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从出租车轨迹数据中挖掘载客热点路段,能够为城市交通道路的规划和出租车的运营管理提供重要依据。以北京市出租车原始轨迹数据为基础,设计并建立了出租车载客行驶的载客数据模型,利用该模型对相似的载客轨迹信息进行了挖掘,结合时空信息提取并分析了不同时段的热点路段。通过北京市交通发展年度报告验证了该模型和挖掘方法的正确性和有效性。  相似文献   

针对出租车运营过程缺少路径优化指导造成运营能力分布不均、空载率高的问题,本文以成都市安装有GPS设备的出租车所采集的轨迹数据为研究对象,以提高出租车效益为目标,采用了一种基于网格的出租车载客热点聚类算法,通过对出租车GPS轨迹数据进行处理和聚类分析,充分挖掘出租车载客热点区域,从而为出租车的运营者和管理者提供信息决策服务。  相似文献   

本文尝试通过模拟出租车的路径选择探索乘车软件推广对出租车寻客路径偏好造成的影响。基于出租车的历史寻客轨迹,提取起终点对之间的出租车寻客路径集,选取路径的行程距离、历史乘客数目、历史载客行程距离等六个指标,对出租车的寻客路径选择行为进行多项Logit模型建模。通过分析模型的系数大小,得到各因子对出租车寻客路径选择的影响以及出租车在起终点对间寻客的偏好因子;通过统计出租车在各行政区内或跨行政区寻客时以各因子为偏好因子的起终点对数目,得到偏好因子的空间分布差异;此外,通过对比乘车软件推广前后的建模结果,得到出租车寻客路径选择偏好的变化规律。  相似文献   

利用交通轨迹挖掘人类活动规律是实现智慧城市与生活的基础,然而常规方法已无法满足高效处理的大数据量要求。以海量出租车轨迹数据分析为例,设计了基于Spark平台的城市居民出行时空特征快速提取方法。借助Spark分布式计算框架,将核心算子匹配应用于二次排序、数据清洗及O/D点提取等预处理工作,并在时间分割和网格剖分统计的基础上完成时空特征提取。利用2014年8月份成都市出租车轨迹数据开展实验验证,结果表明,相较于传统单机环境,在确保准确性的基础上,该方法能够大幅提高特征提取的效率;集群节点一定时,数据规模越大优势越明显;数据规模足够大时,Spark集群节点数量越多,耗时越少。  相似文献   

方志祥  仲浩宇  邹欣妍 《测绘学报》1957,49(12):1554-1563
城市道路区域检测是城市土地管理、交通规划等领域的迫切需求,而传统城市道路区域检测多使用轨迹提取、遥感解译、人工采集等单独方式,在自动化程度或提取质量上存在一定的局限性。本文结合GNSS轨迹点与高分遥感影像各自的数据优势,提出一种基于轨迹延续性与影像特征相似性的遥感影像道路区域检测方法。该方法以出租车GNSS轨迹点构建轨迹特征栅格,基于轨迹延续性在平均方向特征栅格中划分路段对象,利用道路对象的光谱特征向轨迹无法覆盖的小区内部进行拓展,以获得提取区域内较为完整的道路信息。试验证明:本文方法可以有效降低道路的同物异谱现象及阴影、树木遮挡的影响,高效地提取高分遥感影像中的道路区域。与传统的遥感影像分类方法相比,具有更高的精度与自动化程度,相较于深度学习模型具有更广的适应性。  相似文献   

针对空间认知导向下模型驱动型路径规划和人们认知偏好多样性之间的矛盾,提出了一种基于分层强化学习的交互学习型路径规划方法。该方法将最优路径标准转换为路口处转向决策的瞬时奖励值,并通过预学习和实时学习两个阶段实现高效地发现总奖励值最大的最优路径策略。其中,预学习阶段自动发现子目标节点,并构建包含局部最优策略的子任务;实时学习阶段利用预定义策略实现高效的Q值更新,并根据Q值追溯最优路径。实验表明,该方法具有足够好的实时性和最优性。  相似文献   

针对验潮站潮位预报的需求,提出一种基于分群策略的粒子群优化神经网络(SSPSO-BP)的预报方法。该方法通过建立多个不同功能且具有交流能力的智能粒子群,经SSPSO和BP的两次优化,构建潮高预报模型。实验研究表明,SSPSO-BP模型在Oga站的潮位资料上高、低潮位间的时刻基本保持一致,高潮时刻最大潮高差为7.37 cm,低潮时刻最大潮高差为4.21 cm,该模型比标准BP神经网络及PSO优化神经网络在准确度和精度上有了很大的提高,其平均绝对误差、均方误差相较于BP神经网络分别提升了16.2%、79.2%,相较于PSO-BP神经网络提升了13.9%、79.6%。  相似文献   

城市空间运行的出租车产生大量的OD数据,数据的时序呈现周期性特点,客观反映人们的出行行为模式,本文采用谱聚类算法对北京五环区域内各空间单元的出行特征及其相似性进行探究。由于空间单元的时空行为特征受空间邻域和功能区划的影响,研究添加邻域因子和功能区因子以改进时间序列的相似性度量方法,从而实现时间序列谱聚类算法的空间和功能区拓展,进而增加人们对不同时空条件下出行行为特征的了解,以便对不同空间单元提供差异性服务,如不同时段公交的发车频次、动态调整商场营业时间、不同时空环境出租车候车点的实时变换、调控和优化不同区域服务保障等,将有助于降低城市能耗,更加合理地利用资源,也有助于居民实现智慧生活。  相似文献   

随着深度学习技术在遥感变化检测领域的发展,许多基于卷积神经网络(CNNs)的变化检测算法得到了广泛的应用,但在建筑物变化检测中,仍存在样本不平衡、边界模糊等问题。为解决上述问题,提出基于孪生U-Net和边缘优化策略(Siamese U-Net and Edge Refinement Strategies, Siam-Unet-ERS)的建筑物变化检测方法。首先提出了边界优化策略,共享建筑物变化检测主任务和边界提取子任务之间的空间特征,以实现提升建筑物边界定位精度的目的。同时,设计了残差捷径模块,在不降低模型性能的同时提升模型收敛速率。网络在LEVIR-CD和WHU数据集上都经过验证和测试,分别达到了97.79%和98.92%的总体精度。实验结果表明,Siam-Unet-ERS方法优于一些以前较先进的变化检测方法。  相似文献   

洪亮  楚森森  彭双云  许泉立 《遥感学报》2020,24(12):1464-1475
遥感影像多尺度分割是面向对象影像分析方法(OBIA)的关键步骤,分割质量直接影响OBIA的分类精度,目前多尺度分割方法都很难让分割结果同时达到全局和局部最优。本文针对上述问题,提出一种新的顾及全局和局部最优的高分辨率遥感影像多尺度分割优化算法。该算法主要包括:(1)采用局部方差准则获得多尺度分割的全局最优分割尺度。(2)对全局最优分割尺度中的过分割和欠分割对象进行优化处理,获得局部最优分割结果。(3)将局部最优化分割结果与全局最优分割结果进行融合,获得最终的多尺度优化分割结果。本文采用2个QuickBird遥感影像进行实验,验证该算法的有效性,并对实验结果进行定性和定量分析,结果表明:(1)从视觉效果来看,优化后的分割结果具有更准确的分割边界,大尺度的地物保持较好的区域性,小尺度的地物保持了更多细节。(2)从定量评价指标(RR、RI和ARI)分析:在实验1中,该算法比全局最优分割尺度的RR\RI\ARI分别提高了2.1%,2.4%,30.2%,比基于K均值优化算法分别提高了8.3%,0.1%,8.1%,比融合边界优化算法分别提高了0.7%,0.4%,17.6%;在实验2中,该算法比全局最优分割尺度的RR\RI\ARI分别提高了4.5%,2.7%,29.3%,比基于K均值优化算法分别提高了17%,0.8%,8.4%,比融合边界优化算法分别提高了1.7%,2.5%,17.2%。(3)相对典型分割算法,该算法的优化结果达到了局部和全局最优;相对其他多尺度分割优化算法,该算法同时减少了欠分割和过分割对象。  相似文献   

Clustering is an important approach to identifying hotspots with broad applications, ranging from crime area analysis to transport prediction and urban planning. As an on-demand transport service, taxis play an important role in urban systems, and the pick-up and drop-off locations in taxi GPS trajectory data have been widely used to detect urban hotspots for various purposes. In this work, taxi drop-off events are represented as linear features in the context of the road network space. Based on such representation, instead of the most frequently used Euclidian distance, Jaccard distance is calculated to measure the similarity of road segments for cluster analysis, and further, a network distance and graph-partitioning-based clustering method is proposed for improving the accuracy of urban hotspot detection. A case study is conducted using taxi trajectory data collected from over 6500 taxis during one week, and the results indicate that the proposed method can identify urban hotspots more precisely.  相似文献   

车辆尾气是道路交通二氧化碳(CO2)排放的重要来源,目前的研究主要集中在区域CO2排放清单的计算和分析上,鲜有从微观层面上进行CO2排放的反演分析。采用微观尾气排放模型对出租车行程轨迹的CO2排放量进行定量反演,进而从点、线、面3个粒度对武汉市出租车行程轨迹CO2排放的时空模式进行分析。研究结果表明,利用出租车轨迹可以有效地反演出租车CO2排放量,并发现其在不同日期和时段具有明显的规律性。通过时空聚类技术发现了点粒度下的出租车CO2排放的类簇数目存在一定的时空变化规律,采用数据场模型展示了线粒度下的道路线段出租车CO2排放强度存在明显的时空分布规律,利用时空自相关技术揭示了面粒度下的区域出租车CO2排放量具有较高的时空正相关性。研究成果可以为城市减排措施制定等提供辅助支持。  相似文献   

Ubiquitous taxi trajectory data has made it possible to apply it to different types of travel analysis. Of interest is the need to allow someone to monitor travel momentum and associated congestion in any location in space in real time. However, despite an abundant literature in taxi data visualization and its applicability to travel analysis, no easy method exists. To measure taxi travel momentum at a location, current methods require filtering taxi trajectories that stop at a location at a particular time range, which is computationally expensive. We propose an alternative, computationally cheaper way based on preprocessing vector fields from the trajectories. Algorithms are formalized for generating vector kernel density to estimate a travel-model-free vector field-based representation of travel momentum in an urban space. The algorithms are shared online as an open source GIS 3D extension called VectorKD. Using 17 million daily taxi GPS points within Beijing over a 4-day period, we demonstrate how to generate in real time a series of projections from a continuously updated vector field of taxi travel momentum to query a point of interest anywhere in a city, such as the CBD or the airport. This method allows a policy-maker to automatically identify temporal net influxes of travel demand to a location. The proposed methodology is shown to be over twenty times faster than a conventional selection query of trajectories. We also demonstrate, using taxi data entering the Beijing Capital International Airport and the CBD, how we can quantify in nearly real time the occurrence and magnitude of inbound or outbound queueing and congestion periods due to taxis cruising or waiting for passengers, all without having to fit any mathematical queueing model to the data.  相似文献   

出租车轨迹数据挖掘进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
吴华意  黄蕊  游兰  向隆刚 《测绘学报》2019,48(11):1341-1356
大数据、物联网与精密定位技术的发展推动了城市感知的进步。随着社会活动的与日俱增,出租车轨迹数据不仅记录了出租车的行车轨迹,还蕴藏着道路交通状态、城市居民出行规律、城市结构及其他社会问题。通过各种数据分析与挖掘手段对出租车轨迹数据进行深入探究,对于智能交通、城市规划等有着重要意义。本文综述了近十年国内外基于出租车轨迹大数据的相关研究,按照空间统计方法、时间序列方法、图论与网络方法及机器学习方法等4类,详细阐述各类方法的研究现状。随后,本文分析了现有研究的应用领域、热点主题和发展趋势。最后,本文指出了出租车轨迹数据挖掘研究领域面临的挑战和未来研究方向。  相似文献   


Taxi trajectories from urban environments allow inferring various information about the transport service qualities and commuter dynamics. It is possible to associate starting and end points of taxi trips with requirements of individual groups of people and even social inequalities. Previous research shows that due to service restrictions, boro taxis have typical customer destination locations on selected Saturdays: many drop-off clusters appear near the restricted zone, where it is not allowed to pick up customers and only few drop-off clusters appear at complicated crossing. Detected crossings imply recent infrastructural modifications. We want to follow up on these results and add one additional group of commuters: Citi Bike users. For selected Saturdays in June 2015, we want to compare the destinations of boro taxi and Citi Bike users. This is challenging due to manifold differences between active mobility and motorized road users, and, due to the fact that station-based bike sharing services are restricted to stations. Start and end points of trips, as well as the volumes in between rely on specific numbers of bike sharing stations. Therefore, we introduce a novel spatiotemporal assigning procedure for areas of influence around static bike sharing stations for extending available computational methods.  相似文献   

基于北斗/GPS双模定位方式,采用北斗定位优先策略,设计了纯电动乘用车行车状态数据采集终端,并建立了相应的应用平台。通过纯电动乘用车车载信息服务框架的设计,列举了基于北斗/GPS双模的纯电动乘用车行车状态数据采集终端的车载信息服务方式与具体内容,为纯电动乘用车电池、电机、电能管理等提供一种可参考的方案。  相似文献   

空间同位模式挖掘旨在发现空间数据库中频繁发生在邻近位置的地理事件。由于空间异质性,地理事件在不同区域邻近出现的频繁程度亦存在差异,进而形成局部同位模式。现有局部同位模式挖掘方法多基于欧氏空间的平面假设,难以客观揭示网络空间(如城市道路)内地理事件间的局部同位规律,因此基于空间扫描统计思想,提出了一种网络约束下的局部同位模式挖掘方法。首先,发展了网络约束下的路径扩展方法,识别可能存在局部网络空间同位模式的候选路径;其次,基于网络约束下的二元泊松分布构建显著性检验的零模型,判别候选路径中局部网络空间同位模式的有效性。通过模拟实验与北京市出租车供需模式分析,发现该方法比现有方法得到的结果更精细、更客观,能够有效地挖掘网络约束下的局部同位模式。  相似文献   

Global positioning system-enabled vehicles provide an efficient way to obtain large quantities of movement data for individuals. However, the raw data usually lack activity information, which is highly valuable for a range of applications and services. This study provides a novel and practical framework for inferring the trip purposes of taxi passengers such that the semantics of taxi trajectory data can be enriched. The probability of points of interest to be visited is modeled by Bayes’ rules, which take both spatial and temporal constraints into consideration. Combining this approach with Monte Carlo simulations, we conduct a study on Shanghai taxi trajectory data. Our results closely approximate the residents’ travel survey data in Shanghai. Furthermore, we reveal the spatiotemporal characteristics of nine daily activity types based on inference results, including their temporal regularities, spatial dynamics, and distributions of trip lengths and directions. In the era of big data, we encounter the dilemma of “trajectory data rich but activity information poor” when investigating human movements from various data sources. This study presents a promising step toward mining abundant activity information from individuals’ trajectories.  相似文献   

Floating Car Data (FCD) refers to the trajectories of vehicles equipped with Global Positioning System-enabled devices that automatically record location-related data within a short time interval. As taxies in Chinese cities continually drive along the streets seeking passengers, FCD can easily traverse the entire street network in a city on a daily basis. Taking advantage of this situation, this study extracted passenger pickup and drop-off locations from FCD sourced from 6445 taxis over a 2-week period in Nanjing, China to discover human behavioral patterns and the dynamics behind them. In this study, road nodes are converted to the points, based on which Thiessen polygons are generated to divide the study area into small areas with the goal of exploring the spatial distribution of pickup and drop-off locations. Moran’s I index is used to calculate the spatial autocorrelation of the spatial distribution of pickup and drop-off locations, and hot spot analysis is used to identify statistically significant spatial clusters of hot and cold spots. The spatial and temporal patterns of FCD in the study area are investigated, and the results show that: (1) the temporal patterns show a strong daily rhythm, (2) the spatial patterns show that the number of pickup and drop-off locations gradually diminish from the downtown areas to the outer suburbs, (3) the spatiotemporal patterns exhibit large differences over time, and (4) the driving forces explored by regression models indicate that population density and transportation density are consistent with the population distribution, but per capita disposable income is not consistent with the population distribution.  相似文献   

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