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以湖南省沅江市为例,研究了新一轮耕地后备资源调查评价的方法和程序,分析了其耕地后备资源的数量、类型和分布情况。结果表明:沅江市耕地后备资源面积137.46公顷,宜耕土地的主要潜力是内陆滩涂,不宜耕土地的主要限制是排水和生态条件。根据调查评价结果,提出了沅江市耕地后备资源的开发复垦建议。  相似文献   

本文以济南市为研究对象,运用极限条件法初判济南市耕地后备资源宜耕性并划分潜力类型区,在此基础上,采用多因素综合评价方法测算宜耕后备资源的开发复耕难易程度并划分难易程度等级。结果表明:济南市各区县宜耕未利用地分布差异较大,从潜力类型区分布来看,丰富区和较丰富区主要分布在中南部山地丘陵区和南部沿黄区域,较匮乏区主要分布在北部平原区和南部山区,资源匮乏区主要为中部主城区附近。济南市易开发后备资源主要分布在中南部山地丘陵区。该研究可为济南市不同地域后备资源开发时序安排,科学编制耕地占补平衡和进出平衡方案提供参考。  相似文献   

宜耕后备资源是耕地的重要补充来源,是保障粮食安全的必要战略储备。长治市宜耕后备资源潜力评价,借助GIS技术,从水资源保护、地质环境、生物多样性、湿地等方面进行生态安全性修正,并选择限制性因子指标进行评价,将长治市未利用地开发分为适宜和不适宜两类;然后再参照农用地分等成果,结合实际情况,构建适宜性评价指标体系,对市域宜耕后备资源开发潜力进行测算并分级。  相似文献   

能源植物开发利用是应对能源问题和全球变化的有效途径之一,准确的资源潜力及时空分布信息是资源规划和相关科学研究的重要基础。本文提出了耦合地理信息系统(GIS)空间分析与生命周期分析(LCA)进行能源植物开发利用潜力评估的技术方法,以黄连木为例进行研究。基于土地利用数据、遥感数据、气象数据、土壤数据,以及黄连木的生态习性,采用多因子综合评价方法,建立了1km空间栅格数据的黄连木种植适宜性综合评价模型,获取了适宜于黄连木规模化种植的土地资源与空间分布;另外,采用LCA方法对黄连木开发利用主要环节的温室气体排放进行了定量估算。结果表明,我国可用于发展黄连木的边际土地总量为1989.76万hm2,其中,适宜黄连木生长的土地面积为710.32万hm2,较适宜黄连木生长的土地面积为1279.44万hm2,总温室气体减排潜力为2544.46万t。同时,较之于传统的区域总体统计值的结果,空间栅格的评估方法可为科学决策提供更为精细的数据支撑。  相似文献   

新疆土地利用空间结构和布局分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
基于2008年新疆土地利用数据,采用计量地理学模型,并借助SPSS软件和ArcGIS软件,对新疆各地州(市)的土地利用数量结构和空间格局现状进行了定量分析,并与全国土地利用结构对比。结果表明:新疆现状土地资源具有明显的地域差异,北疆地区土地利用程度明显优于南疆,这种差异与所处的地理位置、地形地貌密切相关;土地利用结构的多样性和集中度由北向南递减;新疆的土地利用结构单一,各地区的土地利用类型组合系数普遍不高,反映出新疆土地利用的整体功能还有很大的提升空间。  相似文献   

基于可持续性视角的建设用地适宜性评价及其应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
建设用地适宜性是土地资源利用与管理决策的依据。本文基于土地利用可持续性界定建设用地适宜性内涵,从灾害风险、地形地貌、生态环境和区位条件4个维度,构建了较规范的适宜性指标体系;针对已有评价方法的不足,构建了整合极值法、条件函数法、线性加权综合的“多要素分布式算法——情景矩阵”评估框架;进而基于适宜性识别冲突空间,以空间冲突面积占总建设用地面积的比重作为空间冲突强度来刻画区域建设空间布局的合理性与可持续性。本文以新疆玛纳斯县为例开展研究,结果表明玛纳斯县适宜建设空间(达230 km2以上)约占全县总面积的26%;最适宜和比较适宜性建设用地主要分布于中部及中北部乡镇及农(团)场驻地附近,基本适宜建设区主要分布在比较适宜建设空间的外围及中南部山前平原地带;该县冲突空间达4.21 km2,占建成区面积的22.74‰;冲突空间主要分布在河流沿岸和中部城镇化发展区;南部、北部的生态脆弱区及中部工业化发展区的乡镇空间冲突强度也较高。研究表明,本文提出的建设用地适宜性评估框架与方法逼近客观现实,简单易行,能弥补以往评价方法的不足;适宜性在空间冲突分析与可持续性土地利用管理中具有较好的应用价值。  相似文献   

文章采用适宜性指数评价法、短板效应评价法两种方法,以福建省为研究区域,进行土地资源建设开发适宜性评价方法对比研究。研究结果表明:适宜性指数评价法,容易弱化单要素因子对土地资源建设开发的限制性程度,加上人为主观因素干扰,所以部分区域适宜性划分结果不够合理。短板效应评价法,在单要素适宜性评价基础上,确定评价单元的综合适宜性等级,可以使研究者能够快速找到各评价单元建设开发的约束性因子,进而为自然资源管理部门提供更为详实的研究数据,这种方法对各参评因子的数据精度要求更高,参评因子数据比例尺越大,评价结果也越接近现实。  相似文献   

鉴于新疆地区对中国乃至中亚有着特殊的战略意义,本文针对不同数据源及分类系统在土地覆被数据的空间分布上缺乏互通性问题,结合2010年目视解译土地利用现状遥感监测数据、GlobeLand30和GlobCover2009共3种土地覆被数据,采用类型相似分析、类型混淆分析、混淆矩阵分析、空间一致性分析4种方法开展精度评价及一致性分析,以期对土地覆被数据在中国西北干旱区的适用性及适用范围提供有效建议。结果表明,3种土地覆被数据对新疆地区土地覆被类型构成基本一致,且对裸地类型的辨识度最高;新疆地区中高度一致区域占新疆总面积的95%;3种数据两两对比时,总体精度在64.11%~72.57%之间,其中目视解译数据/GlobeLand 30组合表现出最高水平,且仍有提高空间,反映出目前相同卫星传感器是提升精度评价结果的重要因素之一,且不同分类系统、分类方法、空间分辨率及卫星过境时间等因素对精度评价结果也会产生巨大影响。为解决此类问题,利用多源土地覆被遥感数据的融合技术提高数据精度,或是利用深度学习对遥感影像资料进行精确地解译和判读,将是今后全球土地覆被制图及应用领域的主要发展趋势。  相似文献   

通过调查3个丘陵区的土地整治情况,按地形、地貌进行土地整治分区,讨论土地整治潜力评价的方法,分别对农用地整治、农村建设用地整治、土地复垦和宜耕后备土地资源开发的建设规模和补充耕地的数量潜力与质量潜力进行分析计算,最后对调查区土地整治综合潜力进行评价。  相似文献   

本文以山西省潞城市为研究区域,对土地开发潜力补充调查、适宜性评价、潜力分级和其测算与分析的方法等进行了研究.结果表明:在土地利用现状调查成果的基础上,采用分析统计与实地调查相结合的方法,进行待开发土地资源进行数量、质量和分布的补充调查,并采用直接评价法,对待开发土地潜力的适宜用途进行评价,采用可开发面积和潜力系数进行潜力级别划分,是县域土地开发潜力研究的有效方法.通过研究可知,潞城市可开发面积为9273.46 hm2,可开发为耕地的面积341.33 hm2,主要来源于荒草地和滩涂两大地类,其中宜林潜力较大,而宜耕的较小.  相似文献   

对新疆国土资源环境信息系统的设计与实现进行了详细介绍,对系统研建中的关键技术进行了研究和探讨,提出了解决方案。系统的建成实现了利用GIS技术对国土资源环境信息的统一管理和快速检索、更新、分析与处理,填补了新疆国土资源环境遥感综合调查信息应用GIS技术综合管理应用的空白。  相似文献   

开展特定区域水稻种植产业布局是科学制定区域农业种植产业规划的重要内容,而水稻种植适宜性评价是水稻种植产业布局的前提。本文以中国好粮油示范县——福建省浦城县为研究区,基于层次分析模型构建土壤条件、立地条件、灌排条件、气候条件和机械耕作条件5大类共21个指标的水稻种植适宜性评价体系,利用地学模型、回归模型和空间插值等方法计算、模拟评价指标空间分布数据,形成5 m×5 m分辨率的评价指标栅格数据集,基于经验指数法建立适宜度指数模型,开展精细尺度下的水稻种植环境综合适宜性评价。利用实测样点水稻产量与水稻种植环境综合适宜度指数进行分析,发现二者呈显著正相关,验证了本研究评价工作的正确性和可行性。最后利用K-means属性聚类法识别研究区水稻种植多维环境适宜性的空间模式。结果表明:① 研究区水稻种植高度适宜、较适宜、中度适宜耕地面积占全县耕地面积的84.4%,次适宜耕地仅占15.6%,耕地整体适宜性较高;② Ⅰ类集聚区水稻种植综合适宜性和各类指标适宜性均较高;Ⅱ类集聚区水稻种植综合适宜性较高,但灌排条件适宜性很低;Ⅲ类集聚区水稻种植综合适宜性较高,但立地、土壤条件适宜性较低;Ⅳ类集聚区水稻种植综合适宜性较低,灌排条件适宜性最低。本研究可为水稻种植适宜性评价提供方法借鉴,并为浦城县更合理科学地开展农业种植规划提供依据。  相似文献   

新疆冰雪旅游资源适宜性评价研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
冰雪旅游正在成为冬季旅游出行的新选择。新疆冰雪旅游资源丰富,如何合理开发利用资源成为当地旅游开发亟待解决的问题,因此本文从旅游资源适宜性角度出发,选取自然条件、旅游资源、社会经济和交通可达性等方面的18个影响因子,采用层次分析法(AHP)和熵值法(EWM)确定组合权重,运用GIS空间分析技术和多因子加权评价模型(MCE)对研究区冰雪旅游资源适宜性进行评价。研究结果显示:① 就自然条件来看,伊犁东部、阿勒泰北部沿山脉边缘的丘陵和平原等地区较适宜发展冰雪旅游;② 阿勒泰地区和乌鲁木齐市的旅游资源相关基础设施完备,昌吉和伊犁在旅游资源方面也有较强竞争力;③ 社会经济来看,伊犁、乌鲁木齐市和阿勒泰地区为代表的北疆城市较南疆有更强的游客接待能力;④ 伊犁、乌昌经济带沿线地区交通可达性明显优于南疆各地州市。新疆冰雪旅游综合适宜性指数为1.8622-7.5724之间,其中天山北坡、阿勒泰北部、伊犁、塔城北部、哈密中部等地区为高度适宜;南疆大部分区域处于中低度适宜。建议通过加强新型旅游资源开发和整合,积极承办大型冰雪运动相关赛事,借助丝绸之路经济带发展交通道路建设,以加速推进新疆冰雪旅游发展。本研究可为冰雪旅游区开发和选址提供空间导向和科学依据。  相似文献   

探索永久基本农田划定的有效路径,划定质优、集聚耕地为永久基本农田,有效配置耕地资源,对耕地保护和保障粮食安全具有重要意义。本文基于济南市“三调”成果,从多维度构建耕地综合质量和“可恢复”耕地潜力评价指标体系,根据评价结果将济南市耕地划分为优质、较优质、良好、一般、较差、不稳定与生态保护6种类型,将济南市“可恢复”耕地潜力划分为优先恢复区、适宜恢复区、不宜恢复区。客观反映了耕地综合质量和“可恢复”耕地潜力状况,得到济南市耕地和“可恢复”耕地的资源时空配置,为济南市及其他市县永久基本农田划定提供借鉴,为耕地资源差别化管控和耕地“进出平衡”方案编制实施提供参考。  相似文献   

In developing countries, land productivity involves little market, where the agricultural land use is mainly determined by the food demands as well as the land suitability. The land use pattern will not ensure everywhere enough land for certain cropping if spatial allocation just according to land use suitability. To solve this problem, a subzone and a pre-allocation for each land use are added in spatial allocation module, and land use suitability and area optimization module are incorporated to constitute a whole agricultural land use optimal allocation (ALUOA) system. The system is developed on the platform .Net 2005 using ArcGIS Engine (version 9.2) and C# language, and is tested and validated in Yili watershed of Xinjiang Region on the newly reclaimed area. In the case study, with the help of soil data obtained from 69 points sampled in the fieldwork in 2008, main river data supplied by the Department of Water Resources of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region in China, and temperature data provided by Data Center for Resources and Environmental Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences, land use suitability on eight common crops are evaluated one by one using linear weighted summation method in the land use suitability model. The linear programming (LP) model in area optimization model succeeds to give out land area target of each crop under three scenarios. At last, the land use targets are allotted in space both with a six subzone file and without a subzone file. The results show that the land use maps with a subzone not only ensure every part has enough land for every crop, but also gives a more fragmental land use pattern, with about 87.99% and 135.92% more patches than the one without, while at the expense of loss between 15.30% and 19.53% in the overall suitability at the same time.  相似文献   

The karst mountainous area is an ecologically fragile region with prominent humanland contradictions. The resource-environment carrying capacity(RECC) of this region needs to be further clarified. The development of remote sensing(RS) and geographic information system(GIS) provides data sources and processing platform for RECC monitoring. This study analyzed and established the evaluation index system of RECC by considering particularity in the karst mountainous area of Southwest China; processed multisource RS data(Sentinel-2, Aster-DEM and Landsat-8) to extract the spatial distributions of nine key indexes by GIS techniques(information classification, overlay analysis and raster calculation); proposed the methods of index integration and fuzzy comprehensive evaluation of the RECC by GIS; and took a typical area, Guangnan County in Yunnan Province of China, as an experimental area to explore the effectiveness of the indexes and methods. The results showed that:(1) The important indexes affecting the RECC of karst mountainous area are water resources, tourism resources, position resources, geographical environment and soil erosion environment.(2) Data on cultivated land, construction land, minerals, transportation, water conservancy, ecosystem services, topography, soil erosion and rocky desertification can be obtained from RS data. GIS techniques integrate the information into the RECC results. The data extraction and processing methods are feasible on evaluating RECC.(3) The RECC of Guangnan County was in the mid-carrying level in 2018. The midcarrying and low-carrying levels were the main types, accounting for more than 80.00% of the total study area. The areas with high carrying capacity were mainly distributed in the northern regions of the northwest-southeast line of the county, and other areas have a low carrying capacity comparatively. The coordination between regional resource-environment status and socioeconomic development is the key to improve RECC. This study explores the evaluation index system of RECC in karst mountainous area and the application of multisource RS data and GIS techniques in the comprehensive evaluation. The methods can be applied in related fields to provide suggestions for data/information extraction and integration, and sustainable development.  相似文献   

The contradiction between the shortage of land for agriculture due to rapid expansion of industrialization and urbanization and increasing population pressure is projected to impose great threats to future food security.Agricultural land suitability evaluation is an effective approach to improve the utilization of land resources for crop production and thus enhance the capacity of food provision.In this study, we evaluated the land suitability for agriculture of the production space in the Taihang Mountains by three steps: establishing indicator system, determining weights for indicators, and constructing a fuzzy matter-element model to assess the grades of suitability.Results showed that the land suitability had a significant linear correlation with potential crop yields, indicating our evaluation was effective to predict crop production.The spatial pattern of land suitability for crop production demonstrated that land with higher suitability was generally located in piedmont plains and basins, while land with lower suitability was mostly situated in mountainous areas.The area of highly, moderately, marginally suitable and unsuitable land for agriculture was 32.13%, 28.58%, 37.49% and 1.80% of the production space, respectively.However, the correlation degree analysis indicated that the requirements of these four suitability grades were currently not satisfied but could be potentially fulfilled.In terms of indicator weights, soil properties were much more important than topography and location conditions to influence the grades of suitability.Among all indicators, slope, soil organic matter, soil texture and soil depth were the most influential factors, so slope farming prevention and organic fertilization were most likely to improve land suitability for agriculture.Compared the outputs of our land suitability evaluation model with the distribution of the existing croplands, we found that about 66.52% of marginally suitable and 54.55% of unsuitable land for agriculture were currently used for croplands.Therefore, de-farming policy should be implemented in areas of these two suitability grades.In contrast, cropland expansion was encouraged in the land that was highly or moderately suitable for agriculture.Our evaluation of agricultural land suitability is beneficial for future land use planning and decision-making in the Taihang Mountains.  相似文献   

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