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Valley networks observed on the martian surface are found mostly on Noachian-aged highlands units, but a few occur on younger volcanic edifices. Enigmatically, they do not occur on all younger volcanoes of similar age or location. Using new data, we reanalyze the radially arrayed valleys on the flanks of Hecates Tholus, a Hesperian-aged shield volcano, and test the hypothesis that these valleys might have formed via basal melting of summit snowpack. We find that magmatic intrusions with reasonable geometries provide sufficient heat flux to cause basal melting of snowpack, with the resulting meltwater interpreted to be responsible for incision of the observed valleys. Valley morphology is similar to valleys observed adjacent to seasonally melting Antarctic Dry Valley glaciers formed on comparable slopes, supporting the hypothesis of a snowmelt origin. These relatively young valley networks are thus plausibly interpreted to form under circumstances in which summit snow accumulation was melted during one or more episodes of high localized heat flux.  相似文献   

A number of Martian volcanoes, especially Ceraunius Tholus, Uranius Tholus, Uranius Patera, and Hecates Tholus, show morphological features strikingly different from those of shield volcanoes but analogous to those of terrestrial cones and composite volcanoes such as Barcena Volcano, Mexico. The most distinguishing overall features are steep slope angles, and Krakatoa-type caldera morphologies. Erosional features comprise numerous radial channels which extend from below the rim toward the base of the dome, and in some cases, patterns of anastamosing gullies which contribute to the main radial channels. Constructional features include blanketed flanks interpreted as dune or fan-like deposits of ash, and perhaps lava deltas. A possible explanation for the morphological features associated with these volcanoes is that they were formed by explosive volcanic density currents. Such eruptions would be expected on Mars where a rising magma came in contact with a thick layer of permafrost generating a base surge or after a Vulcanian explosion of a separate gas phase producing a nuée ardente. Crater age data from the surface of Martian domes and shields indicate that such explosive activity occurred more frequently early in Martian geologic history. This is more consistent with the view that the volcanic density flows were base surges rather than nuées ardentes, the melting of permafrost supplying the water required in base surge generation. If atmospheric conditions were more clement at the time, allowing the recycling of water back to the ground water, then the length of duration of phreatic activity would have been longer, not being limited by depletion time of the local permafrost reservoir.  相似文献   

New topographic maps of six large central volcanoes on Mars are presented and discussed. These features are Olympus Mons, Elysium Mons, Albor Tholus, Ceraunius Tholus, Uranius Tholus, and Uranius Patera. Olympus Mons has the general form of a terrestrial basaltic shield constructed almost entirely from lava flows; but with 20 to 23 km of relief it is far larger. Flank slopes average about 4°. A nominal density calculated from the shield volume and the local free-air gravity anomaly is so high that anomalously dense lithosphere probably underlies the shield. Uranius Patera is a similar feature of much lower present relief, about 2 km, but its lower flanks have been buried by later lava flood deposits. Elysium Mons has about 13 km of local relief and average slopes of 4.4°, not significantly steeper than those of Olympus Mons. Its upper flank slopes are significantly steeper than those of Olympus Mons. We suggest Elysium Mons is a shield volcano modified and steepened by a terminal phase of mixed volcanic activity. Alternatively, the volcano may be a composite cone. Albor Tholus is a partially buried 3-km-tall shield-like construct. Ceranius and Uranius Tholus are steeper cone-like features with relief of about 6 and 2 km, respectively. Slopes are within the normal range for terrestrial basaltic shields, however, and topographic and morphologic data indicate burial of lower flanks by plains forming lavas. These cones may be lava shield constructs modified by a terminal stage of explosive activity which created striking radial patterns of flank channels. Differences among these six volcanoes in flank slopes and surface morphology may be primarily consequences of different terminal phases of volcanic activity, which added little to the volume of any construct, and burial of shallow lower flanks by later geologic events. Additional topographic data for Olympus Mons, Arsia Mons, and Hadriaca Patera are described. The digital techniques used to extract topographiv data from Viking Orbiter stereo images are also described.  相似文献   

Caleb I. Fassett 《Icarus》2008,195(1):61-89
Valley networks, concentrations of dendritic channels that often suggest widespread pluvial and fluvial activity, have been cited as indicators that the climate of Mars differed significantly in the past from the present hyperarid cold desert conditions. Some researchers suggest that the change in climate was abrupt, while others favor a much more gradual transition. Thus, the precise timing of valley network formation is critical to understanding the climate history on Mars. We examine thirty valley network-incised regions on Mars, including both cratered upland valley networks and those outside the uplands, and apply a buffered crater counting technique to directly constrain when valley network formation occurred. The crater populations that we derive using this approach allow assessment of the timing of the last activity in a valley network independent of the mapping of specific geological units. From these measurements we find that valley networks cluster into two subdivisions in terms characteristics and age: (1) valley network activity in the cratered highlands has an average cessation age at the Noachian-Hesperian boundary and all valleys that we crater counted are Early Hesperian or older. No evidence is found for valley networks in the cratered uplands of Late Hesperian or Amazonian age. The timing of the cessation of cratered upland valley network activity at the Noachian-Hesperian boundary also corresponds to a decline in the intensity of large crater formation and degradation and to the apparent end of phyllosilicate-type weathering. (2) A few valley network-incised regions formed outside of the cratered uplands on volcanic edifices, in association with younger impact craters, and on the rim of Valles Marineris. We applied our buffered crater counting technique to four such valleys, on the volcanoes Ceraunius Tholus, Hecates Tholus, and Alba Patera and on the rim of Echus Chasma, and find that each has distinctive and different Late Hesperian or Early Amazonian ages, indicating that valley networks formed from time to time in the post-Noachian period. Unlike the cratered upland valley networks, these isolated occurrences are very local and have been interpreted to represent local conditions (e.g., snowpack melted during periods of intrusive volcanic activity). In contrast to a gradual cessation in the formation of valley networks proposed by some workers, our new buffered crater counting results indicate a relatively abrupt cessation in the formation of the widespread cratered upland valley networks at approximately the end of the Noachian, followed only by episodic and very localized valley network formation in later Mars history, very likely due to specific conditions (e.g., local magmatic heating). These valley network ages and correlations are thus consistent with a major change in the near-surface aqueous environment on Mars at approximately the Noachian-Hesperian boundary. The Noachian environment supported surface running water and fluvial erosion across Mars in the cratered uplands, enhanced crater degradation, and a weathering environment favoring the formation of phyllosilicates. The Hesperian-Amazonian environment was more similar to the hyperarid cold desert of today, with valley networks forming only extremely rarely and confined to localized special conditions. Sources of water for these latter occurrences are likely to be related to periodic mobilization and equatorward migration of polar volatiles due to variations in spin-axis orbital parameters, and to periodic catastrophic emergence of groundwater.  相似文献   

A multidisciplinary approach involving various remote sensing instruments is used to investigate Apollinaris Mons, a prominent volcano on Mars, as well as the surrounding plains for signs of prolonged hydrologic and volcanic, and possibly hydrothermal activity. The main findings include (1) evidence from laser altimetry indicating the large thickness (1.5–2 km at some locations) of the fan deposits draping the southern flank contrary to previous estimates, coupled with possible layering which point to a significant emplacement phase at Apollinaris Mons, (2) corroboration of Robinson et al. (Robinson, M.S., Mouginis-Mark, P.J., Zimbelman, J.R., Wu, S.S.C., Ablin, K.K., Howington-Kraus, A.E. [1993]. Icarus 104, 301–323) hypothesis regarding the formation of incised valleys on the western flanks by density current erosion which would indicate magma–water interaction or, alternatively, volatile-rich magmas early in the volcano’s history, (3) mounds of diverse geometric shapes, many of which display summit depressions and occur among faults and fractures, possibly marking venting, (4) strong indicators on the flanks of the volcano for lahar events, and possibly, a caldera lake, (5) ubiquitous presence of impact craters displaying fluidized ejecta in both shield-forming (flank and caldera) materials and materials that surround the volcano that are indicative of water-rich target materials at the time of impact, (6) long-term complex association in time among shield-forming materials and Medusae Fossae Formation.The findings point to a site of extensive volcanic and hydrologic activity with possibly a period of magma–water interaction and hydrothermal activity. Finally, we propose that the mound structures around Apollinaris should be prime targets for further in situ exploration and search for possible exobiological signatures.  相似文献   

Hydrogeological modification of Meteor Crater produced a spectacular set of gullies throughout the interior wall in response to rainwater precipitation, snow melting, and possible groundwater discharge. The crater wall has an exceptionally well-developed centripetal drainage pattern consisting of individual alcoves, channels, and fans. Some of the gullies originate from the rim crest and others from the middle crater wall where a lithologic transition occurs; broad gullies occur along the crater corner radial faults. Deeply incised alcoves are well developed on the soft Coconino Sandstone exposed on the middle crater wall, beneath overlying dolomite. In general, the gully locations are along crater wall radial fractures and faults, which are favorable locales of erosion due to preferential rock breakup from faulting, and groundwater flow/discharge; these structural discontinuities are also the locales where the surface runoff from rain precipitation and snow melting can preferentially flow, causing erosion and crater degradation. Channels are well developed on the talus deposits and alluvial fans on the periphery of the crater floor. Caves exposed on the lower crater level point to percolation of surface runoff and selective discharge through fractures on the crater wall. In addition, lake sediments on the crater floor provide significant evidence of a past pluvial climate, when the water table was higher, and groundwater may have seeped from springs on the crater wall. Although these hydrological processes continue at Meteor Crater today, conditions at the crater are much more arid than they were soon after impact, reflecting a climatic shift. This climate shift and the hydrological modifications observed at Meteor Crater provide insights for landscape sculpturing on Mars during various parts of its history.  相似文献   

J.B Plescia 《Icarus》2003,165(2):223-241
Tharsis Tholus is unusual martian shield volcano in that the edifice is cut by a series of large normal faults that appear to penetrate the entire volcano. Northeast-trending narrow graben also cut the flank. The large normal faults may be caused by loading of a ductile subsurface layer allowing failure of the edifice; the narrow graben are typical tensional faults. The flank is heavily mantled by aeolian material. Despite the bulbous appearance, the overall morphology of Tharsis Tholus suggests it is a basaltic shield. Crater counts indicate an age of early Hesperian placing Tharsis Tholus in the middle of the period of activity that built the other small Tharsis volcanoes.  相似文献   

Geological mapping of Elysium Planitia has led to the recognition of five major surface units, in addition to the three volcanic constructs Elysium Mons, Hecates Tholus, and Albor Tholus. These units are interpreted to be both volcanic and sedimentary or erosional in origin. The volcano Elysium Mons is seen to have dominated constructional activity within the whole region, erupting lava flows which extend up to 600km from the summit. A major vent system, covering an area in excess of 75 000 km2, is identified within the Elysium Fossae area. Forty-one sinuous channels are visible within Elysium Planitia; these channels are thought to be analogous to lunar sinuous rilles and their formation in this region of Mars is attributed to unusually high regional topographic slopes (up to ~ 1.7). Numerous circumferential graben are centered upon Elysium Mons. These graben, located at radial distances of 175, 205–225, and 330km from the summit, evidently post-dated the emplacement of the Elysium Mons lava flows but pre-dated the eruption of extensive flood lavas to the west of the volcano. A great diversity of channel types is observed within Elysium Fossae. The occurrences of streamlined islands and multiple floor-levels within some channels suggests a fluvial origin. Conversely, the sinuosity and enlarged source craters of other channels suggests a volcanic origin. Impact crater morphology, the occurrence of chaotic terrain, probable pyroclastic deposits upon Hecates Tholus and fluvial channels all suggest extensive volcano-ground ice interactions within this area.NASA Summer Intern.  相似文献   

Abundant evidence exists for glaciation being an important geomorphic process in the mid-latitude regions of both hemispheres of Mars, as well as in specific environments at near-equatorial latitudes, such as along the western flanks of the major Tharsis volcanoes. Detailed analyses of glacial landforms (lobate-debris aprons, lineated valley fill, concentric crater fill, viscous flow features) have suggested that this glaciation was predominantly cold-based. This is consistent with the view that the Amazonian has been continuously cold and dry, similar to conditions today. We present new data based on a survey of images from the Context Camera (CTX) on the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter that some of these glaciers experienced limited surface melting, leading to the formation of small glaciofluvial valleys. Some of these valleys show evidence for proglacial erosion (eroding the region immediately in front of or adjacent to a glacier), while others are supraglacial (eroding a glacier’s surface). These valleys formed during the Amazonian, consistent with the inferred timing of glacial features based on both crater counts and stratigraphic constraints. The small scale of the features interpreted to be of glaciofluvial origin hindered earlier recognition, although their scale is similar to glaciofluvial counterparts on Earth. These valleys appear qualitatively different from valley networks formed in the Noachian, which can be much longer and often formed integrated networks and large lakes. The valleys we describe here are also morphologically distinct from gullies, which are very recent fluvial landforms formed during the last several million years and on much steeper slopes (∼20-30° for gullies versus ?10° for the valleys we describe). These small valleys represent a distinct class of fluvial features on the surface of Mars (glaciofluvial); their presence shows that the hydrology of Amazonian Mars is more diverse than previously thought.  相似文献   

Gareth A. Morgan 《Icarus》2009,202(1):39-59
The majority of martian valley networks are found on Noachian-aged terrain and are attributed to be the result of a ‘warm and wet’ climate that prevailed early in Mars' history. Younger valleys have been identified, though these are largely interpreted to be the result of localized conditions associated with the melting of ice from endogenic heat sources. Sinton crater, a 60 km diameter impact basin in the Deuteronilus Mensae region of the dichotomy boundary, is characterized by small anastomosing valley networks that are located radial to the crater rim. Large scale deposits, interpreted to be the remains of debris covered glaciers, have been identified in the area surrounding Sinton, and our observations have revealed the occurrence of an ice rich fill deposit within the crater itself. We have conducted a detailed investigated into the Sinton valley networks with all the available remote data sets and have dated their formation to the Amazonian/Hesperian boundary. The spatial and temporal association between Sinton crater and the valley networks suggest that the impact was responsible for their formation. We find that the energy provided by an asteroid impact into surficial deposits of snow/ice is sufficient to generate the required volumes of melt water needed for the valley formation. We therefore interpret these valleys to represent a distinct class of martian valley networks. This example demonstrates the potential for impacts to cause the onset of fluvial erosion on Mars. Our results also suggest that periods of glacial activity occurred throughout the Amazonian and into the Hesperian in association with variations in spin orbital parameters.  相似文献   

The occurrence of fluvial activity and standing bodies of water on early Mars is the subject of debate. Using MOC, MOLA, and THEMIS data, we identify a whole set of landforms in the Thaumasia region which attest to water flows during geologically long periods of more than thousand years. A thick fan-delta is identified within an impact crater at the outlet of a deep valley. Ponded water filled and overflowed this crater's rim, creating entrance and exit breaches and an outlet valley. These landforms show that the 25-km diameter impact crater contained a lake up to 600 m deep. At the head of this crater's deep contributing valley, a closed depression may have contained another lake, but depositional landforms are not evident in this headward basin. Alternatively, groundwater discharge may have supplied the valley, but the observed landforms are not consistent with a sudden release of water, as is usually invoked for the large martian outflows channels. Stratigraphic relationships show that this hydrological activity occurred during the Hesperian period, thus relatively late in the history of martian valley network development.  相似文献   

Glacial bedform patterns and sediments deposited by the temperate and polythermal Late Devensian ice sheet in north-central Ireland record changes in the processes, location, and magnitude of subglacial meltwater throughout the last full glacial cycle (21–14 14C kyear BP). Meltwater characteristics are related directly to basal ice thermal regime and ice dynamics, including ice velocity and shifts in the location of ice centres. Therefore, reconstructed meltwater characteristics may provide insight into wider controls on dynamic ice behaviour. A range of meltwater-related features are present across north-central Ireland. These include tunnel valleys, drumlin leeside sequences, eskers, and boulder lags. Other bedforms including Rogen moraines were modified by meltwater activity along ice streams. Meltwater was stored subglacially in two contrasting regions located beneath or near ice centres in north-central Ireland. (1) The Lough Erne Basin is developed in a lowland depression occupied partly by subglacial Rogen moraine ridges which were formed around the time of the last glacial maximum. Meltwater was stored between Rogen ridge crests and released by hydraulic jacking associated with drumlinisation (16.6 14C kyear BP) and ice streaming (13.8 14C kyear BP). (2) The Lough Neagh Basin occupies a similar lowland depression and was the location of an ice sheet centre throughout the last glacial cycle. No bedforms are present beneath or immediately surrounding Lough Neagh. A larger, more continuous meltwater lake existed in the Lough Neagh depression, probably sealed by a region of cold-based ice outside lake margins. Water escaped through regional-scale tunnel valleys, particularly the Poyntzpass channel which was active during the Carlingford ice readvance (Killard Stadial, correlated with Heinrich event 1 at 14.5 14C kyear BP). Overall, reconstructed subglacial lake characteristics and drainage mechanisms are related closely to basal ice thermal regime and substrate relief (controlling lake geometry), and provide insight into controls on overall ice sheet dynamics.  相似文献   

We have studied a terraced fan deposit with unique characteristics located within a trough of Coprates Catena. The fan has an average length of 6.8 km, and is approximately 44 km2 in area and 18 km3 in volume. The fan's broad contributing valley is approximately 35 km long and it noticeably increases in depth about 12.8 km before it intersects the trough, where a rounded knickpoint marks the transition between flat-floored upstream and V-shaped downstream cross-sections. A 14-km-long channel with no apparent source enters the contributing valley from the south. A much smaller sinuous channel has incised along a smaller V-shaped valley in the uppermost eastern portion of the fan deposit. We explored several possible origins for the terraced fan, including mass wasting, volcanic flow, alluvial fan, and delta. We propose that water sourced from volcanic melting of ice eroded and transported material along the contributing valley. This material was then deposited as a delta in a lake within the trough. The concentric terraces are most likely the result of shoreline or ice cover erosion during drops in lake level. A light-toned layered deposit to the east of the fan deposit along the floor of the trough may represent a sedimentary unit formed during the terminal stages of the lake. Although other terraced fans have been identified on Mars, the Coprates Catena fan is unique because it has many more terraces and its surface was incised by a channel and associated valley. The identification of several other valleys to the east suggests that volcanic melting of volatiles during the Hesperian Period created favorable conditions for water flow along the plains in this region.  相似文献   

A 3.4 km-high, dome-shaped upland in eastern Tithonium Chasma (TC) coincides with areas containing abundant surface signatures of the sulphate mineral kiersite, as identified by the OMEGA image spectrometer. The dome has surface features on its summit, flanks, and at its base that were apparently formed by liquid water released from melting ice. These features include a variety of karst landforms as well as erosive and depositional landforms. The surface of the dome has few impact craters, which suggests a relatively young age for the dome. Rock layers in the dome are laterally continuous but are visibly deformed in some places. The mineralogical and structural characteristics of the dome suggest that it was emplaced as a diapir, similar to many salt diapirs on Earth.  相似文献   

K.E. Williams  O.B. Toon  C. McKay 《Icarus》2008,196(2):565-577
Christensen [2003. Nature 422, 45-48] suggested that runoff from melting snowpacks on martian slopes might be responsible for carving gullies. He also suggested that snowpacks currently exist on Mars, for example on the walls of Dao Valles (approximately 33° S). Such snowpacks were presumably formed during the last obliquity cycle, which occurred about 70,000 years ago. In this paper we investigate a specific scenario under conditions we believe are favorable for snowpack melting. We model the rate at which a snowpack located at 33° S on a poleward-facing slope sublimates and melts on Mars, as well as the temperature profile within the snowpack. Our model includes the energy and mass balance of a snowpack experiencing diurnal variations in insolation. Our results indicate that a dirty snowpack would quickly sublimate and melt under current martian climate conditions. For example a 1 m thick dusty snowpack of moderate density (550 kg/m3) and albedo (0.39) would sublimate in less than two seasons, producing a small amount of meltwater runoff. Similarly, a cleaner snowpack (albedo 0.53) would disappear in less than 9 seasons. These results suggest that the putative snowpack almost certainly could not have survived for 70,000 years. For most of the parameter settings snowpack interior temperatures at this latitude and slope do reach the melting point. Under most conditions melting occurs when the snowpack is less than 10 cm thick. The modeled snowpack will not melt if it is covered by a 1 cm dust lag. In general, these findings raise interesting possibilities regarding gully formation, but perhaps mostly during a past climate regime when snowfall was expected to have occurred. If there currently are exposed snowpacks on martian mid-latitude slopes, then these ice sheets cannot last long. Hence they might be time variable features on Mars and should be searched for.  相似文献   

Global recharge of the martian hydrologic system has traditionally been viewed as occurring through basal melting of the south polar cap. We conclude that regional recharge of a groundwater system at the large volcanic provinces, Elysium and Tharsis, is also very plausible and has several advantages over a south polar recharge source in providing a more direct, efficient supply of water to the outflow channel source regions surrounding these areas. This recharge scenario is proposed to have operated concurrently with and within the context of a global cryosphere–hydrosphere system of the subsurface characteristic of post-Noachian periods. To complement existing groundwater flow modeling studies, we examine geologic evidence and possible mechanisms for accumulation of water at high elevations on the volcanic rises, such as melting snow, infiltration, and increased effective permeability of the subsurface between the recharge zone and outflow source. Evidence for the presence of large Amazonian-aged cold-based piedmont glaciers on the Tharsis Montes has been well documented. Climate modeling predicts snow accumulation on high volcanic rises at obliquities thought to be typical over much of martian history. Thermal gradients causing basal melting of snowpack over 1 km thick could provide several kg m−2 yr−1 of water, charging a volume equivalent to the pore space in a square meter column of subsurface in less than 1.5×105 yr. In order to account for estimated outflow channel volumes, the subsurface volume above the elevation of the outflow channels must be charged several times over the area of Tharsis. Complete aquifer recharge can be accomplished in ∼0.3–2 My through the snowpack melting mechanism at Tharsis and in ∼5×104 years for channel requirements at Elysium. Abundant radial dikes emanating from large martian volcanic rises can crack and/or melt the cryosphere, initiating water outflow and creating anisotropies that can channel subsurface water from a high-elevation groundwater reservoir to outflow sources. In this model, snow accumulation, infiltration of meltwater, and increased effective permeabilities are a consequence of the geologic, thermal, and climatic environment at Elysium and Tharsis, and may have had a genetic influence on the preferential distribution of outflow channels around volcanic rises on Mars.  相似文献   

A broad pitted plain and an elongated low rise occur near the south pole of Mars between a region of major cavi (Cavi Angusti) and a regionally smooth and broad valley (Argentea Planum). Viking, Mars Global Surveyor (MGS), and Odyssey data reveal a densely pitted plain covering ∼6750 km2, and containing >300 irregularly shaped, steep-walled and flat-floored depressions with a mean diameter of ∼3.5 km. At the southernmost (poleward) extent of this plain are 12 north/south trending linear valleys that are characterized by theater-shaped heads abutting a major cavi within Cavi Angusti. The pitted plain, which abuts Cavi Angusti to the southwest, is separated from the floor of Argentea Planum by a smooth, elongated low rise that extends parallel to the plain for ∼200 km. These unusual features are all found within the Hesperian-aged circumpolar Dorsa Argentea Formation, which has been interpreted by some workers to be an ice-rich glacier-related deposit. We interpret the pitted plain to represent the maximum northern extent of the Angusti lobe ice deposit. The pits are analogous in morphology and distribution to terrestrial kettle holes, which form from the melting of isolated ice-blocks surrounded and partly buried by sediment, to leave hollows. The linear valleys are consistent with sapping valleys formed from the release of an elevated groundwater table, fed by meltwater lakes. On the basis of these characteristics, relationships and analogs, we interpret the marginal facies to represent an ice-sheet/lake contact environment that existed during Hesperian time.  相似文献   

Uzboi Vallis (centered at ∼28°S, 323°E) is ∼400 km long and comprises the southernmost segment of the northward-draining Uzboi-Ladon-Morava (ULM) meso-scale outflow system that emerges from Argyre basin. Bond and Holden craters blocked the valley to the south and north, respectively, forming a Late Noachian-to-Hesperian paleolake basin that exceeded 4000 km3. Limited CRISM data suggest lake deposits in Uzboi and underlying basin floor incorporate relatively more Mg-clays and more Fe-clays, respectively. The short-lived lake overflowed and breached Holden crater’s rim at an elevation of −350 m and rapidly drained into the crater. Fan deltas in Holden extend 25 km from the breach and incorporate meter-sized blocks, and longitudinal grooves along the Uzboi basin floor are hundreds of meters long and average 60 m wide, suggesting high-discharge drainage of the lake. Precipitation-derived runoff rather than regional groundwater or overflow from Argyre dominated contributions to the Uzboi lake, although the failure of most tributaries to respond to a lowering of base level indicates their incision largely ended when the lake drained. The Uzboi lake may have coincided with alluvial and/or lacustrine activity in Holden, Eberswalde, and other craters in southern Margaritifer Terra, where fluvial/lacustrine activity may have required widespread, synoptic precipitation (rain or snow), perhaps associated with an ephemeral, global hydrologic system during the Late Noachian into the Hesperian on Mars.  相似文献   

Subglacial lakes and jökulhlaups in Iceland   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Active volcanoes and hydrothermal systems underlie ice caps in Iceland. Glacier–volcano interactions produce meltwater that either drains toward the glacier margin or accumulates in subglacial lakes. Accumulated meltwater drains periodically in jökulhlaups from the subglacial lakes and occasionally during volcanic eruptions. The release of meltwater from glacial lakes can take place in two different mechanisms. Drainage can begin at pressures lower than the ice overburden in conduits that expand slowly due to melting of the ice walls by frictional and sensible heat in the water. Alternatively, the lake level rises until the ice dam is lifted and water pressure in excess of the ice overburden opens the waterways; the glacier is lifted along the flowpath to make space for the water. In this case, discharge rises faster than can be accommodated by melting of the conduits. Normally jökulhlaups do not lead to glacier surges but eruptions in ice-capped stratovolcanoes have caused rapid and extensive glacier sliding. Jökulhlaups from subglacial lakes may transport on the order of 107 tons of sediment per event but during violent volcanic eruptions, the sediment load has been 108 tons.  相似文献   

A remarkable set of albedo changes has been uncovered by Mariner 9 photography of the upper slopes of the shield volcano Pavonis Mons, near its summit caldera. The most likely explanation of the event is aeolian transport of fine-grained particles. Since the atmospheric pressure in this locality is ~ 1.5 mb, minimum wind velocities above the surface boundary layer of about 110 m/s are necessary, corresponding to 0.51 of the speed of sound. Slope winds in this velocity range are expected near the upper flanks of major Martian volcanic constructs.  相似文献   

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