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A geospatial cyberinfrastructure is needed to support advanced GIScience research and education activities. However, the heterogeneous and distributed nature of geospatial resources creates enormous obstacles for building a unified and interoperable geospatial cyberinfrastructure. In this paper, we propose the Geospatial Service Web (GSW) to underpin the development of a future geospatial cyberinfrastructure. The GSW excels over the traditional spatial data infrastructure by providing a highly intelligent geospatial middleware to integrate various geospatial resources through the Internet based on interoperable Web service technologies. The development of the GSW focuses on the establishment of a platform where data, information, and knowledge can be shared and exchanged in an interoperable manner. Theoretically, we describe the conceptual framework and research challenges for GSW, and then introduce our recent research toward building a GSW. A research agenda for building a GSW is also presented in the paper.  相似文献   


Maps are explicitly positioned within the realms of power, representation, and epistemology; this article sets out to explore how these ideas are manifest in the academic Geographic Information Science (GIScience) literature. We analyze 10 years of literature (2005–2014) from top tier GIScience journals specific to the geoweb and geographic crowdsourcing. We then broaden our search to include three additional journals outside the technical GIScience journals and contrast them to the initial findings. We use this comparison to discuss the apparent technical and social divide present within the literature. Our findings demonstrate little explicit engagement with topics of social justice, marginalization, and empowerment within our subset of almost 1200 GIScience papers. The social, environmental, and political nature of participation, mapmaking, and maps necessitates greater reflection on the creation, design, and implementation of the geoweb and geographic crowdsourcing. We argue that the merging of the technical and social has already occurred in practice, and for GIScience to remain relevant for contributors and users of crowdsourced maps, researchers and practitioners must heed two decades of calls for substantial and critical engagement with the geoweb and crowdsourcing as social, environmental, and political processes.  相似文献   

Current research in the Cartographic and Geographic Information Sciences at Penn State emphasizes map design, geovisual analytics, spatiotemporal pattern detection, spatial cognition, CyberGIS, geographic information retrieval, image analysis, and novel methods for geospatial education. Cartography and GIScience research and education at Penn State is organized through groups such as the GeoVISTA Center and the Peter R. Gould Center in the Department of Geography, the Institute for CyberScience, and the John A. Dutton e-Education Institute. Recent achievements in these units have included advances in extracting geographic information from social media, novel methods for pattern analysis from event data, and the development of the first massive open online course in geography.  相似文献   

The accreditation of GIS programs was first proposed more than 25 years ago as a means of encouraging consistency in instructional content and learning outcomes across many new GIS programs being developed at U.S. colleges and universities. However, in lieu of a peer review system to evaluate the quality of instruction, the GIS community focused instead on certification programs for recognizing and rewarding competency and professionalism among persons already in the workforce. With hundreds of colleges and universities now offering formal programs in GIScience ranging from certificates to undergraduate and graduate degrees, it may be an appropriate time reconsider rewards associated with accreditation. This article argues that accreditation can benefit institutions, students, and GIScience employers by directing attention to “upstream” and formative elements in the preparation of entry-level GIScience professionals that can potentially complement “downstream” and summative programs for recognizing experienced GIScience professionals such as certification. Along with providing detail about the implementation and administration of accreditation, we explore accreditation processes in surveying and engineering as possible pathways for accrediting academic GIScience programs.  相似文献   

Choosing a textbook is among the most important decisions instructors make in preparation for an academic term. Geographic Information Systems and Technology (GIS&T) textbook development has been influenced by a unique set of circumstances, mainly the rapid development of the discipline within an interdisciplinary environment, which has resulted in a continuous state of evolution. We examine the anatomy of GIS&T textbooks through a comparison of their organization, content, and depth of coverage. Specifically, utilizing the Geographic Information Science and Technology Body of Knowledge (BoK) as a comprehensive reference, we categorize the content of 26 of the most widely used introductory GIS textbooks. Our results show that there has been consistent coverage of topics over time, with analytical methods and geospatial data being the most prominent topics covered in texts. However, individual textbooks place varying emphasis on the BoK knowledge areas, which is potentially useful to instructors seeking books that emphasize particular knowledge areas. Additionally, long‐term trends indicate a shift toward an emphasis on new forms of geospatial data (e.g., social media). Ongoing efforts to expand and revise the BoK reflect how the discipline continues to manage its own evolution as new geographic research linked to GIS and GIScience emerges.  相似文献   


This paper discusses the role of Geoinformatics as a new scientific discipline designed for handling of geospatial information. Depending on the scientific background of the people involved in shaping the emerging discipline, emphasis may be placed on different aspects of Geoinformatics. Applications and developments may address geoscientific, spatial planning, or computer science related matters. The scientific field of Geoinformatics encompasses the acquisition and storing of geospatial data, the modelling and presentation of spatial information, geoscientific analyses and spatial planning, and the development of algorithms and geospatial database systems. It is the position of the author that these tools from Geoinformatics are necessary to bridge the gap between Digital Earth models and the real world with its real-world problems (‘connecting through location’). It is, however, crucial that Geoinformatics represents a coherent integrated approach to the acquisition, storage, analysis, modeling, presentation, and dissemination of geo-processes and not a patchwork solution of unconnected fields of activity. Geoinformatics is as such not a part of Geography, Surveying, or Computer Science, but a new self-contained scientific discipline. The current paper highlights international and national trends of the discipline and presents a number of Geoinformatics initiatives. The research and teaching activities of the newly formed Institute for Geoinformatics and Remote Sensing (IGF) at the University of Osnabrueck serve as an example for these initiatives. All these developments have lead to the long overdue formation of a scientific ‘Society for Geoinformatics’ (German: Gesellschaft für Geoinformatik – GfGI) in Germany.  相似文献   

The amount of scientific literature on (Geographic) Object-based Image Analysis – GEOBIA has been and still is sharply increasing. These approaches to analysing imagery have antecedents in earlier research on image segmentation and use GIS-like spatial analysis within classification and feature extraction approaches. This article investigates these development and its implications and asks whether or not this is a new paradigm in remote sensing and Geographic Information Science (GIScience). We first discuss several limitations of prevailing per-pixel methods when applied to high resolution images. Then we explore the paradigm concept developed by Kuhn (1962) and discuss whether GEOBIA can be regarded as a paradigm according to this definition. We crystallize core concepts of GEOBIA, including the role of objects, of ontologies and the multiplicity of scales and we discuss how these conceptual developments support important methods in remote sensing such as change detection and accuracy assessment. The ramifications of the different theoretical foundations between the per-pixel paradigm and GEOBIA are analysed, as are some of the challenges along this path from pixels, to objects, to geo-intelligence. Based on several paradigm indications as defined by Kuhn and based on an analysis of peer-reviewed scientific literature we conclude that GEOBIA is a new and evolving paradigm.  相似文献   

Semantic Web and Web services have been two prominent themes in the computer science and IT mainstream for more than a decade. While both of these themes have been evolving, some geographers and GIScientists have been trying to introduce and adopt such new technologies into GIScience research and development. This paper reviews the state-of-the-art and the main constraints of semantic Web and Web services technologies and their applications in GIScience. Unless some fundamental problems within both semantic Web and Web services can be resolved, such technologies will be difficult to match the needs in the GIScience community. Besides logics, more sciences and theories have to be introduced into this research front in order to break through the long-term bottleneck in semantic Web and service computation in general.  相似文献   

GIScience Journals Ranking and Evaluation: An International Delphi Study   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Researchers’ fame in most scientific fields is closely linked to their publishing capacity, both in terms of quantity and quality. In GIScience, as in other fields, this situation demands that the researcher evaluate and to be very familiar with the scientific journals in which they could publish. Some specialized journals (e.g. Journal of Citation Reports or JCR) are devoted to ranking these reviews according to various methods and criteria. Compared to other scientific communities, GIScience is relatively new and constantly evolving. Therefore, the journals of this field do not benefit from any real formal ranking yet. The objective of this paper is to present the process and results of a study aimed at addressing this gap. More specifically, the challenge is to elaborate an importance ranking of the scientific journals in the field of GIScience. To do so, both a qualitative (Delphi study carried out with 40 international experts) and a quantitative (JCR impact factor) approach has been implemented. This triangulation method leads to an early global ranking of the journals of this field.  相似文献   

Geospatial Agents, Agents Everywhere . . .   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The use of the related terms “agent‐based”, “multi‐agent”, “software agent” and “intelligent agent” have witnessed significant growth in the Geographic Information Science (GIScience) literature in the past decade. These terms usually refer to both artificial life agents that simulate human and animal behavior and software agents that support human‐computer interactions. In this article we first comprehensively review both types of agents. Then we argue that both these categories of agents borrow from Artificial Intelligence (AI) research, requiring them to share the characteristics of and be similar to AI agents. We also argue that geospatial agents form a distinct category of AI agents because they are explicit about geography and geographic data models. Our overall goal is to first capture the diversity of, and then define and categorize GIScience agent research into geospatial agents, thereby capturing the diversity of agent‐oriented architectures and applications that have been developed in the recent past to present a holistic review of geospatial agents.  相似文献   

The design of methods and tools to build adequate representations of complex geographical phenomena in a way that spatial patterns are emphasized is one of the core objectives of GIScience. In this paper, we build on the concept of geons as a strategy to represent and analyze latent spatial phenomena across different geographical scales (local, national, regional) incorporating domain-specific expert knowledge. Focusing on two types, we illustrate and exemplify how geons are generated and explored. So-called composite geons represent functional land-use classes, required for regional planning purposes. They are created via class modeling to translate interpretation schemes from mapping keys. Integrated geons, on the other hand, address abstract, yet policy-relevant phenomena such as societal vulnerability to hazards. They are delineated by regionalizing continuous geospatial data sets representing relevant indicators in a multidimensional variable space. Using the geon approach, we create spatially exhaustive sets of units, scalable to the level of policy intervention, homogenous in their domain-specific response, and independent from any predefined boundaries. From a GIScience perspective, we discuss either type of geons in a semantic hierarchy of geographic information constructs. Despite its validity for decision-making and its transferability across scales and application fields, the delineation of geons requires further methodological research to assess their statistical and conceptual robustness.  相似文献   

Emerging computer architectures and systems that combine multi‐core CPUs and accelerator technologies, like many‐core Graphic Processing Units (GPUs) and Intel's Many Integrated Core (MIC) coprocessors, would provide substantial computing power for many time‐consuming spatial‐temporal computation and applications. Although a distributed computing environment is suitable for large‐scale geospatial computation, emerging advanced computing infrastructure remains unexplored in GIScience applications. This article introduces three categories of geospatial applications by effectively exploiting clusters of CPUs, GPUs and MICs for comparative analysis. Within these three benchmark tests, the GPU clusters exemplify advantages in the use case of embarrassingly parallelism. For spatial computation that has light communication between the computing nodes, GPU clusters present a similar performance to that of the MIC clusters when large data is applied. For applications that have intensive data communication between the computing nodes, MIC clusters could display better performance than GPU clusters. This conclusion will be beneficial to the future endeavors of the GIScience community to deploy the emerging heterogeneous computing infrastructure efficiently to achieve high or better performance spatial computation over big data.  相似文献   

We provide a research agenda for the International Cartographic Association's Commission on Visualization and Virtual Environment Working Group on Cognitive and Usability Issues in Geovisualization. Developments in hardware and software have led to (and will continue to stimulate) numerous novel methods for visualizing geospatial data. It is our belief that these novel methods will be of little use if they are not developed within a theoretical cognitive framework and iteratively tested using usability engineering principles. We argue that cognitive and usability issues should be considered in the context of six major research themes: 1) geospatial virtual environments (GeoVEs); 2) dynamic representations (including animated and interactive maps); 3) metaphors and schemata in user interface design; 4) individual and group differences; 5) collaborative geovisualization; and 6) evaluating the effectiveness of geovisualization methods. A key point underlying our use of theoretical cognitive principles is that traditional cognitive theory for static two-dimensional maps may not be applicable to interactive three-dimensional immersive GeoVEs and dynamic representations—thus new cognitive theory may need to be developed. Usability engineering extends beyond the traditional cartographic practice of "user testing" by evaluating software effectiveness throughout a lifecycle (including design, development, and deployment). Applying usability engineering to geovisualization, however, may be problematic because of the novelty of geovisualization and the associated difficulty of defining the nature of users and their tasks. Tackling the research themes is likely to require an interdisciplinary effort involving geographic information scientists, cognitive scientists, usability engineers, computer scientists, and others.  相似文献   

This article reports on an empirical study of the trends and patterns of research activities in Geographic Information Science (GIScience) during the years 1997–2007. The GIScience research priorities identified by the University Consortium of Geographic Information Science (UCGIS) were used as guidelines to examine the 985 research articles published in six well‐recognized academic journals. Latent Semantic Analysis (LSA) was employed to investigate the association among the different GIScience research themes. The spatial and temporal patterns of the association between the publications and the different GIScience themes were examined to show the development of GIScience research during the study period. Furthermore, correlation analyses between the publications were conducted following the LSA results to reveal GIScience research networks, including the networks of the published articles and those formed by the research places. In this article, we applied an approach that was developed within information science to depict what GIS research activities were conducted when and where and how they connect to each other through sharing common research themes. The related findings pave the way for future efforts to describe the paradigm of GIScience as well as the pattern of GIScience research.  相似文献   

面向三维空间信息应用的网格框架体系及应用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对三维空间信息应用领域的具体内容和特点,提出了一种适合三维空间信息应用的网格框架体系。围绕该体系讨论了三维空间信息的具体应用及涉及的关键技术,给出了三维空间信息应用网格的系统原型(GridVRMap)。  相似文献   

GIScience scholars have identified map tours as an important visualization type for communicating spatial information: map tours are animations where the virtual camera moves through space and are common on the web, mobile devices, and television. Understanding how to enhance their effectiveness is timely because of recent, growing interest in virtual reality and animated map presentation tools such as Esri Story Maps? and Google Earth? tours. Despite this popularity, little empirical evidence exists about how people learn from map tours and how they should best be designed to improve effectiveness. This research is aimed at answering that need. An empirical study is described, which was designed to understand how virtual camera speed, path, and dynamic tilting within a map tour influence subjects’ ability to develop survey knowledge. The results of the experiment show that paths encompassing overviews of the landscape improve the viewer’s ability to build up survey knowledge; that tilting appears to have a much weaker effect; and that combining fast speed and a difficult path within a map tour increases the viewer’s cognitive load.  相似文献   

After briefly reviews the history of photogrammetry education in China, the development of undergraduate and graduate program, and the corresponding curricula design are analyzed by use of the data from Wuhan University in which the photogrammetry is awarded as the state-level key discipline. The academic educational program of photogrammetry in universities has trained students to perform tasks in all fields of the photogrammetric profession. In recent years, the nature of photogrammetry is changing and multidisciplinary geomatics are developing very rapidly, the educational program of photogrammetry has also changed in new concepts and structures to adapt very new technologies and the extension of the field. Finally, the prospect of photogrammetry education for the requirements of multidisciplinary geomatics is proposed. The growing interest in fast and accurate 3D spatial data collection (such as city modeling and digital earth) results in the increasing need of photogrammetry as principal tool, photogrammetric courses are therefore requested to be up-to-date and to become one kind of the fundamental professional courses for university geomatics and remote sensing degree programs.  相似文献   

地理数据的增强现实可视化技术,是地理信息科学可视化的一个重要的发展方向之一。首先,笔者详细地综述了国内外AR技术在GIS可视化领域的应用。针对基于真实视频影像表达地理数据的问题,笔者构建了该可视化系统的概念模型;并以户外山区地形数据和影像数据为基础,详细地阐述了AR技术可视化地理数据的原理和方法;最后,实现了以视频影像为载体的地理数据AR可视化方法。与传统地理数据的可视化方式相比,AR可视化表达方式更简单直观,真实感更强。  相似文献   

IntroductionThe word photogrammetry comes from Greekwords photos ( meaning “light”) , gramma( meaning that which is drawn or written) andmetron ( meaning“to measure”) . It originallysignifies measuring graphically by means oflight[1].The development o…  相似文献   

In the mid‐1990s, several critical texts raised concerns about the social, political, and epistemological implications of GIS. Subsequent responses to these critiques have fundamentally altered the technological, political, and intellectual practices of GIScience. Participatory GIS, for instance, has intervened in multiple ways to try to ameliorate uneven access to GIS and digital spatial data and diversify the forms of spatial knowledge and spatial logic that may be incorporated in a GIS. While directly addressing core elements of the ‘GIS & Society’ critique, these reconstructions of a critical GIScience introduce their own ambiguities with respect to access, equity, digital representation of spatial knowledge, and epistemologies of new GIS research practices. In this paper, I examine some of the new and persistent ambiguities of participatory GIS that bear inclusion in future critical GIScience research.  相似文献   

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