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This research looks at the very nature of perception of seismic risk, an issue that is not only academically important, but also it can save lives and reduce injury and community costs. The background idea is that citizens in big cities, vulnerable to seismic hazard are living with latent and permanent concerns about a possible earthquake. We were interested in revealing significant aspects of Bucharest citizens’ orientations and tendencies in relation to the possible seismic event. Bucharest, the capital of Romania, is exposed to the greatest seismic hazard compared with other European capitals. The dimensions of study were: the anticipations of seism occurrence, the behavior during the event, evaluations of consequences, support factors, and individual vulnerability. This article is an example of the low cost approach on a sample of 190 citizens, understood as an exercise in attempting to relate population characteristics to various aspects of risk perception. The methodology used was based on a field investigation, where the research agents’ applied one questionnaire containing free/post codified/fan answers concerning: demographic variables, the buildings’ features, and perceptions about the possible earthquake event. The findings of this study showed that the hazard perception significantly associates with aspects concerning the subjects’ orientation toward institutional factors/human relations/negativism, and toward financial/material/moral support in case of disaster etc. It is hoped that this issue will serve to inspire further investigations into this very important and socially sensitive field, due to the fact that hazard analysis and mitigation would be more effective when it takes into account the human dimension of disasters.  相似文献   

The Yangtze River Delta region is an area highly vulnerable to flooding. As the population density is rising concomitantly with high economic growth, this region is becoming more vulnerable to natural hazards. We conducted a survey to investigate the individual risk perception of both the local authorities and the general community, analyze the current situation regarding risk management and identify problems in the current risk management scheme. Data were collected through questionnaires distributed to some members of the community and interviews with representatives of the local authorities. The primary findings are as follows: (1) risk and disaster multipliers perceived by lay people show the stigma effect of the Wenchuan earthquake; (2) the responses of college students illustrate that the stigma effect has less influence on people who have more knowledge about hazards; (3) differences exist in comparative groups (China and USA), which shows that the society and culture influence people’s perception of risk; and (4) economic activities have complicated flood risk management such as land shortage, ground subsidence and flood diversion. Accordingly, the following measures should be taken: (1) the government should improve the risk communication and education of lay people; (2) the government must also control unsuitable land use and balance economic development and risk management; (3) flood diversion areas should be compensated through special funds collected from other cities; and (4) local governments should provide more support for hazard mitigation.  相似文献   

城市突发性地质灾害应急系统探讨   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
城市突发性地质灾害是当今减灾的重点,已引起了广泛的关注。人们意识到灾后及时地采取应急抢险救援措施,可以有效地减少人员伤亡。灾害应急行动包括建立应急指挥机构,明确职责,并进行资源调配。灾害应急抢险救灾时实性强,其快速反应行动涉及危机管理、预警、撤离、避险,以及维护法律与社会秩序、信息通报、灾情评估。应急救援行动还包括城市基础和生命线的恢复,以确保受灾居民和社区的基本需求。论文在分析城市突发性地质灾害应急管理进展和存在问题的基础上,探讨了当前城市地质灾害应急反应系统中的监测预警系统、快速反应系统、应急指挥系统、应急避难系统、信息发布系统、空间信息系统和宣传教育系统:通过实施这些应急系统并制定预案可以达到减轻城市突发性地质灾害的目的。  相似文献   

地质灾害危险性评价研究——以四川省青川县为例   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
我国是一个地质灾害多发的国家。20世纪90年中期,每年造成1000多人死亡,经济损失高达200多亿元。地质灾害危险性评价是地质灾害调查的重要内容,也是风险管理及减灾管理的基础,它为管理部门制定出相应的减灾对策并为部署实施有效的减灾工程提供了科学依据。文章首先介绍了国内外地质灾害危险性评价方法的研究现状,通过对比,指出现阶段我国地质灾害危险性评价中的不足;结合实际工作经验,运用危险性评价指标对比法建立了简单有效的地质灾害危险性评价体系。以四川省青川县地质灾害调查为例,对该县地质灾害进行了危险性评价,为地质灾害易发区划分及防治分区提供了依据。  相似文献   

GIS在地质灾害风险评价中的应用研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国地质灾害频繁,造成损失极大,引人注目。地质灾害风险评价是为实施非工程减灾措施提供科学有效的前提和基础。文章在概述地质灾害风险评价方法的基础上,着重阐述GIS在地质灾害风险评价中应用的历史、现状及展望。  相似文献   

开展大比例尺高精度的地质灾害评价是当前地质灾害调查所亟需的。根据资料和实地调查,本文以广东汕尾地区陆河县为研究区,从现状地质灾害和潜在地质灾害2个方面选取个数密度、面积密度、体积密度、坡度、断裂密度、岩土体类型、降雨量和人类工程活动8个指标,在ArcGIS软件的支持下,应用地质灾害综合危险性指数法对陆河县的地质灾害及不稳定斜坡的易发性进行区划,评价结果分为高易发区、中易发区、低易发区3级,分区面积为低>高>中,灾害密度为高>中>低,研究所得可作为区域地质灾害风险管理的基础之一。  相似文献   

全球主要火山灾害及其分布特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文研究了火山灾害各种致灾因子的物理过程和灾害特点,根据文献中记载的全球火山灾害,在进行火山灾害分区研究的基础上,研究了全球火山灾害分布特征.全球主要的火山灾害分布在8个主要区域.有记载的火山灾害在热带占73%,远高于火山喷发分布于热带区的比例.全球两个最强烈的火山灾害分布区都是围绕着位于板块结合部表现为复杂构造结的班达海和加勒比海,而且每一个灾害区都有3条分支.热带区第3个灾害区为中非区,地幔上隆是这里主要的动力学背景.本文还研究了1700年以来火山灾害时间分布特征,以及1993年以来各种火山灾害发生频次.  相似文献   

针对三峡水利枢纽工程建成蓄水后,涉水新型城镇建设面临的地质灾害及其风险定量评价难问题,在地质灾害精细化调查基础上,以重庆市万州区大周镇集镇区为例,通过分析计算地质灾害的发育特征、稳定性和危害性,构建了基于斜坡单元的危险性评价和基于危险源分析的承灾体易损性评价的城镇尺度地质灾害风险评价框架。定量计算不同重现期降雨极值情景下的斜坡稳定性和不同灾害强度下承灾体易损性,实现了库区集镇区地质灾害风险评价; 基于社会经济发展和地质灾害风险现状分析,提出了大周镇集镇区国土空间规划建议。地质灾害风险评价结果对制定地方发展规划具有指导意义,评价方法对同类沿江城镇地质灾害风险评价具有参考价值。  相似文献   

Mapping Disastrous Natural Hazards Using Global Datasets   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The increased interest for categorising countries at risk calls for an improved methodology allowing comparison of natural hazard impacts at a global level. A disaster is the intersection between a hazardous event, the elements at risk (population, infrastructures) and their vulnerability. In order to associate reported impacts with affected elements and socio-economic or geophysical contextual parameters, geographical location and extent of hazards is needed. The scope of this paper is to present improved automated procedures for a rapid mapping of large disastrous hazard events (floods, earthquakes, cyclones and volcanoes) using Geographical Information Systems (GIS) and available global datasets. Up to 82% of the events and 88% of the reported victims could be geo-referenced and the results highlight both the potentialities and limitations of the methods applied.  相似文献   

区域地质灾害危险性评价的思路与基本方法   总被引:17,自引:2,他引:15  
本文首先分析了地质灾害的区域性特征,指出地质灾害的灾种分布、形成条件、成灾制约因素都存在区域性规律。进而强调指出:区域地质背景分析、灾害成生规律分析、主控因素分析是区域地质灾害危险性评价的关键。最后,简要说明了区域地质灾害危险性评价基本思路及评价方法程序。   相似文献   

矿山地质灾害危险性指数探讨   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
矿山地质灾害危险性评估是一项新的工作,矿山范围的保护对象是矿山地质灾害危险性评估的价值取向.是矿产资源开发与地质环境保护的技术、经济和安全合理性的价值尺度。矿山地质灾害危险性指数是评价矿山开采适宜性非常重要的概念,矿山地质灾害危险性指数内涵及其分析方法的提出,对于一般性地认识矿山地质灾害的危险性有着重要的现实意义,为加强矿山地质环境指标体系研究开拓新的思路和方法。  相似文献   

Abstract: Mount Bambouto is a polygenic stratovolcano of the Cameroon Volcanic Line, built between 21?Ma and 4.5?Ma. It is situated approximately 200?km NE of Mount Cameroon, between 09°55′ and 10°15′ longitude east and, 05°25′ and 05°50′ latitude north. The volcano covers an area of 500?km2 and culminates at 2740?m at Mélétan dome and bears a collapsed caldera at the summit (13?×?8?km). Mount Bambouto is characterized by several natural hazards of different origins: meteorological, such as landslides and rock falls; anthropogenic, such as bushfires, tribal wars and deforestation; and volcanological, such as volcanic eruption. The thematic map shows that 55–60% of the caldera has high probability of occurrence of mass movement. The caldera has a high population density (3000 inhabitants), which increases the level of risk, evaluated at approximately $US3.8 million for patrimony, 3000 civilian deaths and destruction of biodiversity.  相似文献   

主要介绍了泰安市地质灾害气象风险预警与指挥系统。系统开发的主要目的是为了更好的与泰安市地质灾害防治工作相结合,通过对气象因素及地质灾害资料的分析和研究,基于地质灾害气象预警模型,采用先进的 GIS 技术能实现对地质灾害易发风险性区域预警,能直观地了解到各部分区域的地质灾害易发风险性,为各级政府防灾减灾提供科学的技术支撑。  相似文献   

福建省滨海火电厂地质灾害问题及风险控制探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
滨海火力发电厂工程主要包括厂区建筑、码头、管道、取排水、填海和贮灰场等工程。其主要面临着福建省海岸带构造运动、断裂及地震活动、港湾淤积、海底滑坡、软土地基、海底活动地貌、基岩不均匀风化以及人类工程活动等主要的灾害性地质因素。通过对这些因素潜在的致灾特点分析,提出了滨海火电厂地质灾害风险控制应包括选址阶段地质灾害风险回避、设计施工阶段地质灾害风险处理及运行阶段地质灾害风险监控等3方面。地质灾害风险评估是滨海火电厂地质灾害风险控制的首要任务。针对滨海电厂工程的特点,评估内容应着重于地质灾害危险性评估及易损性评估。选址阶段地质灾害风险回避主要是对构造不稳定的回避。地质灾害风险处理主要是电厂工程的基础处理及管道抗冲刷处理。电厂运行阶段地质灾害风险监控主要是对建筑物基础稳定性及海域冲淤变化的监控。  相似文献   

南方山地丘陵区地域跨度大,地质灾害孕灾背景复杂、成灾模式多样,是我国地质灾害高易发区。针对南方山地丘陵区地质灾害潜在风险高的问题,在中国地质调查局“南方山地丘陵区地质灾害调查工程”实施进展基础上,对南方山地丘陵区地质灾害控灾的气候动力特征及地质构造背景进行了系统分析,对典型地质灾害成灾模式和多尺度风险调查评价示范性成果进行了总结,揭示了东南沿海地区典型台风地质灾害、南方岩溶塌陷、西南高寒山区冰碛土泥石流及川西高原区火后泥石流形成机理与物源侵蚀机制。在此基础上,开展了南方山地丘陵区基于县域、重点城镇及典型灾害点的多尺度地质灾害风险评价应用示范,相关成果在西南重大工程规划选线及县城搬迁选址中得到应用。  相似文献   

闻绍毅  李洋 《地质与资源》2014,23(3):296-300
中国是地质灾害最为严重的国家之一.许多学者和机构对如何防范地质灾害、减轻地质灾害的影响进行了研究.根据这些研究将地质灾害防灾减灾技术总结为4类:地质灾害监测,地质灾害预测预警,地质灾害风险评估和地质灾害风险管理.对国内外地质灾害的监测、预警、风险评估和风险管理等方面的研究进行了总结.分析了目前的发展状况和存在的问题.  相似文献   

Volcanic hazards from Pico de Orizaba volcano are presented here tor the first time. Some 1.3 million people live within the hazard zone, which in the most severe case would encompass the Mexican Gulf coast, east of the volcano. Three major cities located in the eastern part of the hazard zone account for 800 000 of this population and about 200 000 people live within a 20 km radius of the volcano. Probability calculations are presented as an attempt to quantify the hazards in the surroundings of the volcano. Such quantification can be of use in planning for future land use within the hazard zones.A zone of about 10 km radius centred on the top crater is a high hazard zone for gravity-driven flows and fallout ejecta. For large volume eruptions, the radius could be extended to 120 km to the east and 60 km to the west. The asymmetrical distribution is related to the topography of the volcano. Hazards from Pyroclastic-fall deposits are principally to the west of the volcano, since easterly winds are dominant in the area lava-flow hazards are greatest within a 10 km radius from the summit crater. Pyroclastic flow hazards are high up to 20 km from the volcano summit.In the case of reactivation of the volcano, melting of a glacier covering the summit of Pico de Orizaba having a volume equivalent to some 45 × 109 litres of water, would produce lahars which would descend the flanks of the volcano.  相似文献   

系统论述了废弃矿山植被恢复工程地质灾害危险性评估的的工作内容、方法、评估范围等关键技术问题。文章提出废弃矿山植被恢复工程地质灾害危险性评估工作兼具地质灾害危险性评估和矿区地质工程环境条件评价的双重目的,为植被恢复工程建设提供必要的设计依据。分区、分段、分单元全方位地质灾害调查和综合评估是开展废弃矿山植被恢复工程地质灾害危险性评估的有效方法,最后分析和讨论了地质灾害危险性的现状评估、预测评估以及适宜性评估等关键问题。  相似文献   


The proximity to the Tacaná volcano, to the subduction zone between the Cocos and North America plates, to the Mexican coast, and to the active geologic Polochic-Motagua fault makes the population of Union Juarez (UJ), Chiapas, Mexico, exposed to many natural hazards including hurricanes, earthquakes, landslides, and volcanic eruptions. We assessed the risk perception of UJ, and our findings indicate that the community has moderate level of risk perception according to the scale of the National Center for Disaster Prevention of Mexico. The UJ’s risk perception is mainly dependent on gender and religion because females unlike males in case of disasters and emergencies: (1) believe that it is necessary to improve their preparedness; (2) trust the local civil protection authorities; (3) would know how to respond; (4) would follow the established protocols; and (5) would not relocate. On the other hand, non-religious people know better the protocols to follow in the event of disasters than the religious population. Besides, the community of UJ reasonably perceives earthquakes and extreme rains as the main hazards that they are exposed to, while volcanic hazards are considered less important although the town is located very close to the Tacaná volcano that has been active during the last 30 years. The local population lacks of proper knowledge and resources to develop adequate disaster mitigation plans. Surprisingly, the work of the local civil protection is considered poor. Our results can be used for local authorities as a tool to strength the disaster prevention actions in UJ.


基于GIS技术的地质灾害风险分析系统研究   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
地质灾害的社会经济属性决定了对其规律的研究应有别于传统的工程地质学研究 ,从社会属性方面来分析地质灾害具有更大的社会经济效益。地质灾害的危险性和受威胁对象的易损性是控制地质灾害风险评价的基本条件 ,对这两者的分析评价称作地质灾害危险性评价和社会经济易损性评价。GIS技术支持下的地质灾害风险分析代表着地质灾害研究领域的一个重要发展方向。经过多年研究 ,作者开发出了基于商业GIS软件的区域地质灾害风险分析系统 (RiskAnly)。本文介绍了该系统的设计思路、基本结构和工作过程 ,并利用此系统对我国全国范围的滑坡灾害进行了危险性分析、区域社会经济易损性分析和最终的风险评估。  相似文献   

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