chandrasekhar (1933), who all employed orthogonal coordinates for their analysis. In Section 2 we shall apply to this end the curvilinear Clairaut coordinates introduced already in our previous work (cf. Kopal, 1980, 1981); and although these are not orthogonal, this disadvantage is more than offset by the fact that, in their terms, the fundamental equation of our problem will assume the form of ordinary differential equations, subject to very simple boundary conditions. The explicit form of these equations — exact to terms of fourth order in surficial distortion caused by centrifugal force—will be obtained in Section 3; while in the concluding Section 4 these will be particularized (for the sake of comparison with work of previous investigators) to stars of initially polytropic structure. These will prove to be much simpler in Clairaut coordinates than they were in any previously used frame of reference. Lastly, in Appendix A we shall present the explicit forms, in Clairaut coordinates, of the differential operators which were needed to establish the results given in Sections 3–4; while Appendix B will summarize other auxiliary algebraic relations of which use was made to formulate our fourth-order theory developed in Section 3.  相似文献   

In a preceding paper (Kopal, 1969; in what follows referred to as Paper I) we introduced a new system of curvilinear coordinates-hereafter referred to as Roche Coordinates — in which spheres of constant radius in spherical polars have been replaced by surfaces of constant potential of a rotating gravitational dipole; while the angular coordinates are orthogonal to the equipotentials. In Paper I we established an explicit form of such a transformation, and related the Roche coordinates with polar coordinates (with which they coalesce in the immediate neighbourhood of each one of the two finite mass-points) in the plane case. The aim of the present investigation will be to generalize the definition of the Roche coordinates to three dimensions.The opening Section 1 of this paper will contain a general outline of the proposed three-dimensional transformation; and in Section 2 details of this transformation will be explicitly worked out correctly to quantities of first order in superficial distortion — an approximation which should prove adequate in regions surrounding the two finite masses; while in Section 3 we shall evaluate (to this degree of accuracy) the metric coefficients of the respective transformation, and its direction cosines, in both polar and curvilinear coordinates. Section 4 will then contain a formulation of the fundamental equations of hydrodynamics in terms of the three-dimensional Roche coordinates; and their advantages for a treatment of certain classes of dynamical problems encountered in doublestar astronomy will be illustrated in the concluding Section 5 by an investigation of the vibrational stability of the Roche model. We shall show that this model is capable of performing free radial oscillations which remain barotropic only if its equilibrium form is spherical (i.e., in the absence of any external mass in the neighbourhood); but not if it is distorted to any extent by rotation or tides.  相似文献   

The aim of the present paper will be to generalize the methods for computation of the elements of eclipsing binary systems in the frequency-domain, summarized in our recent Paper I (Kopal, 1981), to the case ofclose systems, in which photometric proximity effects become conspicuous and must be taken into account before the methods previously outlined in Paper I become directly applicable.Following a brief introduction to the subject given in Section 1, Section 2 summarizes (and comments upon) the difficulties previously encountered in separation of the photometric proximity and eclipse effects. In Section 3 we develop an alternative new approach to the problem by modulation of the light curves throughout the entire orbital cycle, intended to filter out proximity effects from the observed light changes and isolate those due to eclipses; while in Section 4 we shall present a numerical application of the new method to an analysis of the observed light changes of the eclipsing system W Ursae Maioris.In Section 5 we shall present a quantitative investigation of the photometric effects of distortion on the light changes of close eclipsing systems within eclipses-the most complicated part of the whole problem-with numerical application to the system of U Sagittae carried out in the concluding Section 6.Appendices 1–3 contain numerical data which should facilitate application of the methods developed and illustrated in Sections 3–4; while Appendix 4 will be reserved for a mathematical proof of certain expansions used in Section 5, which would have been too discursive for the main text.  相似文献   

In this paper the two newB- andV-light curves of the eclipsing variable star AB Andromedae, obtained during 1979 with the 48 in reflector of the National Observatory of Athens, are represented and discussed. General information of the system is given in the Introduction, while in Section 2 some observational and reductional details are given and the new light curves are represented. Section 3 deals with the period of the system and, finally, in Section 4 a general discussion is given.  相似文献   

The aim of the present paper will be to develop a theory which should make it possible to investigate secular stability of close binary systems, consisting of tidally-distorted components of arbitrary internal structure, by a minimization of the potential energy of the system as a whole. In the second section which follows brief introductory remarks, appropriate expressions for the total potential energy of a close binary will be formulated. Section 3 will be concerned mainly with the nature of the tide-generating potential, and its effects on the shape of each star. In Section 4, the amplitudes of partial tides raised by this potential will be specified, for stars of arbitrary structure, correctly to terms of second order in superficial distortion; and in Section 5 we shall investigate the effects of interaction between rotation and tides to the same degree of approximation. The concluding Section 6 will then contain an explicit formulation of different constituents adding up to the total potential energy of the system, which can be used as a basis for its secular stability by the methods outlined already in our previous investigation (Kopal, 1973).  相似文献   

The aim of the present paper will be to pioneer a new approach to the analysis of the light changes of eclipsing binary systems in the frequency domain, and to point out its merits in comparison with a conventional treatment of the same problem in the time-domain which has been developed so far. Following an introductory section in which the broad features of our problem will be set forth, Section 2 will contain an outline, and critique, of the time-domain approach. Section 3 will give an explicit treatment of the light changes arising from total and annular eclipses in the frequency domain — a problem which we succeeded in solving in close algebraic form. Section 4 will extend this treatment to the case of partial eclipses; and in the concluding Section 5 the relative merits of our new results will be discussed in broader perspective. Sections 3 and 4 contain explicit results pertaining to mutual eclipses of spherical stars exhibiting uniformly bright discs. An extension of these results to the case of arbitrary limb-darkening, and taking account of mutual distortion of both components, will be given in subsequent communications.  相似文献   

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