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Compressional wave attenuations and velocities have been measured as a function of confining pressure in ophiolite samples representing a cross-section of the oceanic crust and uppermost mantle. Data are presented for basalts, diabase dikes, gabbros and a suite of serpentinites and peridotites showing a range of serpentization. An ultrasonic pulse-echo spectral ratio technique was used to determine the attenuations to confining pressures of 500 MPa. From this data a Q profile for the oceanic crust and upper mantle is presented. Q is found to moderately increase with depth through the pillow basalts of the upper oceanic crust. The sheeted dike rocks of Layer 2C show an increase in Q with depth due to progressive metamorphism (from greenschist to amphibolite facies). Q drops abruptly from Layer 2C to Layer 3, though it is not clear why the gabbros have such low Q's. The crust-mantle boundary is a Q discontinuity; however, the Q contrast between Layer 3 and the upper mantle could be altered by upper mantle serpentinization, interlayered gabbros and peridotites at the boundary, or serpentinized peridotite diapirs intruding the gabbroic section. Q varies significantly with the percentage of serpentinization in the ultramafic samples, with the largest changes in Q being at the extremes of zero and full serpentinization. Q is sensitive to the overburden pressure for all of the samples.  相似文献   

As a result of an extensive program of structural mapping in the ultramafic section of the Oman ophiolite, maps of mantle flow below the spreading center of origin have been drawn. They reveal a mantle diapiric system in which the uppermost mantle flow diverges from diapirs 10–15 km across, which could have been spaced by an average distance of 50 km. Some diapirs could have been located off-axis. The rotation of flow lines in the diapirs occurs within the few hundred meters of the transition zone separating the mantle and crustal formations. The importance of this zone is stressed. The structure of the layered gabbros of the crustal unit in most places reflects a large magmatic flow induced by the solid state flow in the underlying peridotites. The magmatic foliation of the gabbros steepens upsection and becomes parallel to the sheeted dike attitude. A new model of a tent-shaped magma chamber is derived from these structural data.  相似文献   

Sea Beam bathymetry and SeaMARC II side-scan sonar data are used to constrain the width of the zone of active faulting (plate boundary zone) to be 90 km (0.8 Ma) wide along the East Pacific Rise 8° 30N – 10° 00N. Fault scarps, identified on the basis of contoured, shaded relief and slope intensity maps of bathymetry, are measured. These scarp measurements, used in conjunction with data from a separate near-axis study, show that both inward- and outward-facing fault scarps increase in height away from the ridge axis, reaching average heights of 100 m at 0.8±0.2 Ma, 45±10 km from the ridge axis. Beyond this distance, there is no significant increase in scarp height. Earlier studies had suggested that the width of the zone of active faulting for outward-dipping faults might be significantly narrower than for inward-dipping faults. A lower crustal decoupling zone between brittle crust and strong upper mantle is predicted to exist out to 20–200 km from the ridge based on previously published lithospheric models. Such a decoupling zone may explain why outward-dipping faults continue to be active as far off-axis as inward-dipping faults. If the width of the zone of active faulting is controlled by the width of a lower crustal decoupling zone, our observations predict an 90 km wide decoupling zone in the lower oceanic crust at this location.  相似文献   

Structural analyses in the well-exposed Hilti mantle section in the Oman ophiolite suggest a model of forceful horizontal flow in the uppermost mantle at the edge of a diapir below a oceanic spreading center. Detailed structural mapping, focussed on high-T deformation (i.e., asthenospheric flow), revealed a gently undulated flat structure with a uniform east-west flow direction. When it is related to the N–S to NNW–SSE trending, vertical sheeted dike complex located to the east, this mantle flow is parallel to the spreading direction. Because the Moho is so flat lying, a large dunite occurrence at the south-western region is possibly ascribed to the Moho Transition Zone. Kinematic analysis shows that the shear direction generally changes from top-to-the west in the upper level, to top-to-the east in the lower level with respect to the Moho. This shear sense inversion is explained by a model of forceful flow due to an active mantle uprise and it is not compatible with a passive mantle uprise. In the plan section, the boundary of the shear sense inversion is subparallel to the flow direction and subperpendicular to the spreading axis. In cross section, the boundary appears to occur at various depths in the range of 200 m to 500 m. It shows that the active mantle uprise in the diapir center resulted in a channelled horizontal flow.  相似文献   

超慢速扩张洋中脊具有不同于其他扩张速率洋中脊的特征,表现为剧烈变化的洋壳厚度和典型的非岩浆段。本文对前人研究的洋中脊岩浆形成关键因素和迁移聚集模式进行综合分析,结合实际地球物理和地球化学的观测数据,探讨了超慢速扩张洋中脊岩浆从地幔源区形成、迁移汇聚、形成洋壳的整个地质过程,进一步指出了影响洋壳结构的关键控制因素。研究结果表明,超慢速扩张洋中脊沿轴洋壳厚度的变化受岩浆补给量和迁移汇聚的共同制约。其中,岩浆补给量受控于洋中脊的地幔潜热、地幔成分和扩张速率的变化;岩浆迁移和汇聚过程则与超慢速扩张洋中脊密集的分段特征和阻渗层的空间结构密切相关。  相似文献   

Bathmetric highs on the old crust proximal to ridge-transform intersections (RTIs), termed intersection highs, are common but poorly understood features at offsets of fast to intermediate rate spreading centers. We have combined new reflection seismic, photographic, and geochemical data with previously published Seabeam, SeaMARC I, and SeaMARC II data to address the nature of the intersection highs at the Clipperton Fracture Zone. The Clipperton Intersection Highs are both topped by a carapace of young lavas at least 100 m thick. These lavas, which were erupted on the intersection highs, are chemically similar to their adjacent ridge segments and different from the surrounding older crust. At least some of the erupted magma traveled directly from the adjacent ridge at a shallow crustal level. Ridge-related magma covers and intrudes at least the upper 500 m of the transform tectonized crust at the RTI. We suspect that additional magma enters the intersection highs from directly below, without passing through the ridge. The young oceanic crust near the western Clipperton RTI is not thin by regional comparison. The 1.4 m.y. old crust near the eastern Clipperton RTI thickens approaching the transform offset. If the thermal effects of the proximal ridge were negligible, the eastern intersection high crust would appear to be in isostatic equilibrium. We believe that thermal effects are significant, and that the intersection high region stands anomalously shallow for its crustal thickness. This is attributable to increased temperature in the mantle below the ridge-proximal crust. Although ridge magma is injected into the proximal old crust, plate boundary reorganization is not taking place. Intersection high formation has been an ongoing process at both of the Clipperton RTIs for at least the past 1 m.y., during which time the plate boundary configuration has not changed appreciably. We envision a constant interplay between the intruding ridge magma and the disrupting transform fault motion. In addition, we envision a nearly constant input of magma from below the high, as an extension of the magma supply to the ridge from the mantle. Because the proximal ridge profoundly affects the juxtaposed crust at the RTI, sea floor fabric along the aseismic extensions of this fast-slipping transform fault is primarily a record of processes at work at the RTI rather than a record of transform tectonism.  相似文献   

We have conducted the first detailed survey of the recording of a geomagnetic reversal at an ultra-fast spreading center. The survey straddles the Brunhes/Matuyama reversal boundary at 19°30 S on the east flank of the East Pacific Rise (EPR), which spreads at the half rate of 82 mm yr-1. In the vicinity of the reversal boundary, we performed a three-dimensional inversion of the surface magnetic field and two-dimensional inversions of several near-bottom profiles including the effects of bathymetry. The surface inversion solution shows that the polarity transition is sharp and linear, and less than 3–4 km wide. These values constitute an upper bound because the interpretation of marine magnetic anomalies observed at the sea surface is limited to wavelengths greater than 3–4 km. The polarity transition width, which represents the distance over which 90% of the change in polarity occurs, is narrow (1.5–2.1 km) as measured on individual 2-D inversion profiles of near-bottom data. This suggests a crustal zone of accretion only 3.0–4.2 km wide. Our method offers little control on accretionary processes below layer 2B because the pillow and the dike layers in young oceanic crust are by far the most significant contributors to the generation of marine magnetic anomalies. The Deep-Tow instrument package was used to determine in situ the polarity of individual volcanoes and fault scarps in the same area. We were able to make 96 in situ polarity determinations which allowed us to locate the scafloor transition boundary which separates positively and negatively magnetized lava flows. The shift between the inversion transition boundary and the seafloor transition boundary can be used to obtain an estimate of the width of the neovolcanic zone of 4–10 km. This width is significantly larger than the present width of the neovolcanic zone at 19°30 S as documented from near-bottom bathymetric and photographic data (Bicknell et al., 1987), and also larger than the width of the neovolcanic zone at 21° N on the EPR as inferred by the three-dimensional inversion of near-bottom magnetic data (Macdonald et al., 1983). The eruption of positively magnetized lava flows over negatively magnetized crust from the numerous volcanoes present in the survey area and episodic flooding of the flanks of the ridge axis by extensive outpourings of lava erupting from a particularly robust magma chamber may result in a widened neovolcanic zone. We studied the relationship between spreading rate and polarity transition widths obtained from 2-D inversions of the near-bottom magnetic field over various spreading centers. The mean transition width corrected for the time necessary for the reversal to occur decreases with increasing spreading rate but our data set is still too sparse to draw firm conclusions from these observations. Perhaps more interesting is the fact that the range of the measured transition widths also decreases with spreading rate. In the light of these results, we propose a new model for the spreading rate dependency of polarity transition widths. At slow spreading centers, the zone of dike injection is narrow but the locus of crustal accretion is prone to small lateral shifts depending on the availability of magmatic sources, and the resulting polarity transition widths can be narrow or wide. At intermediate spreading centers, the zone of crustal accretion is narrow and does not shift laterally, which leads to narrower transition widths on the average than at slow spreading centers. An intermediate, or even a slow spreading center, may behave like a fast or hot-spot dominated ridge for short periods of time when its magmatic budget is increased due to melting events in the upper mantle. At fast spreading centers, the zone of dike injection is narrow, but the large magmatic budget of fast spreading centers may result in occasional extensive flows less than a few tens of meters thick from the axis and off-axis volcanic cones. These thin flows will not significantly contribute to the polarity transition widths, which remain narrow, but they may greatly increase the width of the neovolcanic zone. Finally the gabbro layer in the lower section of oceanic crust may also contribute to the observed polarity transition widths but this contribution will only become significant in older oceanic crust (50–100 m.y.).  相似文献   

The study of very low-spreading ridges has become essential to ourunderstanding of the mid-oceanic ridge processes. The Southwest Indian Ridge(SWIR) , a major plate boundary of the world oceans, separating Africa fromAntarctica for more than 100 Ma, has such an ultra slow-spreadingrate. Its other characteristic is the fast lengthening of its axis at bothBouvet and Rodrigues triple junctions. A survey was carried out in thespring of 1993 to complete a multibeam bathymetric coverage of the axisbetween Atlantis II Fracture Zone (57° E) and the Rodrigues triplejunction (70° E). After a review of what is known about the geometry,structure and evolution of the SWIR, we present an analysis of the newalong-axis bathymetric data together with previously acquiredacross-axis profiles. Only three transform faults, represented byAtlantis II FZ, Novara FZ, and Melville FZ, offset this more than 1000 kmlong section of the SWIR, showing that the offsets are more generallyaccommodated by ridge obliquity and non-transform discontinuities. From comparison of the axial geometry, bathymetry, mantle Bouguer anomaly and central magnetic anomaly, three large sections (east of Melville FZ, between Melville FZ and about 65°30 E, and from there to the Rodrigues triple junction) can be distinguished. The central member, east of Melville FZ, does not resemble any other known mid-oceanic ridge section: the classical signs of the accretion (mantle Bouguer anomaly, central magnetic anomaly) are only observed over three very narrow and shallow axis sections. We also apply image processing techniques to the satellite gravity anomaly map of Smith and Sandwell (1995) to determine the off-axis characteristics of the Southwest Indian Ridge domain, more especially the location of the triple junction and discontinuities traces. We conclude that the large-scale segmentation of the axis has been inherited from the evolution of the Rodrigues triple junction.  相似文献   

Joseph  E. John  Toh  H.  Fujimoto  H.  Iyengar  R.V.  Singh  B.P.  Utada  H.  Segawa  J. 《Marine Geophysical Researches》2000,21(1-2):1-21
Seafloor magnetometer array experiments were conducted in the Bay of Bengal to delineate the subsurface conductivity structure in the close vicinity of the 85°E Ridge and Ninety East Ridge (NER), and also to study the upper mantle conductivity structure of the Bay of Bengal. The seafloor experiments were conducted in three phases. Array 1991 consisted of five seafloor stations across the 85°E Ridge along 14°N latitude with a land reference station at Selam (SLM). Array 1992 also consisted of five seafloor stations across 85°E Ridge along 12°N latitude. Here we used the data from Annamalainagar Magnetic Obervatory (ANN) as land reference data. Array 1995 consisted of four seafloor stations across the NER along 9°N latitude with land reference station at Tirunelveli (TIR). OBM-S4 magnetometers were used for seafloor measurements. The geomagnetic Depth Sounding (GDS) method was used to investigate the subsurface lateral conductivity contrasts. The vertical gradient sounding (VGS) method was used to deliniate the depth-resistivity structure of the oceanic crust and upper mantle. 1-D inversion of the VGS responses were conducted and obtained a 3-layer depth-resistivity model. The top layer has a resistivity of 150–500 m and a thickness of about 15–50 km. The second layer is highly resistive (2000–9000 m) followed by a very low resistive (0.1–50 m) layer at a depth of about 250–450 km. The 3-component magnetic field variations and the observed induction arrows indicated that the electromagnetic induction process in the Bay of Bengal is complex. We made an attempt to solve this problem numerically and followed two approaches, namely (1) thin-sheet modelling and (2) 3-D forward modelling. These model calculations jointly show that the observed induction arrows could be explained in terms of shallow subsurface features such as deep-sea fans of Bay of Bengal, the resistive 85°E Ridge and the sea water column above the seafloor stations. VGS and 3-D forward model responses agree fairly well and provided depth-resistivity profile as a resistive oceanic crust and upper mantle underlained by a very low resistive zone at a depth of about 250–400 km. This depth-range to the low resistive zone coincide with the seismic low velocity zone of the northeastern Indian Ocean derived from the seismic tomography. Thus we propose an electrical conductivity structure for the oceanic crust and upper mantle of the Bay of Bengal.  相似文献   

Transverse ridges are elongate reliefs running parallel and adjacent to transform/fracture zones offsetting mid-ocean ridges. A major transverse ridge runs adjacent to the Vema transform (Central Atlantic), that offsets the Mid-Atlantic Ridge by 320 km. Multibeam morphobathymetric coverage of the entire Vema Transverse ridge shows it is an elongated (300 km), narrow (<30 km at the base) relief that constitutes a topographic anomaly rising up to 4 km above the predicted thermal contraction level. Morphology and lithology suggest that the Vema Transverse ridge is an uplifted sliver of oceanic lithosphere. Topographic and lithological asymmetry indicate that the transverse ridge was formed by flexure of a lithospheric sliver, uncoupled on its northern side by the transform fault. The transverse ridge can be subdivided in segments bound by topographic discontinuities that are probably fault-controlled, suggesting some differential uplift and/or tilting of the different segments. Two of the segments are capped by shallow water carbonate platforms, that formed about 3–4 m.y. ago, at which time the crust of the transverse ridge was close to sea level. Sampling by submersible and dredging indicates that a relatively undisturbed section of oceanic lithosphere is exposed on the northern slope of the transverse ridge. Preliminary studies of mantle-derived ultramafic rocks from this section suggest temporal variations in mantle composition. An inactive fracture zone scarp (Lema fracture zone) was mapped south of the Vema Transverse ridge. Based on morphology, a fossil RTI was identified about 80 km west of the presently active RTI, suggesting that a ridge jump might have occurred about 2.2 m.a. Most probable causes for the formation of the Vema Transverse ridge are vertical motions of lithospheric slivers due to small changes in the direction of spreading of the plates bordering the Vema Fracture Zone.  相似文献   

北冰洋Gakkel洋中脊的地幔熔融控制因素及非岩浆地壳增生   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Spreading rate is a primary factor of mantle melting and tectonic behavior of the global mid-ocean ridges. The spreading rate of the Gakkel ridge decreases gradually from west to east. However, the Gakkel ridge can be divided into four thick-and-thin zones with varying crustal thicknesses along ridge axis. This phenomenon indicates that mantle melting of the Gakkel ridge is not a simple function of spreading rate. Mantle temperature, water content,mantle composition, and other factors are important in crustal accretion processes. Based on gravity-derived crustal thickness and wet melting model, we estimate that the mantle potential temperatures of the four zones are1 270, 1 220, 1 280, and 1 280°C(assuming that mantle water content equals to global average value), with corresponding mantle water contents of 210, 0, 340, and 280 mg/kg(assuming that mantle potential temperature is 1 260°C), respectivly. The western thinned crust zone is best modeled with low mantle temperature, whereas the other zones are mainly controlled by the enhanced conduction caused by the slower spreading rate. Along the Gakkel ridge, the crustal thickness is consistent with rock samples types. Predominated serpentinized peridotite and basalt are found in the area with crustal thickness 1.5 km and 2.5 km, respectively. The rock samples are including from basalt to peridotite in the area with crustal thickness between 1.5 and 2.5 km. Based on this consistency, the traditional magmatic accretion zone accounted for only 44% and amagmatic accretion accounted for 29% of the Gakkel ridge. The amagmatic accretion is a significant characteristic of the ultra-slow spreading ridge.  相似文献   

The morphological characteristics of the segmentation of the Central Indian Ridge (CIR) from the Indian Ocean Triple Junction (25°30S) to the Egeria Transform Fault system (20°30S) are analyzed. The compilation of Sea Beam data from R/VSonne cruises SO43 and SO52, and R/VCharcot cruises Rodriguez 1 and 2 provides an almost continuous bathymetric coverage of a 450-km-long section of the ridge axis. The bathymetric data are combined with a GLORIA side-scan sonar swath to visualize the fabric of the ridge and complement the coverage in some areas. This section of the CIR has a full spreading rate of about 50 mm yr–1, increasing slightly from north to south. The morphology of the CIR is generally similar to that of a slow-spreading center, despite an intermediate spreading rate at these latitudes. The axis is marked by an axial valley 5–35 km wide and 500–1800 m deep, sometimes exhibiting a 100–600 m-high neovolcanic ridge. It is offset by only one 40km offset transform fault (at 22°40S), and by nine second-order discontinuities, with offsets varying from 4 to 21 km, separating segments 28 to 85 km long. The bathymetry analysis and an empirical orthogonal function analysis performed on across-axis profiles reveal morphologic variations in the axis and the second-order discontinuities. The ridge axis deepens and the relief across the axial valley increases from north to south. The discontinuities observed south of 22°S all have morphologies similar to those of the slow-spreading Mid-Atlantic Ridge. North of 22°S, two discontinuities have map geometries that have not been observed previously on slow-spreading ridges. The axial valleys overlap, and their tips curve toward the adjacent segment. The overlap distance is 2 to 4 times greater than the offset. Based on these characteristics, these discontinuities resemble overlapping spreading centers (OSCs) described on the fast-spreading EPR. The evolution of one such discontinuity appears to decapitate a nearby segment, as observed for the evolution of some OSCs on the EPR. These morphological variations of the CIR axis may be explained by an increase in the crustal thickness in the north of the study area relative to the Triple Junction area. Variations in crustal thickness could be related to a broad bathymetric anomaly centered at 19°S, 65°E, which probably reflects the effect of the nearby Réunion hotspot, or an anomaly in the composition of the mantle beneath the ridge near 19°S. Other explanations for the morphological variations include the termination of the CIR at the Rodriguez Triple Junction or the kinematic evolution of the triple junction and its resultant lengthening of the CIR. These latter effects are more likely to account for the axial morphology near the Triple Junction than for the long-wavelength morphological variation.  相似文献   

Downhole measurements recorded in the context of the Ocean Drilling Program in Hole 504B, the deepest hole drilled yet into the oceanic crust, are analyzed in terms of accretion processes of the upper oceanic crust at intermediate spreading-rate. The upper part of the crust is found to support the non steady-state models of crustal accretion developed from seafloor observations (Kappel and Ryan, 1986; Gente, 1987). The continuous and vertical nature of borehole measurements provides stratigraphic and structural data that cannot be obtained solely from seafloor studies and, in turn, these models define a framework to analyze the structural, hydrological, and mineralogical observations made in the hole over the past decade.Due to the observed zonation with depth of alteration processes, and its relation to lava morphologies, the 650-m-thick effusive section penetrated in Hole 504B is postulated to be emplaced as the result of two main volcanic sequences. Massive lava flows are interpreted as corresponding to the onset of these sequences emplaced on the floor of the axial graben. The underlying lava made of structures with large porosity values and numerous cm-scale fractures is thus necessarily accreted at the end of the previous volcanic episode. On top of such high heterogeneous and porous intervals, the thick lava flows constitute crustal permeability barriers, thereby constraining the circulation of hydrothermal fluids.Accreted in the near vicinity of the magma chamber, the lower section is that exposed to the most intense hydrothermal circulation (such as black smokers activity). Once capped by a massive flow at the onset of the second volcanic phase, the lower interval is hydrologically separated from ocean-waters. A reducing environment develops then below it resulting, for example, in the precipitation of sulfides. Today, whereas the interval corresponding to the first volcanic episode is sealed by alteration minerals, the second-one is still open to fluid circulation in its upper section. Thus, upper part of the volcanic edifice is potentially never exposed to fluids reaching deep into the crust, while the lower one is near the ridge axis.Considering that most of the extrusives are emplaced within a narrow volcanic zone, the first unit extruded for a given vertical cross-section is necessarily emplaced at the ridge-axis. In Hole 504B, the 250-m-thickTransition Zone from dikes to extrusives is interpreted as the relict massive unit flooding the axial graben at the onset of the first volcanic sequence, and later ruptured by numerous dikes. Further from the axis, the same massive unit constitutes a potential permeability cap for vertical crustal sections accreted earlier. Also, the upper 50 meters of the basement might be considered as the far-end expression of massive outpours extruded near the ridge-axis.  相似文献   

To decipher the distribution of mass anomalies near the earth's surface and their relation to the major tectonic elements of a spreading plate boundary, we have analyzed shipboard gravity data in the vicinity of the southern Mid-Atlantic Ridge at 31–34.5° S. The area of study covers six ridge segments, two major transforms, the Cox and Meteor, and three small offsets or discordant zones. One of these small offsets is an elongate, deep basin at 33.5° S that strikes at about 45° to the adjoining ridge axes.By subtracting from the free-air anomaly the three-dimensional (3-D) effects of the seafloor topography and Moho relief, assuming constant densities of the crust and mantle and constant crustal thickness, we generate the mantle Bouguer anomaly. The mantle Bouguer anomaly is caused by variations in crustal thickness and the temperature and density structure of the mantle. By subtracting from the mantle Bouguer anomaly the effects of the density variations due to the 3-D thermal structure predicted by a simple model of passive flow in the mantle, we calculate the residual gravity anomalies. We interpret residual gravity anomalies in terms of anomalous crustal thickness variations and/or mantle thermal structures that are not considered in the forward model. As inferred from the residual map, the deep, major fracture zone valleys and the median, rift valleys are not isostatically compensated by thin crust. Thin crust may be associated with the broad, inactive segment of the Meteor fracture zone but is not clearly detected in the narrow, active transform zone. On the other hand, the presence of high residual anomalies along the relict trace of the oblique offset at 33.5° S suggests that thin crust may have been generated at an oblique spreading center which has experienced a restricted magma supply. The two smaller offsets at 31.3° S and 32.5° S also show residual anomalies suggesting thin crust but the anomalies are less pronounced than that at the 33.5° S oblique offset. There is a distinct, circular-shaped mantle Bouguer low centered on the shallowest portion of the ridge segment at about 33° S, which may represent upwelling in the form of a mantle plume beneath this ridge, or the progressive, along-axis crustal thinning caused by a centered, localized magma supply zone. Both mantle Bouguer and residual anomalies show a distinct, local low to the west of the ridge south of the 33.5° S oblique offset and relatively high values at and to the east of this ridge segment. We interpret this pattern as an indication that the upwelling center in the mantle for this ridge is off-axis to the west of the ridge.  相似文献   

During July and August 1991, the French-American Blanconaute dive program used the French submersibleNautile to investigate the West Blanco Depression (WBD), a deep, elongate trough located at the intersection of the Blanco Transform Fault Zone with the southern Juan de Fuca Ridge (JdFR). Twenty dives were carried out along the north wall of the WBD, which exposes the upper oceanic crust over a 65 km distance, from the JdFR axis (to the west) to the oblique trace of an ancient propagator (to the east, crustal age around 2 Ma). Thirteen of these dives were precisely located within a 13 × 7 km zone of the north wall, covered by a high-resolution sonar mapping operation during the Blancotrough cruise in 1987. This series of geological traverses, plus 4 dives across the south wall of the WBD (one dive) and the adjacent Parks Plateau (3 dives), collected 242 rock samples. We report here the main results of the dive program and preliminary laboratory studies:
  1. Transform-related tectonic activity has recently abandoned the southern margin of Parks Plateau, and is presently located inside the WBD area, mainly along its northern wall. The tectonic features observed are compatible with a right-lateral strike-slip system, with a NE-SW extensional component.
  2. Three main lithological units are exposed along the north wall of the WBD. From top to bottom, they are: (1) a Volcanic Unit, forming a steep upper cliff, made of massive and pillow flows and basaltic dikes, with an estimated average thickness of 800 m; (2) a less steep Transition Zone, about 150 to 400 m thick, largely masked by rubble but exposing both diabase outcrops and pillow flows; and (3) a massive Diabase Unit, exposed over 700–800 m, with a dike complex structure visible from place to place, and cut by a net of hydrothermal veins. Deep crustal rocks such as gabbros were not observed.
  3. Spectacular mass-wasting features are visible all along the north wall of the WBD. About 60% of the face of the wall is masked by talus cones, rubble, rock avalanche deposits and slide blocks. Three main landslides, of approximately one km3 in volume each, were tentatively identified. One of them was mapped in detail and consists of an approximately 300 m thick (0.85 km3), coherent slide block detached from a zone where intense hydrothermal alteration and faulting have obviously weakened the bedrock, that is in places entirely altered to blue clays.
  4. The basaltic lavas of the WBD north wall show a remarkable evolution with time, from east to west. Around the tip of the ancient propagator, they are restricted to primitive, olivine-rich picritic basalts. Proceeding westward, they exhibit a wide range of differentiation, including highly fractionated, FeTi-rich ferrobasalts at about 35–45 km from the JdFR axis. When approaching the JdFR axis, the FeTi enrichment decreases gradually, and the ferrobasalts evolve towards slightly differentiated MORB-type basalts, typical of the southern JdFR. This magmatic evolution marks the transition from the end of a propagating rift regime to a steady-state accretion regime.
  5. The WBD north wall also permits the study of weathering and hydrothermal alteration processes and their evolution in space and time. Vertically, the alteration products evolve from oceanic weathering and zeolite facies (Volcanic Unit) to the greenschist facies (Transition Zone and Diabase Unit). Horizontally, the evolution with time is mainly a general hydration of the crust that is, however, very irregularly distributed.
  6. Several vertical magnetic traverses along the north wall of the WBD, using a bottom magnetometer attached to the basket of the submersible, have shown a sharp 5000 to 7000 nT positive anomaly at about 3500 m depth. This anomaly corresponds exactly to the first appearance of extrusive pillow-lava outcrops, and confirms the dramatic decrease in magnetic anomaly amplitude below that depth, detected during the Blancotrough cruise in 1987. The vertical magnetic profiles thus appear to have imaged the base of the magnetic source layer.

We analyse TOBI side-scan sonar images collected during Charles Darwin cruise CD76 in the axial valley of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge (MAR) between 27°N and 30°N (Atlantis Transform Fault). Mosaics of the two side-scan sonar swaths provide a continuous image of the axial valley and the inner valley walls along more than six second-order segments of the MAR. Tectonic and volcanic analyses reveal a high-degree intra-segment and inter-segment variability. We distinguish three types of volcanic morphologies: hummocky volcanoes or volcanic ridges, smooth, flat-topped volcanoes, and lava flows. We observe that the variations in the tectonics from one segment to another are associated with variations in the distribution of the volcanic morphologies. Some segments have more smooth volcanoes near their ends and in the discontinuities than near their mid-point, and large, hummocky axial volcanic ridges. Their tectonic deformation is usually limited to the edges of the axial valley near the inner valley walls. Other segments have smooth volcanoes distributed along their length, small axial volcanic ridges, and their axial valley floor is affected by numerous faults and fissures. We propose a model of volcano-tectonic cycles in which smooth volcanoes and lava flows are built during phases of high magmatic flux. Hummocky volcanic ridges are constructed more progressively, by extraction of magma from pockets located preferentially beneath the centre of the segments, during phases of low magma input. These cycles might result from pulses in melt migration from the mantle. Melt arrival would lead to the rapid emplacement of smooth-textured volcanic terrains, and would leave magma pockets, mostly beneath the centre of the segments where most melt is produced. During the end of the volcanic cycle magma would be extracted from these reservoirs through dikes with a low magma pressure, building hummocky volcanic ridges at low effusion rates. In extreme cases, this volcanic phase would be followed by amagmatic extension until a new magma pulse arrives from the mantle.  相似文献   

A three-dimensional analysis of gravity andbathymetry data has been achieved along the Southwest Indian Ridge (SWIR)between the Rodriguez Triple Junction (RTJ) and the Atlantis II transform,in order to define the morphological and geophysical expression ofsecond-order segmentation along an ultra slow-spreading ridge(spreading rate of 8 mm/yr), and to compare it with awell-studied section along a slow-spreading ridge (spreadingrate of 12.5 mm/yr): the Mid-Atlantic Ridge (MAR) between 28°and 31°30 N.Between the Atlantis II transform and theRTJ, the SWIR axis exhibits a deep axial valley with an 30°oblique trend relative to the north–south spreading direction. Onlythree transform faults offset the axis, so the obliquity has to beaccommodated by the second-order segmentation. Alongslow-spreading ridges such as the MAR, second-order segmentshave been defined as linear features perpendicular to the spreadingdirection, with a shallow axial valley floor at the segment midpoint,deepening to the segment ends, and are associated with Mantle BouguerAnomaly (MBA) lows. Along the SWIR, our gravity study reveals the presenceof circular MBA lows, but they are spaced further apart than expected. Thesegravity lows are systematically centred over narrow bathymetric highs, andinterpreted as the centres of spreading cells. However, along some obliquesections of the axis, the valley floor displays small topographicundulations, which can be interpreted as small accretionary segments frommorphological analysis, but as large discontinuity domains from thegeophysical data. Therefore, both bathymetry and MBA variations have to beused to define the second-order segmentation of an ultraslow-spreading ridge. This segmentation appears to be characterisedby short segments and large oblique discontinuity domains. Analysis of alongaxis bathymetric and gravimetric profiles exhibits three different sectionsthat can be related to the thermal structure of the lithosphere beneath theSWIR axis.The comparison between characteristics of segmentationalong the SWIR and the MAR reveals two major differences: first, the poorcorrelation between MBA and bathymetry variations and second, the largerspacing and amplitude of MBA lows along the SWIR compared to the MAR. Theseobservations seem to be correlated with the spreading rate and the thermalstructure of the ridge. Therefore, the gravity signature of the segmentationand thus the accretionary processes appear to be very different: there areno distinct MBA lows on fast-spreading ridges, adjacent ones on slowspreading ridges and finally separate ones on ultra slow-spreadingridges. The main result of this study is to point out that 2nd ordersegmentation of an ultra slow-spreading ridge is characterised bywide discontinuity domains with very short accretionary segments, suggestingvery focused mantle upwelling, with a limited magma supply through a cold,thick lithosphere. We also emphasise the stronger influence of themechanical lithosphere on accretionary processes along an ultra slow-spreading ridge.  相似文献   

The Anisian–Ladinian Latemar platform, northern Italy, presents a spectacularly exposed outcrop analogue for dolomitized carbonate reservoirs in relation to fracture-controlled igneous intrusions. Although the Latemar is one of the best studied carbonate platforms worldwide, timing and evolution of dolomitization and the link to fractures and dikes have not been explored in detail. Previous dolomite observations are based on a stratigraphically limited portion of the platform. This study extends observations to the complete exposed interval in which dolomite bodies occur, including those within the less accessible Valsorda valley.Numerous parallel mafic dikes crosscut the Latemar platform and border several of its large dolomite bodies (50 m wide, 100 m high). Within dikes and along dike-carbonate contacts, there are abundant dolomite veins that are geochemically related to surrounding dolomite bodies. Dolomitization is the result of limestone interaction with hydrothermal fluids delivered along these dikes. At dike boundaries, impermeable marble aureoles exist derived from contact metamorphism. The marble aureoles have locally shielded surrounding limestone from dolomitizing fluid. Dolomite occurs only where the ‘protective’ marble is missing or crosscut by fractures. Based on geometric relationships, we conclude that dikes and their damage zones formed the pathways for the dolomitizing fluids and functioned as boundaries for dolomite bodies.From field observations and petrography, we established a detailed paragenesis. Dolomitization started shortly after dike emplacement. There is an evolution in the Fe content of matrix dolomite and dolomite veins, from highly ferroan dolomite to non-ferroan (saddle) dolomite, alternating with episodes of silica cementation. Non-ferroan calcite precipitation followed dolomitization, possibly indicating concurrent depletion in Mg. This stage likely resulted in further limestone recrystallization rather than dolomitization. Stable and radiogenic isotopes suggest that the dolomitizing fluid comprised Carnian seawater with elevated Fe and Mg from interaction with other lithologies (possibly the nearby Predazzo intrusion).  相似文献   

The Ninetyeast Ridge north of the equator in the eastern Indian Ocean is actively deforming as evidenced by seismicity and its eastward subduction below the Andaman Trench. Basement of the ridge is elevated nearly 2 km with respect to the Bengal Fan; seismic surveys demonstrate continuity of the ridge beneath sediment for 700 km north of 10° N where the ridge plunges below the Fan sediment. The ridge is characterised by a free-air gravity high of 50 mgal amplitude and 350 km wavelength, and along-strike continuity of 1500 km in a north-south direction, closely fringing (locally, even abutting) the Andaman arc-trench bipolar gravity field. Regression analysis between gravity and bathymetry indicates that the ridge gravity field cannot be explained solely by its elevation. The ridge gravity field becomes gradually subdued northwards where overlying Bengal Fan sediments have a smaller density contrast with the ridge material. Our gravity interpretation, partly constrained by seismic data, infers that the ridge overlies significant crustal mass anomalies consistent with the hot spot model for the ridge. The anomalous mass is less dense by about 0.27 g cm–3 than the surrounding oceanic upper mantle, and acts as a cushion for isostatic compensation of the ridge at the base of the crust. This cushion is up to 8 km thick and 400–600 km wide. Additional complexities are created by partial subduction of the ridge below the Andaman Trench that locally modifies the arc-trench gravity field.  相似文献   

Two long seismic refraction lines along the crest of the Iceland-Faeroe Ridge reveal a layered crust resembling the crust beneath Iceland but differing from normal continental or oceanic crust. The Moho was recognised at the south-eastern end of the lines at an apparent depth of 16–18 km. A refraction line in deeper water west of the ridge and south of Iceland indicates a thin oceanic type crust underlain by a 7.1 km/s layer which may be anomalous upper mantle.An extensive gravity survey of the ridge shows that it is in approximate isostatic equilibrium; the steep gravity gradient between the Norwegian Sea and the ridge indicates that the ridge is supported by a crust thickened to about 20 km rather than by anomalous low density rocks in the underlying upper mantle, in agreement with the seismic results. An increase in Bouguer anomaly of about 140 mgal between the centre of Iceland and the ridge is attributed to lateral variation in upper mantle density from an anomalous low value beneath Iceland to a more normal value beneath the ridge. Local gravity anomalies of medium amplitude which are characteristic of the ridge are caused by sediment troughs and by lateral variations in the upper crust beneath the sediments. A steep drop in Bouguer anomaly of about 80 mgal between the ridge and the Faeroe block is attributed partly to lateral change in crustal density and partly to slight thickening of the crust towards the Faeroe Islands; this crustal boundary may represent an anomalous type of continental margin formed when Greenland started to separate from the Faeroe Islands about 60 million years ago.We conclude that the Iceland-Faeroe Ridge formed during ocean floor spreading by an anomalous hot spot type of differentiation from the upper mantle such as is still active beneath Iceland. This suggests that the ridge may have stood some 2 km higher than at present when it was being formed in the early Tertiary, and that it has subsequently subsided as the spreading centre moved away and the underlying mantle became more normal; this interpretation is supported by recognition of a V-shaped sediment filled trough across the south-eastern end of the ridge, which may be a swamped sub-aerial valley.  相似文献   

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