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中国地质异常   总被引:45,自引:10,他引:45       下载免费PDF全文
赵鹏大  王京贵 《地球科学》1995,20(2):117-127
地质异常是在成分结构,构造或成因序次上与周围环境有着明显差异的地质体或地质体组合,依据地质异常分布范围及其圈定标志,可将其分为5级:全球性地质异常、区域性地质异常,局部性地质异常、小型地质异常及显微地质异常。地质异常的圈定方法包括地壳升降系数(G值)法、地质复杂系数(C值)法、熵(H值)法、地质相似系数(S值)法及地质关联度(R值)法,作者又从全球角度出发,结合中国的地质特点,进一步阐述了中国地质  相似文献   

试论地质大市场的构成及其发展建议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
唐春花  王平 《江西地质》2001,15(4):311-315
地质行业需要一个包括矿业市场在内的更广泛的地质大市场,地质大市场由地质项目市场、地质大市场由地质项目市场、地质资本市场、地质劳务市场和地质成果市场四部分组成,并初步论述了这四个市场。提出在地质大市场建设初期应采取两降低两抬高的原则,最大限度地增加有效需求,通过市场择优淘劣,确保成果质量,使地质大市场得以良性发展。  相似文献   

地质监理是地质监理单位受地勘业主的委托和授权,依照技术标准和地质规范对地质勘查项目的勘查活动实施的监督,管理和协调,地质监理制是地质勘查管理的一种新体制,它能有效地控制地质勘查工作的质量,进度和费用投入,提高地质勘查工作的找矿效果和找矿水平。  相似文献   

白湘兰  李云 《湖南地质》2011,(12):52-53
地质资料分为原始地质资料、成果地质资料和实物地质资料三类。其中,原始地质资料又称原本地质档案,是在进行地质工作时直接形成或采集的,反映地质现象或地质体的,以各种载体类型存在的原始记录、中间性解译资料、最终地质工作成果原稿等,包括各种有关的文件的底图、底稿、原图、记录本等。  相似文献   

斗转星移,冬去春来,在三“羊”开泰的2003年里,《中国地质》迎来了她50岁的生日。回顾过去的半个世纪,《中国地质》所走过的是一条不平常的路。《中国地质》杂志的前身是《地质通讯》,创办于1953年4月,以宣传地质工作的方针政策为主要宗旨。1955年,根据前地质部党委指示,把《地质通讯》和《地质知识》合并为《地质月刊》,从此成为宣传地质工作方针政策及交流地质科技与管理经验为主的综合性月刊。1958年,《地质月刊》更名为《中国地质》,她继承前者的办刊宗旨,调整了栏目和版面,扩大了发行量,成为我国当时一份颇有声望的杂志…  相似文献   

市场经济条件下把公益性事业与商业性(经营性)活动分开,是国土资源行业改革的一条基本原则。深化地质工作管理体制改革,大力培育地质勘查市场,扩大服务领域,为商业性(经营性)地质工作营造广阔的生存、发展空间,使之逐步成为地质勘查工作的主体,这是国家确定的地勘队伍企业化改革的总方针。为此,分析煤炭地质单位开展商业性地质工作的运行情况,针对存在的问题,研究如何使商业性地质工作走上健康、有序的发展之路,是十分必要的。1关于商业性地质工作的界定商业性(或经营性)地质工作是与公益性地质工作相对应的。公益性地质工…  相似文献   

完善环境地质学科促进环境地质工作   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
蒋承菘 《地质通报》2004,23(8):732-736
当前中国地质工作处于重要的历史转折时期。这是因为经济社会可持续发展给地质工作提出了许多新课题,要求地质工作转变服务方向,扩大服务领域;社会主义市场经济不断完善,要求地质工作深化改革,转变地质工作运行机制;世界科学技术迅猛发展,要求地质工作迎头赶上,实现地质理论的创新和  相似文献   

提高中国地质调查战略地位若干问题的思考   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
赵鹏大 《地质通报》2003,22(11):860-862
中国幅员辽阔,地质结构、地质环境、地质资源、地质工程、地质景观、地质遗迹、地质文化丰富多彩。这样一个大国的地质调查工作,任务十分艰巨,需要一代代人连续不断地把工作做下去,与时俱进地逐步深入和完善。  相似文献   

油气地质异常与非传统油气资源勘探研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
针对资源勘查难度增加的实际问题,提出了油气地质异常的新概念,阐述了各类油气地质异常及其成因,认为油气地质异常主要包括4类:沉积异常,构造异常,地球化学异常和地层压力异常,油气地质异常的分布范围分4级:区带油气地质异常,圈闭油气地质异常,小型油气地质异常和微型油气地质异常,并阐述了非传递油气异常定量研究思路和方法。  相似文献   

本文通过对地质单位地质科技图书档案资料、地质科技期刊的保存、保管、管理、借阅等现状的分析,认为地质图书资料、地质科技期刊有非常重要的经济和学术价值,但现有的保存环境使得地质图书资料、地质科技期刊源数据丢失严重,地质图书档案资料、地质科技期刊亟需数字化,以便使其更好地为地质调查和地质科技工作者服务。  相似文献   

This paper concerns the evaporite units, depositional systems, cyclicity, diagenetic products and anhydritization patterns of the Calatayud Basin (nonmarine, Miocene, central Spain). In outcrop, the sulphate minerals of these shallow lacustrine evaporites consist of primary and secondary gypsum, the latter originating from the replacement of anhydrite and glauberite. In the evaporative systems of this basin, gypsiferous marshes of low salinity can be distinguished from central, saline lakes of higher salinity. In the gypsiferous marsh facies, the dominant, massive, bioturbated gypsum was partly replaced by synsedimentary chert nodules and siliceous crusts. In the saline lake facies, either cycles of gypsiferous lutite‐laminated gypsarenite or irregular alternations of laminated gypsum, nodular and banded glauberite, thenardite and nodular anhydrite precipitated. Early replacement of part of the glauberite by anhydrite also occurred. Episodes of subaerial exposure are represented by: (1) pedogenic carbonates (with nodular magnesite) and gypsiferous crusts composed of poikilitic crystals; and (2) nodular anhydrite, which formed in a sabkha. Additionally, meganodular anhydrite occurs, which presumably precipitated from ascending, highly saline solutions. The timing of anhydritization was mainly controlled by the salinity of the pore solutions, and occurred from the onset of deposition to moderate burial. Locally, a thick (>200 m) sequence of gypsum cycles developed, which was probably controlled by climatic variation. A trend of upward‐decreasing salinity is deduced from the base to the top of the evaporite succession.  相似文献   

嫩江现代河流沉积层序及沉积模式   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
王平在  王俊玲 《沉积学报》2003,21(2):228-233
以黑龙江省富裕县大马岗现代嫩江沉积体为例,通过深挖探槽、探坑及野外密集采样的精细解剖,详细研究了现代嫩江大马岗沉积体内部岩相、沉积微相、沉积层序及沉积模式。研究表明,大马岗河流沉积体是一个由辫状河与曲流河沉积组成的复合沉积体,其下部以辫状河砾质坝沉积为主,上部则以低能量的曲流河沉积为主。在现代嫩江大马岗沉积体内部,共识别出16种岩相,即Gm,St1,St2,Ft,Ssd,Sh,Stcb,Shcs,Sw,Sm,Fw,Fm,Fsc1,Fsc2,Mm及Mpr,发育五种亚相、六种沉积微相,即曲流河的河漫滩沉积微相、决口扇微相、天然堤微相、点坝微相、辫状河的溢岸微相及心滩微相。这些沉积微相构成了大马岗沉积体内部垂向上三套不同的沉积层序:下部层序以砾石质沉积为主,为辫状河沉积形成;中部层序为一个完整的曲流河沉积层序,以曲流河点坝沙及溢岸漫滩泥沉积构成;上部沉积层序则为曲流河泛滥及决口沉积形成。通过沉积微相及沉积层序分析,本文建立了一种新型的河流复合沉积模式,进一步丰富了河流沉积学理论。  相似文献   

The origin of fine‐grained dolomite in peritidal rocks has been the subject of much debate recently and evidence is presented here for a microbial origin of this dolomite type in the Norian Dolomia Principale of northern Calabria (southern Italy). Microbial carbonates there consist of stromatolites, thrombolites, and aphanitic dolomites. High‐relief thrombolites and stromatolites characterize sub‐tidal facies, and low‐relief and planar stromatolites, with local oncoids, typify the inter‐supratidal facies. Skeletal remains are very rare in the latter, whereas a relatively rich biota of skeletal cyanophycea, red algae and foraminifera is present in the sub‐tidal facies. Some 75% of the succession consists of fabric‐preserving dolomite, especially within the microbial facies, whereas the rest is composed of coarse dolomite with little fabric preservation. Three end‐members of dolomite replacement fabric are distinguished: type 1 and type 2, fabric retentive, with crystal size <5 and 5–60 μm, respectively; and type 3, fabric destructive, with larger crystals, from 60 to several hundred microns. In addition, there are dolomite cements, precipitated in the central parts of primary cavities during later diagenesis. Microbialite textures in stromatolites are generally composed of thin, dark micritic laminae of type 1 dolomite, alternating with thicker lighter‐coloured laminae of the coarser type 2 dolomite. Thrombolites are composed of dark, micritic clotted fabrics with peloids, composed of type 1 dolomite, surrounded by coarser type 2 dolomite. Marine fibrous cement crusts are also present, now composed of type 2 dolomite. Scanning electron microscope observations of the organic‐rich micritic laminae and clots of the inter‐supratidal microbialites reveal the presence of spherical structures which are interpreted as mineralized bacterial remains. These probably derived from the fossilization of micron‐sized coccoid bacteria and spheroidal–ovoidal nanometre‐scale dwarf‐type bacterial forms. Furthermore, there are traces of degraded organic matter, probably also of bacterial origin. The microbial dolomites were precipitated in a hypersaline environment, most likely through evaporative dolomitization, as suggested by the excess Ca in the dolomites, the small crystal size, and the positive δ18O values. The occurrence of fossilized bacteria and organic matter in the fabric‐preserving dolomite of the microbialites could indicate an involvement of bacteria and organic matter degradation in the precipitation of syn‐sedimentary dolomite.  相似文献   

河北兴隆M111稀有金属花岗岩体地质和岩石学特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文报道了河北燕山地区一个稀有金属花岗岩体的地质特征、岩石学、矿物学和岩石化学特征.这个两次侵入形成的复式岩体,Rb-Sr同位素年龄171Ma。造岩矿物为石英、钠长石、微斜长石、含锂云母。化学成分铝过饱和富钠偏碱性.发育良好的岩性垂直分带,岩石结构、矿物和化学成分均呈规律性的变化.岩浆成分向富钠富稀碱富挥发分的方向分异演化导至Nb、Ta、Li、Be、Rb、Cs等稀有金属矿化。  相似文献   

吉林省水资源生态问题初步探索   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
吉林省水资源总量不足且分布不均,使草原“三化”加剧,湿地缩减、湖沼萎缩。对吉林省主要河流的采样监测发现,除源头区外,河流均受到不同程度的污染,加剧了我省水资源不足的矛盾。需要强化工业污染源的防治措施、推广清洁生产,提高工业用水的重复利用率和重复利用次数,鼓励农民采用喷灌、滴灌和微灌等方式灌溉农田,以提高农业用水效率,使我省水资源发挥最大的环境、经济和社会效益。  相似文献   

江苏省新沂市马陵山地区的4个神秘的印记,传统上被解释为“李存孝打虎处”的“虎爪印”和“人足迹”,重新将其解释为大盛群田家楼组恐龙足迹。这些足迹中只有一个最深的“虎爪印”保存了可识别的趾印,表明它是一个有着后内侧拇趾印的兽脚类恐龙左足迹,是一道单步约50cm的直线行迹的一部分;另一种解释是该足迹为小型蜥脚类恐龙的右后足迹,形成行迹的右侧部分,其左侧部分没有保存。马陵山足迹点提供了恐龙足迹如何影响中国民间传说的另一个案例。  相似文献   

天津市西郊富硒土壤地球化学特征和成因分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了查明天津市西郊富硒土壤的地球化学特征和成因,开展针对土壤-大气-水体-作物的调查研究工作。结果显示:研究区土壤Se元素平均值为0.66 mg/kg,是天津市土壤背景值的2.87倍,有83%为富硒土壤。土壤Se元素被颗粒状有机物质大量固定和吸附,富集于耕层土壤。耕层土壤Se元素与粗砂粒、细砂粒、Pb、Zn、Cd、Cu、Hg、N、P等指标显著正相关,与黏粒、粉粒、Na、K、Mg、As、CEC、pH等指标显著负相关。农民大量持续使用富含Se的有机肥是土壤Se元素显著富集的主要原因,占输入总通量的86.55%;大气沉降是次要原因,占13.35%。研究区土壤Se元素的年增加量为0.019 mg/kg,按2.77%的速度逐年增长。  相似文献   

邢立达王丰平  潘世刚陈伟 《地质学报》2007,81(11):1591-1602,I0001,I0002
记述了来自重庆綦江中白垩统夹关组恐龙足迹群,命名了甲龙亚目的中国綦江足迹(Qijiangpussinensis ichnogen.et ichnosp.nov.)、兽脚亚目的敏捷舞足迹(Wupusagilis ichnogen.etichnosp.nov.)和鸟脚亚目的炎热老瀛山足迹(Laoyingshanpus torridus ichnogen.etichnosp.nov.)和莲花卡利尔足迹(Caririchniumlotusichnosp.nov.)等新属种。中国綦江足迹是中国首次发现甲龙类的足迹。莲花卡利尔足迹提供了鸭嘴龙类在各发育阶段所留下不同的足迹。  相似文献   

The Gulf of Mannar along the Tuticorin coast is a coral base of the southeast coast of India. To obtain a preliminary view of its environmental conditions, geochemical distribution of major elements (Si, Al, Fe, Ca, Mg, Na, K, P), trace elements (Mn, Cr, Cu, Ni, Co, Pb, Zn, Cd) and acid leachable elements (Fe, Mn, Cr, Cu, Ni, Co, Pb, Zn, Cd) were analyzed in surface sediment samples from two seasons. Geochemical fractionation confirmed the lithogenic origin of metals, which were mainly associated with the detrital phase. The sediments in the gulf are sandy with abundant calcareous debris, which controls the distribution of total and acid leachable elements. Enrichment factors relative to crust vary by a magnitude of two to three and the presence of trace metals indicates the input of Cr, Pb, Cd, Cu and Zn in both forms through industrial activities. Factor analysis supports the above observation with higher loadings on acid leachable elements and its association with CaCO3. The increase in concentration of trace metals (Cr, Pb, Cd, Cu, Co, Ni, Zn) along the Gulf of Mannar indicates that the area has been contaminated by the input from riverine sources and the industries nearby. The present study indicates that other sources should be evaluated in the long-term monitoring program.  相似文献   

The faunal associations of the uppermost Jurassic and Early Cretaceous Villar del Arzobispo, El Castellar, and Camarillas formations of the Spanish town of Galve (Maestrazgo Basin of the Iberian Range) are composed of more than fifty taxa belonging to Chondrichthyes, bony fishes, lissamphibians, mammals, and reptiles. Although the presence of turtles has been recognized in these three formations, being very abundant, the published information is limited. The detailed study of these turtles allows us to recognize at least nine taxa, several of them previously not identified in the Spanish record. These taxa correspond to stem Testudines (Solemydidae), members of Paracryptodira (Pleurosternidae), several representatives of Plesiochelyidae and taxa closely related with this clade, representatives of the stem group of Cryptodira (Xinjiangchelyidae) and members of crown Cryptodira. The chelonian fauna of Galve increases the systematic, anatomical, biostratigraphic, and paleobiogeographic knowledge on several clades, represented by taxa shared with other European regions, clades also present in Early Cretaceous sites of North America or Asia, as well as taxa exclusive of the Iberian record.  相似文献   

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