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Globalization is constituted not only through interurban networks of global city regions, but also by intraurban linkages within city regions. In this article, we use the Madrid city region as a case study to analyze the emergence of new “globalization arenas”—dense agglomeration nodes of knowledge-intensive business services (KIBSs)—on the outskirts of large metropolises (METs). We focus on two distinct types of centers. New employment centers (NECs) are produced by intrametropolitan suburbanization and realignment of preexisting small agglomerations. Historic administrative cities (HACs) are created by suprametropolitan scale processes remaking historically autonomous centers beyond the MET, which are only now being articulated in metropolitan transformation. We use statistical, cartographic, and econometric techniques to analyze proximity and economic base characteristics of NECs and HACs. As KIBSs continue to evolve in patterns of decentralized concentration, HACs are becoming more important KIBS nodes amidst complex landscapes of functional specialization and repositioning.  相似文献   

Military training activities reduce vegetation cover, disturb crusts, and degrade soil aggregates, making the land more vulnerable to wind erosion. The objective of this study was to quantify wind erosion rates for typical conditions at the Marine Corps Air Ground Combat Center, Twentynine Palms, CA, U.S.A. Five Big Spring Number Eight (BSNE) sampler stations were installed at each of five sites. Each BSNE station consisted of five BSNE samplers with the lowest sampler at 0·05 m and the highest sampler at 1·0 m above the soil surface. Once a month, sediment was collected from the samplers for analysis. Occurrence of saltating soil aggregates was recorded every hour using Sensits, one at each site. The site with the most erosion had a sediment discharge of 311 kg m−1 over a period of 17 months. Other sites eroded much less because of significant rock cover or the presence of a crust. Hourly sediment discharge was estimated combining hourly Sensit count and monthly sediment discharge measured using BSNE samplers. More simultaneously measured data are needed to better characterize the relationship between these two and reconstruct a detailed time-series of wind erosion. This measured time-series can then be used for comparison with simulation results from process-based wind erosion models such as the Wind Erosion Prediction System (WEPS), once it has been adapted to the unique aspects of military lands.  相似文献   

《The Journal of geography》2012,111(5):213-217

Spatial literacy is a new frontier in K–12 education. This article describes a place-based introductory GIS/GPS middle school curriculum unit in which students used measuring tools, GPS units, and My World GIS software to collect physical and spatial data of trees to create a schoolyard tree inventory. Maine students completed “memory maps” of their schoolyards as a pre/post exercise assessment. A statistically significant increase in students’ spatial awareness was documented. A technology-based curriculum can significantly increase students’ spatial awareness especially in a place and context relevant to each student.  相似文献   

The metamorphism of upper greenschist facies metasediments exposed in the extreme southwestern portion of St. Jonsjorden, Svalbard, is described. The rocks form part of the Mullerneset Formation of the late Precambrian age Kongsvegen Group and constitute a portion of the central-western Spitsbergen Cale-donides. Four deformations (D, -D4) and two metamorphic episodes (Mi and M2) have affected the rocks of the Mullerneset area. Mi was a prograde event which was initiated prior to the onset of the Di and continued through this deformation. Pre-Dt metamorphism reached biotite grade whereas garnet grade was attained syn-Di. M2 was a lower-middle greenschist facies metamorphism associated with D2. The results of quantitative geothermometry in the pelitic rocks show that peak Mi metamorphic temperatures decrease southwards across the field area from about 540°C to 510°C. Geobarometry and estimates of depth of burial indicate that Mi pressures were in the range of 5–7 kb. The data are consistent with geothermal gradients in the range of 21 ± 4°C/km to 24 ± 5°C/km. M2 metamorphic conditions are not precisely determinable but temperatures and pressures were probably less than those attained during Mi. It is suggested that the rocks of central-western Spitsbergen were originally deposited in an aulacogen before the initiation of Caledonian diastrophism.  相似文献   

Geographers in Washington, DC, during World War II and the agencies in which they worked are recalled through the naming of geographers engaged in wartime work during this seminal period in the development of the geography profession in the United States. The five agencies then employing the largest number of geographers were the Research and Analysis Branch of the Office of Strategic Services, the Topographic Branch of the Military Intelligence Division of the War Department, the Board of Economic Warfare (later the Foreign Economic Administration), the Board on Geographic Names, and the Office of the Geographer, Department of State. The impacts of this period on individual geographers, the professional organization of geographers, cartography, higher education, and the government are suggested.  相似文献   


Geographers in Washington, DC, during World War II and the agencies in which they worked are recalled through the naming of geographers engaged in wartime work during this seminal period in the development of the geography profession in the United States. The five agencies then employing the largest number of geographers were the Research and Analysis Branch of the Office of Strategic Services, the Topographic Branch of the Military Intelligence Division of the War Department, the Board of Economic Warfare (later the Foreign Economic Administration), the Board on Geographic Names, and the Office of the Geographer, Department of State. The impacts of this period on individual geographers, the professional organization of geographers, cartography, higher education, and the government are suggested.  相似文献   

Bank recession at twenty stations along the eastern end of 286 km long Lake Sakakawea, North Dakota, measured regularly between 1983 and 1986, showed a recession range from essentially zero to almost 9 m yr−1 with an average of 1.6 m yr−1. Between 1969 and 1979, rates were greater, the declining rate a normal consequence of the factors affecting bank recession. Rates of recession vary with seasons, with 78% of the annual recession occurring during the warmer season (May–October) as a result of wave erosion. The remaining 22% occurs during thaw failure in spring.Prediction of ultimate (500 yr) bank recessions attempted using historical recession data, the three years of detailed field measurements, and regression analysis of the erosion factors. An equation, presented here, requires field measurement of bank orientation and height, batch width and composition, and slope of the offshore area. Effective fetch must be measured, as well. The resulting equation for the monthly warm season recession rate is: Rs=154.9 −, (18.8 √ A+ 25.1 √ B +10.1 √ c +6.9 √ 0+5.0 √ E + 1.1 √ F) where: A = sine of angle between bank orientation and dominant wind; B = offshore slope angle; C = beach width; D = bank height; E = effective fetch; and F = percentage of coarse beach clasts. The colder season recession percentage is: Rw = Rs [(2.05D = 0.043G) − 2/100] where D is bank height and G the bank orientation with respect to sun. The total yearly predicted recession (cm yr−1) is: Rt = 6 (Rw) + 6 (Rs) 6 being the number of months of “cold” and “warm” weather at Lake Sakakawea.For this rate to be projected into the future, it is necessary to assume a declining rate of recession, employing a parabolic trend. From this, the ultimate bank recession for Lake Sakakawea is predicted to range up to 542 m.  相似文献   

In 2017, disruptions in the global supply of helium reminded consumers, distributors, and policy makers that the global helium supply chain lacks flexibility, and that attempts to increase production from the U.S. Federal Helium Reserve (the FHR) may not be able to compensate for the loss of one of the few major producers in the world. Issues with U.S. and global markets for helium include inelastic demand, economic availability of helium only as a byproduct, only 4–5 major producers, helium’s propensity to escape earth’s crust, an ongoing absence of storage facilities comparable to the FHR, and a lack of consequences for the venting of helium. The complex combination of these economic, physical, and regulatory issues is unique to helium, and determining helium’s practical availability goes far beyond estimating the technically accessible volume of underground resources. Although most of these issues have been analyzed since helium was recognized to be a valuable mineral commodity in the early 1900s, very few economic models have been developed that adequately consider the unique characteristics of helium and helium markets. In particular, there is a notable lack of recent empirical work to estimate the responsiveness of helium demand, supply, prices, and trade patterns to the ongoing drawdown and sale of helium reserves stored in the FHR. In general, existing models of helium either do not account for an oligopoly controlling supply, or they do not evaluate potential helium extraction and storage programs based on an intertemporal maximization of the value of the resource. Such models could be of very limited use to decision makers. This review found only one working paper with a helium market model that has incorporated both of these vital considerations. That and other economic studies along similar lines could be very useful in helping inform current helium policy discussions and decisions.  相似文献   

使用固定翼无人机航测丹霞山核心区长老峰游览区(航测区面积4.25 km2)获得高精度影像数据638张,用Photoscan软件拼接正射影像地图及DEM数据生产。在ArcGIS10.5软件中将正射影像图批量分割成470幅图(长和宽为100 m×100 m,比例尺为1︰1 000),在分割后的地图上目测识别并定位珍稀物种丹霞梧桐(Firmiana danxiaensis H. H. Hsue & H. S. Kiu),共获取航测区内1 515株丹霞梧桐及其位置数据,构建地理数据库。利用ArcGIS10.5的空间分析模块,将DEM数据转换成坡度和坡向数据,叠加1 515株丹霞梧桐点位置数据与DEM数据、坡度和坡向数据后进行可视化定量分析。结果显示:航测区内有71.2%的丹霞梧桐(1078株)分布在海拔210±90 m的范围内。有68.3%(1033株)的丹霞梧桐分布在坡度>15°的丹霞崖壁地带,与实地观察的事实相吻合。虽然,在航测区长老峰的各个坡向上都可以实地观察丹霞梧桐的分布,但定量统计表明,在南东(295株)、南(276株)、南西(244株)3个坡向上分布相对集中,占总数的53.8%(815株),这也与实地观察到的丹霞梧桐属于喜光照的向阳植物一致。小区域范围内珍稀物种的数据采集与空间分析,是珍稀物种保护的重要基础工作,还可以为较大区域范围内丹霞梧桐生态保护红线更准确的落地提供参考和依据。  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
A NEW KIND OF SUGAR: TOURISM IN THE PACIFIC. Edited by Ben R. Finney and Karen Ann Watson.  相似文献   

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