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Kinetics of diffusion-controlled growth of fayalite   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The rate of growth of fayalite (Fe2SiO4) has been measured at one atmosphere total pressure, temperatures from 1000° to 1120° C, and oxygen fugacities controlled by CO/CO2 gas-mixing from 10-9.9 to 10-13.0atm, chosen to span the fayalite stability field. The fine-grained polycrystalline fayalite layer was formed by reacting the oxides FeO or Fe3O4 with a thin slice of single-crystal quartz. The rate of growth of the fayalite increases with increasing temperature and decreasing oxygen fugacity, and is consistent with a parabolic rate law, indicating that the growth rate is controlled by diffusion through the fayalite. Microstructural observations and platinum marker experiments suggest that the reaction phase is formed at the quartz-fayalite interface, and is therefore controlled by the diffusion of iron and oxygen. The parabolic rate constant was analyzed in terms of the oxide activity gradient to yield mean chemical diffusivities for the rate-limiting ionic species, assuming bulk transport through the fayalite layer. Given that iron diffusion in olivine polycrystals occurs either by lattice diffusion, which shows a positive dependence on oxygen activity, or by grain boundary diffusion, which would result in growth rates significantly faster than we observe, we conclude that the diffusivities derived in this study represent oxygen diffusion. However, since oxygen lattice diffusion in fayalite has been established to be much slower than our measurements, it is likely that the transport path for oxygen is along the grain boundaries. Thus, the mean grain boundary diffusivity of oxygen in fayalite $\bar D$ O gb (m2 s-1), using the measured grain size of 0.25 μm, is then given by $$\bar D_O^{gb} {\mathbf{ }}\delta = 1.28 \times 10^{ - 3} f_{O_2 }^{ - 0.17} {\mathbf{ }}e^{ - 540/RT} $$ , where δ is the grain boundary width (in m), and the activation energy is in kJ/mol. Assuming δ=10-9 m (Ricoult and Kohlstedt 1983), the oxygen grain boundary diffusivities are about a factor of 30 × slower than those reported by Watson (1986) for Fo90 olivine.  相似文献   

We have investigated grain boundary diffusion rates in enstatite by heating single crystals of quartz packed in powdered San Carlos olivine (Mg0.90Fe0.10)2SiO4 at controlled oxygen fugacities in the range 10?5.7 to 10?8.7?atm and temperatures from 1350° to 1450?°C for times from 5 to 100?h at 1?atm total pressure. Following the experiments, the thickness of the coherent polycrystalline reaction rim of pyroxene that had formed between the quartz and olivine was measured using backscatter scanning imaging in the electron microprobe. Quantitative microprobe analysis indicated that the composition of this reaction phase is (Mg0.92Fe0.08)2Si2O6. The rate of growth of the pyroxene increases with increasing temperature, is independent of the oxygen fugacity, and is consistent with a parabolic rate law, indicating that the growth rate is controlled by ionic diffusion through the pyroxene rim. Microstructural observations and platinum marker experiments suggest that the reaction phase is formed at the olivine-pyroxene interface, and is therefore controlled by the diffusion of silicon and oxygen. The parabolic rate constants determined from the experiments were analyzed in terms of the oxide activity gradient across the rim to yield mean effective diffusivities for the rate-limiting ionic species, assuming bulk transport through the pyroxene layer. These effective diffusivities are faster than the lattice diffusivities for the slowest species (silicon) calculated from creep experiments, but slower than measured lattice diffusivities for oxygen in enstatite. Thus, silicon grain boundary diffusion is most likely to be the rate-limiting process in the growth of the pyroxene rims. Also, as oxygen transport through the pyroxene rims must be faster than silicon transport, diffusion of oxygen along the grain boundaries must be faster than through the lattice. The grain boundary diffusivity for silicon in orthopyroxenite is then given by D¯gbSiδ=(3.3±3.0)×10?9f0.0O2e?400±65/RT?m3s?1, where the activation energy for diffusion is in kJ/mol, and δ is the grain boundary width in m. Calculated growth rates for enstatite under these conditions are significantly slower than predicted by an extrapolation from similar experiments performed at 1000?°C under high pressure (hydrous) conditions by Yund and Tullis (1992), perhaps due to water-enhancement of diffusion in their experiments.  相似文献   

Experiments have been carried out to determine the temperature, oxygen fugacity (fO2) and compositional dependence of the tracer diffusion coefficient (D) of calcium in olivine. These data constrain the diffusion coefficient over the temperature range 900 to 1500°C for the three principal crystallographic axes. Well constrained linear relationships between the reciprocal of the absolute temperature and log(D) exist at any given oxygen fugacity. There is a strong dependence of the diffusion coefficient on oxygen fugacity with D ∝ fO2(1/3). This makes a knowledge of the T-fO2 path followed by geological samples a prerequisite for modelling Ca diffusion in olivine. The best fitting preexponential factor (Do) and activation energy (E) to the Arrhenius equation log (D) = log [Do exp(−E/RT)] + 0.31Δ log fO2 for Ca diffusion in olivine at a given oxygen fugacity (fO2*) are given by:diffusion along [100]: log [Do (m2/s)] = −10.78 ± 0.43; E = 193 ± 11 kJ/moldiffusion along [010]: log [Do (m2/s)] = −10.46 ± 0.37; E = 201 ± 10 kJ/moldiffusion along [001]: log [Do (m2/s)] = −10.02 ± 0.29; E = 207 ± 8 kJ/molwhere Δ log fO2 = log[fO2*] − log[10−12] with fO2* in units of bars. There is no measurable compositional dependence of the diffusion coefficient between Fo83 and Fo92. Diffusion in Fo100 has a much higher activation energy than in Fe-bearing olivine and has a weaker fO2 dependence.  相似文献   

Diffusivities for calcium, iron, magnesium, manganese and aluminum have been measured for St. John's olivine undergoing cation exchange with synthetic basaltic melts. The variety of temperature, pressure and fO2 conditions under which the diffusivities were measured complement the equilibrium-partitioning study of calcium in olivine-bearing basalts by Jurewicz and Watson, 1988. Olivine was found to be anisotropic with respect to the diffusion of calcium, iron, magnesium and manganese. This anisotropy is a weak function of temperature, but strongly dependent upon oxygen fugacity.Because diffusion is independent of olivine composition over the small range of compositions used in this study, it could be shown that the absolute values of the diffusion coefficients were also functions of temperature and fO2. At near-atmospheric total pressure and an oxygen fugacity of 10–8atm, D Fe>D Mn>D Ca and D MgD Mn for a range of geologically reasonable temperatures. These relative diffusivities were shown to change with oxygen fugacity. The power-law dependence of diffusion on oxygen partial-pressure was determined for each cation and the results are consistent with the range of values given by Stocker (1978) and by other workers.For Ca and Fe, the effect of hydrostatic pressure on diffusion appears to be weak, at least for transport parallel to the c crystallographic direction. Unfortunately, no true activation volumes (or other pressure-related parameters) could be computed because the oxygen fugacity was not held constant over changes in pressure, and because accurate post-experiment reconstruction of sample orientation was not possible. Al was found to enter high-pressure olivines at concentrations of up to 0.14 weight percent, thus allowing aluminum diffusion to be characterized. The diffusivity of aluminum is, within error, the same as iron at 20 kb at 1430° C at the ambient fO2 of our piston-cylinder cells. This correspondence suggests that diffusion of Al may depend on transport of either Fe or of Fe +3 defects. While the results of these experiments are generally consistent with results published elsewhere, there are important inconsistencies. Tracer diffusion and interdiffusion in pure, ordered, olivine endmembers (e.g., tephroite and forsterite) showed significantly higher activation energies. This discrepancy could reflect the role of Fe+3 defects in diffusion; however, it may also suggest that order-disorder phenomena may be significant factors influencing diffusion in analog systems.The results of this study are applied to four petrologic problems: (1) calculation of rates of equilibration for olivine xenocrysts; (2) calculation of closure temperatures for the CaO/MgO olivine/basalt geothermometer (Jurewicz and Watson 1988); (3) delineation of an intrinsic-/O2 geobarometer; and (4) investigation of the dependence of olivine dissolution upon crystallographic orientation. In addition, it is demonstrated that diffusion-exchange experiments are useful for studying the dominant point-defect mechanisms for cation diffusion.Currently, a visiting scientist with Air Force Wright Aeronautical Laboratories Materials Laboratory (MLLM), Wright-Patterson AFB, OH 45433  相似文献   

Hydrogen can be stored in the structure of nominally anhydrous minerals as point defects, and these impurities substantially modify many physical properties of Earth’s mantle minerals. However, mantle rocks are composed of mineral grains separated by grain boundaries and interphase grains boundaries. Therefore, as a potential hydrogen reservoir, grain boundaries should be given proper attention. Here, I report an experimental investigation into hydrogen diffusion through grain boundaries in polycrystalline aggregates. Sintering and diffusion experiments were performed using a gas-medium high-pressure vessel at under pressure of 300 MPa and over a temperature range of 900–1,250°C. The diffusion assembly consisted of a polycrystalline cylinder of aluminous spinel + olivine crystals with a talc cylinder as the main hydrogen source. A Ni capsule was used to buffer the oxygen fugacity at Ni–NiO. Experimental durations varied from 5 min to 5 h. The presence of hydrogen in the crystals was measured by Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy. The calculation of the diffusion coefficients was based on the estimation of the characteristic distance. The absence or presence of hydrogen recorded by the ‘hydrogen sensor’ olivines embedded in the aggregate allows the estimation of bounds on this characteristic distance. Results presented here suggest that hydrogen effective diffusion coefficients are only one order of magnitude faster (~10−9 m2s−1 at 1,000°C) than in an olivine single crystal along the [100] axis. Resulting diffusion coefficients for hydrogen in grain boundary are four orders of magnitude faster than in a single crystal, but this diffusivity is not fast enough to affect hydrogen mobility in mantle rocks with grain sizes greater than ~1 mm. Thus, very limited chemical homogenization would occur using grain boundaries diffusion in mantle hydrous peridotite for incompatible and volatile element, such as hydrogen.  相似文献   

Using impedance spectroscopy, we have measured the electrical properties of two dunites and a single crystal olivine sample from 1000 to 1200° C as a function of oxygen fugacity (f o 2). Two conduction mechanisms with resistances that add in series are observed for the dunites corresponding to grain interior and grain boundary conduction mechanisms. The conductivities for each mechanism were determined by analyzing the data using a complex nonlinear least squares fitting routine and the equivalent circuit approach. The grain interiors display a conductivity dependent on f o 2 to the 1/5.5–1/7 power, consistent with other determinations, and interpreted as indicating small polaron transport (Fe Mg · ). The grain boundaries demonstrate a weaker f o 2 dependence that is dependent on temperature and material. Under certain conditions the f o 2 dependence of the grain boundary conductivity is negative. This result indicates that oxygen ion transport is probably not the dominant grain boundary charge transport mechanism; however, an unequivocal determination of the grain boundary mechanism has not been achieved. In some dunites the grain boundaries are more conductive than the grain interiors; in other dunites they are more resistive than grain interiors. The grain boundaries do not enhance the total conductivity of any of the materials of this study but are the controlling mechanism in some instances. Measurement of the complex electrical response at frequencies as low as 10-4 Hz is required to determine the role of grain boundaries on the overall electrical properties of polycrystalline dunite.  相似文献   

The interdiffusion coefficient of Mg–Fe in olivine (D Mg–Fe) was obtained at 1,400–1,600 °C at the atmospheric pressure with the oxygen fugacity of 10?3.5–10?2 Pa using a diffusion couple technique. The D Mg–Fe shows the anisotropy (largest along the [001] direction and smallest along the [100] direction), and its activation energy (280–320 kJ/mol) is ~80–120 kJ/mol higher than that estimated at lower temperatures. The D Mg–Fe at temperatures of >1,400 °C can be explained by the cation-vacancy chemistry determined both by the Fe3+/Fe2+ equilibrium and by the intrinsic point defect formation with the formation enthalpy of 220–270 kJ/mol depending on the thermodynamical model for the Fe3+/Fe2+ equilibrium in olivine. The formation enthalpy of 220–270 kJ/mol for the point defect (cation vacancy) in olivine is consistent with that estimated from the Mg self-diffusion in Fe-free forsterite. The increase in the activation energy of D Mg–Fe at >1,400 °C is thus interpreted as the result of the transition of diffusion mechanism from the transition metal extrinsic domain to the intrinsic domain at the atmospheric pressure.  相似文献   

We have determined the diffusion coefficient of Cr in olivine as function of temperature, oxygen fugacity (fO2), and crystallographic orientation and used these data to develop a quantitative understanding of the resetting of the short-lived 53Mn–53Cr decay system in olivine during cooling within meteorite parent body. The diffusion of Cr in olivine was found to be anisotropic, and effectively independent of fO2 between wüstite–iron buffer and two orders of magnitude above this buffer. The diffusion data were used to calculate the spatially averaged mean closure temperature of the 53Mn–53Cr decay system in olivine as function of the initial temperature, cooling rate and grain size, and also the closure age profile of this system in olivine single crystal as function of radial distance and a dimensionless parameter that incorporates the effects of various parameters that affect the closure age. We also present a thermochronolgic formulation that permits retrieval of cooling rates from the extent of resetting of the bulk 53Mn–53Cr closure age of olivine during cooling. This method was applied to determine the cooling rate of the pallasite Omolon, which showed 53Mn–53Cr bulk age of olivine that is 10 Myr younger than the age of the solar system. The calculated cooling rate, which is 20–40 °C/Myr at ∼985–1000 °C, is in good agreement with the metallographic cooling rate at ∼500 °C, when the two results are considered in terms of a cooling model in which the reciprocal temperature increases linearly with time. The inferred cooling rate of Omolon, which seems to be a sample from the core-mantle boundary, yields a burial depth of ∼30 km in a parent body of at least ∼100 km radius.  相似文献   

地幔的力学性质主要受橄榄石流变性的控制,含水对橄榄石流变性质的影响很大,而橄榄石的水溶性受到温度和铁含量的影响,因此,本文进行了不同铁含量橄榄石在不同温度下的水溶性实验研究。实验使用的样品为天然橄榄石单晶Fa_(17)和Fa_(24.7)(Fe_(No.)=100×molar Fe/(Mg+Fe))以及人工合成的橄榄石单晶Fa_(22);橄榄石单晶的水溶性实验在300MPa围压和1273~1473K的温度条件下进行,每隔50K进行一组实验,氧逸度被控制在Ni NiO水平上。实验结束后,对橄榄石单晶沿b面进行双面研磨抛光,用电子探针分析确定橄榄石单晶成分,采用EBSD精确测量橄榄石的单晶方向,使用红外光谱仪(FTIR)的非偏振光路测试橄榄石单晶在b轴上的吸收光谱。对FTIR吸收光谱进行积分得到富铁橄榄石的水溶性实验结果:当温度由1273K升至1473K时,橄榄石单晶Fa_(17)的水溶性变化为600~1200H/10^(6) Si,橄榄石单晶Fa_(24.7)的水溶性变化为1000~1300H/10^(6) Si,人工合成的橄榄石单晶Fa_(22)的水溶性变化为500~900 H/10^(6) Si。因此,相同铁含量橄榄石单晶的水溶性随温度的增加而增加,相同温度条件下,天然形成的橄榄石的水溶性随着铁含量的增加而增加,百分之一的铁含量的增加,可以导致约百分之十的水溶性的增加。本文所研究的不同铁含量的橄榄石可以为更好地估算上地幔水溶性提供依据。  相似文献   

Single crystals of olivine were grown at 0.1 MPa total pressure in a floating-zone image furnace. Composition of crystals grown ranged from 67 mol% forsterite to 90 mol% forsterite. Improvements in the crystal growth technique allowed growth of large crystals (0.005 m diameter, 0.070 m length) with very low dislocation density, no visible bubbles, and no cracks. The most significant improvement was the addition of a platinum-wound resistance heater internal to the image furnace. This heater provided the dual improvements of better control over oxygen fugacity from a CO/CO2 gas mix and alteration of the crystal growth interface resulting in a significant reduction in crystal defects. No subgrain boundaries have been observed in crystals growth here and dislocation densities on the order of 108-109 m-2 have been achieved. Iron concentration is nearly uniform across the diameter (0.005 m) of crystals and varies approximately 5 mol% along the crystal length (0.040 to 0.050 m).  相似文献   

The electrical conductivity of San Carlos olivine has been measured at 1100 °C under reducing conditions at controlled oxygen fugacity, inside and outside the olivine stability field, in order to study the kinetics of olivine destabilization. Electrical conductivity increases along the direction [010] and decreases along [001]. as oxygen fugacity decreases. To understand these dependences, electrical conductivity transitory regimes were studied. In response to decreases in oxygen fugacity, two transient regimes with different time scales have been observed. A fast (≈1–2 min) increase of electrical conductivity is first observed, followed by a slower decrease (1–10 h, depending on the crystal orientation). After a few hours of annealing, precipitation of metallic iron and nickel and formation of amorphous silica can be observed at the crystal surface. The fast conductivity increase in the first transient regime is ascribed to an increase in the population of electrons at the olivine surface. Two effects: (1) equilibration of surface defects with the bulk of the crystal, and (2) iron loss from the olivine due to metal precipitation, could explain the subsequent decrease of electrical conductivity. Anisotropic diffusion of surface defects to the bulk of the crystal, by a process faster than atomic diffusion is the most likely. Received: 3 September 1997 / Revised, accepted: 16 April 1998  相似文献   

Mg–Fe interdiffusion rates have been measured in wadsleyite aggregates at 16.0–17.0 GPa and 1230–1530 °C by the diffusion couple method. Oxygen fugacity was controlled using the NNO buffer, and water contents of wadsleyite were measured by infrared spectroscopy. Measured asymmetric diffusion profiles, analyzed using the Boltzmann–Matano equation, indicate that the diffusion rate increases with increasing iron concentration and decreasing grain size. In the case of wadsleyite containing 50–90 weight ppm H2O, the Mg–Fe interdiffusion coefficients at compositions of Mg/(Mg + Fe)=0.95 in the coarse-grained region (about 60 m) and 0.90 in the fine-grained region (about 6 m) were determined to be a DXmg = 0.95 (m2 s–1)=1.24 × 10–9 exp[–172 (kJ mol–1)/RT] and DXmg = 0.90 (m2 s–1)=1.77 × 10–9 exp[–143 (kJ mol–1)/RT], respectively. Grain-boundary diffusion rates were estimated to be about 4 orders of magnitude faster than the volume diffusion rate. Grain-boundary diffusion dominates when the grain size is less than a few tens of microns. Results for the nominally dry diffusion couple in the present study are roughly consistent with previous studies, taking into account differences in pressure and grain size, although water contents of samples were not clear in previous studies. We observed that the diffusivity is enhanced by about 1 order of magnitude in wadsleyite containing 300–2100 wt. ppm H2O at 1230 °C, which is almost identical to the enhancement associated with a 300 °C increase in temperature. It is still not conclusive that a jump in diffusivity exists between olivine and wadsleyite because water contents of olivine in previous diffusion studies and effects of water on the olivine diffusivity are uncertain.  相似文献   

The formation of extended planar defects in minerals such as olivine is related to high point defect concentration and can be driven by large gradients in chemical potential, where the energy of the system is lowered by the ordering of defects along specific planes in the crystal. The presence of extended defects has the potential to create the (apparently) anomalous ionic diffusion in olivine as reported recently (Spandler and O’Neill in Contrib Mineral Petrol 159(6):791–818, 2010). High-resolution transmission electron microscopy and energy-filtered imaging were done using experimental samples designed to examine the impact of a TiO2 and f O2 on the potential to form such defects in ferromagnesian olivine. Doped basalt (5 wt% TiO2)–olivine reaction couple experiments were run at 1 atm and 1,310 and 1,410 °C for 50 h at various f O2, ranging from 102 below to 102 above the quartz–fayalite–magnetite buffer. Our results show that extended planar defects in olivine, parallel to {101}ol and occurring in ordered “clusters” with a prolate spheroid geometry ~5–25 nm across and extending up to 150 nm into the olivine, are present near the olivine–glass interfaces in all of our experimental high-TiO2 basalt–olivine samples. Increased Ti content in the olivine is associated with the defects; ordering of Ti4+ and octahedral site vacancies leads to a two- or three-layer superstructure in the olivine. Defect nucleation and growth is driven by the large TiO2 chemical potential gradient across the phase boundary at the start of the experiments, which provides access to microstructures not otherwise present.  相似文献   

Bulk diffusion of iron in synthetic dunites containing 1–6 vol.% fluid or melt at 10 kbar (1 GPa) and 900°–1300° C was examined by encapsulating the samples in platinum, which served as a sink for iron. The rate of iron loss from the dunite was found to depend strongly upon the identity of the fluid, which was varied from CO2 and H2O to melts of basaltic and sodium carbonate composition. Carbon dioxide in amounts up to 4 vol.% has no effect upon bulk iron diffusion because it exists in the dunite are isolated pores. The interconnected nature of H2O, basaltic melt, and carbonate melt, on the other hand, results in marked enhancement of bulk-rock Fe diffusion that is correlated with the diffusivity and solubility of olivine components in the fluid. At 1300° C, 4–5 vol.% of either water or basaltic melt increases the effective bulk diffusivity from the fluidabsent value of 10-10 cm2/s to 10-8 cm2/s. A single experiment involving a similar volume fraction of carbonate melt yielded a minimum bulk diffusivity of 10-7–10-6 cm2/s. This remarkably high value is attributable to the concurrent high diffusivity and high solubility of olivine components in molten carbonate H2O has a high diffusivity, estimated at 10-4 cm2/s in this study, and basaltic melt can dissolve large amounts of olivine, but neither possesses these two qualities in combination. Bulk transport of Fe in dunite containing <2 vol.% of pure H2O is independent of olivine grain size for samples having an average grain diameter of <10 m to 60 m. This is probably because bulk diffusion specifically in these H2O-bearing samples is ratelimited by the flux (which is proportional to concentration) of olivine components in the fluid. Given a constant fluid volume fraction, the effect of reducing the grain size is to increase the number of fluid-filled channels, but at the same time to decrease their average aperture, thus keeping constant the cross-sectional area through which the diffusional flux occurs. (Independence of bulk diffusivity from grain size is not anticipated for rocks containing melt, in which the silicate components are much more soluble.) In numerical (finite difference) simulations of selected laboratory experiments, the bulk Fe transport process was modeled as diffusion in fluid-filled tubules of triangular cross-section that are supplied by volume diffusion from contacting olivine grains with which they are in surface equilibrium. Applying a tortuosity factor of 1.7 brings the numerically computed diffusional loss profiles for experiments containing basaltic melt into near-coincidence with the experimentally-determined curves. This success in reproducing the experimental results lends credence to the interpretation of the bulk diffusional loss profiles as composites of gradients due to volume, grain-boundary and fluid-phase diffusion.  相似文献   

Olivine-liquid equilibrium   总被引:6,自引:5,他引:6  
A number of experiments have been conducted in order to study the equilibria between olivine and basaltic liquids and to try and understand the conditions under which olivine will crystallize. These experiments were conducted with several basaltic compositions over a range of temperature (1150–1300° C) and oxygen fugacity (10?0.68–10?12 atm.) at one atmosphere total pressure. The phases in these experimental runs were analyzed with the electron microprobe and a number of empirical equations relating the composition of olivine and liquid were determined. The distribution coefficient 1 $$K_D = \frac{{(X_{{\text{FeO}}}^{{\text{Ol}}} )}}{{(X_{{\text{FeO}}}^{{\text{Liq}}} )}}\frac{{(X_{{\text{MgO}}}^{{\text{Liq}}} )}}{{(X_{{\text{MgO}}}^{{\text{Ol}}} )}}$$ relating the partioning of iron and magnesium between olivine and liquid is equal to 0.30 and is independent of temperature. This means that the composition of olivine can be used to determine the magnesium to ferrous iron ratio of the liquid from which it crystallized and conversely to predict the olivine composition which would crystallize from a liquid having a particular magnesium to ferrous iron ratio. A model (saturation surface) is presented which can be used to estimate the effective solubility of olivine in basaltic melts as a function of temperature. This model is useful in predicting the temperature at which olivine and a liquid of a particular composition can coexist at equilibrium.  相似文献   

Evolution of grain size in synthetic marbles was traced from compaction of unconsolidated powder, through primary recrystallization and normal grain growth, to a size stabilized by second phases. To form the marbles, reagent grade CaCO3 was mixed with 0, 1 and 5 volume% mica and heat-treated under pressure with added water. Densification with negligible recrystallization occurred within one hour at 500° C and 500 MPa confining pressure. Primary recrystallization occurred at 500–550° C, causing increases of grain size of factors of 2–5. Resulting samples had uniform grain size, gently curved grain boundaries, and near-equilibrium triple junctions; they were used subsequently for normal grain growth studies. Normal grain growth occurred above 550° C; at 800° C, grain size (D) increased from 7 m (D 0) to 65 m in 24 hours. Growth rates fit the equation, D n -D 0 n =Kt, where K is a constant and n2.6. Minor amounts of pores or mica particles inhibit normal grain growth and lead to a stabilized grain size, D max, which depends on the size of the second phases and the inverse of their volume fraction raised to a power between 0.3 and 1. Once D max is reached, normal growth continues only if second phases are mobile or coarsen, or if new driving forces are introduced that cause unpinning of boundaries. Normal grain growth in Solnhofen limestone was significantly slower than in pure synthetic marble, suggesting that migration is also inhibited by second phases in the limestone.  相似文献   

《Chemical Geology》2007,236(3-4):303-322
In order to better understand what controls sulfur speciation in melt inclusions, and how that pertains to the original basalt composition, we have conducted a series of heating experiments on naturally quenched and crystalline olivine-hosted melt inclusions. Sulfur speciation was determined from S Kα peak shift measurements by electron microprobe on the experimentally heated inclusions as well as a series of naturally quenched inclusions, and matrix glasses.Naturally quenched olivine-hosted melt inclusions record a similar but more variable sulfur speciation relative to matrix glasses, (up to 45–50% variation in S6+/Stotal). Much of this range can be attributed to the effect of degassing which may either increase or decrease the S6+/Stotal. In addition, olivine melt re equilibration and H diffusion out of the inclusion both potentially result in the oxidation of melt inclusions. Heating of melt inclusions can have different effects on the sulfur speciation under different conditions. A slight decrease in S6+/Stotal and oxygen fugacity (∼0.1 log units) can occur from overheating of inclusions (above the temperature of entrapment), resulting from excess ferrous iron in the melt. An increase in heating times should result in an oxidation of the inclusion generated by increased H diffusion out of the inclusion. However, results of heating experiments on melt inclusions from an Izu backarc basalt for less than 30  min do not show a significant increase in sulfur oxidation. In addition, experiments conducted at both IW and FMQ have measured sulfur speciation consistent with naturally quenched inclusions suggesting that at experimental temperatures near that of olivine crystallization the furnace atmosphere does not exert significant control on the melt fO2. By taking these parameters into account, sulfur speciation and oxidation state of basaltic melt trapped within inclusions can be accurately determined from both naturally quenched and heated olivine hosted melt inclusions.  相似文献   

The influence of oxygen fugacity (fO2) and temperature on the valence and structural state of iron was experimentally studied in glasses quenched from natural aluminosilicate melts of granite and pantellerite compositions exposed to various T-fO2 conditions (1100–1420°C and 10?12–10?0.68 bar) at a total pressure of 1 atm. The quenched glasses were investigated by Mössbauer spectroscopy. It was shown that the effect of oxygen fugacity on the redox state of iron at 1320–1420°C can be described by the equation log(Fe3+/Fe2+) = k log(fO2) + q, where k and q are constants depending on melt composition and temperature. The Fe3+/Fe2+ ratio decreases with decreasing fO2 (T = const) and increasing temperature (fO2 = const). The structural state of Fe3+ depends on the degree of iron oxidation. With increasing Fe3+/Fe2+ ≥ 1, the dominant coordination of Fe3+ changes from octahedral to tetrahedral. Ferrous iron ions occur in octahedral (and/or five-coordinated) sites independent of Fe3+/Fe2+.  相似文献   

Carbon and oxygen isotopic profiles around a low pressure metasomatic wollastonite reaction front in a marble of the Hida metamorphic terrain, central Japan, display typical metamorphic fluid-enhanced isotopic zonations. Isotopic profiles obtained from detailed microscale analyses perpendicular to the chemical reaction front in calcite marble show that diffusion-enhanced isotopic exchange may control these profiles. Carbon and oxygen isotopic behaviour in grain boundaries is remarkably different. Oxygen isotopic troughs (18O depleted rims) around the calcite-grain boundaries are widely observed in this contact aureole, demonstrating that diffusion of oxygen in calcite grain boundary dominates over lattice diffusion in calcite. In contrast, no difference is observed in carbon isotopic profiles obtained from grain cores and rims. There is thus no specific role of the grain boundary for diffusion of carbonic species in the metamorphic fluid during transportation. Carbon chemical species such as CO2 and CO3 ions in metamorphic fluid migrate mainly through lattice diffusion. The carbon and oxygen isotope profiles may be modelled by diffusion into a semi-infinite medium. Empirically lattice diffusion of oxygen isotopes is almost six times faster than that of carbon isotopes, and oxygen grain-boundary diffusion is ten times faster than oxygen lattice diffusion. Oxygen isotopic results around the wollastonite vein indicate that migration of the metamorphic fluid into calcite marble was small and was parallel to the aquifer. From the stability of wollastonite and the attainment of oxygen isotopic equilibrium, we suggest that diffusion of oxygen occurred through an aqueous fluid phase. The timescale of formation of the oxygen isotopic profile around the wollastonite vein is calculated to be about 0.76 × 106 years using the experimentally determined diffusion constant. Received: 14 January 1997 / Accepted: 23 April 1998  相似文献   

Diffusion couple experiments were carried out with San Carlos olivine (Fo90) and NiFe alloys (Ni100, Ni97Fe3, Ni90Fe10) or other olivine compositions (Fo100, Fo25) in order to determine the dependence on temperature, oxygen fugacity, composition and crystallographic orientation of Ni diffusion coefficient (DNi) in olivine. Experiments at 1 atmosphere total pressure cover a temperature range of 900-1445°C with run durations from 48 to 2155 h at different oxygen fugacities. In an Arrhenius plot the best fit for all data for Fo90 yields an activation energy (ED) of 220 ± 14 kJ/mol and an fO2 dependence of (1/4.25)·Δ log fO2 = Δ log DNi. The relationship between diffusion coefficients along different crystallographic axes at 1200°C is given by D[001] ≈ 6·D[100] ≈ 6·D[010]. DNi depends strongly on the major element (i.e. Fe/Mg) composition of olivine and decreases by about 1 order of magnitude as the olivine composition changes from Fo35 to Fo90. Thus, experimental investigations in Fe-free systems cannot be applied to natural samples. For calculation of residence times or cooling rates the present Ni data yield shorter timescales compared to those obtained using diffusion data published until now.In addition to Ni diffusion coefficients, Fe-Mg, Mn and Ca diffusion data were obtained from some of the same diffusion couples (Fo90-Fo100). It is found that the activation energies, ED[Ni] ≅ ED[Fe-Mg] ≅ ED[Mn] ≤ ED[Ca]. All diffusion coefficients are strongly dependent on the major element composition of olivine.  相似文献   

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