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行星际高速流的演化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
本文采用一维时变模型,对高速流在行星际空间的演化进行数值模拟.结果表明:1.高速流前沿演化成为由前向快、慢激波和后向快激波构成的激波系统,高速流固有的低密度特征显著减弱前向慢激波的强度,并阻止后向慢激波的出现.2.高速流尾沿产生以快模为主体的前、后向稀疏波,它们对高速流前沿形成的快激波对的演化具有重要作用.  相似文献   

日心距离0.3AU以内形成的磁流体慢激波在向行星际空间传播过程中,通过向上游发出快压缩波而不断减弱.所发出的快压缩波经非线性变陡转化为快激波,形成由原慢激波和新生快激波构成的激波系统.强度不断减弱的慢激波将逐渐演变为准切向间断.这可能是在1AU附近很少观测到慢激波的重要原因.  相似文献   

慢激波的演化受其上游介质性质的制约,在等离子体热压与磁压之比β值和离子、电子温度比Ti/Te大于1的介质中不利于慢波变陡形成慢激波。由飞船HeliosA,B探测资料看出,在日心距0.3-1.0AU区间只有慢速太阳风流中存在有利于慢激波形成的条件。但理论计算和飞船观测指出,在快激波下游流场中β值和Ti/Te都增大,因而在上述区间不论何种流速的太阳风中当有快激波经过后其下游流场内很难形成慢激波。  相似文献   

TC-1在近磁尾观测到地向流的偏转   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
使用TC-1卫星在2004年到2007年磁尾探测数据,将以往高速流的研究拓宽到较低的速度,统计分析其从-13.4RE到-5RE地心距离内的空间演化.研究发现:(1)在向着地球运动的过程中,地向流发生率在日地连线附近减小,但在晨昏两翼的发生率增加,且在黄昏侧的发生率最高;这表明地向流在运动到近地时向着晨昏两翼偏转.(2)越靠近地球,流速V和Vx越小,Vy和Vz的变化幅度较小并且具有明显的晨昏不对称性;所以地向流在近地运动过程中,不仅在晨昏方向上偏转,而且在南北方向上偏转.(3)地向流期间,等离子体密度整体偏小;但是随地心距离的减小,密度整体上逐步增加.(4)平行和垂直于磁场的流速具有明显的晨昏不对称性.在黎明侧的平行流速比黄昏侧大,在黄昏侧的垂直流速比黎明侧大.鉴于较大的垂直流速易触发与电流中断关系密切的不稳定性,我们推测电流中断更容易出现在黄昏侧.(5)除个别位置处的热压和磁压相当外,磁压在总压中一直占据主导地位.日地连线附近的总压较大,晨昏两翼处的总压相对较小;从而在晨昏向上产生较大的压力梯度,导致地向流在晨昏两翼偏转和发生率增大.在晨昏两翼,距离地球较近的位置处观测到了较小的压力;而在日地连线附近,距离地球较远的位置才可以观测到较小的压力;压力分布的这个统计特征说明过去事例研究中电流中断出现在不同的位置可能是由近地磁尾的压力分布造成的.  相似文献   

区域高阶重力场模型与青藏地区局部位系数模型   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
根据当今全球模型研究的Molodensky理论,推导了相应的区域高阶重力场模型系数修正公式.考虑了球近似边值条件引起的各种偏差,使用了椭球坐标系,按椭球调和展开.并利用中国青藏地区地面重力资料对原始全球模型OSU91A1F的高阶部分系数进行修正,获得该地区的局部重力场模型QZ93G(完整到360阶),它对实测平均重力异常的恢复精度为±11.8×10-5m/s.  相似文献   

对GEOSAT测高卫星在中国近海区域(0°-35°N,105°-127°E)以及127°-135°E内6个ERM周期(1987年1月1日-4月12日)的地球物理数据记录(GDR)中的数据进行了编辑和预处理.根据卫星弧段的实际长度选取了混合轨道误差模型,并采用最小二乘技术对上升弧段与下降弧段交叠点处的不符值进行了平差计算.处理结果表明,所选用的方法可以大大地消除径向轨道误差的影响,使交叠点处的不符值由原来的56cm(RMS)降低到现在的24cm(RMS)在此基础上,构造出6个1°×1°的中国近海海平面及其平均海平面.该平面被称为"测高大地水准面"与美国Ohio州立大学的OSU91A重力场模型的大地水准面相比,两者具有同等量级的精度及一致的形态。  相似文献   

球载双球式电场仪及其应用   总被引:27,自引:2,他引:25  
探测雷暴电场垂直分量幅度的球载双球电场仪,它由两个空心的、直径为14.3cm,相距3.1cm的导电球构成,两球绕垂直于两球心连线的轴旋转,电场在球上的感应电荷按正弦变化,放大后由遥测发射机传输到地面.配有温度、湿度、气压传感器,既能进行高空大气温度、气压和湿度等常规气象要素的测量,又能完成雷雨云电场特殊参量的探测任务.电场探测电路及其电池组分别装在两个球内.仪器自1994年投入使用以来,先后参加了近20颗卫星的升空安全保障任务,为“澳星”等卫星在雷雨期间安全升空,发挥了重要作用.仪器测量范围为1--100kV/m,性能良好.  相似文献   

华南及其海域三维速度分布特征与岩石层结构   总被引:23,自引:9,他引:23       下载免费PDF全文
利用华南(包括台湾省)及其邻近地区地震台网记录到的514个区域地震和716个远震事件的19777条P波到时数据,用地震层析反演方法重建了华南及其海域(18.0°-31.5°N,106.5°-130°E)的三维速度图像。结果表明:1.华南及其海域地壳和上地幔广泛存在显著的横向不均匀性,它不仅出现在海域和陆区不同构造之间,同时也出现在陆区不同构造单元之间及其内部.2.地壳上部速度图像呈现出陆区和海域的速度差异:海域表现为低速,陆区的大部分表现为高速,而地处陆缘海的长乐-南澳断裂带恰好对应于陆区高速和海域低速块体分界处。陆区的一些主要断裂带几乎都显示在速度梯度带上.3.110km深度处的速度图像表明,华南海域普遍显示低速;陆区除东南沿海褶皱系和华南褶皱系西部为低速外,均为高速.说明海域和陆内活动区在这一深度处已有软流层显示。4.研究区域内岩石层厚度变化显著,在陆区,扬子准地台与较为活动的褶皱系相比,具有较厚的岩石层。华南褶皱系内部岩石层厚度也十分不同,其东北部岩石层厚度大于西南部,说明华南褶皱系内部活动程度不同,东北部相对稳定,西南部较为活动。台湾以东沿大陆架、大陆坡岩石层逐渐抬升,至海洋下...  相似文献   

对流层强迫与平流层暴发性增温   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
采用平流层准地转-β通道近似下的波流相互作用模型,考虑大气行星波1和波2与流的相互作用,以平流层底部边界强迫波波1和波2的振幅作为参数,对该模型的分岔特性进行了研究.结果表明,系统具有稳态解支A,B,C,在某些参数范围内,多种稳态解同时存在.解支A对应于平流层冷冬状态,解支C对应于平流层增温状态.由于参数变化系统在稳态解A和C之间发生灾变是冬季平流层暴发性增温的原因.文中给出了二维参数空间中的分岔集,它表明了对流层顶的波动对平流层暴发性增温的控制作用,能很好地解释观测事实.  相似文献   

地磁场Sq的经度效应和UT变化   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
使用国际地球物理年(IGY)和国际地球物理合作年(IGC)期间全球地磁台网的资料和中国台站的同期地磁记录,对地磁场太阳日变化S的经度效应和UT变化进行了分析研究.将适用于瞬时全球磁场的球谐分析法与适用于平均场的双调和分析法相结合,提出了一种分析S磁场的新方案,得到了(θ,T,t)坐标系中组成S场的三个部分,即仅随地方时LT变化的部分SLT,仅随世界时UT变化的部分SUT以及既随LT变化又随UT变化的部分SLUT.从全球来看,在IGY/IGC期间,这三部分的强度之比分别为:X分量1.0:0.2:0.3,y分量1.0:0.1:0.6,Z分量1.0:0.4:1.0.S的经度效应和UT变化虽然表现了同一物理过程,但它们有不同的表达形式,其决定因素是地磁轴对地理轴的倾斜,地磁场的非偶极子成分(即区域性异常)和地球内部电性的横向不均匀性(包括海陆分布、地壳上地幔电导率的区域差异)  相似文献   

The superdense plasma sheet in the Earth's magnetosphere is studied via a superposition of multispacecraft data collected during 124 high-speed-stream-driven storms. The storm onsets tend to occur after the passage of the IMF sector reversal and before the passage of the stream interface, and the storms continue on for days during the passage of the high-speed stream. The superdense phase of the plasma sheet is found to be a common feature of high-speed-stream-driven storms, commencing before the onset of the storm and persisting for about 1 day into the storm. A separate phenomenon, the extra-hot phase of the plasma sheet, commences at storm onset and persists for several days during the storm. The superdense plasma sheet originates from the high-density compressed slow and fast solar wind of the corotating interaction region on the leading edge of the high-speed stream. Tracking the motion of this dense plasma into and through the magnetosphere, plasma transport times are estimated. Transport from the nightside of the dipole to the dayside requires about 10 h. The occurrences of both the superdense plasma sheet and the extra-hot plasma sheet have broad implications for the physics of geomagnetic storms.  相似文献   

It is well known that most MHD shocks observed within 1 AU are MHD fast shocks. Only a very limited number of MHD slow shocks are observed within 1 AU. In order to understand why there are only a few MHD slow shocks observed within 1 AU, we use a one-dimensional, time-dependent MHD code with an adaptive grid to study the generation and evolution of interplanetary slow shocks (ISS) in the solar wind. Results show that a negative, nearly square-wave perturbation will generate a pair of slow shocks (a forward and a reverse slow shock). In addition, the forward and the reverse slow shocks can pass through each other without destroying their characteristics, but the propagating speeds for both shocks are decreased. A positive, square-wave perturbation will generate both slow and fast shocks. When a forward slow shock (FSS) propagates behind a forward fast shock (FFS), the former experiences a decreasing Mach number. In addition, the FSS always disappears within a distance of 150R (where R is one solar radius) from the Sun when there is a forward fast shock (with Mach number \geq1.7) propagating in front of the FSS. In all tests that we have performed, we have not discovered that the FSS (or reverse slow shock) evolves into a FFS (or reverse fast shock). Thus, we do not confirm the FSS-FFS evolution as suggested by Whang (1987).  相似文献   

Alfven脉动串级加热加速太阳风的二元流体模型   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
为研究太阳风的加速及加热机制,本又提出计算太阳风加速与加热的二元流体模型.该模型是建立在涂传治等提出的Alfven脉动的波能本级理论的基础上的.它能够描述从1Rs到1AU空间范围内太阳风的加速与加热,特别是它能够描述Alfven脉动的主要特性和Helios卫星对0.29-IAU空间范围内太阳风高速流的观测.上述结果说明Alfven波对太阳风的加速和加热有着十分重要的作用,并为研究太阳风的起源提供理论依据.  相似文献   

High geomagnetic activity occurs continuously during high-speed solar wind streams, and fluxes of relativistic electrons observed at geosynchronous orbit enhance significantly. High-speed streams are preceded by solar wind compression regions, during which time there are large losses of relativistic electrons from geosynchronous orbit. Weak to moderate geomagnetic storms often occur during the passage of these compression regions; however, we find that the phenomena that occur during the ensuing high-speed streams do not depend on whether or not a preceding storm develops. Large-amplitude Alfvén waves occur within the high-speed solar wind streams, which are expected to lead to intermittent intervals of significantly enhanced magnetospheric convection and to thus also lead to repetitive substorms due to repetitively occurring reductions in the strength of convection. We find that such repetitive substorms are clearly discernible in the LANL geosynchronous energetic particle data during high-speed stream intervals. Global auroral images are found to show unambiguously that these events are indeed classical substorms, leading us to conclude that substorms are an important contributor to the enhanced geomagnetic activity during high-speed streams. We used the onsets of these substorms as indicators of preceding periods of enhanced convection and of reductions in convection, and we have used ground-based chorus observations from the VELOX instrument at Halley station as an indicator of magnetospheric chorus intensities. These data show evidence that it is the periods of enhanced convection that precede substorm expansions, and not the expansions themselves, that lead to the enhanced dawn-side chorus wave intensity that has been postulated to cause the energization of relativistic electrons. If this inference is correct, and if it is chorus that energizes the relativistic electrons, then high-speed solar wind streams lead to relativistic electron flux enhancements because the embedded large-amplitude Alfvén waves give multi-day periods of intermittent significantly enhanced convection.  相似文献   

Mass spectrometer satellite observations show that a narrow region with steep latitudinal gradients of neutral composition is formed in the subauroral winter thermosphere during magnetic storms. In order to analyze the relative importance of individual terms in the continuity equation for atomic oxygen, a two-dimensional model was used to simulate the thermospheric disturbance formation in response to intense Joule heating imposed in the auroral oval. Such an approach allowed three characteristic zones to be distinguished in the high-latitude thermosphere at heights of about 250 km. It was shown that vertical transport is of greatest importance within the local heating region. Horizontal transport dominates at subauroral latitudes near the mid-night edge of the auroral oval. Propagation of the disturbances to middle latitudes is prohibited near the noon edge of the oval by a strong counteraction of a poleward meridional wind. Here is a “relaxation zone” defined as the region which is spread to the equator from the boundary between the local heating area and the subauroral zone in the noon sector LT. It is at this boundary that composition distributions with steep latitudinal gradient are formed within the first few hours of Joule heating source action. Perturbations transported to middle latitudes during the periods when the meridional wind is directed equatorward begin to relax in this zone with a characteristic time scale of about 7 h, independent of season. However, in winter, composition at subauroral latitudes recovers to unperturbed N2/O values before the wind again turns equatorward, giving rise to a distribution with steep latitudinal gradient recovering. In summer, a complete relaxation cannot be reached due to a shorter time interval with poleward wind and a larger disturbance amplitude. These two factors result in an effective smoothing of the initial steep gradient and a more regular latitudinal distribution of composition is observed in the summer thermosphere.  相似文献   

A sizable total-pressure (magnetic pressure plus kinetic pressure) enhancement was found within the high-speed wind stream observed by Helios 2 in 1976 near 0.3 AU. The proton density and temperature and the magnetic magnitude simultaneously increased for about 6 h. This pressure rise was associated with a comparatively large southward now velocity component (with Vz – 100 km · s–1) and magnetic-field rotation. The pressure enhancement was associated with unusual features in the electron distribution function. It shows a wide angular distribution of electron counting rates in the low-energy (57.8 eV) channel, while previous to the enhancement it exhibits a wide angular distribution of electron count rate in the high-energy (112, 221 and 309 eV) channels, perhaps indicating the mirroring of electrons in the converging field lines of the background magnetic field. These fluid and kinetic phenomena may be explained as resulting from an interplanetary magnetic flux rope which is not fully convected by the flow but moves against the background wind towards the Sun.  相似文献   

Denudation rates of small tributary valleys in the upper Rhone valley of the Swiss Central Alps vary by more than an order of magnitude within a very small distance (tens of kilometers). Morphometric data indicate two distinct erosion processes operate in these steep mountain valleys. We determined the rates of these processes using cosmogenic beryllium‐10 (10Be) in pooled soil and stream sediment samples. Denudation in deep, glacially scoured valleys is characterized by rapid, non‐uniform processes, such as debris flows and rock falls. In these steep valleys denudation rates are 760–2100 mm kyr?1. In those basins which show minimal previous glacial modification denudation rates are low with 60–560 mm kyr?1. The denudation rate in each basin represents a binary mixture between the rapid, non‐uniform processes, and soil creep. The soil production rate measured with cosmogenic 10Be in soil samples averages at 60 mm kyr?1. Mixing calculations suggest that the debris flows and rock falls are occurring at rates up to 3000–7000 mm kyr?1. These very high rates occur in the absence of baselevel lowering, since the tributaries drain into the Rhone trunk stream up‐stream of a knickzone. The flux‐weighted spatial average of denudation rates for the upper Rhone valley is 1400 mm kyr?1, which is similar to rock uplift rates determined in this area from leveling. The pace and location of erosion processes are determined by the oscillation between a glacial and a non‐glacial state, preventing the landscape from reaching equilibrium. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Coronal mass ejections (CMEs) and solar flares are the large-scale and most energetic eruptive phenomena in our solar system and able to release a large quantity of plasma and magnetic flux from the solar atmosphere into the solar wind. When these high-speed magnetized plasmas along with the energetic particles arrive at the Earth, they may interact with the magnetosphere and ionosphere, and seriously affect the safety of human high-tech activities in outer space. The travel time of a CME to 1 AU is about 1–3 days, while energetic particles from the eruptions arrive even earlier. An efficient forecast of these phenomena therefore requires a clear detection of CMEs/flares at the stage as early as possible. To estimate the possibility of an eruption leading to a CME/flare, we need to elucidate some fundamental but elusive processes including in particular the origin and structures of CMEs/flares. Understanding these processes can not only improve the prediction of the occurrence of CMEs/flares and their effects on geospace and the heliosphere but also help understand the mass ejections and flares on other solar-type stars. The main purpose of this review is to address the origin and early structures of CMEs/flares, from multi-wavelength observational perspective. First of all, we start with the ongoing debate of whether the pre-eruptive configuration, i.e., a helical magnetic flux rope (MFR), of CMEs/flares exists before the eruption and then emphatically introduce observational manifestations of the MFR. Secondly, we elaborate on the possible formation mechanisms of the MFR through distinct ways. Thirdly, we discuss the initiation of the MFR and associated dynamics during its evolution toward the CME/flare. Finally, we come to some conclusions and put forward some prospects in the future.  相似文献   

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