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The transition area between rivers and their adjacent riparian aquifers, which may comprise the hyporheic zone, hosts important biochemical reactions, which control water quality. The rates of these reactions and metabolic processes are temperature dependent. Yet the thermal dynamics of riparian aquifers, especially during flooding and dynamic groundwater flow conditions, has seldom been studied. Thus, we investigated heat transport in riparian aquifers during 3 flood events of different magnitudes at 2 sites along the same river. River and riparian aquifer temperature and water‐level data along the Lower Colorado River in Central Texas, USA, were monitored across 2‐dimensional vertical sections perpendicular to the bank. At the downstream site, preflood temperature penetration distance into the bank suggested that advective heat transport from lateral hyporheic exchange of river water into the riparian aquifer was occurring during relatively steady low‐flow river conditions. Although a small (20‐cm stage increase) dam‐controlled flood pulse had no observable influence on groundwater temperature, larger floods (40‐cm and >3‐m stage increases) caused lateral movement of distinct heat plumes away from the river during flood stage, which then retreated back towards the river after flood recession. These plumes result from advective heat transport caused by flood waters being forced into the riparian aquifer. These flood‐induced temperature responses were controlled by the size of the flood, river water temperature during the flood, and local factors at the study sites, such as topography and local ambient water table configuration. For the intermediate and large floods, the thermal disturbance in the riparian aquifer lasted days after flood waters receded. Large floods therefore have impacts on the temperature regime of riparian aquifers lasting long beyond the flood's timescale. These persistent thermal disturbances may have a significant impact on biochemical reaction rates, nutrient cycling, and ecological niches in the river corridor.  相似文献   

The spatial and temporal variability of groundwater–surface‐water (GW–SW) interactions was investigated in an intensively utilized salmon spawning riffle. Hydrochemical tracers, were used along with high‐resolution hydraulic head and temperature data to assess hyporheic dynamics. Surface and subsurface hydrochemistry were monitored at three locations where salmon spawning had been observed in previous years. Temperature and hydraulic head were monitored in three nests of three piezometers located to characterize the head, the run and the tail‐out of the riffle feature. Hydrochemical gradients between surface and subsurface water indicated increasing GW influence with depth into the hyporheic zone. Surface water was characterized by high dissolved oxygen (DO) concentrations, low alkalinity and conductivity. Hyporheic water was generally characterized by high levels of alkalinity and conductivity indicative of longer residence times, and low DO, indicative of reducing conditions. Hydrochemical and temperature gradients varied spatially over the riffle in response to changes in local GW–SW interactions at the depths investigated. Groundwater inputs dominated the head and tail of the riffle. The influence of SW increased in the area of accelerating flow and decreasing water depth through the run of the riffle. Temporal GW–SW interactions also varied in response to changing hydrological conditions. Gross changes in hyporheic hydrochemistry were observed at the weekly scale in response to changing flow conditions and surface water inputs to the hyporheic zone. During low flows, caused by freezing or dry weather, hyporheic hydrochemistry was dominated by GW inputs. During higher flows hyporheic hydrochemistry indicated that SW contributions increased. In addition, high‐resolution hydraulic head data indicated that rapid changes in GW–SW interactions occurred during hydrological events. The spatial, and possibly the temporal, variability of GW–SW interactions had a marked effect on the survival of salmon ova. It is concluded that hyporheic dynamics and their effect on stream ecology should be given increased consideration by fisheries and water resource managers. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A summary is provided of the second in a series of Integrated Science Initiative workshops supported by the UNESCO International Hydrological Programme. The workshop brought together hydrologists, ecologists, biogeochemists, hydrogeologists and natural resource managers to discuss the processes that occur in hyporheic and riparian ecotones. The principal objectives were to share new ideas on the importance of biogeochemical processes that affect nutrients at the groundwater–surface water interface, to understand the impact of nutrient flux on stream (principally hyporheic) ecology, and to identify the management strategies for river corridors to mitigate the effects of nutrients applied to land and discharged via groundwater into rivers. The workshop concluded that: (1) more interdisciplinary research and environmental management practices are needed to better understand, predict and manage processes at the interface of environmental compartments; (2) the goal of environmental regulations to improve ecological health requires a holistic approach integrating our understanding of the ecological, hydrological, biogeochemical and physical processes; (3) upscaling spatially and temporally variable processes remains difficult and may hinder translation of research at micro‐scales (molecular to grain size) into macro‐scale (reach to catchment) decision‐making; (4) scientists need to better communicate existing research to river managers, while smanagers must better communicate policy and regulatory‐driven science requirements to researchers. Existing models, such as those that simulate stream–hyporheic exchange, are not widely known and rarely used by environmental managers. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on surface–subsurface water exchange in a steep coarse‐bedded stream with a step‐pool morphology. We use both flume experiments and numerical modelling to investigate the influence of stream discharge, channel slope and sediment hydraulic conductivity on hyporheic exchange. The model step‐pool reach, whose topography is scaled from a natural river, consists of three step‐pool units with 0.1‐m step heights, discharges ranging between base and over‐bankfull flows (scaled values of 0.3–4.5 l/s) and slopes of 4% and 8%. Results indicate that the deepest hyporheic flow occurs with the steeper slope and at moderate discharges and that downwelling fluxes at the base of steps are highest at the largest stream discharges. In contrast to findings in a pool‐riffle morphology, those in this study show that steep slopes cause deeper surface–subsurface exchanges than gentle slopes. Numerical simulation results show that the portion of the hyporheic zone influenced by surface water temperature increases with sediment hydraulic conductivity. These experiments and numerical simulations emphasize the importance of topography, sediment permeability and roughness elements along the channel surface in governing the locations and magnitude of downwelling fluxes and hyporheic exchange. Our results show that hyporheic zones in these steep streams are thicker than previously expected by extending the results from streams with pool‐riffle bed forms. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Stratigraphy is a fundamental component of floodplain heterogeneity and hydraulic conductivity and connectivity of alluvial aquifers, which affect hydrologic processes such as groundwater flow and hyporheic exchange. Watershed-scale hydrological models commonly simplify the sedimentology and stratigraphy of floodplains, neglecting natural floodplain heterogeneity and anisotropy. This study, conducted in the upper reach of the East River in the East River Basin, Colorado, USA, combines point-, meander-, and floodplain-scale data to determine key features of alluvial aquifers important for estimating hydrologic processes. We compare stratigraphy of two meanders with disparate geometries to explore floodplain heterogeneity and connectivity controls on flow and transport. Meander shape, orientation, and internal stratigraphy affected residence time estimates of laterally exchanged hyporheic water. Although the two meanders share a sediment source, vegetation, and climate, their divergent river migration histories resulted in contrasting meander hydrofacies. In turn, the extent and orientation of these elements controlled the effective hydraulic conductivity and, ultimately, estimates of groundwater transport and hyporheic residence times. Additionally, the meanders’ orientation relative to the valley gradient impacted the hydraulic gradient across the meanders—a key control of groundwater velocity. Lastly, we combine our field data with remotely sensed data and introduce a potential approach to estimate key hydrostratigraphic packages across floodplains. Prospective applications include contaminant transport studies, hyporheic models, and watershed models. © 2019 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This study investigates spatial patterns and temporal dynamics of aquifer–river exchange flow at a reach of the River Leith, UK. Observations of sub‐channel vertical hydraulic gradients at the field site indicate the dominance of groundwater up‐welling into the river and the absence of groundwater recharge from surface water. However, observed hydraulic heads do not provide information on potential surface water infiltration into the top 0–15 cm of the streambed as these depths are not covered by the existing experimental infrastructure. In order to evaluate whether surface water infiltration is likely to occur outside the ‘window of detection’, i.e. the shallow streambed, a numerical groundwater model is used to simulate hydrological exchanges between the aquifer and the river. Transient simulations of the successfully validated model (Nash and Sutcliff efficiency of 0·91) suggest that surface water infiltration is marginal and that the possibility of significant volumes of surface water infiltrating into non‐monitored shallow streambed sediments can be excluded for the simulation period. Furthermore, the simulation results show that with increasing head differences between river and aquifer towards the end of the simulation period, the impact of streambed topography and hydraulic conductivity on spatial patterns of exchange flow rates decreases. A set of peak flow scenarios with altered groundwater‐surface water head gradients is simulated in order to quantify the potential for surface water infiltration during characteristic winter flow conditions following the observation period. The results indicate that, particularly at the beginning of peak flow conditions, head gradients are likely to cause substantial increase in surface water infiltration into the streambed. The study highlights the potential for the improvement of process understanding of hyporheic exchange flow patterns at the stream reach scale by simulating aquifer‐river exchange fluxes with a standard numerical groundwater model and a simple but robust model structure and parameterization. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Groundwater surface water interaction in the hyporheic zone remains an important challenge for water resources management and ecosystem restoration. In heterogeneous stratified glacial sediments, reach‐scale environments contain an uneven distribution of focused groundwater flow occurring simultaneously with diffusely discharging groundwater. This results in a variation of stream‐aquifer interactions, where focused flow systems are able to temporally dominate exchange processes. The research presented here investigates the direct and indirect influences focused groundwater discharge exerts on the hyporheic zone during baseflow recession. Field results demonstrate that as diffuse sources of groundwater deplete during baseflow recession, focused groundwater discharge remains constant. During baseflow recession the hyporheic zone is unable to expand, while the high nitrate concentration from focused discharge changes the chemistry of the stream. The final result is a higher concentration of nitrate in the hyporheic zone as this altered surface water infiltrates into the subsurface. This indirect coupling of focused groundwater discharge and the hyporheic zone is unaccounted for in hyporheic studies at this time. Results indicate important implications for the potential reduction of agricultural degradation of water quality.  相似文献   

We examined the influence of river stage on subsurface hydrology and pore water chemistry within the hyporheic zone of a groundwater‐fed river during the summer baseflow period of 2011. We found river stage and geomorphologic environment to control chemical patterns in the hyporheic zone. At a high river stage, the flux of upwelling water in the shallow sediments (>20 cm) decreased at sample sites in the upper section of our study reach and increased substantially at sites in the lower section. This differential response is attributed to the contrasting geomorphology of these subreaches that affects the rate of the rise and fall of a river stage relative to the subsurface head. At sites where streamward vertical flux decreased, concentration profiles of a conservative environmental tracer suggest surface water infiltration into the riverbed below depths recorded at a low river stage. An increase in vertical flux at sites in the lower subreach is attributed to the movement of lateral subsurface waters originating from the adjacent floodplain. This lateral‐moving water preserved or decreased the vertical extent of the hyporheic mixing zone observed at a low river stage. Downwelling surface water appeared to be responsible for elevated dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and manganese (Mn) concentrations in shallow sediments (0–20 cm); however, lateral subsurface flows were probably important for elevated concentrations of these solutes at deeper levels. Results suggest that DOC delivered to hyporheic sediments during a high river stage from surface water and lateral subsurface sources could enhance heterotrophic microbial activities. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Hyporheic exchange increases the potential for solute retention in streams by slowing downstream transport and increasing solute contact with the substrate. Hyporheic exchange may be a major mechanism to remove nutrients in semi‐arid watersheds, where livestock have damaged stream riparian zones and contributed nutrients to stream channels. Debris dams, such as beaver dams and anthropogenic log dams, may increase hyporheic interactions by slowing stream water velocity, increasing flow complexity and diverting water to the subsurface. Here, we report the results of chloride tracer injection experiments done to evaluate hyporheic interaction along a 320 m reach of Red Canyon Creek, a second order stream in the semi‐arid Wind River Range of Wyoming. The study site is part of a rangeland watershed managed by The Nature Conservancy of Wyoming, and used as a hydrologic field site by the University of Missouri Branson Geologic Field Station. The creek reach we investigated has debris dams and tight meanders that hypothetically should enhance hyporheic interaction. Breakthrough curves of chloride measured during the field experiment were modelled with OTIS‐P, a one‐dimensional, surface‐water, solute‐transport model from which we extracted the storage exchange rate α and cross‐sectional area of the storage zone As for hyporheic exchange. Along gaining reaches of the stream reach, short‐term hyporheic interactions associated with debris dams were comparable to those associated with severe meanders. In contrast, along the non‐gaining reach, stream water was diverted to the subsurface by debris dams and captured by large‐scale near‐stream flow paths. Overall, hyporheic exchange rates along Red Canyon Creek during snowmelt recession equal or exceed exchange rates observed during baseflow at other streams. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Across 1·7 km2 of the Umatilla River floodplain (Oregon, USA), we investigated the influences of an ephemeral tributary and perennial ‘spring channel’ (fed only by upwelling groundwater) on hyporheic hydrology. We derived maps of winter and summer water‐table elevations from data collected at 46 monitoring wells and 19 stage gauges and used resulting maps to infer groundwater flow direction. Groundwater flow direction varied seasonally across the floodplain and was influenced by main channel stage, flooding, the tributary creek, and the location and direction of hyporheic exchange in the spring channel. Hyporheic exchange in the spring channel was evaluated with a geochemical mixing model, which confirmed patterns of floodplain groundwater movement inferred from water‐table maps and showed that the spring channel was fed predominantly by hyporheic water from the floodplain aquifer (87% during winter, 80% during summer), with its remaining flow supplied by upslope groundwater from the adjacent catchment aquifer. Summertime growth of aquatic macrophytes in the spring channel also influenced patterns of hyporheic exchange and groundwater flow direction in the alluvial aquifer by increasing flow resistance in the spring channel, locally raising surface water stage and adjacent water‐table elevation, and thereby altering the slope of the water‐table in the hyporheic zone. The Umatilla River floodplain is larger than most sites where hyporheic hydrology has been investigated in detail. Yet, our results corroborate other research that has identified off‐channel geomorphic features as important drivers of hyporheic hydrology, including previously published modeling efforts from a similar river and field observations from smaller streams. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Steven M. Wondzell 《水文研究》2011,25(22):3525-3532
Many hyporheic papers state that the hyporheic zone is a critical component of stream ecosystems, and many of these papers focus on the biogeochemical effects of the hyporheic zone on stream solute loads. However, efforts to show such relationships have proven elusive, prompting several questions: Are the effects of the hyporheic zone on stream ecosystems so highly variable in place and time (or among streams) that a consistent relationship should not be expected? Or, is the hyporheic zone less important in stream ecosystems than is commonly expected? These questions were examined using data from existing groundwater modelling studies of hyporheic exchange flow at five sites in a fifth‐order, mountainous stream network. The size of exchange flows, relative to stream discharge (QHEF:Q), was large only in very small streams at low discharge (area ≈ 100 ha; Q < 10 l/s). At higher flows (flow exceedance probability > 0·7) and in all larger streams, QHEF:Q was small. These data show that biogeochemical processes in the hyporheic zone of small streams can substantially influence the stream's solute load, but these processes become hydrologically constrained at high discharge or in larger streams and rivers. The hyporheic zone may influence stream ecosystems in many ways, however, not just through biogeochemical processes that alter stream solute loads. For example, the hyporheic zone represents a unique habitat for some organisms, with patterns and amounts of upwelling and downwelling water determining the underlying physiochemical environment of the hyporheic zone. Similarly, hyporheic exchange creates distinct patches of downwelling and upwelling. Upwelling environments are of special interest, because upwelling water has the potential to be thermally or chemically distinct from stream water. Consequently, micro‐environmental patches created by hyporheic exchange flows are likely to be important to biological and ecosystem processes, even if their impact on stream solute loads is small. Published in 2011 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

B. Yellen  D.F. Boutt 《水文研究》2015,29(15):3261-3275
In humid regions, where gaining river conditions generally prevail, daily hydroelectric dam releases alter downstream surface water–groundwater interactions by reversing the head gradient between river and adjacent groundwater. Previously, it has been noted that artificial stage changes due to dam releases enhance hyporheic exchange. Here we investigate the regulated Deerfield River in northwestern Massachusetts at multiple scales to evaluate how changing downstream geologic conditions along the river mediate this artificial hyporheic pumping. Water budget analysis indicates that roughly 10% of bank‐stored water is permanently lost from the 19.5‐km river reach, likely as a result of transpiration by bank vegetation. An adjacent reference stream with similar dimensions and geomorphology, but without hydropeaking, shows predictable gaining conditions. Field observations from streambed piezometers and thermistors show that water losses are not uniform throughout the study reach. Riparian aquifer transmissivity in river sub‐reaches largely determines the magnitude of surface water–groundwater exchange as well as net water loss from the river. These newly documented losses from hydropeaking river systems should inform decisions by river managers and hydroelectric operators of additional tradeoffs of oscillatory dam‐release river management. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Key processes in stream ecosystems are linked to hydraulic retention, which is the departure of stream flow from ideal ‘plug flow’, and reflects fluid movement through surface and hyporheic storage zones. Most existing information about hyporheic exchange is based on flume studies or field measurements in relatively steep streams with beds coarser than sand. Stream tracer studies may be used to quantify overall hydraulic retention, but disaggregation of surface and hyporheic retention remains difficult. A stream tracer approach was used to compute the rates at which stream water is exchanged with water in storage zones (total storage) in short reaches of two small, sand‐bed streams under free and obstructed flow conditions. Tracer curves were fit to the one‐dimensional transport with inflow storage model OTIS‐P. Networks of piezometers were used to measure specific discharge between the stream and the groundwater. In the sand‐bed streams studied, parameters describing total retention were in the upper 50% of data compiled from the literature, most of which represented streams with beds coarser than sand. However, hyporheic storage was an insignificant component of total hydraulic retention, representing only 0·01–0·49% of total exchange, and this fraction did not increase after installation of flow obstructions. Total retention did not vary systematically with bed material size, but increased 50–100% following flow obstruction. Removal of roughness elements, such as large wood and debris dams, is detrimental to processes dependent upon transient storage in small, sand‐bed streams. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Restoration of river–wetland systems to recover lost ecosystem services and restore consistent flood regimes is commonly directed at modifying in-channel storage and hyporheic exchange. Here, we monitored the hydrologic response to channel realignment in a montane river–wetland system by comparing pre- and post-restoration measurements. In 2015, an earthen berm and 190 m segment of the Upper Colorado River were constructed to consolidate flow from multiple channels into the historic thalweg. We injected a sodium chloride tracer during baseflow and used mass-balance calculations and electrical resistivity imaging to assess changes in near-channel hyporheic exchange. Results indicate a decrease in hyporheic exchange within the wetland due to lost complexity along the consolidated flow path. Subsurface complexity appears to control hyporheic exchange more than surface complexity. Flow consolidation increased the area-adjusted wetland water yield by 231 mm, indicating a loss of wetland water storage capacity. One year of post-restoration monitoring suggests that the form-based channel restoration directed at consolidating flow into a single thread adversely affected the hyporheic exchange functioning in the pre-restoration system. Results from this case study are applicable to restoration planners as they consider the effects of form-based projects on water storage capacity in similar systems. © 2018 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Impact of a low-permeability lens on dune-induced hyporheic exchange   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Hyporheic exchange induced by dunes is a key process controlling water fluxes and biogeochemical processes in river networks. Owing to the limitations of instrumental detection at small spatial scales, previous studies have focused mainly on dune-induced hyporheic exchange in homogeneous systems. A low-permeability lens is a natural, widespread heterogeneity in stream beds, and probably affects the processes of water flow and contaminant transportation significantly. To quantitatively analyse the response mechanism of hyporheic exchange to a low-permeability lens, a two-dimensional dune-generated hyporheic exchange model was developed using the VS2DH model. The results indicate a lens in a stream bed can hinder or enhance hyporheic exchange processes, depending on its relative spatial location to dunes. Both the increase in length and thickness of the lens could strengthen its impacts on hyporheic exchange. Regional groundwater–surface water interactions of higher intensity suppress the flow of hyporheic exchange in a stream bed with a low-permeability lens.  相似文献   

In coastal rivers, tides can propagate for tens to hundreds of kilometres inland beyond the saltwater line. Yet the influence of tides on river–aquifer connectivity and solute transport in tidal freshwater zones (TFZs) is largely unknown. We estimate that along the TFZ of White Clay Creek (Delaware, USA), 11% of river water exchanges through tidal bank storage zones. Additional hyporheic processes such as flow through bedforms likely contribute even more exchange. The turnover length associated with tidal bank storage is 150 km, on the order of turnover lengths for all hyporheic exchange processes in non‐tidal rivers of similar size. Based on measurements at a transect of piezometers located 17 km from the coast, tides exchange 0.36 m3 of water across the banks and 0.86 m3 across the bed per unit river length. Exchange fluxes range from ?1.66 to 2.26 m day?1 across the bank and ?0.84 to 1.88 m day?1 across the bed. During rising tide, river water infiltrates into the riparian aquifer, and the downstream transport rate in the channel is low. During falling tide, stored groundwater is released to the river, and the downstream transport rate in the channel increases. Tidal bank storage zones may remove nutrients or other contaminants from river water and attenuate nutrient loads to coasts. Alternating expansion and contraction of aerobic zones in the riparian aquifer likely influence contaminant removal along flow paths. A clear need exists to understand contaminant removal and other ecosystem services in TFZs and adopt best management practices to promote these ecosystem services. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Despite the presence of gas in river beds being a well known phenomenon, its potential feedbacks on the hydraulic and thermal dynamics of the hyporheic zone has not been widely studied. This paper explores hypotheses that the presence of accumulated gas impacts the hydraulic and thermal dynamics of a river bed due to changes in specific storage, hydraulic conductivity, effective porosity, and thermal diffusivity. The hypotheses are tested using data analysis and modelling for a study site on the urban River Tame, Birmingham, UK. Gas, predominantly attributed to microbial denitrification, was observed in the river bed up to around 14% by volume, and to at least 0.8 m depth below river bed. Numerical modelling indicates that, by altering the relative hydraulic conductivity distribution, the gas in the river bed leads to an increase of groundwater discharge from the river banks (relative to river bed) by a factor of approximately 2 during river low flow periods. The increased compressible storage of the gas phase in the river bed leads to an increase in the simulated volume of river water invading the river bed within the centre of the channel during storm events. The exchange volume can be more than 30% greater in comparison to that for water saturated conditions. Furthermore, the presence of gas also reduces the water-filled porosity, and so the possible depth of such invading flows may also increase markedly, by more than a factor of 2 in the observed case. Observed diurnal temperature variations within the gaseous river bed at 0.1 and 0.5 m depth are, respectively, around 1.5 and 6 times larger than those predicted for saturated sediments. Annual temperature fluctuations are seen to be enhanced by around 4 to 20% compared to literature values for saturated sediments. The presence of gas may thus alter the bulk thermal properties to such a degree that the use of heat tracer techniques becomes subject to a much greater degree of uncertainty. Although the likely magnitude of thermal and hydraulic changes due to the presence of gas for this site have been demonstrated, further research is needed into the origins of the gas and its spatial and temporal variability to enable quantification of the significance of these changes for chemical attenuation and hyporheic zone biology.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to study denitrification and the conditions for its development in a hyporheic zone. The study site is the riparian zone of a former branch of the Seine River, where the river stage is kept almost constant during the year by hydraulic regulation. Hydrological and geochemical surveys were performed by monitoring four wells, ten shorter piezometers and the river over a 15‐month period. The water fluxes originating from the chalky hillsides and the river converge in a zone parallel to the river that acts as a drainage flow path through the floodplain. The riparian zone between this flow path and the river shows an important depletion of nitrate during the summer and autumn period, which cannot be explained by a simple mixing of waters coming from the river and the chalky hillsides. It can be attributed to denitrification as it occurs when oxygen concentration is below 2 mg l?1, and goes along with a consumption of dissolved organic carbon and a decrease of redox potential. The river completely controls these hydro‐geochemical conditions. It also keeps the wetness of the riparian zone almost constant, which allowed us to isolate the high temperatures in summer and autumn as an important triggering factor for denitrification through its influence on the reaction rate and oxygen deficits. We also found a small isotopic enrichment of nitrate, suggesting that denitrification occurs after diffusion of nitrate through the sediment and riparian zone matrix, which is consistent with the hyporheic functioning of the study site. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Rivers and aquifers are, in many cases, a connected resource and as such the interactions between them need to be understood and quantified for the resource to be managed appropriately. The objective of this paper is to advance the understanding of river–aquifer interactions processes in semi‐arid environments stressed by groundwater abstraction. This is performed using data from a specific catchment where records of precipitation, evapotranspiration, river flow, groundwater levels and groundwater abstraction are analysed using basic statistics, hydrograph analysis and a simple mathematical model to determine the processes causing the spatial and temporal changes in river–aquifer interactions. This combined approach provides a novel but simple methodology to analyse river–aquifer interactions, which can be applied to catchments worldwide. The analysis revealed that the groundwater levels have declined (~ 3 m) since the onset of groundwater abstraction. The decline is predominantly due to the abstraction rather than climatic changes (r = 0.84 for the relationship between groundwater abstraction and groundwater levels; r = 0.92 for the relationship between decline in groundwater levels and magnitude of seasonal drawdown). It is then demonstrated that, since the onset of abstraction, the river has changed from being gaining to losing during low‐flow periods, defined as periods with flow less than 0.5, 1.0 or 1.5 GL/day (1 GL/day = 1 × 106 m3/day). If defined as < 1.0 GL/day, low‐flow periods constitute approximately 65% of the river flows; the periods where the river is losing at low‐flow conditions are thus significant. Importantly, there was a significant delay (> 10 years) between the onset of groundwater abstraction and the changeover from gaining to losing conditions. Finally, a relationship between the groundwater gradient towards the river and the river flow at low‐flow is demonstrated. The results have important implications for water management as well as water ecology and quality. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In the McMurdo Dry Valleys of Antarctica, glaciers are the source of meltwater during the austral summer, and the streams and adjacent hyporheic zones constitute the entire physical watershed; there are no hillslope processes in these systems. Hyporheic zones can extend several metres from each side of the stream, and are up to 70 cm deep, corresponding to a lateral cross‐section as large as 12 m2, and water resides in the subsurface year around. In this study, we differentiate between the near‐stream hyporheic zone, which can be characterized with stream tracer experiments, and the extended hyporheic zone, which has a longer time‐scale of exchange. We sampled stream water from Green Creek and from the adjacent saturated alluvium for stable isotopes of D and 18O to assess the significance and extent of stream‐water exchange between the streams and extended hyporheic zones over long time‐scales (days to weeks). Our results show that water residing in the extended hyporheic zone is much more isotopically enriched (up to 11‰ D and 2·2‰ 18O) than stream water. This result suggests a long residence time within the extended hyporheic zone, during which fractionation has occurred owing to summer evaporation and winter sublimation of hyporheic water. We found less enriched water in the extended hyporheic zone later in the flow season, suggesting that stream water may be exchanged into and out of this zone, on the time‐scale of weeks to months. The transient storage model OTIS was used to characterize the exchange of stream water with the extended hyporheic zone. Model results yield exchange rates (α) generally an order magnitude lower (10?5 s?1) than those determined using stream‐tracer techniques on the same stream. In light of previous studies in these streams, these results suggest that the hyporheic zones in Antarctic streams have near‐stream zones of rapid stream‐water exchange, where ‘fast’ biogeochemical reactions may influence water chemistry, and extended hyporheic zones, in which slower biogeochemical reaction rates may affect stream‐water chemistry at longer time‐scales. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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