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The global distribution of phosphine (PH3) on Jupiter and Saturn is derived using 2.5 cm−1 spectral resolution Cassini/CIRS observations. We extend the preliminary PH3 analyses on the gas giants [Irwin, P.G.J., and 6 colleagues, 2004. Icarus 172, 37-49; Fletcher, L.N., and 9 colleagues, 2007a. Icarus 188, 72-88] by (a) incorporating a wider range of Cassini/CIRS datasets and by considering a broader spectral range; (b) direct incorporation of thermal infrared opacities due to tropospheric aerosols and (c) using a common retrieval algorithm and spectroscopic line database to allow direct comparison between these two gas giants.The results suggest striking similarities between the tropospheric dynamics in the 100-1000 mbar regions of the giant planets: both demonstrate enhanced PH3 at the equator, depletion over neighbouring equatorial belts and mid-latitude belt/zone structures. Saturn's polar PH3 shows depletion within the hot cyclonic polar vortices. Jovian aerosol distributions are consistent with previous independent studies, and on Saturn we demonstrate that CIRS spectra are most consistent with a haze in the 100-400 mbar range with a mean optical depth of 0.1 at 10 μm. Unlike Jupiter, Saturn's tropospheric haze shows a hemispherical asymmetry, being more opaque in the southern summer hemisphere than in the north. Thermal-IR haze opacity is not enhanced at Saturn's equator as it is on Jupiter.Small-scale perturbations to the mean PH3 abundance are discussed both in terms of a model of meridional overturning and parameterisation as eddy mixing. The large-scale structure of the PH3 distributions is likely to be related to changes in the photochemical lifetimes and the shielding due to aerosol opacities. On Saturn, the enhanced summer opacity results in shielding and extended photochemical lifetimes for PH3, permitting elevated PH3 levels over Saturn's summer hemisphere.  相似文献   

These are the first results from nadir studies of meridional variations in the abundance of stratospheric acetylene and ethane from Cassini/CIRS data in the southern hemisphere of Saturn. High resolution, 0.5 cm−1, CIRS data was used from three data sets taken in June-November 2004 and binned into 2° wide latitudinal strips to increase the signal-to-noise ratio. Tropospheric and stratospheric temperatures were initially retrieved to determine the temperature profile for each latitude bin. The stratospheric temperature at 2 mbar increased by 14 K from 9° to 68° S, including a steep 4 K rise between 60° and 68° S. The tropospheric temperatures showed significantly more meridional variation than the stratospheric ones, the locations of which are strongly correlated to that of the zonal jets. Stratospheric acetylene abundance decreases steadily from 30 to 68° S, by a factor of 1.8 at 2.0 mbar. Between 18° and 30° S the acetylene abundance increases at 2.0 mbar. Global values for acetylene have been calculated as (1.9±0.19)×10−7 at 2.0 mbar, (2.6±0.27)×10−7 at 1.6 mbar and (3.1±0.32)×10−7 at 1.4 mbar. Global values for ethane are also determined and found to be (1.6±0.25)×10−5 at 0.5 mbar and (1.4±0.19)×10−5 at 1.0 mbar. Ethane abundance in the stratosphere increases towards the south pole by a factor of 2.5 at 2.0 mbar. The increase in stratospheric ethane is especially pronounced polewards of 60° S at 2.0 mbar. The increase of stratospheric ethane towards the south pole supports the presence of a meridional wind system in the stratosphere of Saturn.  相似文献   

Hydrocarbons such as acetylene (C2H2) and ethane (C2H6) are important tracers in Jupiter's atmosphere, constraining our models of the chemical and dynamical processes. However, our knowledge of the vertical and meridional variations of their abundances has remained sparse. During the flyby of the Cassini spacecraft in December 2000, the Composite Infrared Spectrometer (CIRS) instrument was used to map the spatial variation of emissions from 10 to 1400 cm−1 (1000-7 μm). In this paper we analyze a zonally averaged set of CIRS spectra taken at the highest (0.48 cm−1) resolution, firstly to infer atmospheric temperatures in the stratosphere at 0.5-20 mbar via the ν4 band of CH4, and in the troposphere at 150-400 mbar, via the H2 absorption at 600-800 cm−1. Stratospheric temperatures at 5 mbar are generally warmer in the north than the south by 7-8 K, while tropospheric temperatures show no such asymmetry. Both latitudinal temperature profiles however do show a pattern of maxima and minima which are largely anti-correlated between the two levels. We then use the derived temperature profiles to infer the vertical abundances of C2H2 and C2H6 by modeling tropospheric absorption (∼200 mbar) and stratospheric emission (∼5 mbar) in the C2H2ν5 and C2H6ν9 bands, and also emission of the acetylene (ν4+ν5)−ν4 hotband (∼0.1 mbar). Acetylene shows a distinct north-south asymmetry in the stratosphere, with 5 mbar abundances greatest close to 20° N and decreasing from there towards both poles by a factor of ∼4. At 200 mbar in contrast, acetylene is nearly flat at a level of ∼3×10−9. Additionally, the abundance gradient of C2H2 between 10 and 0.1 mbar is derived, based on interpolated temperatures at 0.1 mbar, and is found to be positive and uniform with latitude to within errors. Ethane at both 5 and 200 mbar shows increasing VMR towards polar regions of ∼1.75 towards 70° N and ∼2.0 towards 70° S. An explanation for the meridional trends is proposed in terms of a combination of photochemistry and dynamics. Poleward, the decreasing UV flux is predicted to decrease the abundances of C2H2 and C2H6 by factors of 2.7 and 3.5, respectively, at latitude 70°. However, the lifetime of C2H6 in the stratosphere (3×1010 s at 5 mbar) is much longer than the dynamical timescale for meridional mixing inferred from Comet SL-9 debris (5-50×108 s), and therefore the rising abundance towards high latitudes likely indicates that meridional mixing dominates over photochemical effects. For C2H2, the opposite occurs, with the relatively short photochemical lifetime (3×107 s), compared to meridional mixing times, ensuring that the expected photochemical trends are visible.  相似文献   

Hydrocarbons in the upper atmosphere of Saturn are known, from Voyager, ground-based, and early Cassini results, to vary in emission intensity with latitude. Of particular interest is the marked increase in hydrocarbon line intensity near the south pole during southern summer, as the increased line intensity cannot be simply explained by the increased temperatures observed in that region since the variations between C2H2 and C2H6 emission in the south pole region are different. In order to measure the latitudinal variations of hydrocarbons in Saturn's southern hemisphere we have used 3 cm−1 resolution Cassini CIRS data from 2006 and combined this with measurements from the ground in October 2006 at NASA's IRTF using Celeste, an infrared high-resolution cryogenic grating spectrometer. These two data sets have been used to infer the molecular abundances of C2H2 and C2H6 across the southern hemisphere in the 1-10 mbar altitude region. We find that the latitudinal acetylene profile follows the yearly average mean daily insolation except at the southern pole where it peaks in abundance. Near the equator (5° S) the C2H2 abundance at the 1.2 mbar level is (1.6±0.19)×10−7 and it decreases by a factor of 2.7 from the equator toward the pole. However, at the pole (∼87° S) the C2H2 abundance jumps to (1.8±0.3)×10−7, approximately the equatorial value. The C2H6 abundance near the equator at the 2 mbar level is (0.7±0.1)×10−5 and stays approximately constant until mid-latitudes where it increases gradually toward the pole, attaining a value of (1.4±0.4)×10−5 there. The increase in ethane toward the pole with the corresponding decrease in acetylene is consistent with southern hemisphere meridional winds [Greathouse, T.K., Lacy, J.H., Bézard, B., Moses, J.I., Griffith, C.A., Richter, M.J., 2005. Icarus 177, 18-31]. The localized increase in acetylene at the pole provides evidence that there is dynamical transport of hydrocarbons from the equator to the southern pole.  相似文献   

Mid-infrared limb spectra in the range 600-1400 cm−1 taken with the Composite InfraRed Spectrometer (CIRS) on-board the Cassini spacecraft were used to determine vertical profiles of HCN, HC3N, C2H2, and temperature in Titan's atmosphere. Both high (0.5 cm−1) and low (13.5 cm−1) spectral resolution data were used. The 0.5 cm−1 data gave profiles at four latitudes and the 13.5 cm−1 data gave almost complete latitudinal coverage of the atmosphere. Both datasets were found to be consistent with each other. High temperatures in the upper stratosphere and mesosphere were observed at Titan's northern winter pole and were attributed to adiabatic heating in the subsiding branch of a meridional circulation cell. On the other hand, the lower stratosphere was much colder in the north than at the equator, which can be explained by the lack of solar radiation and increased IR emission from volatile enriched air. HC3N had a vertical profile consistent with previous ground based observations at southern and equatorial latitudes, but was massively enriched near the north pole. This can also be explained in terms of subsidence at the winter pole. A boundary observed at 60° N between enriched and un-enriched air is consistent with a confining polar vortex at 60° N and HC3N's short lifetime. In the far north, layers were observed in the HC3N profile that were reminiscent of haze layers observed by Cassini's imaging cameras. HCN was also enriched over the north pole, which gives further evidence for subsidence. However, the atmospheric cross section obtained from 13.5 cm−1 data indicated a HCN enriched layer at 200-250 km, extending into the southern hemisphere. This could be interpreted as advection of polar enriched air towards the south by a meridional circulation cell. This is observed for HCN but not for HC3N due to HCN's longer photochemical lifetime. C2H2 appears to have a uniform abundance with altitude and is not significantly enriched in the north. This is consistent with observations from previous CIRS analysis that show increased abundances of nitriles and hydrocarbons but not C2H2 towards the north pole.  相似文献   

We have analyzed the continuum emission of limb spectra acquired by the Cassini/CIRS infrared spectrometer in order to derive information on haze extinction in the 3–0.02 mbar range (∼150–350 km). We focused on the 600–1420 cm−1 spectral range and studied nine different limb observations acquired during the Cassini nominal mission at 55°S, 20°S, 5°N, 30°N, 40°N, 45°N, 55°N, 70°N and 80°N. By means of an inversion algorithm solving the radiative transfer equation, we derived the vertical profiles of haze extinction coefficients from 17 spectral ranges of 20-cm−1 wide at each of the nine latitudes. At a given latitude, all extinction vertical profiles retrieved from various spectral intervals between 600 and 1120 cm−1 display similar vertical slopes implying similar spectral characteristics of the material at all altitudes. We calculated a mean vertical extinction profile for each latitude and derived the ratio of the haze scale height (Hhaze) to the pressure scale height (Hgas) as a function of altitude. We inferred Hhaze/Hgas values varying from 0.8 to 2.4. The aerosol scale height varies with altitude and also with latitude. Overall, the haze extinction does not show strong latitudinal variations but, at 1 mbar, an increase by a factor of 1.5 is observed at the north pole compared to high southern latitudes. The vertical optical depths at 0.5 and 1.7 mbar increase from 55°S to 5°N, remain constant between 5°N and 30°N and display little variation at higher latitudes, except the presence of a slight local maximum at 45°N. The spectral dependence of the haze vertical optical depth is uniform with latitude and displays three main spectral features centered at 630 cm−1, 745 cm−1 and 1390 cm−1, the latter showing a wide tail extending down to ∼1000 cm−1. From 600 to 750 cm−1, the optical depth increases by a factor of 3 in contrast with the absorbance of laboratory tholins, which is generally constant. We derived the mass mixing ratio profiles of haze at the nine latitudes. Below the 0.4-mbar level all mass mixing ratio profiles increase with height. Above this pressure level, the profiles at 40°N, 45°N, 55°N, at the edge of the polar vortex, display a decrease-with-height whereas the other profiles increase. The global increase with height of the haze mass mixing ratio suggest a source at high altitudes and a sink at low altitudes. An enrichment of haze is observed at 0.1 mbar around the equator, which could be due to a more efficient photochemistry because of the strongest insolation there or an accumulation of haze due to a balance between sedimentation and upward vertical drag.  相似文献   

Retrievals of jovian tropospheric phosphine from Cassini/CIRS   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
On December 30th, 2000, the Cassini-Huygens spacecraft reached the perijove milestone on its continuing journey to the Saturnian System. During an extended six-month encounter, the Composite Infrared Spectrometer (CIRS) returned spectra of the jovian atmosphere, rings and satellites from 10-1400 cm−1 (1000-7 μm) at a programmable spectral resolution of 0.5 to 15 cm−1. The improved spectral resolution of CIRS over previous IR instrument-missions to Jupiter, the extended spectral range, and higher signal-to-noise performance provide significant advantages over previous data sets.CIRS global observations of the mid-infrared spectrum of Jupiter at medium resolution (2.5 cm−1) have been analysed both with a radiance differencing scheme and an optimal estimation retrieval model to retrieve the spatial variation of phosphine and ammonia fractional scale height in the troposphere between 60° S and 60° N at a spatial resolution of 6°. The ammonia fractional scale height appears to be high over the Equatorial Zone (EZ) but low over the North Equatorial Belt (NEB) and South Equatorial Belt (SEB) indicating rapid uplift or strong vertical mixing in the EZ. The abundance of phosphine shows a similar strong latitudinal variation which generally matches that of the ammonia fractional scale height. However while the ammonia fractional scale height distribution is to a first order symmetric in latitude, the phosphine distribution shows a North/South asymmetry at mid latitudes with higher amounts detected at 40° N than 40° S. In addition the data show that while the ammonia fractional scale height at this spatial resolution appears to be low over the Great Red Spot (GRS), indicating reduced vertical mixing above the ∼500 mb level, the abundance of phosphine at deeper levels may be enhanced at the northern edge of the GRS indicating upwelling.  相似文献   

Mid- and far-infrared spectra from the Composite InfraRed Spectrometer (CIRS) have been used to determine volume mixing ratios of nitriles in Titan's atmosphere. HCN, HC3N, C2H2, and temperature were derived from 2.5 cm−1 spectral resolution mid-IR mapping sequences taken during three flybys, which provide almost complete global coverage of Titan for latitudes south of 60° N. Three 0.5 cm−1 spectral resolution far-IR observations were used to retrieve C2N2 and act as a check on the mid-IR results for HCN. Contribution functions peak at around 0.5-5 mbar for temperature and 0.1-10 mbar for the chemical species, well into the stratosphere. The retrieved mixing ratios of HCN, HC3N, and C2N2 show a marked increase in abundance towards the north, whereas C2H2 remains relatively constant. Variations with longitude were much smaller and are consistent with high zonal wind speeds. For 90°-20° S the retrieved HCN abundance is fairly constant with a volume mixing ratio of around 1 × 10−7 at 3 mbar. More northerly latitudes indicate a steady increase, reaching around 4 × 10−7 at 60° N, where the data coverage stops. This variation is consistent with previous measurements and suggests subsidence over the northern (winter) pole at approximately 2 × 10−4 m s−1. HC3N displays a very sharp increase towards the north pole, where it has a mixing ratio of around 4 × 10−8 at 60° N at the 0.1-mbar level. The difference in gradient for the HCN and HC3N latitude variations can be explained by HC3N's much shorter photochemical lifetime, which prevents it from mixing with air at lower latitude. It is also consistent with a polar vortex which inhibits mixing of volatile rich air inside the vortex with that at lower latitudes. Only one observation was far enough north to detect significant amounts of C2N2, giving a value of around 9 × 10−10 at 50° N at the 3-mbar level.  相似文献   

The three-dimensional structure of Saturn's intense equatorial jet from latitudes 8° N to 20° S is revealed from detailed measurements of the motions and spectral reflectivity of clouds at visible wavelengths on high resolution images obtained by the Cassini Imaging Science Subsystem (ISS) in 2004 and early 2005. Cloud speeds at two altitude levels are measured in the near infrared filters CB2 and CB3 matching the continuum (effective wavelengths 750 and 939 nm) and in the MT2 and MT3 filters matching two methane absorption bands (effective wavelengths 727 and 889 nm). Radiative transfer models in selective filters covering an ample spectral range (250-950 nm) require the existence of two detached aerosol layers in the equator: an uppermost thin stratospheric haze extending between the pressure levels ∼20 and 40 mbar (tropopause level) and below it, a dense tropospheric haze-cloud layer extending between 50 mbar and the base of the ammonia cloud (between ∼1 and 1.4 bar). Individual cloud elements are detected and tracked in the tropospheric dense haze at 50 and 700 mbar (altitude levels separated by 142 km). Between latitudes 5° N and 12° S the winds increase their velocity with depth from 265 m s−1 at the 50 mbar pressure level to 365 m s−1 at 700 mbar. These values are below the high wind speeds of 475 m s−1 measured at these latitudes during the Voyager era in 1980-1981, indicating that the equatorial jet has suffered a significant intensity change between that period and 1996-2005 or that the tracers of the flow used in the Voyager images were rooted at deeper levels than those in Cassini images.  相似文献   

Up to now, there has been no corroboration from Cassini CIRS of the Voyager IRIS-discovery of cyanoacetylene (HC3N) ice in Titan’s thermal infrared spectrum. We report the first compelling spectral evidence from CIRS for the ν6 HC3N ice feature at 506 cm−1 at latitudes 62°N and 70°N, from which we derive particle sizes and column abundances in Titan’s lower stratosphere. We find mean particle radii of 3.0 μm and 2.3 μm for condensed HC3N at 62°N and 70°N, respectively, and corresponding ice phase molecular column abundances in the range 1-10 × 1016 mol cm−2. Only upper limits for cloud abundances can be established at latitudes of 85°N, 55°N, 30°N, 10°N, and 15°S. Under the assumption that cloud tops coincide with the uppermost levels at which HC3N vapor saturates, we infer geometric thicknesses for the clouds equivalent to 10-20 km or so, with tops at 165 km and 150 km at 70°N and 62°N, respectively.  相似文献   

Far infrared spectra (10-600 cm−1) from Cassini's Composite InfraRed Spectrometer (CIRS) were used to determine improved upper limits of hydrogen halides HF, HCl, HBr, and HI in Saturn's atmosphere. Three observations, comprising a total of 3088 spectra, gave 3σ upper limits on HF, HCl, HBr, and HI volume mole fractions of 8.0×10−12, 6.7×10−11, 1.3×10−10, and 1.4×10−9, respectively, at the 500 mbar pressure level. These upper limits confirm sub-solar abundances of halide species for HF, HCl, and HBr in Saturn's upper atmosphere—consistent with predictions from thermochemical models and influx of material from meteoroids. Our upper limit for HCl is 16 times lower than the tentative detection at 1.1×10−9 reported by Weisstein and Serabyn [Weisstein, E.W., Serabyn, E., 1996. Icarus 123, 23-36]. These observations are not sensitive to the deep halide abundance, which is expected to be enriched relative to the solar composition.  相似文献   

The dynamics of Titan's stratosphere is discussed in this study, based on a comparison between observations by the CIRS instrument on board the Cassini spacecraft, and results of the 2-dimensional circulation model developed at the Institute Pierre-Simon Laplace, available at http://www.lmd.jussieu.fr/titanDbase [Rannou, P., Lebonnois, S., Hourdin, F., Luz, D., 2005. Adv. Space Res. 36, 2194-2198]. The comparison aims at both evaluating the model's capabilities and interpreting the observations concerning: (1) dynamical and thermal structure using temperature retrievals from Cassini/CIRS and the vertical profile of zonal wind at the Huygens landing site obtained by Huygens/DWE; and (2) vertical and latitudinal profiles of stratospheric gases deduced from Cassini/CIRS data. The modeled thermal structure is similar to that inferred from observations (Cassini/CIRS and Earth-based observations). However, the upper stratosphere (above 0.05 mbar) is systematically too hot in the 2D-CM, and therefore the stratopause region is not well represented. This bias may be related to the haze structure and to misrepresented radiative effects in this region, such as the cooling effect of hydrogen cyanide (HCN). The 2D-CM produces a strong atmospheric superrotation, with zonal winds reaching 200 m s−1 at high winter latitudes between 200 and 300 km altitude (0.1-1 mbar). The modeled zonal winds are in good agreement with retrieved wind fields from occultation observations, Cassini/CIRS and Huygens/DWE. Changes to the thermal structure are coupled to changes in the meridional circulation and polar vortex extension, and therefore affect chemical distributions, especially in winter polar regions. When a higher altitude haze production source is used, the resulting modeled meridional circulation is weaker and the vertical and horizontal mixing due to the polar vortex is less extended in latitude. There is an overall good agreement between modeled chemical distributions and observations in equatorial regions. The difference in observed vertical gradients of C2H2 and HCN may be an indicator of the relative strength of circulation and chemical loss of HCN. The negative vertical gradient of ethylene in the low stratosphere at 15° S, cannot be modeled with simple 1-dimensional models, where a strong photochemical sink in the middle stratosphere would be necessary. It is explained here by dynamical advection from the winter pole towards the equator in the low stratosphere and by the fact that ethylene does not condense. Near the winter pole (80° N), some compounds (C4H2, C3H4) exhibit an (interior) minimum in the observed abundance vertical profiles, whereas 2D-CM profiles are well mixed all along the atmospheric column. This minimum can be a diagnostic of the strength of the meridional circulation, and of the spatial extension of the winter polar vortex where strong descending motions are present. In the summer hemisphere, observed stratospheric abundances are uniform in latitude, whereas the model maintains a residual enrichment over the summer pole from the spring cell due to a secondary meridional overturning between 1 and 50 mbar, at latitudes south of 40-50° S. The strength, as well as spatial and temporal extensions of this structure are a difficulty, that may be linked to possible misrepresentation of horizontally mixing processes, due to the restricted 2-dimensional nature of the model. This restriction should also be kept in mind as a possible source of other discrepancies.  相似文献   

We report the first detection of propane, C3H8, in Saturn's stratosphere. Observations taken on September 8, 2002 UT at NASA's IRTF using TEXES, show multiple emission lines due to the 748 cm−1ν21 band of C3H8. Using a line-by-line radiative transfer code, we are able to fit the data by scaling the propane vertical mixing ratio profile from the photochemical model of Moses et al. [2000. Icarus 143, 244-298]. Multiplicative factors of 0.7 and 0.65 are required to fit the −20° and −80° planetocentric latitude spectra. The resultant profiles are characterized by a 5 mbar mixing ratio of 2.7±0.8×10−8 at −20° and at −80° latitude. These results suggest that the time scale for meridional circulation lies between the net photochemical lifetimes of C2H2 and C3H8, ≈30-600 years.  相似文献   

We have analyzed data recorded by the Composite Infrared Spectrometer (CIRS) aboard the Cassini spacecraft during the Titan flybys T0-T10 (July 2004-January 2006). The spectra characterize various regions on Titan from 70° S to 70° N with a variety of emission angles. We study the molecular signatures observed in the mid-infrared CIRS detector arrays (FP3 and FP4, covering roughly the 600-1500 cm−1 spectral range with apodized resolutions of 2.54 or 0.53 cm−1). The composite spectrum shows several molecular signatures: hydrocarbons, nitriles and CO2. A firm detection of benzene (C6H6) is provided by CIRS at levels of about 3.5×10−9 around 70° N. We have used temperature profiles retrieved from the inversion of the emission observed in the methane ν4 band at 1304 cm−1 and a line-by-line radiative transfer code to infer the abundances of the trace constituents and some of their isotopes in Titan's stratosphere. No longitudinal variations were found for these gases. Little or no change is observed generally in their abundances from the south to the equator. On the other hand, meridional variations retrieved for these trace constituents from the equator to the North ranged from almost zero (no or very little meridional variations) for C2H2, C2H6, C3H8, C2H4 and CO2 to a significant enhancement at high northern (early winter) latitudes for HCN, HC3N, C4H2, C3H4 and C6H6. For the more important increases in the northern latitudes, the transition occurs roughly between 30 and 50 degrees north latitude, depending on the molecule. Note however that the very high-northern latitude results from tours TB-T10 bear large uncertainties due to few available data and problems with latitude smearing effects. The observed variations are consistent with some, but not all, of the predictions from dynamical-photochemical models. Constraints are set on the vertical distribution of C2H2, found to be compatible with 2-D equatorial predictions by global circulation models. The D/H ratio in the methane on Titan has been determined from the CH3D band at 1156 cm−1 and found to be . Implications of this deuterium enrichment, with respect to the protosolar abundance on the origin of Titan, are discussed. We compare our results with values retrieved by Voyager IRIS observations taken in 1980, as well as with more recent (1997) disk-averaged Infrared Space Observatory (ISO) results and with the latest Cassini-Huygens inferences from other instruments in an attempt to better comprehend the physical phenomena on Titan.  相似文献   

In July 1994, the Shoemaker-Levy 9 (SL9) impacts introduced hydrogen cyanide (HCN) to Jupiter at a well confined latitude band around −44°, over a range of specific longitudes corresponding to each of the 21 fragments (Bézard et al. 1997, Icarus 125, 94-120). This newcomer to Jupiter's stratosphere traces jovian dynamics. HCN rapidly mixed with longitude, so that observations recorded later than several months after impact witnessed primarily the meridional transport of HCN north and south of the impact latitude band. We report spatially resolved spectroscopy of HCN emission 10 months and 6 years following the impacts. We detect a total mass of HCN in Jupiter's stratosphere of 1.5±0.7×1013 g in 1995 and 1.7±0.4×1013 g in 2000, comparable to that observed several days following the impacts (Bézard et al. 1997, Icarus 125, 94-120). In 1995, 10 months after impact, HCN spread to −30° and −65° latitude (half column masses), consistent with a horizontal eddy diffusion coefficient of Kyy=2-3×1010 cm2 s−1. Six years following impact HCN is observed in the northern hemisphere, while still being concentrated at 44° south latitude. Our meridional distribution of HCN suggests that mixing occurred rapidly north of the equator, with Kyy=2-5×1011 cm2 s−1, consistent with the findings of Moreno et al. (2003, Planet. Space Sci. 51, 591-611) and Lellouch et al. (2002, Icarus 159, 112-131). These inferred eddy diffusion coefficients for Jupiter's stratosphere at 0.1-0.5 mbar generally exceed those that characterize transport on Earth. The low abundance of HCN detected at high latitudes suggests that, like on Earth, polar regions are dynamically isolated from lower latitudes.  相似文献   

Five years of thermal infrared spectra from the Cassini Composite Infrared Spectrometer (CIRS) are analyzed to determine the response of Saturn’s atmosphere to seasonal changes in insolation. Hemispheric mapping sequences at 15.0 cm−1 spectral resolution are used to retrieve the variation in the zonal mean temperatures in the stratosphere (0.5-5.0 mbar) and upper troposphere (75-800 mbar) between October 2004 (shortly after the summer solstice in the southern hemisphere) and July 2009 (shortly before the autumnal equinox).Saturn’s northern mid-latitudes show signs of dramatic warming in the stratosphere (by 6-10 K) as they emerge from ring-shadow into springtime conditions, whereas southern mid-latitudes show evidence for cooling (4-6 K). The 40-K asymmetry in stratospheric temperatures between northern and southern hemispheres (at 1 mbar) slowly decreased during the timespan of the observations. Tropospheric temperatures also show temporal variations but with a smaller range, consistent with the increasing radiative time constant of the atmospheric response with increasing pressure. The tropospheric response to the insolation changes shows the largest magnitude at the locations of the broad retrograde jets. Saturn’s warm south-polar stratospheric hood has cooled over the course of the mission, but remains present.Stratospheric temperatures are compared to a radiative climate model which accounts for the spatial distribution of the stratospheric coolants. The model successfully predicts the magnitude and morphology of the observed changes at most latitudes. However, the model fails at locations where strong dynamical perturbations dominate the temporal changes in the thermal field, such as the hot polar vortices and the equatorial semi-annual oscillation (Orton, G., and 27 colleagues [2008]. Nature 453, 196-198). Furthermore, observed temperatures in Saturn’s ring-shadowed regions are larger than predicted by all radiative-climate models to date due to the incomplete characterization of the dynamical response to the shadow. Finally, far-infrared CIRS spectra are used to demonstrate variability of the para-hydrogen distribution over the 5-year span of the dataset, which may be related to observed changes in Saturn’s tropospheric haze in the spring hemisphere.  相似文献   

Using the Hubble Space Telescope's Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph we have obtained for the first time spatially resolved 2000-3000 Å spectra of Io's Prometheus plume and adjoining regions on Io's anti-jovian hemisphere in the latitude range 60° N-60° S, using a 0.1″ slit centered on Prometheus and tilted roughly 45° to the spin axis. The SO2 column density peaked at 1.25×1017 cm−2 near the equator, with an additional 5×1016 cm−2 enhancement over Prometheus corresponding to a model volcanic SO2 output of 105 kg s−1. Apart from the Prometheus peak, the SO2 column density dropped fairly smoothly away from the subsolar point, even over regions that included potential volcanic sources. At latitudes less than ±30°, the dropoff rate was consistent with control by vapor pressure equilibrium with surface frost with subsolar temperature 117.3±0.6 K, though SO2 abundance was higher than predicted by vapor pressure control at mid-latitudes, especially in the northern hemisphere. We conclude that, at least at low latitudes on the anti-jovian hemisphere where there are extensive deposits of optically-thick SO2 frost, the atmosphere is probably primarily supported by sublimation of surface frost. Although the 45° tilt of our slit prevents us from separating the dependence of atmospheric density on solar zenith angle from its dependence on latitude, the pattern is consistent with a sublimation atmosphere regardless of which parameter is the dominant control. The observed drop in gas abundance towards higher latitudes is consistent with the interpretation of previous Lyman alpha images of Io as indicating an atmosphere concentrated at low latitudes. Comparison with previous disk-resolved UV spectroscopy, Lyman-alpha images, and mid-infrared spectroscopy suggests that Io's atmosphere is denser and more widespread on the anti-jovian hemisphere than at other longitudes. SO2 gas temperatures were in the range of 150-250 K over the majority of the anti-jovian hemisphere, consistent with previous observations. SO was not definitively detected in our spectra, with upper limits to the SO/SO2 ratio in the range 1-10%, roughly consistent with previous observations. S2 gas was not seen anywhere, with an upper limit of 7.5×1014 cm−2 for the Prometheus plume, confirming that this plume is significantly poorer in S2 than the Pele plume (S2 /SO2<0.005, compared to 0.08-0.3 at Pele). In addition to the gas absorption signatures, we have observed continuum emission in the near ultraviolet (near 2800 Å) for the first time. The brightness of the observed emission was directly correlated with the SO2 abundance, strongly peaking in the equatorial region over Prometheus. Emission brightness was modestly anti-correlated with the jovian magnetic latitude, decreasing when Io intersected the torus centrifugal equator.  相似文献   

Limb spectra recorded by the Composite InfraRed Spectrometer (CIRS) on Cassini provide information on abundance vertical profiles of C2H2, C2H4, C2H6, CH3C2H, C3H8, C4H2, C6H6 and HCN, along with the temperature profiles in Titan's atmosphere. We analyzed two sets of spectra, one at 15° S (Tb flyby) and the other one at 80° N (T3 flyby). The spectral range 600-1400 cm−1, recorded at a resolution of 0.5 cm−1, was used to determine molecular abundances and temperatures in the stratosphere in the altitude range 100-460 km for Tb and 170-495 km for T3. Both temperature profiles show a well defined stratopause, at around 310 km (0.07 mbar) and 183 K at 13° S, and 380 km (0.01 mbar) with 207 K at 80° N. Near the north pole, stratospheric temperatures are colder and mesospheric temperatures are warmer than near the equator. C2H2, C2H6, C3H8 and HCN display vertical mixing ratio profiles that increase with height at 15° S and 80° N, consistent with their formation in the upper atmosphere, diffusion downwards and condensation in the lower stratosphere, as expected from photochemical models. The CH3C2H and C4H2 mixing ratios also increase with height at 15° S. But near the north pole, their profiles present an unexpected minimum around 300 km, observed for the first time thanks to the high vertical resolution of the CIRS limb data. C2H4 is the only molecule having a vertical abundance profile that decreases with height at 15° S. At 80° N, it also displays a minimum of its mixing ratio around the 0.1-mbar level. For C6H6, an upper limit of 1.1 ppb (in the 0.3-10 mbar range) is derived at 15° S, whereas a constant mixing ratio profile of is inferred near the north pole. At 15° S, the vertical profile of HCN exhibits a steeper gradient than other molecules, which suggests that a sink for this molecule exists in the stratosphere, possibly due to haze formation. All molecules display a more or less pronounced enrichment towards the north pole, probably due, in part, to subsidence of air at the north (winter) pole that brings air enriched in photochemical compounds from the upper atmosphere to lower levels.  相似文献   

The Composite Infrared Radiometer-Spectrometer (CIRS) instrument, on the NASA Cassini Saturn orbiter, has been acquiring thermal emission spectra from the atmosphere of Titan since orbit insertion in 2004. Observation sequences for measuring stratospheric temperatures have been obtained using both a nadir mapping mode and a limb viewing mode. The limb observations give better vertical resolution, and give information from higher altitudes, while the nadir observations provide more complete longitude coverage. Because the scale height of Titan's atmosphere is large enough so that emission from a grazing ray is influenced by horizontal temperature variations in the atmosphere, we have developed a two-dimensional temperature retrieval algorithm for reducing the limb spectra, which solves simultaneously for meridional and vertical temperature variations. The analyzed nadir mapping data have sampled nearly all longitudes at latitudes from about 90° S to 60° N, providing temperatures between pressure levels of about 5 to 0.2 mbar. The limb data covers latitudes between about 75° S and 85° N, and yields temperatures between about 1 and 0.005 mbar, at a small number of longitudes. The retrieved temperatures are consistent with early results from nadir observations [Flasar, F.M., and 44 colleagues, 2005. Science 308, 975-978] between 0.5 and 5 mbar where both results are valid, with the warmest temperatures at the equator, and much stronger meridional temperature gradients in the northern (winter) hemisphere than in the southern. At higher altitudes not probed by nadir viewing, the limb data reveal that the stratopause is nearly 20 K warmer in the northern polar regions than at the equator and southern hemisphere, and that the altitude of the stratopause shifts from ≈0.1 mbar (300 km) near the equator to 0.01 mbar (400 km) poleward of about 40° N. When the gradient wind equation is used to construct a zonal mean wind, the reversal in sign of the temperature leads to capping of the winter westerly flow. The core of the resulting jet is about 190 m s−1 in magnitude, spans between 30° N and 60° N, and peaks near 0.1 mbar. Estimates of the radiative heating associated with the radiative disequilibrium lead to a meridional overturning timescale of about three Earth years.  相似文献   

Thermal infrared spectra of Saturn from 10-1400 cm−1 at 15 cm−1 spectral resolution and a spatial resolution of 1°-2° latitude have been obtained by the Cassini Composite Infrared Spectrometer [Flasar, F.M., and 44 colleagues, 2004. Space Sci. Rev. 115, 169-297]. Many thousands of spectra, acquired over eighteen-months of observations, are analysed using an optimal estimation retrieval code [Irwin, P.G.J., Parrish, P., Fouchet, T., Calcutt, S.B., Taylor, F.W., Simon-Miller, A.A., Nixon, C.A., 2004. Icarus 172, 37-49] to retrieve the temperature structure and para-hydrogen distribution over Saturn's northern (winter) and southern (summer) hemispheres. The vertical temperature structure is analysed in detail to study seasonal asymmetries in the tropopause height (65-90 mbar), the location of the radiative-convective boundary (350-500 mbar), and the variation with latitude of a temperature knee (between 150 and 300 mbar) which was first observed in inversions of Voyager/IRIS spectra [Hanel, R., and 15 colleagues, 1981. Science 212, 192-200; Hanel, R., Conrath, B., Flasar, F.M., Kunde, V., Maguire, W., Pearl, J.C., Pirraglia, J., Samuelson, R., Cruikshank, D.P., Gautier, D., Gierasch, P.J., Horn, L., Ponnamperuma, C., 1982. Science 215, 544-548]. Uncertainties due to both the modelling of spectral absorptions (collision-induced absorption coefficients, tropospheric hazes, helium abundance) and the nature of our retrieval algorithm are quantified.Temperatures in the stratosphere near 1 mbar show a 25-30 K temperature difference between the north pole and south pole. This asymmetry becomes less pronounced with depth as the radiative time constant for the atmospheric response increases at deeper pressure levels. Hemispherically-symmetric small-scale temperature structures associated with zonal winds are superimposed onto the temperature asymmetry for pressures greater than 100 mbar. The para-hydrogen fraction in the 100-400 mbar range is greater than equilibrium predictions for the southern hemisphere and parts of the northern hemisphere, and less than equilibrium predictions polewards of 40° N.The temperature knee between 150-300 mbar is larger in the summer hemisphere than in the winter, smaller and higher at the equator, deeper and larger in the equatorial belts and small at the poles. Solar heating on tropospheric haze is proposed as a possible mechanism for this effect; the increased efficiency of ortho- to para-hydrogen conversion in the southern hemisphere is consistent with the presence of larger aerosols in the summer hemisphere, which we demonstrate to be qualitatively consistent with previous studies of Saturn's tropospheric aerosol distribution.  相似文献   

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